SUSPICIOUSLY TIMED “SNAP” LOCKDOWNS: The Simultaneously Faked Outbreaks in Victoria and New Zealand
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published February 22, 2021
This is a tale of two tyrants, and the needle-toothed Great Pharma Beast that has them utterly enthralled, as it hypnotises, and coverts the bare arms of their citizenry.
This is our tale, an unfolding tragedy that must be understood, but can no longer be ignorantly read to its foreseeable closing pages. It is imperative that we abandon this accursed narrative, and close this book: the blurb was enough.
The recent Victorian ‘5-day snap lockdown’ was more than suspicious — it was transparently treasonous. It was seemingly implemented as an ‘overabundance of caution,’ based on a trickle of emerging cases; however, every aspect leading to the “circuit-breaker” lockdown was cunningly calculated: an obvious hoax.
Victorians were deceived, and knowingly betrayed by Premier Dan Andrews.
There was no “outbreak” at the quarantine Holiday Inn Hotel.
There was no nebuliser-born rampaging ‘London Mutant Strain.’
Everything was completely staged, predetermined, and all perfectly timed to coincide with the vaccine product launch. Basically, as part of the Federal Government’s CEPI brokered ‘Advance Marketing Commitment,’1 Andrews was obligated to lock-down Victoria: it was all a cynical marketing campaign. This involved stimulating the latent post-trauma of the collective social-psyche (as a result of the previous protracted lockdown) and psychologically priming the population in ‘advance,’ by exhibiting a ‘commitment’ (snap lockdown) to ‘marketing’ the vaccine products about to enter the chosen market: us.
There is much evidence to substantiate this claim, but perhaps the most revealing is what occurred simultaneously across the Trans-Tasman in an exact mirroring of the Victorian scenario.
Unbeknownst to most, both Victoria and New Zealand’s Auckland were both jarringly “snapped” into a complete lockdown during the last week. Despite New Zealand having had zero community cases in over six months, suddenly, like Victoria, the dreaded ‘London Mutant strain’ was supposedly detected in three members of a family. It should be apparent that there is no ‘smarter, hyper-contagious variant of coronavirus that is moving at speed.’ In every instance in which it has been “detected,” it has failed to deliver upon its exaggerated attributes. In both Auckland and Victoria, it has proven to be an abject disgrace to self-respecting virulent viruses everywhere: a complete flop.
In response, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern sympathised with the ladies and tactfully allowed their Sunday Valentine’s Day moment — before locking down all of Auckland for 3-days on the Monday; whereas, Premier Dan Andrews - ever the sadist – jubilantly beat Cupid’s arrow and savagely thrust his blunt knife through the back of Victoria on the Saturday before.
Again, it should be glaringly obvious that this ‘coordinated lockdown’ prior to the National Vaccine Rollout, reveals two utterly compromised Governments. Each ordered a lockdown based entirely on the ‘Advance Marketing Commitment’ clause of their binding CEPI contract.
We were all forced by deception to be unwitting participants in Advance Marketing.
What is most revealing is the fact that the first shipment of the Pfizer-BioNTech “experiment” arrived in both New Zealand and Australia on Monday the 15th — in the midst of the respective lockdown periods (Auckland: 15th-17th, Victoria: 13th-17th). These ‘snap-lockdowns’ were perfectly aligned with the imminent availability of the vaccine product, all of which constituted a tremendously impactful “marketing launch” that preluded each country’s National Vaccine Rollout Campaign (New Zealand, Saturday, February 20th; Australia Sunday, February 21st).
Now, with the Pfizer-BioNTech product finally on Australian shores, the preferred Drug Lord, and our local Kingpin, AstraZeneca, literally compelled Australia’s medical regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), to green light their CSL home-grown vaccine with a ‘provisional approval.’
What fortuitous and impeccable timing! Suddenly, their GMO-chimpanzee-adenovirus, birthed on GMO-aborted-foetal-kidney-cell-culture-monkey-business, was deemed safe and effective? Surely, the TGA was not coerced and thus ultimately compromised?
AstraZeneca had invested millions in production at their Victorian CSL Behring Broadmeadows’ plant, and had already produced their first batch over the last three months. Irrespective of the unproven safety and efficacy, the final TGA approval was all but guaranteed. Indeed, the Victorian ‘snap-lockdown’ was primarily orchestrated as an ‘Advance Marketing Commitment ’ to honour AstraZeneca’s $1.7 billion CEPI contract with the Australian Federal Government. Indeed, on the eve of the National Rollout, it was not coincidental that AstraZeneca would receive dubious TGA approval literally one day after their rival’s product became nationally available. It was inevitable.
Both Pfizer-BioNTech and AstraZeneca will aggressively enter the market competitively, each having produced an abominable syringe full of experimental sludge posing as a “cure” for a virtually non-existent virus that was always as contagious, and deadly, as the level of propaganda invested in its spread.
New Zealand and Victoria were traitorously locked-down at the urgent behest of the approaching Apocalyptic Pharmaceutical Horse, as it snorts and champs at the bit: eager to trample with its vial exploits and plunder.
All this is beyond scandalous, and a true Crime Against Humanity: ‘an act that is purposely committed as part of a widespread or systematic policy, directed against civilians, in times of war or peace.’
We know the faces of those advancing this monolithic criminal agenda, and we know their crime.
And we must not forget.
For more on 'Advance Marketing Commitment' and CEPI, and the Federal Government's Vaccination Agenda (previous Substack post):
‘ASTRAZENECA, CEPI, & THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’S COVID-19 V8CCINE PACT: Why Scott Morrison & Dan Andrews Are Each Working Toward The Vaccination Of All Australians’