THE FASCISTS OF OLD, THE FASCISTS OF NEW: Reflections on Why Victoria Banned the Swastika
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 24, 2021
On September the 2nd, Victoria bizarrely acted to officially ban the swastika.1
The peculiar thing about Victoria being the first Australian State to 'ban the public display of swastikas,' and to declare a 'stamping out of Nazi iconography,' was the simple fact that both "Victorian Nazis," and 'public displays of swastikas' in Victoria — were entirely imaginary, non-existent, and an utterly preposterous fiction.
There is no such "Nazi" problem of any discernible measure, or even a modicum of influence in Victoria. The Andrews Government's decision was equal parts bizarre, and suspicious; and seemed to be inspired by a Leftist enthusiasm for extinguishing all potential opposition by summoning their own demons to banish.
However, the inevitable human backlash against the implementation of a Biosecurity Medical Fascist State (imposed upon normal people) — would require an abnormal re-framing...
Where once there were no neo-Nazis and far-right extremists, suddenly — the growing protest movement in opposition to our Premier's megalomaniacal diktats 'has been entirely "hijacked" and "influenced" by such violent and hateful types.'
The Nazis are now on our Melbourne streets... ironically, protesting for... freedom.
How cunning...
Thus, the real threat to the continuation of Andrews' oppressive regime has now been strategically mislabelled and depicted as "neo-Nazis" and "far-right extremists" who are intermingled with newly recruited "Anti-Vaxxer sorts." A complete farce of a dangerous fiction.
Supposedly, these "anti-lockdown" and "pro-choice" individuals are the worst kind of people — selfish subhumans and miscreants, who simply relish chaos and violence and who care naught for the wellbeing of society.
However, the exact opposite is true — and that is what absolutely terrifies the Andrews' Government. These people (the best of us) see, and have seen Andrews for the Devil he truly is, and have acted — while the others are still incapable of even opening their eyes, or choose to close them.
It is apparent that the token 'ban of the swastika' was all a preemptive strategy to effectively prime the receptive Left (of which, alas, Melbourne has aplenty) to dehumanise, and to outrightly dismiss the legitimate voice of their fellow aggrieved Victorians.
A casual conversation with those currently besotted by the government propaganda will promptly reveal that they now believe that "neo-Nazis" are amongst us, are numerous, and are instigating the protests.
Indeed, all that is supposedly reviled in the imagined other, is truly a revealing reflection of the unacknowledged and repressed self: the Left is unconsciously the new fascist ideology and mindset.
The true contemporary "extremists" are the modern extreme Left: and Dan Andrews embodies the very figurehead of a totalitarian dictator beloved by his Legion of Leftist Dupes, and despised by those that truly SEE.
All that opposes a Tyrant's Evil — must always be depicted as "evil" to preserve the regime.
The real modern "Nazis" have recently banned their antecedent's former symbolism — it is a cynical psychological ploy to actually co-opt such evil in the advancement of their own.
The Fascists of Old, the Fascists of New.