PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published May 7, 2021
The Andrews' Government is withholding access to crucial documentation detailing the COVID-19 public health decisions he made on behalf of all Victorians.1
This information should be available to all.
Despite waiting a year since submitting a Freedom of Information request — the Victorian opposition will not receive any forthcoming documentation. Any such disclosure will be indefinitely thwarted and postponed to ensure that absolutely nothing is ever released by the Labor Government.
There is no other way.
There will be no outcome that will allow scrutiny of the various decisions, models and correspondence between government officials. The basic democratic process that should ordinarily allow access to such information is being suspiciously blocked.
Indeed, no aspect of Andrews' 'pandemic plan' was democratic. It was all a crime perpetrated by criminals; and, thus, it must all be criminally withheld lest it expose the crime scene.
The 'pandemic plan' is the crime.
Truthfully, it was not Andrews' plan. It was a scripted-plan he was given by the Technocratic-Globalists to implement — and there was no human health justification for the measures imposed, as the plan was conceived in the monstrous minds of psychopaths that care naught for the health of humanity.
They care only about absolute control and the oppression of mind, body and spirit.
Irrespective of a Liberal or Labor Victorian leadership, all such "leaders" would have responded similarly to having their chains yanked by theIr Global Dark Masters; however, Premier Dan Andrews executed such diktats with his own unique sadistic flair, whereas other state Premiers were more measured and restrained.
Andrews relished the role of Trickster Tyrant — it became him, and was amplified by his innate proclivity for cruelty.
We will never witness evidence supporting the justification of Andrews' suspiciously forbidden 'pandemic draft strategy' — we will only ever know firsthand the needless hardships endured, and the ever-rippling social, psychological and economic aftermath of his decisions.
Andrews' pivotal role was truly that of a regional (state) accomplice to a vast crime so interconnected with a global criminal consortium, that any access to such information could only be extracted at a future trial akin to the Nuremberg Trials.
That is why no ordinary democratic application for information will expose the template for the dark dealings and even darker demands that informed 'the plan.'
It will need to be dragged into the light!