RESIGNED TO THEIR FATE (1/3): The Crimes of Deputy Premier James Merlino
An Examination of the Pandemic Crimes of Three Key Victorian Labor Ministers who Resigned on June 24
NOTE: This article was first published on August 1 and was exclusively available to paid subscribers for 7 days. It is now freely available to all subscribers.
On June 24, four of Victoria’s most senior government ministers confirmed they would step down from politics.
It was unprecedented and unexpected — especially 5-months out from an election
“Deputy Premier James Merlino, Health Minister Martin Foley, Police Minister Lisa Neville and Sports Minister Martin Pakula informed Premier Daniel Andrews that they would all retire from cabinet and not re-contest their seats in November.”1
Three of the Ministers were directly responsible for orchestrating and imposing the destructive Pandemic Hoax upon Victorians, and enabling the authoritarian cruelty of Premier Dan Andrews. What follows is an examination of their crimes.
The Hon. JAMES MERLINO, MP State Member for Monbulk
Premier Dan Andrews’s “Right-hand man” — deemed the potential successor
RESIGNED: 24 June 2022, aged 48
Relevant Appointments:
Sworn into the Victorian Parliament in 2003 (21-years serving Victorian Labor)
Victorian Deputy Premier (10 years)
Minister for Education December 2014 - June 2022
Minister for Mental Health September 2020 - June 2022
Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers October 2021 - December 2021
Minister for the Coordination of Education and Training: COVID-19 April 2020 - November 2020
Public Statement On His Reason For Resignation:
‘“Renewal is critical for any government — fresh ideas and new energy…”
“As hard as this is, I believe in my heart that renewal, new cabinet ministers around the table, is the best thing for the Government and our state.”
Merlino also thanked his family, saying politics had put a great burden on them and was looking forward to spending more time at home.’2
MARCH 9, 2021: Victorian Labor elevated Merlino to ‘Acting Premier,’ a role that he would assume for 111-days as Premier Dan Andrews recovered from his controversial “stairs accident” (aka: a thrashing in the Fox Den for a violation of a cub.) While assuming the role of Acting Premier, Merlino would continue to implement the ‘Advance Marketing Commitment’ of Australia’s Federal-brokered CEPI contract3 to foment collective pandemic anxiety, and to psychologically prepare the Victorian population for mass health destruction inflicted by mass vaccination.
MAY 27, 2021: On the morning following the occult-observed Blood Moon (May 26), after more than three months of limited restrictions and no lockdowns, Acting Premier Merlino announced Victoria’s Fourth Lockdown:
“From 11:59pm pm on 27 May, Victoria will go into lockdown for seven days until 3 June in an effort to suppress the growing number of COVID-19 cases.
The decision came after a further 12 confirmed cases of COVID-19 across Victoria — all of which were acquired locally through community transmission, bringing the total to 34 active COVID-19 cases and more than 150 exposure sites.
Victorians will only be allowed to leave home for the four reasons we have become familiar with, with one addition:
Shopping for food or essential items (within a 5-kilometre radius of your home)
To provide care-giving or medical treatment
For exercise (outdoor only and only with one person in your household)
Work or study if not possible from home
To get a COVID-19 vaccine”4
The snap-lockdown had a devastating impact on many Victorian businesses and the collective psyche of Victorians who were beginning to regain a sense of normalcy. The May 27 restrictions included:
Essential businesses can remain open — supermarkets, post offices, pharmacy etc.
Pubs, bars, and nightclubs to be closed (takeaway allowed)
Restaurants and cafes to be closed (takeaway and delivery allowed)
Beauty and personal care services to be closed
Gyms and indoor sports centers to be closed
Galleries, museums, zoos to be closed
Holiday accommodation and camping facilities to be closed
Funerals restricted to 10 people (plus staff)
Weddings cancelled
Schools and universities to operate online only
Property auctions must be held online
There were a number of social restrictions that Victorians had to comply with:
Facemasks must be worn indoors and outdoors
Exercise must be restricted to two hours per day
No visitors in the home except for intimate partners
No public gatherings5
JUNE 2, 2021: Merlino announced an extension to his original ‘7-day circuit-breaking lockdown’ by declaring that an additional 7-days were required due to the discovery (allegedly) of ‘six new local cases from 51,033 tests,’ using a deceptive PCR testing methodology criminally calibrated at 40-45 cycles.
Importantly, all PCR “positive” tests are spurious, and do not indicate infection, or disease; and all results yielded over the cycle rate of 28-amplified-cycles are scientifically meaningless. Thus, there were no such cases of “Kappa” truly discovered. Victorians had once again been locked-down on a lie. The “cases” were supposedly the B.1.617.1 Indian strain, (named: ‘Kappa variant’) and they were hastily given the fictitious and hyperbolic attribute of a being a “real beast” (although it was ultimately — a real flop), and the never before witnessed “fleeting” encounter phenomenon. All such “fleeting encounters” were soon proven to be false positives, and the threat of “fleeting transmission” utterly debunked.
It was all an embarrassing farce. Kappa came and went within two weeks. If they had not been scouring the community nostrils for Kappa, they would not have been blessed with the fortuitous “discovery” of Delta, and the “threat” it would pose to children. Once Delta was “discovered,” the inexcusable and transparent fiction that had underpinned and justified The Fourth Victorian Lockdown, and the alleged Kappa variant, had been utterly exposed and shunted into the memory hole.6
The Fourth Victorian Lockdown had been a botched PsyOp (to anyone who was paying attention) — and as Acting Premier, Merlino had been instrumental (whether begrudgingly, naively, gleefully, or inexorably compelled by blackmail) in perpetrating and priming Victorians at this relatively early stage for the overt medical tyranny that was to be ruthlessly imposed in the months ahead.
Lockdowns are ineffective against thwarting viral transmission (especially for the low-grade threat of COVID-19), and are disproportionately damaging to all populations, serving primarily to advance authoritarian ambitions of rogue governments, and to upheave all basic human rights and economic pursuits: a Crime Against Humanity.
SEPTEMBER 22, 2021: Acting as Education Minister, James Merlino, announced that all Victorian teachers and childcare workers would not be permitted to return to work unless they were vaccinated by October 18. This was unmistakably a declaration of Medical Fascism, and a crime akin to Nazi-era medical experimentation.
Merlino was instrumental in advancing this ultimatum as Minister for Education. Besides frontline and healthcare workers, the teachers were (at this stage) the only other industry compelled to submit to a potentially deadly medical experiment (known issues with blood clots, strokes and heart attacks) to maintain their employment. Many were understandably distraught and terrified; many reluctantly submitted; while many were rendered unemployed as a result of refusing an injection.
This draconian, coercive and inhuman mandate would soon be inflicted upon all Victorian industries, but this initial targeting of teachers and childcare workers was strategized to seed the ‘Vaccine Advance Marketing’ propaganda that would soon focus on injecting children.
COVID-19 was never a threat to children, and it was long established (despite the deliberate skewering of data with the “emergence” of Delta) that children were largely immune, and any childhood COVID-19 infection was basically trivial and inconsequential.7 Given that Merlino was Education Minister, the mandating of forced-vaccination upon teachers and childcare caretakers may be attributed to his position, direction and authority: a Crime Against Humanity.
DECEMBER 23, 2021: Two days before Christmas, Merlino acted to suffocate pre-Christmas merriment by mandating masks for all Victorians (both indoor, and outdoor) aged 8-years-old and over:
“From Thursday at 11:59pm, masks will be required in all indoor settings, except private homes, and in outdoor settings, including at major events with more than 30,000 attendees.
People can take their mask off once they are seated. Workers are also encouraged to work from home over the Christmas and New Year period if possible.
The mandate will be in place for residents aged 8-years-old and over.”8
Masks forced upon children are unforgivable. He glibly proclaimed it was “common sense.” This reprehensible and sadistic pseudo-scientific decree had nothing to do with preserving collective and individual health (masks are objectively ineffective against COVID-19 transmission and contraction); but, rather, it served to psychologically bind most virus-fatigued Victorians once again to the tedious “Pandemic narrative” — by mandate, and the respective VicPol punishment (fines) and intimidation tactics for non-compliance.
Mandating filth-accumulating toxic masks over the faces of the Victorian community (especially children) by threat of fines, peer-pressure community judgement, and police intimidation for non-compliance: a Crime Against Humanity.
James Merlino appeared in press conferences as a softly spoken, vapid, and somewhat effeminate Acting Premier, lacking the arrogant and irksome psychopathy of Dan Andrews, and perhaps finding himself compelled to enact a script that was unconscionable, but unavoidable.
He was the Deputy Premier of a Labor State Government that was responsible for hoaxing the Victorian people on behalf of a global overarching agenda that comprised the Great Reset vision of Technocratic-Pharma enslavement.
He remained by Dan Andrews’ side, dutifully offering unwavering support by maintaining his position as deputy (without resigning) during all the flagrant crimes perpetrated upon the tyrannised citizenry. He co-conspired at the very apex of the Victorian Government, and did the Devil’s work, devilishly.
In summary: Merlino was directly responsible for overseeing The Fourth Victorian Lockdown; mandating coerced medical experimentation upon teachers and childcare (at the threat of unemployment); monotonously promoted the propaganda of ‘safe and effective,’ ‘get vaccinated’ narrative for an unproven and unnecessary medical experiment; forced Victorians and children over the age-of-eight to wear masks everywhere before Christmas 2021; and, as Minister of Mental Health, did nothing to oppose the tremendous psychological suffering inflicted by his Labor Government’s “Health Directives” to advance the profits of Big Pharma and The Great Reset Agenda.
Many Victorians ended their lives as a result of the mandates and directives he was directly (and by association with Andrews) responsible for implementing — a complete dereliction of his Minister of Mental Health title and role. The true numbers of the Pandemic of Suicides were covered-up on his watch. 9
Merlino may have ultimately been a victim of his own ensnared and infiltrated Labor Government, but he could have resigned, rather than partaken; and the excuse that ‘I was just following orders,’ was not enough to excuse those trialled at the Hague post-Nazi psychosis, and it will not be enough to absolve him of the Crimes Against Humanity he is undeniably guilty of committing.
The resignation came too late. Whether it was compunction or contrition, or perhaps a foreknowledge of the continued criminality planned by the Labor Government that motivated these four senior Members of Parliament to resign on the same day — crimes have been committed, and punishment will be meted accordingly.
The Hon. JAMES MERLINO, MP State Member for Monbulk: a criminal guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.
You may have resigned, but you shall be resigned to your fate…
May the trials begin!