QUEENSLAND’S LATEST SNAP 3-DAY LOCKDOWN: Predictably Faking a Case or Two, to Extend their State of Emergency Powers
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published June 30, 2021
Just when it seemed Queensland’s ‘State of Emergency’ might actually lapse in the absence of any apparent emergency…
...suddenly… a “case.”
Oh, what fortuitous timing for those conniving to publically justify the continuation of their SoE powers. The “case” is undoubtedly a curse for Queenslanders, and a devilsend for the State Pandemic Perpetrators. Indeed, without the SoE extension, it would not be possible to continue their abusive subjugation of the targeted citizenry. The only predictable response to a preplanned “outbreak” was the imposition of yet another snap-3-day lockdown vaccine marketing stunt.
Indeed, it is unquestionably uncanny that Queensland’s SoE was due to expire on June the 29th, and, lo and behold, one day prior, ‘a 19-year-old hospital clerical worker’1 just happened to return from Cairns to Brisbane with the highly-infectious Deadly Delta virus — a strain that has proven neither infectious, nor deadly. How she came to contract the virus in virus-free Cairns is irrelevant, as every aspect of this “positive case” is merely a recited fantasy conjured in some clandestine boardroom. It should be assumed that this ‘unvaccinated teenage hospital clerical worker’ might not even be a real person. It was crucial that the focal detail presented by the media was that “she” had been ‘unvaccinated’ — this was all motivated by the demands imposed by the Federal Government’s CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness) brokered National Vaccine Contract; and, thus, another lockdown was essential to fulfilling the ongoing Vaccine Marketing Campaign.
State of Emergency due to expire on the June 29th: “case” detected on June 28th: snap-3-day lockdown imposed on June 29th
Could it be any more brazenly obvious?