HAIL, PFIZER! Austria Repeats their Nazi Mistake
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published January 22, 2022
The Austrians have just voted to raise their right shoulder to the Cartel Führer, Pfizer.
In 1938, Hitler and the Nazis invaded Austria; the first country to be claimed by Nazi expansionism, and as the German military entered Vienna, the Austrian people greeted their invaders on the streets with euphoric cheers and tears of joy.
They believed in the Nazi vision, and wanted the Nazi promise and ideology to elevate Austria out of its impoverished economy: and how they suffered for their wishful-thinking naïveté.
Today, you would think that the Austrians —of all nations— having been scarred by adopting and embracing Nazi Ideology, would recognise the same totalitarian spirit as it begins to pervade their culture in a different, although eerily familiar guise?
Apparently, not.
The Austrian Parliament has just voted unanimously to advance legislation that will ensure that the unvaccinated will be targeted with fines of up to 12,000-Euros-a-year for abstaining from the Clinical Trial.
"After 137 MPs voted for compulsory vaccination and only 33 opposed, the bill now heads to the upper house to be debated and approved. As Austria’s governing parties —a coalition of the center-right People’s Party and the Greens— hold a majority in this chamber, its passage is virtually guaranteed."1
Ironically: 'The right-wing Freedom Party was the only party to oppose the mandate in parliament.'
If the Freedom Party is truly "right-wing," then, truthfully, those parties that voted for compulsory vaccination are the very tip of the lice-riddled wing flapping on the right side of the diseased bird of Austrian politics...
Damned to repeat; repeat... to be damned...