PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published October 23, 2021
Imagine being coerced into getting your first two applications of a medical experiment, and then, because the experiment is so "effective” — you need to get another, and then another...
All for a virus that 99.98% of people survive, and the vast majority have no symptomatic awareness of having experienced.
The "boosters" planned to rollout on November the 8th in Australia are guaranteed to confer a reassuring minimum of at least ‘12-days of additional boosted inoculation,’ (according to Israeli studies); and when Biden prematurely announced "boosters" for Americans — the two senior FDA officials who were specifically entrusted to oversee the pending "safety" approval resigned in absolute outrage at such political recklessness.1Indeed, perhaps not so safe, perhaps not so effective; but, alas, Morrison had already pre-ordered 85-million vials for all Australians (at the beginning of the rollout — with absolute foreknowledge) for the next two years...
...so, the human test subjects will be subjected to ever more tests — until either the cages are empty, or the lab burns down...