DELIBERATELY AMPLIFYING COMMUNITY DISEASE: The Disastrous Co-administration of COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccines
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): published August 3, 2022
The Australian Government is currently propagandising the safety and benefit of receiving two unnecessary immune disrupting injections.1
“Did you know that you can receive your FLU and COVID-19 booster vaccinations at the same time?”
This is not only an insidious marketing campaign on behalf of Big pharma, it is scientifically dangerous, and disease amplifying. Young people are amongst the target recipients (as per the young woman featured in the above advertisement). Such a demographic does not require an ineffective and seasonally out-dated Flu vaccine; and all COVID-19 vaccines are spurious in purpose, observably dangerous to the human organism, and wreak havoc on every immune system.
The COVID-19 Booster and the influenza vaccine do not ‘produce a good immune response.’ Such a claim is a criminal lie. If co-administered, they are likely to severely degrade the immune system, and render any recipient a multitude-of-times more likely to succumb to infection and disease.
Pentagon Study 2020: Influenza Vaccination Increased Risk of Coronavirus by 36%
In January 2020, a Pentagon Study (it can be assumed that it was studiously conducted for future strategic application) concluded that ‘influenza vaccination increased the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19 by association with the family of coronaviruses) by 36%.’ The stated reason for such a phenomenon was ‘vaccine derived viral interference.’ Basically, the influenza vaccine interferes with the innate protective immune response that unvaccinated individuals are capable of mounting against coronaviruses. The vaccinated (against influenza), and those who have become the “pin-cushioned multi-vaccinated” (COVID + influenza) are severely at risk of increased infection — potentially 36% more likely to be infected by the virus and potentially develop COVID symptomatic disease.2
2011 Australian Study: Flu Shot Doubled the Risk of Non-Influenza Viral Infections and Increased Flu Risk by 73% In Healthy Young Children
There was a time predating the current “Pandemic Era” in which science may have been more trustworthy, and “I trust the Science,” might have been less a cultic refrain, and more empirically based. In 2011, an Australian Study concluded that ‘the flu shot doubled the risk of non-influenza viral infections and increased flu risk by 73% in healthy young children.’3 Basically, the flu shot will probably give you the influenza it contains, and alarmingly cause you to be significantly more likely to contract whatever seasonal strain is currently circulating. Thus, it may be concluded that influenza vaccines are facilitators of community illness, and truly jeopardise your immunity. Furthermore, COVID-19 variants would be considered a ‘non-influenza viral infection’ — thus, a flu shot is doubling the risk of COVID infection, while the COVID-19 booster is introducing the very agent of disease (spike protein) directly into the bloodstream. What could possibly go wrong, or, rather, how could anything possibly go right? It is now apparent that this has been the agenda throughout: a deliberate seeding and amplification of community disease.
THE AGENDA: Moderna to Trial COVID-19, Flu Jab, Made in Melbourne Facility by 2024
On June 21, 2022, it was announced that the forthcoming Moderna mRNA manufacturing facility to be built in Melbourne by 2024 will produce a ‘one and done’ single shot COVID and Flu Vaccine.4 The company is already commencing trials. Apparently, Melbournians and Australians will be amongst ‘the first in the world to receive such a combined mRNA vaccination’ — unlucky us! Given that this nefarious US Biotech Company has already contributed to a veritable Pandemic of Heart Attacks and Clots (the Moderna Spikevax vial contains 3x the destructive spike protein of a Pfizer vial!) this is undeniably ominous. It also explains the ‘Advance Marketing Commitment’ currently exhibited by the Australian Government to promote the need and alleged safety of getting both vaccines, simultaneously. It is also apparent why such a combination (currently promoted as two beneficial jabs) is envisioned in the one syringe — an endless disease addled market of the chronically sick who mindlessly remain devout to the Church of Vaccinists and “ever trusting of the Science.”
The question as to why such a heavily vaccinated population is also experiencing one of the highest per capita case rates of new COVID-19 infections is answered simply: it is in the syringe, stupid! The combination of an influenza and a COVID-19 Booster shot only serves to increase community infection. It is almost a foregone conclusion at this stage that the original mRNA vaccine (that was hastily concocted to counter the original Wuhan strain), is now at least three significant mutations removed (Alpha, Delta, Omicron) from offering any immune protection to the recipient. The very act of injecting a retro-dated mRNA experiment to reconfigure and reset the immune system to protect against the Wuhan strain (and nothing else, if it ever even protected against the Wuhan strain) is merely a cynical ploy to use up the stockpiles of surplus vials for maximised profit. Once primed to protect against the Wuhan strain with every subsequent booster, the vaccinated individual is primed to once again contract the latest circulating COVID-19 variant… each, and every time: that is the con of “multiple COVID infections” lie (a scientific impossibility amongst the robust immunity conferred post-COVID infection, as experienced by the unvaccinated.) You cannot catch COVID twice unless you continue to vaccinate after each infection and reset you acquired immunity to once again remain vulnerable to future variants.
In conclusion, there is zero benefit, and tremendous risk to receiving both an influenza Flu Vaccine and COVID-19 Booster — unless you are receiving government kick-backs, or directly profiting from manufacturing and marketing the products.
Two shots… a second one to make sure the first one did its job… a hit job on your health.
You know, Stephen, after all this time I am still stunned at what is happening. I went to a dentist yesterday, and in the waiting room was a young woman who was thin enough to be junky. She was holding her arm and complaining about the pain from the shot she had just had. It was her first, so I asked her why she had the shot so late. She told me she was afraid of dying. She then turned to her young son and asked him if he would like the shot as well. She said "You are 7 now, you can have the shot if you want it". I remained silent after that. There is no talking to people who retain so little conscious awareness.
The mind control is close to complete, and I am not sure how we break into the cycle. The "education" task is too great.