NO PFIZER VACCINE FOR AUSTRALIANS: AstraZeneca Is Our Ruling Drug Cartel
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published January 2, 2021
Australia is not Pfizer territory.
On December the 12, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that ‘his government won’t rush approval of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine because he wants people to have confidence in the product.’
"We want to ensure that Australians — and I think all of us feel very strongly this way — have ... absolute full confidence that when it gets the tick, they can get the jab," Morrison said.
A corresponding headline read: ‘Australia says it’ll wait to be sure of Pfizer vaccine…’
This statement may give the pretence that our concerned leadership is cautiously observing developments, and will only commit to a vaccine on the basis that it is safe, but such an interpretation is inherently false.
Pfizer is not welcome here.
Our ruling Drug Cartel is AstraZeneca, and these ruthless traffickers have only just approved ‘emergency supply’ in the United Kingdom (30th of December). In early August, a preliminary arrangement was brokered by the global Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) at an expense of $333 million taxpayers dollars, to ensure that Australia would be committed to the contractually binding ‘Advance Marketing Commitment’ of promoting and protracting the “pandemic” until AstraZeneca had finished their experimental product.
Basically, the “pandemic reality” needs to be extended by any means possible until AstraZeneca is ready to deliver upon their end of the Devil’s Bargain. Our Federal Government is utterly beholden to realise this outcome.
All that has subsequently transpired, from the deceptively configured and scientifically meaningless PCR tests; to media promulgated “outbreaks,” (recently Christmas-crashing North Beach in NSW, and the NYE disrupting 5pm introduction of emergency restrictions in Victoria: dismantling dance floors everywhere, banning kisses and force-masking otherwise happier moments); unnecessarily punishing lockdowns and irrational restrictions; Police State tyranny and an autocratic Premier; mandatory masks; the artificially inflated and attributed “COVID deaths” in Age Care — has all been a propagandised prelude to a mass vaccination campaign.
It was all necessary to insidiously market the forthcoming vaccine, and that is why both the Federal and State Governments colluded to ensure all citizens participated, and all were emotionally, mentally and physically impacted and suitably “invested” in the “pandemic reality.” A solution lies in a syringe.
It is intended that the inflicted “pandemic trauma” has been adequate to achieve the greatest possible uptake of the imminent vaccine salvation.
Tellingly, Scott Morrison signed a further commitment with AstraZeneca in September, securing ‘a supply of 84 million COVID-19 vaccines, subject to the results of a UK clinical trial.’
‘The deal will cost the Government $1.7 billion and will mean Australia gets priority access to the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine.’
‘About 95 per cent of the ‘vaccines would be manufactured in Melbourne at CSL’s Broadmeadows biotech manufacturing facility.’
‘Everyone will require two doses, the initial and a booster, meaning Australia should have 30 million doses left over that will be sent to the Pacific and Southeast Asia to help immunise 15 million residents.’1
Despite Morrison retracting his initial statement ‘that the vaccine will be as mandatory as possible,’ it is intended that ‘everyone will require two doses […] meaning that Australia should have 30 million doses left over.’ Obviously, the intent is to unwaveringly coerce and ensure that the vaccine is still as ‘mandatory as possible.’
Considering the various business arrangements with our AstraZeneca Drug Lord, the initial down payment of $333 million, the promised $1.7 billion contract (and the corresponding ‘Advance Marketing Commitment’ requirement), and the expressed intent to actually manufacture the AstraZeneca product in Australia, ostensibly for Australians and for the Pacific and Southeast Asia, it is apparent that Pfizer was never in contention, and would never be approved or acquired for distribution in Australia.
It is also apparent that if the rushed experimental Pfizer vaccine was remarkably successful, undeniably effective, and had the potential to miraculously combat and halt the duration of the pandemic (which is wishful-thinking), then the pandemic is being deliberately extended in Australia to appease our territorial Pharmaceutical Kingpin.
This alone should underscore and reveal that the “pandemic” is merely a supranational Big Pharma marketing scheme; a nefarious component to the installation of an envisioned Medical Tyranny that compliments the overarching endeavour to deform reality according to the requirements of 'The Great Reset' agenda.
The Spellbinders believe they have the Australian population spellbound.
Let us endeavour to break the spell, share illuminating awareness, and return their diabolic hex tenfold.
POSTSCRIPT: Australia had invested heavily in the local production of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines. After the coordinated global attack on AstraZeneca (a non-profit vaccine) and the fearful association that was established in the public mind with blood clots (even though the publicly-listed Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were responsible for significantly more blood clots, amongst numerous other life-threatening side-effects) — Australia was ultimately obligated to choose and promote the “safer” Pfizer and Moderna products.