For 2000 years the Israelites have awaited the birth of a red heifer to signal the demolition of the 700AD Al Aqsa Mosque, and to commence building their Third Temple - that cow has been born!
Admirable attempt at painting a balanced picture of what is really happening in the middle east. Seems very credible. Please research the 'holocaust' properly. While you're at it have a look into the Ukranian Holodomor and who was behind it.
Be prepared for lots of swearing from Brendon O'Connell, and Aussie journalist who focus on what mainstream and 'alternate' mainstream media won't touch. This video made in late Oct 2023.
So, briefly, this is what I suspect: America is on the verge of losing its superpower status as BRICS nations align and ostensibly present an alternative to the unipolar “rules-based order.” The American dollar is losing its Reserve Currency status, with the potential of hyperinflation, and possibly another Great Depression-era for the Western-sphere based on its interconnection and dependency on the US fiat/Petro Dollar currency. The situation in Ukraine is expediting this collapse, as there is no way it can be salvaged for the Ukrainians, and all the invested billions and the military hardware have been squandered. The American Hegemon is almost finished (by design), and Israel desperately needs its Big Brother to fight its battles. America is the mighty military arm of the Zionists, and if a multipolar world arises, that arm will be severed, and Israel will not be able to achieve its agendas and act with impunity without the once formidable backing of America, and the vassal nations that were similarly enthralled and blackmailed. So, this seems like a desperate last effort to achieve the Zionists Greater Israel Project and to construct the Third Tower BEFORE America is no longer a capable and dependable partner.
For America, it is completely controlled by the Zionists, and is obviously completely out of control. Perhaps, certain factions of the Deep State had strategised that they should have defeated Russia (with the combined backing of the EU and NATO), but Russia has effectively defeated America, NATO, Britain, and the entire European Union in this disastrous proxy war (they have long pre-planned to Balkanize Russia, but Russia preempted their coming NATO military assault, and caught them in their unawares).
The Israel-Hamas conflict deflects from their imminent total defeat in Ukraine, and helps to sabotage the emerging integration of the New Silk Road and the Middle Eastern BRICS Nations (specifically Iran, UAE, and Saudi Arabia), AND can artificially forestall the collapse of their economy, which I feel has also been delayed by Russia’s Special Military Operation in the Ukraine. Moreover, you cannot collapse all interdependent Western economies and introduce an undesired tyrannical CBDC if there is still a sovereign Nation State rallying other nations to BRICS, and proposing a gold-backed currency pegged on commodities. Indeed, it spoils the NWO vision of every former nation reduced to "a single homogenous global citizenry" and absolutely controlled by CBDC’s and omnipresent 5G-surveillance. I think Putin inadvertently saved us from our own economic collapse that was preplanned in the aftermath of COVID and the Lockdown-period, and I also believe that he effectively ended that global period of biomedical tyranny before the REAL tyranny (as you know, they were building Centers of National Resilience in Australia aka concentration camps, and wanted the mandates and the Vaccine Economy/Passport System to be forever. It would have eventually collapsed the economy and hastened the introduction of CBDCs.)
Simultaneously, the Apex Global Cabal (the next extruded level above) seems poised to discard of the American Nation-State (it has been systematically eroding the economic, health and culture of all Americans and the West), and all Nation-States (including Israel), as it pursues its depopulation agenda (of perhaps 90%), global deindustrialization, and the collapsing all countries into a uniform “Third World” impoverishment that will be enslaved by a NWO One World AI-Government.
However, the emergence of a defiant Putin and the now emboldened BRICS Nations (which I do not regard as being aligned with the NWO) might just upend the “Great Reset” on these WEF-UN Transhuman Technocrats.
HAMAS - ALWAYS a MOSSAD 'Asset'= WHAT? CIA - Al Qaeda - 'CarWashing'! On & On!
You'd think that Mossad/Unit 81/8200 WOULD come up with SOMETHING more 'Original' Than Las Vegas Music Festival Antics - HEY FOLKS, PelleTier, Has MOVED ON to Maui!
WHERE did HAMAS, Get ALL of it's 'KIT' from to 'Aerial' Invade Palestine - ER Sorry IS-RAIL, - 'From'? = Israeli 'Surplus'? AND WHO, ' STOOD DOWN' ALL Metrics of 'HOME' Defence, along with MIS/DISarming Local Security? NOW it's starting to sound like NORADS 'Operation Northern Vigilance' on Sept 11th!! - LOL! Or Maybe THE U.K's Operations on London 7/7 - CONvenience, IS, where 'THEY' Find IT! = Operation Gladio - NATO= STILL ACTIVE!
Wellness - NOTHING IS COINCIDENCE. Sun Tzu - The Art of War.
How Hamas managed to get the strike on Israel despite all its defences, was the same as how 911 happened. They say that there was no way that Hamas could have prepared the attack on Israel without it being an inside job. My thinking is that both Hamas and Israel are working together to bring about the Hamas/Israel war. Hamas loyalty to Palestine is only for appearances. Its real purpose is to start end times wars. I read somewhere that Hamas was created by the CIA.
On December 16, it was alleged that "Hamas rockets" were fired at the Al Aqsa Mosque, and Israel responded by protecting the sacred site with their Iron Dome system... It should be apparent that this "Hamas rocket attack" was Mossad coordinated (like most inexplicable conflict-expanding "rocket attacks"), and this was merely a means of setting a precedent, and absolving future Israeli culpability for when such suspicious rockets actually hit and destroy Al Aqsa. Indeed, why would Hamas (from the West Bank, not Gaza) target the third most sacred site within the Islamic world, a site that Israel needs to erase to commence building their Third Tower? They would not.
In my piece, I have ventured to explain why the destruction of Al Aqsa is one of the key objectives of the current "Israel-Gaza conflict."
I have some caveats to an otherwise admirable article.
Mr Reason neglects to mention the role of (futurist, dispensationalist) Christian Zionism in the USA, with 7m members in Rev. Hagee's CUFI. Their belief in their own reading of Book of Revelation is central, as such "Christians" see Jews as a means to their New Jerusalem end . The prominence of such Zionists at top levels in US Federal governments (Pompeo, Pence, Bolton, to name just a few) should not be overlooked.
Secondly, the sentence under the photo of Temple Mount with its two mosques is wrong, because Al Aqsa mosque, shown in subphoto 2, is NOT the same as the Dome of the Rock, shown in photo 3.
Third, while the article has 28 footnotes, it could easily stand 50 or 100, because any statement made about an apparent false flag op is battling the Narrative and so has to document literally any statement. 9/11 Truthers have it easier, as they often deal in facts of physics and engineering.
Yes, I agree that I could have referenced the role of Christian Zionists in the USA, and CUFI, and how Israel and the Third Tower are crucial to the realization of their interpretation of the Book of Revelation. However, I was attempting to narrow the focus on the two primary parties of Israel and Hamas. If I recall correctly, the Evangelicals believe that the Third Tower will be partially constructed (or completed, but destroyed), and then all Israelites and non-Christians will be consumed in the battles of an Armageddon Holy War and the 7-years of Tribulation – while they are conveniently raptured? I was aware of CUFI, and perhaps it is remiss to not have included their incredible influence throughout all power-centers of America. They clearly support and welcome any great Middle Eastern conflict that might expedite the human manifestation of their Biblical prophesy.
Regarding Al-Aqsa, my understanding is that the area, including The Dome of the Rock, is considered to be the ‘Al-Aqsa Mosque compound,’ with the ‘Al-Aqsa Mosque’ being a separate construction, but connected to ‘The Dome of the Rock’ shrine that is situated directly above the Temple Mount/rock where they intend on building their Third Temple. I have edited my wording to be more specific and to better communicate this.
I don't see why christianity is tied in with Judaism. You go to church and they're always on about "the new jerusalem", "god's chosen people", zionidm etc. I think the christian churches have been infiltrated by this zionist influence to get them onside for supporting zionist israel's (as distinct from plain ordinary israel) agenda. Why not? Religion is one of the greatest influencers of social engineering.
I find it interesting that publications dismissed as propaganda during covid, are now fact when it comes to Jewish people.
What you missed is the UN's 'zionism is racism' campaign in 1975. They spent 10 years replacing references to 'colonialism' in Israel with the word Zionism. Even just a Jewish women's sewing group who wrote to someone pleading for assistance to get out of Germany - now appears in wikipedia as a 'Zionist Women's association'
Rothschild started buying land in the area off the Ottoman empire in the 1800s - right after he arranged the sale of the controlling portion of the suez canal to the British Government.
Palestine was a British state. owned by the British, controlled by the UN.
Jewish people - as per usual, were simply being used to build them a beautiful city with their own wealth.
Actua;lly, none of the Jews in Germany were interested.
The Orthodox Jews - who everyone loves - but has no idea who they are - THEY pRomoted the German boycott by Jews - they started this from the safety of America. They outwardly promoted communism and disgusting habits - promoting them as Judaism.
When the hatred by this STILL did not encourage German Jews to give up their good lives for the new British colony - they came up with another ‘solution’ that would take away their choice.
During the 28 years of BRITISH palestine - the UN funded Jewish and Arab mercenaries - thinking that's how the problems forced on these people should be handled.
The British White Paper 1939? Is the official record of the Balfour agreement - you can read about how Jewish people were to come second to Arabs - not a jewish state - jewish people were banned from buying land.
The Havaara agreement - if you care about factual information - you will need to purchase from the British government website - as it's a deal between Germans and British.
Here are some things you can look at if you’re interested in facts. You can go on from these sites to read all about the Arab attack on Israelis in 1948 - long before the attack happened.
Everyone is loyal to Arab oil first.
Who is number 1 on the WEF members list?
As for the satanic side of things - look up Edgardo Mortara.
Or God forbid - read the Old Testament! That IS Judaism. It's what our Christian religion is based on - the same God.
You might want to try to find some facts on the Crusades too. As a Christian, I was quite devastated to learn that actually, when we saw the Jews struggling against the Muslims - We stole Jerusalem for ourselves.
Jews are God's people. God lives in Israel - that's what the Christian old testament says.
Only satan would be this invested in making sure God's people are forever persecuted.
Anyway - it was very successful at dividing people.
Please quote the Bible prophecy about a red cow and the rebuilding of a third temple prior to the coming of the Messiah. I see no such prophecy in the Bible - anywhere. It seems that under the 'guise of prophecy' you have sprouted rumor rather than fact. There is no 'red cow' or third temple in the Book of Revelation. Quotations please.
You have taken a verse that is NOT a bible verse - it is not in any Jewish bible - it is an interpretation by some random Rabbi - you have then tried to back that up with 2 verses from the old testament - Christians follow that too - so whilst your claim its just nonsense - if it was true - you would have to apply it to Christians as well.
Stephen Reason, you have not provided the requested proof, because it doesn't exist. Instead, you have presented more innuendo-based rumor. Please don't ascribe as prophecy things that are not actually prophesied. When Jesus mentioned the temple would be torn down, he followed that by saying it would be rebuilt in three days. If he was prophesying the building of physical temple in Jerusalem, as you say he was, then that temple would only take three days to build. Is that what you believe? Christians believe that Christ was talking about himself as the temple that would be torn down and using the destruction of his body as a necessary precursor its resurrection three days later. Those who believe in him are described as 'temples of the Holy Spirit' and the only reference in Revelation to a temple where John says, "I did not see a temple in the city, for the Lord God and the Lamb are its temple." (Rev.21:22) Please, if you are going to say "Christians believe..." then please give accurate Scripture references and not theory, rumor or false doctrine as your proof.
Hello Monica, I am not the sole originator of the idea that the ashes of a "red heifer" are essential to purify those Rabbis that will someday enter the demolished site of Al Aqsa to commence building The Third Temple. I have outlined this in my article, and provided adequate links that enable further investigation if needed. Indeed, a simple google search of "red heifer prophesy Third Tower" will reveal a score of articles that detail the interconnected ideas of "prophesy, red heifer and Third Tower." These concepts are not a claim unique to my piece, but rather ideas that are entrenched into the present, and future pursuits of Israel (many articles are Israeli news updates on their plans for the Third Tower and the recent excitement at the emergence of a red heifer.) Those that intend on building this Third Temple have already secured all the prerequisite building materials and architectural and engineering requirements to literally begin tomorrow -- if that be the case. This is a fact. I never stated that there was a reference in the Book of Revelations, and the Biblical references you have provided, are not relevant in the slightest to the context of the construction of the envisioned Third Tower -- all your above references to "temples" are not related.
I never asked you to read my piece, and I actually doubt that you have, as your peculiar criticisms seem to be based on a reactivity to what my piece might be about, not actually what I have covered, and the manner in which I specifically covered it.
Hello Stephen, I did read your piece and the Scriptures I quoted were in direct response to the Scripture you used in your first response to me intimating that Christ indicated there would be a third temple - your summation - not mine. Personally, I don't care what Jews believe but I do care about false doctrines and lies being told to Christians. My contention is with your claim that both Jews and Christians agree there will be a third temple. That is completely untrue. There is no teaching in Christianity about a third temple at all! In fact, to believe such is to deny that Christ was the last sacrifice. It is heresy. What is your faith base, Stephen? Are you a Jew, a Christian or an atheist? If you are a Jew, I'll butt out, as long as you leave Christianity out of your 'proofs'. If you are an atheist, I can understand your search for meaning in regards to a red heifer. But, if you are a Christian, then I challenge you to 'study' to show yourself approved before you make claims that are so unfounded they blaspheme Christ and lead Christians astray. As for not 'asking' me to read you piece, well, when you put something out on the internet it's an invitation for others to read it - so, yes, you did ask me to read your piece. And if I hadn't read it (which you said you doubted) then I would not have responded to it or to your response to my comment, or to this response to my second comment. My contention remains the same. The red heifer and Third Temple is a Jewish thing. It cries loudly of unbelief in Yahusha HaMashiach - their Messiah - our Christ and the covenant of forgiveness that was ushered in by his blood. No red heifer can do what Christ did, once, and for all. Christian beliefs have nothing to do with these particular Jewish beliefs. And if you are a Christian you will not try to mix the two.
Hamas released a detailed explanation for their Oct 7 attack. It's important and thus not receiving fair media coverage. I've posted it at and I'm making the exception to post this message on a dozen substacks. I'm not self-promoting. Use the press release as you wish, and then delete my comment. Thanks.
In 1918 there were no Palestinian people - Palestinian people were invented when the British claimed British Palestine - the Jews & Arabs living there both ba\ecame British Palestinian citizens in 1929.
Rothchild had been purchasing the land off the Ottoman Empire since the late 1800s.
These Arabs we are talking about have never owned anything or even controlled their own land before - as you can see.
After first rejecting the name, implying they were under British colonial rule - these Arabs only STARTED referring to themselves as 'Palestinian' in 1968.
You should look into that.
Why would they want to be called by their British name and not just Arabs anymore?
I had looked it up. I won't use semantics to erase an important identity group.
Regarding the collective 'Arabs', I could extrapolate that you mean that the Palestinians, Egyptians, Saudi, should make one country called Arabia. However, I'll let Lowkey argue for me -
I'm Australian - because I come from Australia. If Australia became China - I'd be a Chinese citizen, but I would still think of myself as Australian.
- that's pretty significant.
That area was the Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years - were they Ottomans, or Arab and Jewish citizens of the Ottoman Empire.
It became BRITISH Palestine in 1920 - their passports called them citizens of British Palestine- 'Palestinians'
The Arabs in this region refused to refer to themselves as 'Palestinians' - that would have meant acknowledging British rule.
In 1948 the entire area became Israel for about 24 hours - then all the surrounding Arab countries declared war on the Jews and they won the West Bank & Gaza territory.
Jordan won the West Bank - everyone inside West Bank became Jordanian citizens.
Egypt won Gaza - all inside Gaza became Egyptian citizens.
All those inside Israel became Israeli citizens.
After many attempts by Arab countries to conquer Israel as well - the one In 1968 resulted in Israel conquering the West Bank & Gaza.
Only THEN they decided to acknowledge their British ruler and call themselves 'Palestinians' - why didn't they just remain as Jordanians or Egyptians?
Maybe it's not their own aspirations they're dying chasing?
As a general rule - I'd worry about anyone the UN wants to 'help' with 'self-determination' - if not just because they are being ruled over by a registered terrorist organisation.
Sure, they should die because they have no rights... and we should ignore the longer history, that others called it Palestine long, long ago. You're just distracting, dehumanising. A good person would be horrified.
Admirable attempt at painting a balanced picture of what is really happening in the middle east. Seems very credible. Please research the 'holocaust' properly. While you're at it have a look into the Ukranian Holodomor and who was behind it.
And the Morganthau plan
Best policy is to stay neutral
Mainstream media is not a trusted source of information
Good article showing the deep state’s dirty hands
Save Israel for last ...
More sleepers to wake up to the global manipulation
Thanks Stephen, good to know more people think this way.
Be prepared for lots of swearing from Brendon O'Connell, and Aussie journalist who focus on what mainstream and 'alternate' mainstream media won't touch. This video made in late Oct 2023.
Israel wants its canal - through Gaza. This might be one reason why Israel wants to remove Palestinians from Gaza. They have big plans for that area.
Seems they have the required heifers, but what about the messiah? Who is he (sure to be male)?
Its likely there is a big theatrical event planned and pre-prepared by the zionists. The show must go on!
Thanks Stephen - this is pretty much what I understood, but I certainly couldn't support my understanding with facts.
Given the two current wars, Ukraine and Gaza, do you have a narrative that stands back a step and incorporates them both into a unified story?
So, briefly, this is what I suspect: America is on the verge of losing its superpower status as BRICS nations align and ostensibly present an alternative to the unipolar “rules-based order.” The American dollar is losing its Reserve Currency status, with the potential of hyperinflation, and possibly another Great Depression-era for the Western-sphere based on its interconnection and dependency on the US fiat/Petro Dollar currency. The situation in Ukraine is expediting this collapse, as there is no way it can be salvaged for the Ukrainians, and all the invested billions and the military hardware have been squandered. The American Hegemon is almost finished (by design), and Israel desperately needs its Big Brother to fight its battles. America is the mighty military arm of the Zionists, and if a multipolar world arises, that arm will be severed, and Israel will not be able to achieve its agendas and act with impunity without the once formidable backing of America, and the vassal nations that were similarly enthralled and blackmailed. So, this seems like a desperate last effort to achieve the Zionists Greater Israel Project and to construct the Third Tower BEFORE America is no longer a capable and dependable partner.
For America, it is completely controlled by the Zionists, and is obviously completely out of control. Perhaps, certain factions of the Deep State had strategised that they should have defeated Russia (with the combined backing of the EU and NATO), but Russia has effectively defeated America, NATO, Britain, and the entire European Union in this disastrous proxy war (they have long pre-planned to Balkanize Russia, but Russia preempted their coming NATO military assault, and caught them in their unawares).
The Israel-Hamas conflict deflects from their imminent total defeat in Ukraine, and helps to sabotage the emerging integration of the New Silk Road and the Middle Eastern BRICS Nations (specifically Iran, UAE, and Saudi Arabia), AND can artificially forestall the collapse of their economy, which I feel has also been delayed by Russia’s Special Military Operation in the Ukraine. Moreover, you cannot collapse all interdependent Western economies and introduce an undesired tyrannical CBDC if there is still a sovereign Nation State rallying other nations to BRICS, and proposing a gold-backed currency pegged on commodities. Indeed, it spoils the NWO vision of every former nation reduced to "a single homogenous global citizenry" and absolutely controlled by CBDC’s and omnipresent 5G-surveillance. I think Putin inadvertently saved us from our own economic collapse that was preplanned in the aftermath of COVID and the Lockdown-period, and I also believe that he effectively ended that global period of biomedical tyranny before the REAL tyranny (as you know, they were building Centers of National Resilience in Australia aka concentration camps, and wanted the mandates and the Vaccine Economy/Passport System to be forever. It would have eventually collapsed the economy and hastened the introduction of CBDCs.)
Simultaneously, the Apex Global Cabal (the next extruded level above) seems poised to discard of the American Nation-State (it has been systematically eroding the economic, health and culture of all Americans and the West), and all Nation-States (including Israel), as it pursues its depopulation agenda (of perhaps 90%), global deindustrialization, and the collapsing all countries into a uniform “Third World” impoverishment that will be enslaved by a NWO One World AI-Government.
However, the emergence of a defiant Putin and the now emboldened BRICS Nations (which I do not regard as being aligned with the NWO) might just upend the “Great Reset” on these WEF-UN Transhuman Technocrats.
Thank you Stephen. That is the best summary of our current situation I have read so far. It makes sense to me.
HAMAS - ALWAYS a MOSSAD 'Asset'= WHAT? CIA - Al Qaeda - 'CarWashing'! On & On!
You'd think that Mossad/Unit 81/8200 WOULD come up with SOMETHING more 'Original' Than Las Vegas Music Festival Antics - HEY FOLKS, PelleTier, Has MOVED ON to Maui!
WHERE did HAMAS, Get ALL of it's 'KIT' from to 'Aerial' Invade Palestine - ER Sorry IS-RAIL, - 'From'? = Israeli 'Surplus'? AND WHO, ' STOOD DOWN' ALL Metrics of 'HOME' Defence, along with MIS/DISarming Local Security? NOW it's starting to sound like NORADS 'Operation Northern Vigilance' on Sept 11th!! - LOL! Or Maybe THE U.K's Operations on London 7/7 - CONvenience, IS, where 'THEY' Find IT! = Operation Gladio - NATO= STILL ACTIVE!
Wellness - NOTHING IS COINCIDENCE. Sun Tzu - The Art of War.
How Hamas managed to get the strike on Israel despite all its defences, was the same as how 911 happened. They say that there was no way that Hamas could have prepared the attack on Israel without it being an inside job. My thinking is that both Hamas and Israel are working together to bring about the Hamas/Israel war. Hamas loyalty to Palestine is only for appearances. Its real purpose is to start end times wars. I read somewhere that Hamas was created by the CIA.
On December 16, it was alleged that "Hamas rockets" were fired at the Al Aqsa Mosque, and Israel responded by protecting the sacred site with their Iron Dome system... It should be apparent that this "Hamas rocket attack" was Mossad coordinated (like most inexplicable conflict-expanding "rocket attacks"), and this was merely a means of setting a precedent, and absolving future Israeli culpability for when such suspicious rockets actually hit and destroy Al Aqsa. Indeed, why would Hamas (from the West Bank, not Gaza) target the third most sacred site within the Islamic world, a site that Israel needs to erase to commence building their Third Tower? They would not.
In my piece, I have ventured to explain why the destruction of Al Aqsa is one of the key objectives of the current "Israel-Gaza conflict."
I have some caveats to an otherwise admirable article.
Mr Reason neglects to mention the role of (futurist, dispensationalist) Christian Zionism in the USA, with 7m members in Rev. Hagee's CUFI. Their belief in their own reading of Book of Revelation is central, as such "Christians" see Jews as a means to their New Jerusalem end . The prominence of such Zionists at top levels in US Federal governments (Pompeo, Pence, Bolton, to name just a few) should not be overlooked.
Secondly, the sentence under the photo of Temple Mount with its two mosques is wrong, because Al Aqsa mosque, shown in subphoto 2, is NOT the same as the Dome of the Rock, shown in photo 3.
Third, while the article has 28 footnotes, it could easily stand 50 or 100, because any statement made about an apparent false flag op is battling the Narrative and so has to document literally any statement. 9/11 Truthers have it easier, as they often deal in facts of physics and engineering.
Yes, I agree that I could have referenced the role of Christian Zionists in the USA, and CUFI, and how Israel and the Third Tower are crucial to the realization of their interpretation of the Book of Revelation. However, I was attempting to narrow the focus on the two primary parties of Israel and Hamas. If I recall correctly, the Evangelicals believe that the Third Tower will be partially constructed (or completed, but destroyed), and then all Israelites and non-Christians will be consumed in the battles of an Armageddon Holy War and the 7-years of Tribulation – while they are conveniently raptured? I was aware of CUFI, and perhaps it is remiss to not have included their incredible influence throughout all power-centers of America. They clearly support and welcome any great Middle Eastern conflict that might expedite the human manifestation of their Biblical prophesy.
Regarding Al-Aqsa, my understanding is that the area, including The Dome of the Rock, is considered to be the ‘Al-Aqsa Mosque compound,’ with the ‘Al-Aqsa Mosque’ being a separate construction, but connected to ‘The Dome of the Rock’ shrine that is situated directly above the Temple Mount/rock where they intend on building their Third Temple. I have edited my wording to be more specific and to better communicate this.
I don't see why christianity is tied in with Judaism. You go to church and they're always on about "the new jerusalem", "god's chosen people", zionidm etc. I think the christian churches have been infiltrated by this zionist influence to get them onside for supporting zionist israel's (as distinct from plain ordinary israel) agenda. Why not? Religion is one of the greatest influencers of social engineering.
Half right.
I find it interesting that publications dismissed as propaganda during covid, are now fact when it comes to Jewish people.
What you missed is the UN's 'zionism is racism' campaign in 1975. They spent 10 years replacing references to 'colonialism' in Israel with the word Zionism. Even just a Jewish women's sewing group who wrote to someone pleading for assistance to get out of Germany - now appears in wikipedia as a 'Zionist Women's association'
Rothschild started buying land in the area off the Ottoman empire in the 1800s - right after he arranged the sale of the controlling portion of the suez canal to the British Government.
Palestine was a British state. owned by the British, controlled by the UN.
Jewish people - as per usual, were simply being used to build them a beautiful city with their own wealth.
Actua;lly, none of the Jews in Germany were interested.
The Orthodox Jews - who everyone loves - but has no idea who they are - THEY pRomoted the German boycott by Jews - they started this from the safety of America. They outwardly promoted communism and disgusting habits - promoting them as Judaism.
When the hatred by this STILL did not encourage German Jews to give up their good lives for the new British colony - they came up with another ‘solution’ that would take away their choice.
During the 28 years of BRITISH palestine - the UN funded Jewish and Arab mercenaries - thinking that's how the problems forced on these people should be handled.
The British White Paper 1939? Is the official record of the Balfour agreement - you can read about how Jewish people were to come second to Arabs - not a jewish state - jewish people were banned from buying land.
The Havaara agreement - if you care about factual information - you will need to purchase from the British government website - as it's a deal between Germans and British.
Here are some things you can look at if you’re interested in facts. You can go on from these sites to read all about the Arab attack on Israelis in 1948 - long before the attack happened.
Everyone is loyal to Arab oil first.
Who is number 1 on the WEF members list?
As for the satanic side of things - look up Edgardo Mortara.
Or have a watch of
Or God forbid - read the Old Testament! That IS Judaism. It's what our Christian religion is based on - the same God.
You might want to try to find some facts on the Crusades too. As a Christian, I was quite devastated to learn that actually, when we saw the Jews struggling against the Muslims - We stole Jerusalem for ourselves.
Jews are God's people. God lives in Israel - that's what the Christian old testament says.
Only satan would be this invested in making sure God's people are forever persecuted.
Anyway - it was very successful at dividing people.
Please quote the Bible prophecy about a red cow and the rebuilding of a third temple prior to the coming of the Messiah. I see no such prophecy in the Bible - anywhere. It seems that under the 'guise of prophecy' you have sprouted rumor rather than fact. There is no 'red cow' or third temple in the Book of Revelation. Quotations please.
You have taken a verse that is NOT a bible verse - it is not in any Jewish bible - it is an interpretation by some random Rabbi - you have then tried to back that up with 2 verses from the old testament - Christians follow that too - so whilst your claim its just nonsense - if it was true - you would have to apply it to Christians as well.
Stephen Reason, you have not provided the requested proof, because it doesn't exist. Instead, you have presented more innuendo-based rumor. Please don't ascribe as prophecy things that are not actually prophesied. When Jesus mentioned the temple would be torn down, he followed that by saying it would be rebuilt in three days. If he was prophesying the building of physical temple in Jerusalem, as you say he was, then that temple would only take three days to build. Is that what you believe? Christians believe that Christ was talking about himself as the temple that would be torn down and using the destruction of his body as a necessary precursor its resurrection three days later. Those who believe in him are described as 'temples of the Holy Spirit' and the only reference in Revelation to a temple where John says, "I did not see a temple in the city, for the Lord God and the Lamb are its temple." (Rev.21:22) Please, if you are going to say "Christians believe..." then please give accurate Scripture references and not theory, rumor or false doctrine as your proof.
Hello Monica, I am not the sole originator of the idea that the ashes of a "red heifer" are essential to purify those Rabbis that will someday enter the demolished site of Al Aqsa to commence building The Third Temple. I have outlined this in my article, and provided adequate links that enable further investigation if needed. Indeed, a simple google search of "red heifer prophesy Third Tower" will reveal a score of articles that detail the interconnected ideas of "prophesy, red heifer and Third Tower." These concepts are not a claim unique to my piece, but rather ideas that are entrenched into the present, and future pursuits of Israel (many articles are Israeli news updates on their plans for the Third Tower and the recent excitement at the emergence of a red heifer.) Those that intend on building this Third Temple have already secured all the prerequisite building materials and architectural and engineering requirements to literally begin tomorrow -- if that be the case. This is a fact. I never stated that there was a reference in the Book of Revelations, and the Biblical references you have provided, are not relevant in the slightest to the context of the construction of the envisioned Third Tower -- all your above references to "temples" are not related.
I never asked you to read my piece, and I actually doubt that you have, as your peculiar criticisms seem to be based on a reactivity to what my piece might be about, not actually what I have covered, and the manner in which I specifically covered it.
Hello Stephen, I did read your piece and the Scriptures I quoted were in direct response to the Scripture you used in your first response to me intimating that Christ indicated there would be a third temple - your summation - not mine. Personally, I don't care what Jews believe but I do care about false doctrines and lies being told to Christians. My contention is with your claim that both Jews and Christians agree there will be a third temple. That is completely untrue. There is no teaching in Christianity about a third temple at all! In fact, to believe such is to deny that Christ was the last sacrifice. It is heresy. What is your faith base, Stephen? Are you a Jew, a Christian or an atheist? If you are a Jew, I'll butt out, as long as you leave Christianity out of your 'proofs'. If you are an atheist, I can understand your search for meaning in regards to a red heifer. But, if you are a Christian, then I challenge you to 'study' to show yourself approved before you make claims that are so unfounded they blaspheme Christ and lead Christians astray. As for not 'asking' me to read you piece, well, when you put something out on the internet it's an invitation for others to read it - so, yes, you did ask me to read your piece. And if I hadn't read it (which you said you doubted) then I would not have responded to it or to your response to my comment, or to this response to my second comment. My contention remains the same. The red heifer and Third Temple is a Jewish thing. It cries loudly of unbelief in Yahusha HaMashiach - their Messiah - our Christ and the covenant of forgiveness that was ushered in by his blood. No red heifer can do what Christ did, once, and for all. Christian beliefs have nothing to do with these particular Jewish beliefs. And if you are a Christian you will not try to mix the two.
Hamas released a detailed explanation for their Oct 7 attack. It's important and thus not receiving fair media coverage. I've posted it at and I'm making the exception to post this message on a dozen substacks. I'm not self-promoting. Use the press release as you wish, and then delete my comment. Thanks.
In 1918 there were no Palestinian people - Palestinian people were invented when the British claimed British Palestine - the Jews & Arabs living there both ba\ecame British Palestinian citizens in 1929.
Rothchild had been purchasing the land off the Ottoman Empire since the late 1800s.
These Arabs we are talking about have never owned anything or even controlled their own land before - as you can see.
After first rejecting the name, implying they were under British colonial rule - these Arabs only STARTED referring to themselves as 'Palestinian' in 1968.
You should look into that.
Why would they want to be called by their British name and not just Arabs anymore?
I had looked it up. I won't use semantics to erase an important identity group.
Regarding the collective 'Arabs', I could extrapolate that you mean that the Palestinians, Egyptians, Saudi, should make one country called Arabia. However, I'll let Lowkey argue for me -
I'm Australian - because I come from Australia. If Australia became China - I'd be a Chinese citizen, but I would still think of myself as Australian.
- that's pretty significant.
That area was the Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years - were they Ottomans, or Arab and Jewish citizens of the Ottoman Empire.
It became BRITISH Palestine in 1920 - their passports called them citizens of British Palestine- 'Palestinians'
The Arabs in this region refused to refer to themselves as 'Palestinians' - that would have meant acknowledging British rule.
In 1948 the entire area became Israel for about 24 hours - then all the surrounding Arab countries declared war on the Jews and they won the West Bank & Gaza territory.
Jordan won the West Bank - everyone inside West Bank became Jordanian citizens.
Egypt won Gaza - all inside Gaza became Egyptian citizens.
All those inside Israel became Israeli citizens.
After many attempts by Arab countries to conquer Israel as well - the one In 1968 resulted in Israel conquering the West Bank & Gaza.
Only THEN they decided to acknowledge their British ruler and call themselves 'Palestinians' - why didn't they just remain as Jordanians or Egyptians?
Maybe it's not their own aspirations they're dying chasing?
As a general rule - I'd worry about anyone the UN wants to 'help' with 'self-determination' - if not just because they are being ruled over by a registered terrorist organisation.
Sure, they should die because they have no rights... and we should ignore the longer history, that others called it Palestine long, long ago. You're just distracting, dehumanising. A good person would be horrified.
Debatable but that link was pretty disturbing