THE ASYMPTOMATIC LIE: We are all Wearing Masks because of it!
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published July 19, 2021
There is no such thing as an infectious "asymptomatic case."
The "Delta variant" is not being transmitted asymptomatically anywhere: it is impossible.
This official government claim reveals the essential lie that is underpinning the current NSW's "outbreak."
When the NSW's Chief Health Officer, Kerry Chant, peddles the thoroughly debunked idea of "asymptomatic transmission" as "spurring consistently high COVID case numbers," she is knowingly deceiving the public. Such a claim has absolutely no objective scientific basis, and is merely being exploited to justify the mandated restrictions and lockdown. It is pure weaponised propaganda.
Criminal fiction.
"A mass screening programme of more than 10-million Wuhan residents identified 300 asymptomatic cases, but none were infectious, according to a study involving the University of East Anglia."1