EXPIRED! Out-Of Date, Out-Of-Work!
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published February 12, 2022
ATAGI has "recommended" a change to the definition of Australia's vaccine status from 'fully vaccinated' to 'up-to-date' if an individual submits to an additional booster 6-months after their primary course.1
With the current mandates in force, Victorian workers will be "expired" and potentially unemployed within the first five months of 2022 — unless they slavishly receive a "boost" that truly does nothing, but further diminishes their overall health and the integrity of their freewill.
Alas, once again, many will have their lives, careers, and financial welfare held to ransom at needle-point.
This decision was reached after ATAGI obviously received an exorbitant under-the-table payment from their Pharma Overlords in some clandestine backroom deal somewhere — there is no other rational explanation.
There is no robust science that currently backs this decision.
Indeed, based on observing the catastrophic results from identical experiments currently more advanced than Australia's own National Roll-Out-Rolled-Ya (Israelis currently pricked four times and still a failed experiment); zero qualitative science, or, at the very least, the science of criminology — there is only one definitive, empirical conclusion: such a decision is an unmistakable Crime Against Humanity.
ATAGI is a compromised farce, aiding and abetting the plunder of our collective health: an agency of Evil.