PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): pieces originally published March 9, 10, 16, & 19, 2022
March 9
I have found it intriguing that any post that references the words "fascism," and "Nazi" is not given the typical overt censorship via labelling and throttling; but, rather, is buried with a sly shadow-ban to ensure that its general circulation is reduced to a mere 10-20% of its potential reach. I have written numerous pieces referencing such a subject, and utilising such words, and, invariably, the posts are always shadow-banned... always...
This is all rather intriguing, because it seems that despite Facebook claiming to be against Nazis and Fascism (which my posts have always expressly represented) — the algorithm errs on the side of caution with a general blanket smothering and stifling of all such material... lest the actual truth and unnerving comparison to current events is revealed as the exact same spirit of destruction that tormented humanity in the recent past...
Incidentally, until recently, the Ukrainian neo-Nazi paramilitary (Azov Battalion) that effectively runs the Ukraine military had been banned from Facebook. However, that ban was recently overturned, and discussion and praise of this repugnant group is now permitted on Facebook — as long as these particular Nazis are referenced in a positive light and presented as fighting the Russian "invasion."1
What is "good" is evil, and what is presented as "evil" is good.... our reality is manufactured and truth is inverted...
This post will be throttled by Facebook because it is against Nazism…
March 9
One should stand with Ukraine —the Ukrainian people— and acknowledge that Russia also stands alongside all Ukrainians (and humanity) as they take a stand against Nazi paramilitaries and a coup-installed government that has recklessly pursued gangsterism at the expense of its people and regional peace.
March 10
It certainly is, but not in the way that it has been deceptively presented by Western Media — the reality is inverted: Ukrainian Jews are certainly threatened by fellow ideologically possessed Ukrainians that have vowed to cleanse Ukraine of both Russian and Jewish ethnicity and influence...
March 16
How many bogus confessions from captured Russian soldiers (if they are not merely Ukrainian actors sourced from the same troupe as Zelensky) are we going to be exposed to before the obvious becomes nauseatingly obvious: post-torture, with a gun pointed at you — you will likely say anything about your home country and your leader to preserve your life.2
Incidentally, filming the interrogation of captured soldiers is a war crime... is preventing your own citizens (at gunpoint) from leaving their residential cities and seeking safe passage and refuge elsewhere because of the conflict YOU have brought upon them by dressing-up as NATO's Nazis...
March 19
In 2013, Ukraine was ranked as the 8th poorest country in Europe.3
After the successful Western-backed coup d'état that saw a succession of puppet "presidents" selected to oversee the rampant parasitism of their nation by Western interests — West Ukraine became a mere vassal possessed with the vicious spirit of Nazism.
Today, in 2022, with cursed Western blessing, direct interference and manipulation — Ukraine is now the poorest county in Europe.
President Zelenskyy, by contrast, has a US $35 million mansion in Florida, and a regular cash infusion of US $12 million-a month deposited into a bank account allegedly already holding $1.3 billion: one such bloated parasite profiting from exploitation of his own people.
Beware The Beast that promises much, but merely wants to feed on the wealth, lives and souls of the host nation as it ravenously consumes all — before sacrificing what remains in warfare, and leaving a social carcass of utter ruination...
March 19
Today's "hero" was once yesterday's media villain — the truth was only necessary to assist with the potential of Trump's hysterical "impeachment" attempt; and now the lie is required to establish the necessary propaganda for the "unprovoked victim nation" attacked by invaders...
When you play Nazi games, you get Nazi prizes.