ETHNIC-SPECIFIC BIOWEAPONS: Was the US Developing a “Targeted-Bioweapon” in its many Ukrainian labs?
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published March 10, 2022
NOTE: It was eventually revealed by The Pentagon that the US had funded and was operating 46 biological labs for “research purposes” in Ukraine; Russia was able to capture the labs and upon containment and analysis The Russian Ministry of Defence revealed that these labs were indeed clandestine Biological Weapons laboratories of Nazi-Era purpose and experimentation.
The existence of the twenty-six US-operated biological labs in the Ukraine was initially fact-checked into outright dismissal and ridicule. All speculation about collaborative labs overseen by the Pentagon was simply declared as conspiratorial nonsense: officially, no such labs existed.
Today, before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Victoria Nuland revealed that not only do such laboratories exist:
"…we are now, in fact, quite concerned that Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to, uh, gain control of [those labs], so we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach…"
Evidently, Nuland's official admission reveals that these "secret" labs might actually expose the development of unconscionable biological weapons.
It is apparent that something heinous had been actively researched; with experiments conducted, and specimens procured and stored within these clandestine labs. Now, if one were to speculate, it might be plausible to offer that ‘ethnic-specific bioweapons’ might have been developed: basically, a virus engineered to attack a certain ethnic profile while simultaneously leaving another co-inhabiting regional ethnicity unharmed, and largely invulnerable.
Now, the question remains: Might an openly neo-Nazi regime celebrating their racial superiority and aspiring to a Ukraine cleansed of Russian ethnicity and the problematic Russian-Ukrainians in the Donbass Region — research, and experiment with such desirable weaponry?
There is an informational trail that certainly suggests that this is indeed the case…
America has been frantically erasing all information pertaining such “secret” labs:
'US Embassy Removes All Evidence Of Ukraine Bioweapons Labs. Here Is All The Data,' GreatGameIndia, March 4th, 20221
China wants the secret research in such labs made transparent:
'China urges US to reveal details of US-backed biological labs in Ukraine – including types of viruses stored,' GB, Xindi Wei, 8th March, 20222
The Kremlin has announced that the world needs to know what has taken place in such labs:
'Kremlin says world must know truth about Ukraine's alleged bio-warfare programme,' Reuters, Reuters Staff, 9th March, 20223
However, the real clue might have already been present in a revelation offered by the Kremlin and Putin in 2017:
'Russians' DNA taken by foreign agents, Kremlin says,' BBC, October 31st, 2017:4
"The Kremlin says foreign agents are collecting DNA samples from Russians of different ethnicities and sending the data abroad for scientific analysis.
The agents were often working for foreign NGOs, President Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.
Mr Putin told a Russian human rights committee that the DNA collection was "systematic and professional."
Some scientists quoted in the Russian media speculated that the data could be used in US biological warfare research.
He said foreign labs were analysing Russians' DNA and restrictions on such research were necessary.
"The fact that our citizens' fluids, organs and tissues are being collected is evidence that the US has not stopped its aggressive military program," he alleged.
Earlier Mr Putin avoided such speculation about the DNA analysis, and simply asked "Why are they doing this?"'
Now, what exactly were they researching in these Ukrainian labs?
Ethnic-specific bioweapons?