'PANDEMIC DECLARATION' ENDS FOR VICTORIANS: After 941 Days of "Emergency" - it is Over!
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece published October 20, 2022
Victoria’s “pandemic declaration” has finally ended.
Two years, six months and twenty-seven days (941 days) of Dan Andrews’ Labor Government shamelessly hoaxing the Victorian community in service to Big Pharma’s shoulder-stabbing frenzy — has indefinitely paused.
On Wednesday, October 12, at precisely 11:59pm, Victoria’s ‘Pandemic (Public Safety) Order 2022 (No. 5)’ constituting the legal instrument for tyrannising Victorians was finally relinquished.1 Now, henceforth, all anti-scientific pandemic measures cannot be easily reinstated, irrespective of whatever menacing variant they concoct. Indeed, there will be no more fictitious ‘variants of concern,’ for the variants were a convenient fiction conjured to justify the endless “State of Emergency.”
The “New Normal” is done.
Victoria’s “State of Emergency” had truly been the authoritarian emergency that had emerged within our state. Our sadistic Premier, a brutish psychopath, had relished the sadism of marketing an undesired, ineffective, and potentially lethal syringe. He was absolutely besotted by his corona-crown coronation, and the needle-sceptre of tyranny he gripped from his Spring Street throne-room. All that was done, was done to get the bioweapon spike protein, especially the mRNA DNA-disrupter, injected into the genomes of the unwitting and the willfully ignorant: pure conscious evil by the perpetrators. Dan Andrews and his sycophantic cohorts had delivered for their Pharma Cartel drug-lords with aplomb!
Now, the jig is up! It is up for Victorians! It is up the world over!
It is a defeat, a win for the people, and it is to be celebrated by those who still stand undefeated; those who have withstood, endured and refused to comply with the destructive farce of mandates and medical experimentation. The tension in the coils had slackened; now, uncoiled, the Reptile retreats, seeking a period of hibernation — having expended itself against the unexpected force that resisted the final scaly-crush. We did it! Anyone who resisted, even the enraged-coerced and the recently shaken-awake, anyone who was against the blatant Biosecurity-Fascism, everyone who spoke out, or who stood out from the corralled crowd in some protest capacity — you did it!
Why the “pandemic declaration“ ended for Victorians
The tread of the spinning Lie had worn perilously thin — for them.
All around the world, the “Pandemic Narrative” is being exposed. We were conned.
It should be apparent that the true “deadly virus” was actually injected into the vaccinated. It was largely a bio-engineered “pandemic” cunningly propagated by needle. Australians were largely immune to whatever was heralded as the “Wuhan Strain,” with most having already achieved robust life-long immunity from childhood exposure to seasonally-circulating coronaviruses (of which there are many, and of which the Wuhan Strain was yet another). There was truly no “virus” of concern in Australia prior to the National Vaccine Rollout that eventually seeded the spike-protein disease. The laughable daily trickle of alleged SARS-CoV-2 cases (before the vaccines) promoted 24-7 by our hysterical media, was all a fear-mongering fabrication: a PsyOp.
The 2020 “Hotel Quarantine Debacle,”2 where the “virus” supposedly escaped Victorian “quarantine” was merely theatre, and although it implicated the Andrews’ Government in malfeasance (of which he deftly sidestepped without any repercussion), it was largely staged as part of Australia’s Advance Marketing Commitment contract brokered by CEPI on behalf of the vaccine manufacturers.3
Essentially, the CEPI contract signed by Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, ensured that even if there was no pandemic, zero cases, and negligible concern — once the contract had been signed, and the vaccines entered production, the government (Federal and state) had to ensure an existing market: us.
Thus, Morrison and Andrews, and all other State Premiers, colluded to make the unbelievable — terrifyingly believable. Victoria was scapegoated first to establish a precedent and template of response for the rest of Australia. Mandatory masking, compulsory periods of two-week isolation upon “contact,” “positive cases” with no symptoms (impossible), the endless lockdowns, de facto Martial Law, curfews, militarised police, nights of constant sirens and police helicopter overflights stirring neighbourhood anxiety, social distancing, obsessive sanitisation, closure of schools, gyms, recreational facilities and businesses, restricted numbers on funerals and weddings, restrictions on hospital visitations and nursing homes, and the furloughing of the majority of the workforce was all implemented to psychologically prime and prepare a path for the needle to weave a tapestry of destruction through the arms of all.
None of it was necessary, or effective to stop a virus. All of it was necessary, and effective to Advance Market a vaccine.
The gene therapy mRNA vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer) acted to literally reset the innate immunity of the recipient — rendering them vulnerable to the injected spike protein, while ensuring the weaponised spike protein (in high concentration in each vial) would be transmitted amongst the community due to post-vaccination viral shedding. Masks were utterly useless, and merely decreased general immunity — as prolonged use caused carbon-dioxide poisoning of neuronal function and all organs, while incubating bacteria and viruses. Masks made people sicker, exacerbated cancers and permanently lowered IQs.
Each additional booster would further degrade an individual’s now compromised immune system (potentially causing VAIDS: Vaccine-Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) and result in a slew of adverse life-threatening reactions: myocarditis, pericarditis, stroke, blood clots, “turbo cancers,” Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) etc. These boosters would also increase community transmission rates and the prevalence of whatever “variant” was in the latest booster syringe. Post-vaccination, (with most Australians forced into receiving two shots) Victoria, and most Australian states recorded the highest daily cases per capita4 of anywhere on the planet.5 The response: more vaccination was necessary to counter the surge in cases caused by vaccination: an endless loop of self-perpetuating idiocy.
It truly did become: The Pandemic Of The Vaccinated. All this was foreseeable and predicable — it was never about stopping a virus and saving lives, it was always about propagating disease and ending lives, while enslaving others.
It was all rather ingenious of the Evil Geniuses, and it guaranteed an endless market for their products.
Indeed, they needed a forever pandemic of endless “variants” and endless boosters and endless submission — and they did not get it, because of Us! We exposed them, and revealed the ulterior motive behind the preplanned COVID-19 “pandemic,” and We dismantled their agenda. We, and Us: the people worldwide who staunchly resisted at every turn.
Globally, the solidarity, inspiration and human statement achieved by the ‘Canadian Truckers Protest,’ and the court-ordered release of the incriminating Pfizer documents that the FDA attempted to suppress for 75 years, were major catalysts for exposing and reversing our coalescing Biosecurity Dystopia. The truth was out. The vaccines were proven killers. The colluding governments were perpetrating a vast Crime Against Humanity — and they were doing so to advance the Fourth Industrial Revolution of the World Economic Forum’s ‘The Great Reset.’ People worldwide were uniting, rebelling and empowering other dissenters, as they protested and formed freedom-convoys (our Freedom Convoy to Canberra6) — and in our growing numbers, we grew ever more powerful, and the illusion of powerless isolation and “fringe minority” was absolutely shattered.
It certainly did not end by the masses rolling up their sleeves multiple times in crestfallen submission to myocarditis-inducing and clot-forming blood sacrifice. That approach would prove futile, as that genocidal act was destined to be performed multiple times yearly, for variants galore, evermore — until dead, sterile, or largely incapacitated. It ended because of those who did not, and who would not, and in better judgement, and with their freewill convictions formed by research and awareness — knew not. Consequently, their whole Biomedical depopulation agenda “for your safety” and “for the greater good” completely fell apart.
The conflagration of Truth is burning their Biosecurity Police State to the ground.
What was attempted in Victoria: A Perpetual Vaccine Economy
It was not meant to end, oh, no, — the Globalist Technocratic Cabal had other plans. Their regional puppet, Dan Andrews, had other orders, oh, yes…
Victorians, and the World Economic Forum’s designated ‘Smart City’ of Melbourne, (one of 36 such accursed cities)7 had been a global testing ground for all pandemic responses; from militarised police; to 23-hour-a-day home lockdowns; to forced closure of businesses; to Crisis Payment/Jobkeeper inflation-causing bribes that presaged Universal Basic Income; to mandatory masks and compelled PCR test fakery; to ubiquitous QR code 'check-in' tracking; to Vaccine Passports and mandated vaccination for everyone, including infants, within the infrastructure of an overarching Vaccine Economy: The 666 Beast System.
Victoria’s much-maligned Vaccine Economy8 was predicated on all permitted workers being vaccinated, and all future “booster shots” being mandated for every individual to maintain their viable status within the economy and society. With each new booster, a time-sensitive commitment would be imposed to update one’s Vaccine Passport, and any failure to comply would result in a complete severance from the financial means to house, feed and provide for one’s family — those resisting would become social pariahs, expelled from the workforce.
The Vaccine Refuseniks were to be hounded, excluded, demonised and eventually incarcerated and quarantined in “Health Camps” for reeducation and forced “vaccination.” They were to be perceived as a paramount “health threat,” a mentally-divergent threat to themselves — a problem to be ruthlessly addressed, and quashed by the authoritarian government. Andrews was pushing for a two-year imprisonment term for disobeying Chief Health Orders in his first draft of the ‘Pandemic (Public Safety) Order 2022 (No. 5).9 The Mickleham 1000-bed “quarantine camp” was to serve this insidious purpose.
A Stasi-era of Authorised Officers, a private government army, were to be recruited to perform surveillance of non-compliant individuals, and to harass, and issue exorbitant fines to struggling businesses — should they ever err on the side of actual health. A clandestine AI system of digital monitoring and scouring of every financial transaction and social media exchange of all Victorians, including their “incriminating” posts promoting “disinformation,” or “dissent,” had already been established by the Andrews’ Government in his Insights Victoria program.10 They were coming for us!
Eventually, the digital Vaccine Passports registered and accessed on the MyGov phone app were to be superseded by a mandated microchip implanted in the forehead or the webbing of the right hand, containing a Digital ID interlinked with all vaccination records, cashless financial access, Central Bank Digital Currency, Social Credit Scores, Carbon Score, Universal Basic Income supplements — The Mark of the Beast:
And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.
- Revelation 13:16-17
All this represents the ultimate fruition of the anti-human ideology that was being pursued by Dan Andrews as he sought to clamp Victoria’s “Vaccine Economy” permanently upon us all.
He quipped that we would not have to worry about a Vaccine Passport (for just two shots), as soon there would be a Booster Passport11, and he attempted to convince the National Cabinet to mandate the booster, as he alluded to the imminent requirement for the entire Victorian Workforce across all industries to receive a mandatory third shot12 — to simply earn an income and move freely around retail environments, and society. Those that refused to comply — were to be locked out, discriminated against, and excluded.
These were Dan Andrews’ orders.
The Victorian people were not having it — and they took to the streets as one.
November 2021: Vaccine Passports, Vaccine Economy and the largest protest movement Victoria has ever witnessed
The passing of the ‘Pandemic Management Bill 2021’ legislation (protested by 100,000s for a month over four consecutive weekends in November, Melbourne city13) was to ensure the clenching of “State of Emergency” powers into perpetuity. The largest and most diverse gathering of united people in any protest movement in Victoria’s history caused untold anxiety within the gilded crevice occupied by this Serpent — incapable of human empathy or compassion, Andrews surely felt the terrifying visceral emotion of his own actions finally revealed, and being called to account by the people: his inevitable legacy; his criminality; his ignoble demise; his damnation. All this is still predestined, and assured — your karmic comeuppance is nigh, and guaranteed Mr Andrews. There is no escaping what you have consciously done.
We saw your plans, their plans, and We amassed to voice our rancorous objection to their insidious agenda. And that energy of defiance compounded with truth and knowledge rippled concentrically from the heart of the CBD protests to the outer-rims of suburbia and regional Victoria, and back — the Eureka Spirit of old was ablaze amongst Victorians again. The ‘Pandemic Management Bill’ would pass, but with the first draft, the true evil was scrutinised, and largely defeated (2 year imprisonment for disobeying Heath Directives, $20,000 fines for not wearing a mask, etc). However, despite all our campaigning and protest efforts, Andrews persevered with passing a skeleton of his atrocious Bill, and maintained his “emergency powers” indefinitely, and at his whim. He would attempt to flesh it out afterwards — or so he had hoped.
And so it has been defeated…
Our people were subjected to the World’s Longest Lockdown Siege (263 total days to Advance Market the unneeded and dangerous vaccines — nothing more); Pentagon propaganda techniques were employed by our ‘Mockingbird Media’ as a PsyOp war against us all; our nauseatingly smug Chief Health Officer, Brett Sutton, merely read the WHO’s script to Advance Market, and then to directly market the vaccines.
Multitudes were duped under Mass Psychosis — some saw the game from day one.
No more lockdowns, no more mandatory masking, no more government compelled vaccinations — for this virus, at least. Whatever they fabricate next, whatever viral threat they billow aflame to further burn the Western World down will be laughed away, and largely ignored like their recent “monkeypox pandemic” swindle — the people have had enough of their genocidal syringe shenanigans. Monkeypox was next in queue (planned years in advance)14, but nobody was lining up for this one. Alas, some on their multiple boosters, have truly exhibited (by the rapid decline in their health, or their “sudden mysterious death,”) why, enough is enough.
And enough is enough. It stops when We say it does, and it stops now.
Ah, Dan Andrews, you could not constrict and shatter all of us with your forked-tongued propaganda and the abrasive-scales of your psychological torture; despite the 263-days of lockdown-siege and Police State brutalisation — you could not break our fiery will to refuse your poisonous vial; we would not prove limp and malleable to be easily swallowed and digested in the belly of The Beast. Your envisioned Vaccine Economy of endless mandatory boosters and a regularly updated Vaccine Passport system to access society and the workforce has been dismantled. Your Center for National Resilience Quarantine Camp, a veritable concentration camp for vanishing and reeducating the defiant unvaccinated — is done.15 Your attempt to implement a perpetual Biosecurity Police State while severely degrading the collective health of Victorians through mRNA genocide and genome warping, will neither be forgotten, nor forgiven. It will be avenged.
It did not end by QR code tracking and a Vaccine Passport system imposing medical apartheid, penalising the resisters, and further fracturing the cohesion of society.
No, it ended because of you, and I, my friend, and our unwillingness to kneel before tyranny, no matter how hard, and from what direction they tried to buckle our knees; and for that, without complacency, we should acknowledge this momentous victory at this time.
We won this battle, but the battlefield is vast, and the war ongoing.
The Victorian “pandemic declaration” is over — may the devilish reign of Andrews soon meet its inevitable demise. The stairs of Hell await you, Andrews…
Thank you for your clear and accurate record of what we have endured for the past two and a half years. I pray for those who were coerced into taking the "jab" and particularly for the children and young people who were "jabbed" while not understanding what was being done to them. DA & Co deserve no mercy for their evil doings, both here and worldwide.
Find below the plandemic blueprint published in 2010 by Rockfeller Foundation.
It states clearly that the virus to be released will be mild, but fear will be used to force people to get the injectable bioweapon. I've been posting this online since 2020.
Covid-19 Plandemic Blueprint – RKM Lockstep 2010 Report.
If 94% of your population has been been jabbed using abortive fetal cell infested transgenic injections, get ready for the next phase. With 1,291 known side effects (FDA approval Doc shows), the national healthcare system is going to COLLAPSE.