PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published November 16, 2021
Hey! Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner!
Thanks for finally speaking up about Andrews’ controversial Pandemic Management Bill!1 Such courage! All it took was 100,000+ Victorians taking to the streets of Melbourne for you to finally overcome your peculiar cowardice and finally express the obvious: Andrews Bill is no damn good!
It is damn evil!
Finally, you have raised concerns (based on not wanting to be deemed an absolutely ineffective farce-of-an-organisation). Indeed, you have been awfully quiet over the last 20-months — your bizarre impotency, and your inexplicable silence when you were most needed to shout down our Premier’s tyrannical trampling of democracy, and his multitude of human rights violations against all Victorians …is suspicious. What was done was glaringly evil — your deafening silence suggests that your “independent status” of being a third-party capable of keeping the government in check might actually be a bluff? You are clearly indistinguishable from the government, complicit and compromised.
How about you now focus on denouncing and addressing the obvious Human Rights abuse of the mandates that has forced the unvaccinated to be unemployed? Imagine not speaking out when an illegal mandate was decreed, and people were severed from financial independence and thrown into chaos and despair. Families have been destroyed, souls broken, and livelihoods and careers abruptly ended, and yet — you seem to think this is all permissible for the greater good as the greatest evil continues (your official website statement: “vaccines are effective in saving lives and the right to life is a human right”). Yeah, that is a wonderful marketing mantra given to you by Big Pharma — but let’s be honest, the vaccines are maiming many and may eventually bring about the premature demise of scores who blindly trusted that it was all for their health. Why support a vaccine passport system, compelling endless vaccines that are ineffective, dangerous and ultimately unnecessary against a flu-variant that was never an issue for the vast majority?
Ah, but I digress — where is the Equal Opportunity to work for the unvaccinated? Is it just assumed that we will never be employable again in our own home state? Are we supposed to lapse into ruin and starvation? Oh, that’s right, we are supposed to comply with the draconian ultimatum, or suffer for our freewill choice to abstain. And you support this?
Why are you supporting a two-tiered Medical Apartheid dystopia that imposes a system of segregation and social and economical impoverishment? Is this what you condone and advocate with the generous donations gifted to you by shadowy entities? How about salvage some integrity and actually stand for something other than simply being a token organisation that claims to champion and campaign for Equal Opportunity and Human Rights?
You have failed all Victorians. Indeed, your inactivity and passivity on the mandates (and the obvious 20-months of State of Emergency powers that were abused to impose a destructive “Lock-down Siege” forcing vaccinations) is abhorrent. Your absence has allowed the flagrant violation of Human Rights by the Andrews’ Government — ah, but perhaps that has been your very role in this continuous assault on Victorians? Strategic silence?
We want to work, and we want to be free — make it happen, or the PEOPLE will make sure you are eventually held to account!