FLICKING THE PARANOIA SWITCH: Victoria’s “Circuit-Breaking” Snap Lockdown, Invisible Hyper-Mutants, and Other Exaggerated Assaults on the Limbic Brain
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published February 14, 2021
We are at Limbic War with our Government — indeed, a psychological World War is currently being fought against the global population by governments everywhere. This multi-fronted warfare seeks to conquer, and enslave our bodies and minds. It is only through the capitulation of our mind that they will gain access to our body.
They are using the vulnerabilities of our limbic brain system against us.
The America clinical psychologist, Dr. Martha Stout, having served on the clinical faculty of the Harvard Medical School for over 25 years, wrote an illuminating book1 on the limbic brain, and how agenda-driven politicians exploit and hijack a certain structural vulnerability of memory processing (affected by the traumatic stimulation of the limbic system) to strategically terrorize the social psyche.
The terror strategy is simple: establish, and perpetuate an emotionally traumatised ‘survival mode’ state-of-mind amongst the population, and then direct them to either a ‘fight or flight’ response to achieve the desired agenda.
The book was written in 2007, and it primarily focused on how the terrorist attack on New York’s iconic Twin Towers gave way to the manufactured ‘War On Terror,’ and how Americans were largely rendered complicit and obedient, and supported the irrational response directed by their warmongering US Government. Many nations were also embroiled in the ‘War On Terror,’ with their populations all suitably programmed (via the limbic brain) by the galvanising images of the collapsing Twin Towers. With their limbic brains continuously engaged, and the ‘paranoid switch’ endlessly flicked (despite there being no true objective terrorist threat beyond the triggering words, propaganda and endlessly recycled footage of planes hitting the buildings) they were induced to forfeit civil liberties, and to deceptively condone the genocidal military campaigns in the Middle East.
Stout’s foundational thesis is equally applicable to the manufactured COVID Crisis. Conversely, rather than ‘fight,’ (the terrorists) the limbic brain is now being abused for ‘flight,’ to flee from the viral “terror,” and to lock us down in cowering cowardice.
The limbic structures of the brain enable communication on an emotional level, and for individuals to understand various fluctuations and nuances of group emotion instantly. The limbic brain allows humans to be in accord with others — whether it is a collective resonance of elation, harmony and empathy (dopamine circuit-promoted), or a collective resonance of fear, anger and anxiety (norepinephrine circuit-originated).
It should be apparent why Dan Andrews is symbolically referring to our current ‘snap’ lockdown as a ‘circuit-breaker,’ and exactly which ‘circuit’ has been purposely broken.
Our limbic vulnerability has been an essential tool for tyrants throughout the ages. Through guile and charismatic cunning they have been able to capitalize on collective trauma, and then by continuously stoking and triggering an emotional response from their populations, they were able to precipitate, and pursue all manner of detrimental agendas, atrocities and inhumanities.
Limbic brain hijacking is quite simple. Basically, any especially traumatic episode will not be encoded and stored as a memory, but rather, lingers as discordant fragments that are not properly processed and compartmentalised by the psyche. This causes a fragmented mental state that is hyper-emotional, prone to anxiety and paranoia and perfectly primed to be triggered by key words or images that connect to the original trauma. It is essentially the origins of post-traumatic stress. Using key words, images or associated triggers will induce the original debilitating emotion (recreating the emotion of the original source of trauma) and invoke the exact same chaotic state-of-mind that was first experienced.
In this volatile limbic condition, we are all highly susceptible to the depredations of corrupt Government.
Our immediate and present battlefront concerns the ‘circuit-breaking’ 5-day lockdown-siege undertaken by the Andrews’ Government against the citizenry of Victoria.
With the rollout of the gene-editing “experiment” imminent, and securing a renewed ‘State of Emergency’ essential for Andrews to maintain supreme control and to perpetuate the scripted ‘Pandemic Narrative’ (to be voted on in Parliament on February the 18th) — irrational, emotional-driven obedience is again required from the populace to implant, and advance such nefarious agendas.
Indeed, we are being subjected to an aggressive strategy of terrorisation under the guise of a ‘public health emergency.’ The desired outcome is to seize increments of allocated power using deceptive coercion — retaining each previously attained level of power, while pursuing ever more control.
The entirety of what was endured, suffered and callously inflicted upon Victorians throughout the world’s longest lockdown is ultimately "useful" trauma. That was always the purpose. Such trauma can be easily recreated in the collective psyche of a population to achieve certain ends. It can be generated instantly at specific levels of intensity to achieve the desired reaction.
At a low level of intensity: daily promotion of key verbal triggers and visual cues such as ‘case numbers,’ ‘outbreak,’ ‘deadly disease,’ ‘mutant strain,’ ‘virus’ ‘restrictions,’ ‘vaccine,’ ‘masks,’ ‘hand sanitiser’ ‘social-distance stickers,’ all keep the trauma ever–simmering and always foremost in mind; while the critical faculties remain dull, and focus is largely disassociated from objective reality.
At the highest level of intensity: a ‘snap 5-day lockdown’ will perfectly recreate the remembered mental and physical trauma associated with disruptive isolation, inhumane suppression, hopelessness, confusion and the sheer spectrum of psychological terrorisation imparted by the previous lockdown response.
In this emotional state (the most intense), the human mind is intellectually impaired, disorientated, and incapable of truly discerning the motives of those manipulating their reality (or to even recognize that they are being manipulated). Fearful and paranoid, a society in primal limbic resonance will look to established authority to ensure survival, entrusting and believing that the existential threat (pandemic in this instance) can only be successfully addressed by a governmental response on behalf of the governed.
The aptly named ‘circuit-breaker snap five-day-lockdown’ has achieved a disruption of the natural flow of energy necessary for conducting and preserving everyday human endeavours: socialization, lifestyles and livelihoods. It has also broken any recent (dopamine circuit-promoted) sense of enduring communal harmony. Indeed, this natural human circulation of energy had seemingly resumed; case numbers were virtually non-existent; and a comforting sense of pre-COVID normalcy was swiftly returning — alas, it was too much, too soon, for those trying to preserve their dismal “new normal.”
It is evident that the Andrews’ Government has conveniently staged a frighteningly invisible ‘hyper-contagious, travelling at hyper-speed mutant outbreak,’ and flicked the collective ‘paranoid switch.’ Ironically, the ‘snap 5-day lockdown has been brazenly implemented to virtually guarantee that he will be granted the authority to continue to lockdown Victorians at a whim beyond the 26th of February (the current end of his State of Emergency powers.)
Andrews has effectively hijacked the collective limbic brain of the vast majority of Victorians and amplified the post-traumatic stress of lockdowns. Once again, he has encaged us in our homes. A ‘snap 5-day-lockdown’ is truly all that is required to recreate the enormity of our past inhumane lockdown experience (incarcerated for 18-weeks for 23 hours-a-day) and the concomitant traumas associated. In this heightened emotional condition (post-traumatic stress), most are mentally malleable and will submit willingly and ignorantly to the dictates of their Saviour Authority. They will be directed to embrace and welcome further control, accept endless government intrusions; and, alas, many will be willing participants in the coming vaccine experiment as they haplessly reach for that dangling carrot of promised normality.
In this government induced ‘survival mode’ of emotional chaos, it is intended that we will all be instructed by the Authority to either ‘fight’ (i.e.: attacking those that do not conform to the directions of the Chief Health Officer, anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers etc.), or pursue ‘flight’ (lockdown and restrictions against a viral threat).
However, it may shortly come to pass, that our limbic system might again be similarly triggered, but this time, perhaps, enough people may have woken to the ceaseless deception – and despite the intended governmental response being further ‘flight’ – Victorians may finally take back ownership of their survival instincts, and chose to ‘fight’ the diktats of the government.
That is the hope.
‘The Paranoia Switch: How Terror Rewires Our Brains and Reshapes Our Behaviour – and How We Can Reclaim Our Courage,’ Martha Stout, 2007.