OPINION PIECE: COVID-19 AS A BIOWEAPON: Evidence that we have been Deliberately Misled about COVID-19 not being Isolated
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published August 14, 2021
I have written this for all those who are currently aware of the manufactured and exaggerated “Pandemic Narrative,” and who understand the insidious biosecurity “shell-game” that most global governments are recklessly pursuing.
I am aware that what follows may be divisive, but it is intended to address a common deviation-of-perspective that I feel undermines our proper understanding of the “pandemic,” and our ability (as the counterforce and resistance) to cohesively communicate truth.
Firstly, I will state my contention, and the idea that underpins this entire opinion piece: COVID-19 has been isolated and it definitely exists.
Yes, I know this is controversial to some. Many amongst the ‘truth movement’ are of the opinion that COVID-19 does not exist, ‘because it has not been isolated.’ It is assumed that it is just another variant of the flu (which is a description that does adequately encapsulate COVID-19). This is commonly cited as an incontestable “truth.” However, what if it has been isolated, but they are purposely withholding the ‘isolation sequence’ BECAUSE it would reveal that this unusual coronavirus is not natural, but comprised of many artificial and deliberate insertions: a bioweapon?
I will endeavour to present compelling information that suggests that this is precisely the case.
The idea of ‘no isolated sample’ was originally circulated to obfuscate the truth of the origins of COVID-19: that it was a lab-designed bioweapon. The emergence of the virus as a Chinese endemic that became a Global pandemic, had to seem accidental and unexpected. Thus, they presented the preposterous “origins story” of a case of zoonosis, and claimed that the consumption of a bat at the Wuhan Wet Market resulted in an instance of interspecies viral transmission. The early narrative was obviously influenced by the Chinese Communist Party’s suppression filter; but Western Governments seem equally motivated to deceive in service to their almost universal agenda: implementing a Global biosecurity dystopia. Tellingly, there were no actual bats for sale at the Wet Market, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology Biosafety (Level 4) BSL-Laboratory was nine miles from the epicenter of the reported outbreak.
If they admitted that they had an isolated sample of the ‘novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2,’ then the isolated sample would have been subjected to expert analysis and inevitable public scrutiny. Again, it would have revealed that it was indisputably a bioweapon. Thus, they chose to officially declare that it had ‘not been sequenced,’ and that they did not have an ‘isolated sample.’ This is not representative of the actual reality, but, unfortunately, it is still regarded as the truth by many, and is often the default rebuttal that is offered against the Pandemic Narrative.
On January 31, 2020, in the early pandemic phase, during what was obviously still the “fog-of-coronavirus,” a scientific research paper appeared on the respected bioRxiv preprint server: ‘Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag.’1 This paper had originated from the academic institutions in New Delhi, India, and reflected the collaborative research of nine PhD. scientists. They claimed to have analyzed the isolated SARS-CoV-2 genomic sequence, and collectively determined that there were “uncanny” ‘similarities between the new coronavirus and HIV.’ These scientists underscored the pertinent findings of their research paper in their abstract, with the assertion that the ‘HIV inserts’ were ‘unlikely to be fortuitous.’ The authors were unambiguously highlighting that ‘the virus had somehow been engineered by humans:’
‘The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.’
Within two days, “enormous pressure” forced their research paper to be retracted, and then ultimately discredited by a frenzied debunking by all manner of professional hacks. There could be no evidence, or even the mere insinuation that COVID-19 might actually be a bioweapon. Interestingly, China, Russia and India, all suggested as much, and President Trump was vilified for offering such a speculation to the general discourse. Facebook was entrusted to be the digital gatekeeper against the circulation of such a theory: none could communicate that it might be ‘lab created.’ Such was the extent of the Social Media suppression campaign — that even to allude to the possibility that the virus might have been ‘artificially engineered’ would result in a Facebook account restriction, and the removal of the “offensive” post. This Facebook policy was maintained until May 26, 2021, when it was suddenly reversed after the release of Fauci’s incriminating emails, and the indisputable revelation of his ‘gain of function’ research.
It was most likely a bioweapon, after all.
The ‘HIV inserts’ claim, advanced in the bioRxiv New Delhi research paper, might have simply faded into irrelevance, had it not been for a second unlikely ‘HIV insert’ alert. On December 11, 2020, the Australian Federal Government ‘terminated a $1 billion deal with the University of Queensland’s potential COVID-19 vaccine, and global biotech company CSL.’2 It seems that numerous participants in ‘their phase 1 trial received “false positive” results to HIV tests. They were not infected with HIV, nor did the vaccine contain the entire HIV virus.’
This direct quote is revealing: ‘the vaccine did not contain the entire HIV virus.’
Obviously, just a little bit of HIV — maybe just a few insignificant artificial ‘HIV inserts’ like ‘HIV-1 gp120 and Gag,’ perhaps? Much like the bioengineered coronavirus bioweapon that the New Delhi scientists deconstructed from an isolated sample? The actual COVID-19 “virus” that CSL was attempting to create a vaccine against with its new “molecular clamping” technology, obviously had “uncanny” similarities to certain ‘HIV inserts.’ Importantly, "…the potential for this cross-reaction (a false positive for HIV) had been anticipated prior to the commencement of the trial” as ‘…the antibodies produced by the vaccine could interfere with certain HIV diagnostic tests.’3
How peculiar that this was already anticipated.
Given the New Delhi bioRxiv research paper, and the subsequent termination of the University of Queensland and CSL’s COVID-19 vaccine, it certainly seems that a complete sequence of an isolated SARS-CoV-2 sample was accessible, and that the sequence could be analysed by Indian scientists, and even formulated into a vaccine antibody response by Australian immunologists. Crucially, in both instances, one in theory and the other in practice — the research contained suspicious ‘HIV inserts.’
However, if we are to maintain that it has never been isolated — what exactly were these Indian PhDs and the University of Queensland working with? Was this all just fanciful fiction that shared a common synchronous ‘HIV insert’ delusion? It seems unlikely.
What seems more likely is that COVID-19 was specifically designed in a lab with various ‘HIV insertions’ to ensure that it would prove to be as infectious as possible — but not necessarily deadly.
If this is indeed the case, as the evidence suggests, it should be apparent why it has been concealed — especially considering that the Americans (under Dr Fauci) were directly implicated in having funded the illegal ‘gain-of-function’ research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
The nefarious ‘gain-of-function’ research was the pursuit of modifying and splicing inserts into a coronavirus genome with the objective of making it more virulent and pathogenic — an utterly criminal enterprise. It should be obvious why they would irrationally conceal all evidence that a sample had been isolated.
It would reveal the crime and the criminals.
My motivation for presenting this information is to address what I perceive to be a foundational error of thinking that many have adopted, and often repeat, as they endeavour to expose the Pandemic Narrative and challenge the Official Lie. We must all remain open to readjusting our knowledge base, and remaining receptive to new information, lest we anchor ourselves to an outdated idea, or perspective, that ceases to serve the Truth.
It is without question that the entire “COVID-19 Pandemic” narrative is largely fictitious, exaggerated, and was intended as a means of installing medical tyranny under the guise of ‘keeping people safe.’
I am not disputing that it is largely nonsense, and that the real danger is apparent in the machinations of local authoritarian governments, each beholden and acting in servitude to a Global Capitalist Cabal as represented by the psychopath, Klaus Schwab, and his fellow World Economic Forum Nazis.
However, I do believe that there was a coronavirus that was leaked in Wuhan (and possibly earlier at Fort Detrick in Maryland, America), and that COVID-19 is a bioweapon, not particularly lethal, and perhaps no more deadly than the seasonal flu, but that it does exist. It also seems that it was designed as a “carrier virus” to potentially propagate something other than merely a coronavirus (various customized spike proteins?), and that perhaps the peculiar ‘HIV inserts' were required for greater infectivity? This, of course, is mere speculation, and there is much that still remains unknown, and to be uncovered.
I just feel, with all due respect to everyone aspiring to bring truth to this subject, that the notion that ‘it has not been isolated,’ might actually be a limiting blind spot that is preventing a more complete overview of our COVID-19 predicament.
‘Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag,’ bioRxiv, Jan 31, 2020
‘How did the University of Queensland/CSL vaccine fail due to ‘false positive’ HIV tests? A vaccine expert explains,’ The Conversation, December 11, 2020
‘Coronavirus vaccine trials run by UQ and CSL abandoned due to false positive HIV results,’ Barbara Miller, ABC News, December 11, 2020.