HOAXING MPOX, AGAIN: The WHO Rebrands Monkeypox for a Fake "Public Health Emergency of International Concern"
Maybe a pain in the arse for some, but truly nothing to be concerned about
On August 14, 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the emergence of a “new more severe clade of Mpox” (clad Ib) constituted “a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).”1 Another monkey wrench had been thrown by the usual pharmaceutical marauders, and if further monkey business were to be had, there would be no more monkeying around: they require that you see no evil, speak no evil, and hear no evil about their diabolical antics — all in the service of perpetrating Evil.
Supposedly, the now rebranded Mpox2 had seen a recent upsurge in cases (and allegedly deaths) within the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) — despite being endemic on the African continent for the last decade. According to the latest propaganda: it was now “more deadly” and “spreading quickly” and “disproportionately affecting children.” Many social media pundits, truth-purveyors and stalwart libertarians predictably reacted with their reflexive outrage: “Here we go again, do not comply!”3 However, most of these alternative-media commentators failed to reference that just two years prior, during July, 2022, the WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus had already declared monkeypox (MPX) “a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.” It ultimately amounted to naught.
Indeed, the Pharma Cabal had already attempted to “go again,” but they were promptly thwarted. Nobody needed to comply back then — for the Official Narrative was hastily discarded, and largely suppressed in a panic. This ham-fisted second attempt at generating a renewed Mpox hysteria will also amount to naught. Once people are reminded of why the “monkeypox pandemic” failed two years ago — the new “Mpox Congo Clade” will abruptly fail again.
The monkeypox stigma: depravity
In 2022, the WHO attempted to manufacture an internationally-coordinated fear-campaign that sought to convince vast global populations that monkeypox could be caught by anyone, warning of the susceptibility of children, and even pets.4
There were numerous cases of men contracting and exhibiting the disease, and then a few cases of young children, and even the world’s first case of an Italian greyhound that zoonotically contracted monkeypox from its French owners. Then the jarring truth became unnervingly apparent: Only men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM) were contracting and spreading monkeypox. Most developed the disease after partaking in debauched multi-day rave orgies5 — it was a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD)6 that overwhelmingly impacted hyper-sexual homosexual males. These infected men were all pursuing recklessly hedonistic lifestyles, and most practiced promiscuous multi-partner abandon.
Unnervingly, some of the “infected” children were allegedly fostered to gay men, and all had most likely attained their infection as a result of sexual abuse— obvious victims of paedophilic depredation:
Two children are among more than 2,500 people in the U.S. who have contracted monkeypox, according to CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, MD.
“We have seen now two cases that have occurred in children. Both of those children are traced back to individuals who come from the men who have sex with men community — the gay men community,” Dr. Walensky told The Washington Post in a live interview July 22. “And so, when we have seen those cases in children, they have generally been what I call ‘adjacent’ to the community most at risk.”7
The Italian greyhound had been subjected to an act of bestiality8 perpetrated by at least one of its two homosexual owners who had previously contracted monkeypox from a gay sex party:
“The website reports that the men, who are gay and “have sex with men,” are aged 44 and 27 years old. They are described as “non-exclusive partners living in the same household” with their dog. Apparently the men suffered “anal ulceration” approximately a week after having gay sex.
12 days after they began experiencing symptoms, their dog developed lesions and ultimately tested positive for monkeypox.
“The men reported co-sleeping with their dog,” the report explains, but “They had been careful to prevent their dog from contact with other pets or humans” when it began experiencing symptoms. Photos made available on The Lancet appear to show the dog suffering from monkeypox sores around its genital area and its anus.
All emerging connotations and associations with “monkeypox” were unconscionably vile, and indefensibly heinous: pedophilia, bestiality, debauchery.
These inconvenient and detestable revelations were just too much for the public mind to continue to entertain. Indeed, men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM) were the only ones who were spreading the infection.9 Transgendered males masquerading as “women” were also amongst the community most at risk.10 Awareness rapidly circulated, and the threat of the “blistering scabrous pox” was soon understood to only concern one very minor sexual demographic, one that elicited very little concern amongst the general community, and even less sympathy: a sick-minded minority defined by their insatiable pathological perversions. Monkeypox was unequivocally a homosexual disease, a deviant disease, a depraved disease.
The inescapable stigma was apparent…
If the Official Narrative were to continue to pummel the propagandised “monkeypox” into the social psyche, ordinary gay men, and the entire spectrum of the LGBTQ+ community would be subject to extreme discrimination. Thus, the billowed threat of monkeypox was almost immediately deoxygenated, and despite years of meticulous strategising in preparation for this “segue disease” to seamlessly continue the post-COVID MedicoFascist Biosecurity State11 — the “monkeypox pandemic” was cancelled.
It was intrinsically homophobic and transphobic (possibly racist), after all.
Russia exposed the “monkeypox vaccine” as the actual disease agent
Russia also prematurely revealed the game, and almost instantly dismantled the Globalist’s “new pandemic”:
‘Russia’s Defense Ministry on Thursday, August 4, announced that Moscow has been assessing whether the United States was behind the research and experiment that leaked the novel SARS-CoV-2 that causes the COVID-19 disease as well as the monkeypox virus as several Pentagon-operated Biolabs were discovered in Ukraine.’12
Pertinently, 46 US-funded-and-operated Ukrainian Biolabs had been uncovered, commandeered, and effectively decommissioned by the Russian ‘Special Military Operation.’ The existence of these formerly clandestine Biolabs was initially denied by the Pentagon;13 but, upon being seized, investigated and internationally exposed by Russia — the Pentagon had no other option but to reveal its sinister involvement in these secret labs. It was up to no good, obviously.
Upon diligently reviewing captured research papers and specimen samples, Russia’s Defense Ministry “accused the United States of creating drugs, that when introduced into the body for a short time, cause chronic disease.”
When one considerers the illogical fixation on pushing experimental mRNA vaccines upon the global populace for COVID-19 (to the exclusion and suppression of all other readily available, and scientifically effective treatments), and the fact that COVID as a disease was relatively non-existent prior to the mass-injection of destructive spike proteins via the vaccines (most already had immunity due to previous infection with regular childhood-circulating coronaviruses) — it is plausible that the pandemic, the real pandemic, was artificially created when a drug was ‘introduced into the body for a short time’, and caused ‘chronic disease.’
Indeed, the same would most likely be the predicable result of mass-vaccinating against the pre-planned emergence (and now re-emergence) of “monkeypox.” The play seems obvious, as it is a repeat of the previous play by the same Players attempting the exact same game.
Australian media reports a “surge of monkeypox” to create a post-vaccinated surge of monkeypox
Concurrent with the new African threat of clade Ib, Australia is inexplicably experiencing an exaggerated “re-emergence”14 and worrisome “surge”15 of the less-severe clade IIb variant — basically a total of 40-cases nationwide to date. Our legacy media is deliberately reporting these new “monkeypox cases” as if they were related to the African (PHEIC), and does not differentiate between clad Ib, and the previous clad IIb that has been circulating since 2022 (so they say). All current Australian “mpox cases” are the endemic clad IIb.
This “re-emergence” is primarily vaccine propagated.
The amplified message is for those at risk (typically the LGBTQ+ community) “to get vaccinated,16” and, alas, with the “vaccine,” comes the “virus:”
A "genuinely traumatising" experience is how Melbourne man, Jack, described his six-week ordeal with mpox.
In June, after having sex at some King's Birthday weekend dance parties in Melbourne, the 35-year-old noticed some sensitivity in his rectum and decided to have a sexual health screen.
Within a few days of getting symptoms, he was diagnosed with mpox and endured excruciating pain.
"It was pretty bad. I say nine out of 10 and I really mean nine out of 10. It wasn't like I was screaming but it got to the point, before I went to the emergency department, that I was on the floor in agony," he said.
Early attempts to control the pain didn't work, and doctors prescribed Jack a large range of drugs, including opiates, anti-virals and nerve pain medication.
"I was on six times the dose I was on when I started, and that's when it finally started to have an effect. I have a photo of the amount of drugs that I was on when I left and it's like a whole bucket of different things," he added.
What surprised Jack was how long his symptoms lingered: "This pain lasted for six weeks. It was a really long slog."
After his six-week ordeal with mpox, Jack, who is in a long-term, same-sex relationship, said he had no appetite for casual sex.He urged people to seriously consider the advice from the health authorities.
"I think it is kind of scary and if that's the way it's transmitted, then I think it's kind of responsible to just be aware of some of that stuff and be conscious of what you're doing," he said.
"Of course, be double-vaccinated, that's step one. I got it while I was double-vaccinated but who knows how much worse it could have been if I wasn't vaccinated, just like COVID."17
Jack was clearly whacked by the vaxx. In hindsight, the revelation by the head of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Defence, Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov on August 5, 2022, seems prescient, and factual:
“…one of the areas of research at Labyrinth Global Health (Ukraine) was the study of coronaviruses and the monkeypox virus… the ‘United States (is) creating drugs, that when introduced into the body for a short time, cause chronic disease.’18
The African Nations are being setup for further vaccine-induced genocide
The long-downtrodden Africans already know this nefarious Big Pharma game, and they do not wish to play to lose.
On August 18, 2024, The South Africa Vaccine Injury Medico-Legal Study-Group issued a statement criticizing public health officials for declaring Mpox a global health emergency and warning against "experimental" Mpox vaccines:
“We are deeply concerned about the recent announcements made by Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director General Jean Kaseya on Aug. 13 and World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Aug. 14. It is important to address these announcements openly to the public.
In his statements, Kaseya declared regarding monkeypox vaccines:
"We have a clear plan to secure more than 10 million doses in Africa, starting with 3 million doses in 2024."
We at the South Africa Vaccine Injury Medico-Legal Study-Group (SAVIMS) would like to point out pertinent facts to both institutions and other relevant bodies of interest:
1. There is no prescribed vaccine with documented Level 1 scientific evidence for monkeypox. The current WHO-recommended live virus vaccines, Jynneos and ACAM2000, are:
(a) intended for smallpox and are thus experimental for monkeypox;
(b) have reported serious adverse effects, and;
(c) contain live viral strains which may instigate a resurgence of the eradicated smallpox virus.”19
The inherent deception was apparent from the very first moment WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared that Mpox clade Ib was “a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. (PHEIC)” On that day, it was ominously announced that “18,000 suspected cases of mpox, including 629 deaths, had been reported this year in the Democratic Republic of the Congo which is at the epicentre of the crisis. Four out of five deaths have been in children.20” However, such reports have not been substantiated, and are no better than mere fabrications exploited for propagandist effect. All such “reported deaths” are more likely the outcome of corollary causes, whether it be malaria, malnutrition, and warfare — all compounded by the general debilitating conditions associated with extreme poverty. The actual record of lab confirmed Mpox deaths in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) during 2024 is just 25 deaths21:
And the total lab confirmed Mpox deaths recorded for the entire African continent in 2024 is just 32 deaths22:
This is not even a Public Health Emergency for Africa, let alone of International concern. However, any mass-vaccination campaign against Mpox would be intentionally devastating for the African nations.
As monkeypox is relaunched as MPOX, the World is weary and wary of “pandemics”
Preparations were being made for this Mpox “pandemic” as early as 2019.23 Fortunately, things are not going quite as planned for the Agenda 2030 Psychos and their Great Reset Vision. However, despite their colossal failings, they are still persisting with propagandising and advancing their next assortment of “viruses” in queue. Wishful thinking falls hard, and perhaps will soon fall even harder with a noose around its neck.
Indeed, the “COVID-19 Narrative” has all but collapsed; the vaccines were ineffective and unsafe, and the mass injection of a largely trusting and traumatised populace was a deliberate act of democide. Many are now permanently immunocompromised as a direct result of the damaged inflicted by these experimental “vaccines” — suffering persistent side-effects, as they contend with irreversible medical episodes (infertility, strokes, clots, turbo cancers, myocarditis and pericarditis etc). Multitudes are dead, dying, and will die.
Dr Peter McCullough, a preeminent cardiologist and epidemiologist, describes monkeypox as ‘a sexually transmitted skin rash’ that is spread by direct contact with a ruptured pox-like pustule, and can easily be treated by the antiviral TPOXX. It does not require vaccination with Bavarian Nordic’s MVA-BN Smallpox Vaccine (Jynneos) for treatment, or prevention. Indeed, Dr. McCullough claims that the Bavarian Nordic’s vaccine has not stopped a single monekeypox case, and emphasises how, in 18% of trial recipients,24 it caused the development of myocarditis25 (again), and explicitly warns of the danger of injecting this problematic vaccine into anyone with HIV, or the immunocompromised.
Alas, the demographic that is being primarily targeted, ‘men who have sex with men,’ tends to be disproportionately affected by HIV infection, are likely immunocompromised, and probably also have extensive mRNA damage (post-COVID vaccination) compounding their health woes.
The true concern is that those with degraded immune systems might receive a Jynneos vaccine that may contribute to the exponential threat of the “monkeypox pandemic” in unforeseen, yet nefariously pre-calculated and strategised ways: it may spread the pox it is supposed to suppress: possibly even small pox
Mpox will not be the next pandemic. There will be no globally-coordinated Mpox lockdown. It will not be a scabrous lesion on the US Presidential ballot box infecting the results. It is not Disease X, but rather one of many minor “viruses” that will circulate (whether it be via the traditional understanding of [now contentious] virology, or Gain-Of-Function Lab release, or exclusively injected via the “preventative” vaccines, or merely as fearmongering Narrative, or as a combination of all of these options), and will collectively comprise yet another element of the “polycrisis26” forewarned by Klaus Schwab’s disease-minded ilk.
Vaccinate to propagate; what you inject, you infect… to your ultimate peril.
Two previous Substack publications written on monkey pox in 2022:
TWITTER/X:Stephen Reason @stephen_reason
Formerly “monkeypox (MPX),” but officially renamed by the WHO due to a concern of negative racial tropes.
Some 40 cases have been recorded so far in 2024, already surpassing the total number recorded for 2023 (26). Victoria has reported 24 cases this year, while Queensland saw ten cases reported in May.
I do not have a reference for this. I recorded this information, and included it in a previously published piece after listening to Dr Peter McCullough discuss monkeypox in a podcast in 2022.
"they're leading us to safety" said the sheep on the way to the slaughter...
Good reporting Stephen, keep at it! What the world needs is a giant Truth Vax!