For 2000 years the Israelites have awaited the birth of a red heifer to signal the demolition of the 700AD Al Aqsa Mosque, and to commence building their Third Temple - that cow has been born!

NOTE: This will undoubtedly prove to be an immensely controversial piece. It is not my intent to isolate any of my readership, but rather, to logically expose hidden truths. This piece is neither about Islamophobia, nor anti-Semitism — it takes the side of humanity. The material discussed, and the opinions advanced within this analysis may initially be deemed offensive to some, but I ask that you remain open-minded, and willing to consider the scope of the information. We are on the verge of being manipulated into World War III, and evil forces are resolved to literally fulfil the prophetic Armageddon — only mass awareness may mitigate the madness unfolding.
The Current Israel-Hamas Conflict and the Great Trap
On the 7th of October, while Israelis frolicked and celebrated Simchat Torah (the joy of the Torah), Hamas commandos executed an “unprovoked” dawn assault from within the impoverished confines of the Gaza Strip. The most sophisticated and costly military fortress on the planet had failed in its sole purpose — to be impervious. Over 3000 rockets were fired over the fortified Israeli-Gaza Iron Wall, as 2,500 Palestinian militants breached the barrier, attacking military bases, and indiscriminately massacring unarmed civilians in neighboring Israeli communities.
Or so the official reporting goes.
Mossad allegedly had zero intelligence, and for almost 10-hours the Israeli Defence Forces slept through it, or had seemingly received orders to stand-down. All routinely stationed IDF personnel; all remotely-controlled mounted machine-guns; all advanced-warning sentinel technology: seismic ground-sensors, infra-red, aerial drones, and ubiquitous cutting-edge 24-7 CCTV surveillance — had bizarrely failed.
The “presented reality” was outrageous to everyday Israelis, as much as it was preposterous. How could this even happen? What was claimed to have occurred should have been entirely impossible — unless it was allowed to happen.
Approximately 1,200 Israelis were slaughtered, including 260 people who were ambushed at a music festival. Approximately two-hundred men, women and children were taken as civilian hostages, and were filmed being transported by Hamas militants back into foredoomed Gaza. Indomitable and proud Israel was momentarily paralysed, vulnerable and bleeding. It was fifty-years to the day from the Yom Kippur War. It was also Vladimir Putin’s birthday. Israel began conducting retaliatory strikes, before formally declaring war on Hamas a day later.
The official narrative was quickly established: Hamas terrorists, most likely armed, funded and directed by Iran, had just perpetrated an unprovoked surprise-attack on the only democracy in the Middle East. Innocents were targeted, and now vengeance was demanded. “Israel has the right to defend itself,” and therefore, any, and all means of retaliation were appropriate to secure its borders, and to safeguard its people from further terrorisation from Hamas.
Immediately, political pundits on both sides of the left-right divide offered a defence of their chosen champion: David or Goliath — either a well aimed stone, or a horrifically cast rock. Each, non-compromisingly oppositional, and predictable — some vengeful, and surprising in their blind fanaticism on both sides.1
Many centrists and politically right-leaning Conservatives, and those of various Judeo-Christian persuasions tend to reflexively support the Zionist Nation-State. They generally rebuke all pro-Palestinian arguments that are typically adopted by the secular Progressive-Left. This is often the default stance for Christians, given that Westernized Jewry appear as the antithesis to the ancient “infidels” of “radical” Islam, and the seemingly “hostile” modern Arabic world.
To Christianity, “Israel” is our current Middle-Eastern stronghold — a bulwark against perceived barbarism, a modern “Crusader Citadel” that now safeguards the contested Holy Land of Jerusalem almost 970+ years after the first Medieval Christian Crusade.
These are the chosen Hebrew people of our bible.
However, the left-right dichotomy and religious framing of the conflict is fundamentally flawed, and it imperils all Semitic peoples, both Jew and Arab alike.
Indeed, it is not that simple.
There is a third shadow-player: Israel, like all compromised global nations, has a Fifth Column, a Deep State presence that has strategically exploited the Israeli Nation-State, and is willing to sacrifice its innocent people to attain its objectives. Indeed, from its very inception, “Zionist Israel” was a project of the Globalist Cabal,2 and useful for seeding enmity and dividing The Middle East. It was always intended to divide-and-conquer and to eventually provide the fuse for igniting an apocalyptic Holy War, and perhaps it has just been lit?
This Globalist Cabal is composed of oligarchical billionaires who seek a Great Reset, the erasure of sovereign nations, a One World Government, and a new global war to terror-form a slave civilization, and to depopulate ninety percent of humanity. Many prominent Zionist families are amongst this Elitist Corporatocracy, but it is not exclusively a Zionist conspiracy, and they care naught for the sanctity of the rank-and-file Jew. Their religion is not Judaism, but rather the rapacious Luciferian worship of Baal, Moloch and Mammon. Indeed, the pharmaceutical branch of their Transnational Corporatocracy (Pfizer) had no qualms about conducting an exclusive “Mengele’s lab experiment” on Israelis, and compelling the mass-injection of a myocarditis-inducing and blood-clotting bioweapon.3 The Jewish people were deemed expendable test-subjects during the “pandemic-cull,”4 and they are all expendable now.
The Rothschild-owned “Israel” is a stupendous trap, with both the Israeli and Palestinian citizenry disproportionately encaged by its existence, one gilded, one barbed-fenced — but, caged nonetheless, and both strategically positioned for a mass depopulation event.
The Zionist Entity of Israel
Far-right Zionism is truly an ideology akin to Nazism. It similarly espouses a supremacy of its chosen people and the sub-humanness of others; and it has parasitically hijacked the Jewish religion, and has effectively shackled its people to a militant race-specific zealotry — much to the lamentation of many Orthodox Jews. Indeed, the authoritarianism of politically secular Zionism, and Zionists, is not universally beloved and embraced by all Jewish people and Rabbis. To many, it is both anathematic, and an existential curse upon Judaism. However, Zionism has entrapped them all in its nationalistic fervour, and is now corralling all Middle Eastern people toward an apocalyptic Holy War: Armageddon.
What few are aware of is that the Zionist Federation of the 1930s conspired with the Hitler’s Nazis Party to realise a Jewish homeland in Palestine. The intent was to relocate the maligned Jews of Germany and Europe to the future “Israel project” of the 1917 Balfour Declaration. The “Haavara-Transfer Agreement 1933–1939” was signed in Berlin, and was a farsighted means of regathering the diaspora of Jewish tribes and concentrating them in one remote geographic location.
The Balfour Declaration of 1917 had been signed after the British Royal Family agreed to sell the former Ottoman-occupied “Palestine” to Lord Walter Rothschild. This human-engineered land acquisition conflicted with the scriptural revelation that “Israel” can only be divinely manifested outside the realm of forced-human machination. Orthodox Jews believe that the “nation of Israel” would only materialise once their messiah was amongst them, not before, and certainly not by the ill-begotten wealth of such intergenerational Bankster-gangsterism.
“The anti-Zionist world-view of the ultra-Orthodox groups Neturei Karta and Satmar Hasidism perceives Zionism and the establishment of the State of Israel as an anti-messianic act, conceived and born from sin. These groups vigorously deny the very legitimacy of the collective political return to the Holy Land and to Jewish sovereignty. For them, this is the handiwork of humans, violating the Jewish people’s oath of political quietism.”5
“Unless the Lord build the house, its builders labor in vain; unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman keeps vigil in vain” (Psalms 127:1).
The horrors of the Jewish Holocaust and The Final Solution during World War II would unequivocally justify Israel’s Declaration of Independence in 1948, and deflect from the rapid rise of their new Nation-State from the razed villages of former Palestine. Zionist actions, atrocities and ambitions were always beyond Western reproach as Israeli territory expanded exponentially over the homes and histories of others. All condemnation was always neutralised by deflections of “anti-Semitism,” and “remember what has been done to us.” However, the same hidden forces that gave rise to Nazism, have also birthed Zionism, and now they have conveniently catalogued and concentrated over 7-million Jews, or 41% of the world’s Jewish population in the confines of Israel’s walls: a people that are both prison guards, and unwitting prisoners themselves.
The future ramifications of such a diabolical trap should be glaringly apparent.
The Inconvenient Truth of Hamas
Hamas, which is an Arabic acronym for “Islamic Resistance Movement,” was financed and supported by Israel in the 1970s as a counterweight to the secularists of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) and the Fatah Party led by Yasser Arafat.6 It is “a creature of Israel,”7 much like “Al-Qaeda” was originally an American-British construct used to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, that eventually metastasised into the British-CIA-Mossad funded and armed “ISIS Caliphate.” They were all created to be useful for seeding discord and division, bloating budgets, justifying military incursions and invasions, and for advancing united geopolitical agendas by proxy.
Hamas was specifically intended to splinter a unified PLO government, and to neutralise any organised and legitimate Palestinian opposition. The convenient Gaza “civil war” of 2007 resulted in the complete takeover of Gaza by Israeli-backed Hamas. The West Bank is still overseen by the Palestinian Authority of Fatah, but any unification amongst the Palestinians remains fragmented due to Hamas’ rule over Gaza. With Gaza now governed by “hostile Islamists” and “terrorists,” there was no integrated government that would enable the negotiation of the proposed Two-State Solution — it was all standard divide-and-conquer.
When Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu resumed power in 2009, he resolutely pursued a policy of supporting Hamas to ensure that Gaza remained divided from the West Bank, governed by “terrorists,” and as such, would justify the ongoing genocidal blockade of the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu was vehemently opposed to any Two-State Solution, and any realisation of any Independent State of Palestine.
Hamas was politically useful to Israel (and the Zionist Deep State).
“For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.
The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.”8
Sabotaging BRICS in the Middle East
On the 22nd of September, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a UN address that proposed that the Arab States were “on the cusp of historic peace,” and that this would encourage the normalisation of their relations with Israel. He suggested that this would “enhance the prospects of peace with the Palestinians.”
Netanyahu had emphasised that normalisation with Saudi Arabia was “likely,” and that, “It would change the Middle East forever” — bringing down “walls of enmity” and creating “a corridor of energy pipelines, rail lines, fiber optic cables, between Asia through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates.”9
All this is finished now.
There will be no bringing down the “walls of enmity.”
Alas, it was all conveniently sabotaged by the “Hamas attack,” which will also serve to destabilise and counter the recent BRICS integration of Saudi Arabia and Iran, and to thwart the integrated commercial ambitions of Russia and China in the region.10
“The Abraham Accords ushered in another dramatic change. It brought Arabs and Jews closer together.
But I believe that we are at the cusp of an even more dramatic breakthrough: an historic peace with Saudi Arabia.Such a peace will go a long way to ending the Arab-Israeli conflict. It will encourage other Arab states to normalize relations with Israel. It will enhance the prospects of peace with the Palestinians. It will encourage a broader reconciliation between Judaism and Islam, between Jerusalem and Mecca, between the descendants of Isaac and the descendants of Ishmael.
All these are tremendous blessings….”11
Then, 15-days later, on the 10th of October, everything that Netanyahu had optimistically expressed at the UN assembly had been reversed, undermined and ultimately dismantled by the surprise “Hamas attack.”
Ironically, Netanyahu has now vowed to “change the Middle East” by retaliatory warfare.
“Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to "change the Middle East" in Israel's war with Palestinian militant group Hamas, as the army pounded the Gaza Strip with air strikes.”12
“This is Israel’s 9/11”
Global media declared in uniformity that: “This is Israel’s 9/11” — a similar precursor event to what may catalyse an even greater Middle Eastern war-theatre, perhaps the greatest, and the last.
In 2001, Netanyahu told reporters that the 9/11 Twin Tower attacks “were good for Israel.”13 In the aftermath, a multi-nation US-led “Coalition of the Willing” sort to fight a “War On Terror” for the unstated purpose of weakening and erasing the sovereign Arabic Nations of Israel’s geographical enemies: Iraq and Afghanistan, and later Syria (via the proxy army of the CIA’s “ISIS” mercenaries), with a future confrontation projected with Iran. It was surely good for Israel. Incidentally, Tehran was immediately implicated as having sponsored the recent “Hamas attack” by proxy.14
Like America’s 9/11, it would appear that the “Hamas attack” on Southern Israel was the conspiratorial work of complicit insiders. It was evidently allowed to happen, possibly orchestrated by the Zionist Deep State using their “Hamas project,” to once again initiate the tried-and-true Hegelian Problem-Reaction-Solution.
There had been a looming constitutional crisis in Israel. The Far-right Knesset Parliament of Netanyahu had been facing continuous domestic turmoil. The Israeli people were rallying against Netanyahu’s Judicial Coup Law (that would make it harder to declare him unfit to govern), and there had been country-wide protests for 40 consecutive weeks. His leadership was in jeopardy.
“Country-wide demonstrations take place amid last week's Yom Kippur clashes and a High Court hearing over a Netanyahu government coup law making it harder to declare the PM unfit. Organizers warn of a 'looming constitutional crisis,' and call to 'tighten ranks' ahead of the Knesset's expected return from its recess in two weeks”15
The “Hamas attack” would end the mass protests, secure Netanyahu’s leadership, and facilitate the establishment of an “Emergency War Government” with the National Unity party leader, Benny Gantz.
They were going to war.
The Globalist Cabal want to start World War III, and they want to set the Middle East aflame, and exterminate billions of Semitic peoples, both Jews and Arabs alike.
An Emergency War Government was hastily assembled to effectively unify the nation and prepare the IDF forces for a ground invasion of Gaza. It would also conveniently shield Netanyahu from accusations of culpability for his government’s failure to prevent the “Hamas attack.”
“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and National Unity party leader Benny Gantz announced a landmark agreement on Wednesday to establish an emergency wartime government, after Hamas launched a brutal and unprecedented assault on Israel early Saturday that claimed the lives of over 1,200 Israelis, the single deadliest day in the country’s history.”16
However, a protracted period of general mistrust and dissatisfaction with Netanyahu’s blatantly malfeasant government had an unforeseeable effect. Despite the debunked and vile propaganda of accusing Hamas of “beheading forty babies” (reminiscent of the completely fictitious and debunked “Iraqis removing babies from incubators and dropping them on the floor”) — the Israeli people were not overcome with warmongering bloodlust, nor did they berserker-froth for vengeance against the Palestinians.
They placed the blame solely on Netanyahu:
“Almost all Israelis – 94 per cent – hold their government responsible for the collapse of the defence systems in the southern settlements, while 67 per cent of respondents believe the failure of the current war is greater than the failure of the October War in 1973.”17
It would also seem that the ever-formidable Mossad had deliberately failed in both intelligence and preparedness:
“Key Facts
A September 28 intelligence report warned of the possibility that Hamas would launch rocket strikes into Israel over the course of multiple days, the New York Times reported, citing U.S. officials.
A second report from the CIA dated October 5—two days before Hamas carried out its attack—warned of an increased probability of violence from Hamas.
President Joe Biden and senior White House officials were not briefed on either report, the Times reported, noting the CIA did not designate the reports as having particular significance to policymakers.”18
“A senior US politician said Israel had received an official warning from Egypt of a possible attack from Gaza three days before Hamas launched its deadly cross-border assault on Saturday.”19
Mossad is at the very apex of nefarious intelligence operations, entirely integrated, and perhaps literally overseeing America’s CIA and their Military Industrial Complex. It has always been a Globalist Deep State apparatus to impose foreign and domestic interference; blackmail people of influence; orchestrate coups and assassinations; and manipulate the perception and outcome of crucial geopolitical developments. Mossad is no more the Jewish people, than the CIA represents the everyday American, and it has always operated with a ruthless inhumanity that serves only agenda — the Globalist Zionist Project of divide-and-conquer.
In the instance of the “Hamas attack,” the Mossad served their agenda by intentionally failing to react to warnings (from the CIA and Egyptian intelligence), which only suggests that it truly acted in complicity.
The Coming Red Heifer Apocalypse?
This “Hamas attack” has everything to do with the Temple Mount, and specifically, the 700AD Al-Aqsa Mosque compound that features the “Dome of the Rock” shrine in Jerusalem’s Old City.
There was a crucial reason for why the “Hamas attack” was called Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. It was actually named by the Deep State Zionists to foreshadow the imminent execution of their overarching agenda — to entirely erase the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Although the Israeli-occupied Old Jerusalem is 79-kilometers from the Gaza Strip, and 50-kilometers from the West Bank — it is the true target of this Holy War.
It is my contention, and the circumstantial evidence suggests, that the Zionists are aspiring to demolish the UNESCO-protected Al-Aqsa Mosque by orchestrating the “wartime conditions” necessary to bring about its preplanned destruction.
Indeed, it has been prophesied, and the Zionists seem hellbent on bringing forth their prophetic destiny — to construct the Biblical Third Tower on the former site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Without the destructive capacity of the “fog of war,” this cannot be achieved by a nominal “democracy.”
Once the Third Tower is complete, they cynically believe that the Hebrew Messiah will be amongst the regathered Israelites of the true Israel.
The Al-Aqsa Mosque is the oldest Islamic structure, and is deemed the third most sacred to the Moslem Religion. Its calculated destruction will undoubtedly incur the militant wrath of the Islamic World, and it will galvanise the Arabic peoples to predictably sacrifice themselves in this Zionist-inspired Armageddon.
The genocide of all Semitic people is the projected outcome — Jews and Arabs alike.
In order for the Jews to rebuild the Temple (there were supposedly two historic Jewish temple structures previously destroyed on The Temple Mount) and prepare the way for their Messiah (and to Evangelicals, the return of the Messiah), they must first be purified with the ashes of a red heifer. A holy cow.
A qualified red heifer has not been found in Israel in almost two thousand years.
"Speak unto the children of Israel," the Lord commanded, "that they bring thee a red heifer without spot, wherein is no blemish, and upon which never came a yoke." The cow will be given to a priest to slay, the Lord continued, and burned on a pyre of cedar, hyssop, and a strand of scarlet thread. Then the ashes of the heifer will be mixed with water and used to purify those who have been exposed to death. Anyone who fails to be purified "shall be cut off from among the congregation, because he hath defiled the sanctuary of the Lord."20
Recommended reading for a complete overview of the red heifer prophesy, the Third Tower and the role of Texan ranchers.
However, with advances in CRISPR gene-editing technology, Texan ranchers have recently achieved the man-made miraculous. Five red heifers were born a year ago in Texas, and were recently transported to Israel for final scrutiny. They have now reached the suitable age for sacrifice. The Zionists now have their sacred cow, and preparations have already commenced for assembling a sacrificial altar on the Mount of Olives. All engineering and architectural concerns for the envisioned Third Tower have long been completed, with all construction materials in storage and awaiting the conditions for project commencement.
It is all too convenient that “Hamas” provided the necessary military pretext, especially when the Middle East was “on the cusp of a new era of peace.”
The Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock must be obliterated. It would seem that such an act is nigh; and perhaps the end is also nigh, with the “End of Days” and all that it entails almost upon us — all by pathological inhuman design.
It is wishful-thinking and hubristic to believe that all that has been meticulously planned will unfold as prophesied to the benefit Israel. Perhaps that is EXACTLY what is intended by the Global Cabal — to engulf the world in catastrophic war, to bankrupt the West, and to exterminate the Semitic populations of The Middle East.
Only a mass awareness of the true agenda can mitigate the madness that is unfolding — only the Truth can disarm and thwart the Global Cabal’s ambition to complete The Final Solution.
May our humanity prevail — for God’s sake, and not the sake of their gods.
Supplementary Material on the Red Heifer Prophesy and al-Aqsa Mosque
NOTE: All these are articles are from established news sources and have been published online. A screenshot of the article, and an extracted quote has been provided to help contextualise and guide further reading.
“The sacrifice of a red heifer could take place on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem as early as 13 months from now.
Texas businessman Byron Stinson – the man instrumental in locating and helping get five red heifers from the United States to Israel – told ALL ISRAEL NEWS that finding the sacrifice-ready cows was not the only objective. Boneh Israel, the organization Stinson is involved with, has also purchased land on the Mount of Olives that meets the requirements for a biblical sacrifice outside of a temple.” 21
“Jewish faith leaders he knew needed a red heifer to replicate a ceremony depicted in the Bible. “I felt like it was my duty as a Texan to go out and look around Texas and see if I could find some completely red, pure red cows that fulfill the requirements of the red heifer and, if I could, then try to ship them here to Israel,” Stinson told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Stinson, of Glen Rose, didn’t just find one heifer. He found five. Those five, perfectly unblemished red heifers landed in Israel in September 2022, a feat that cost around $500,000 when you factor in the first-class plane tickets for rabbis to come examine the heifers and the American Airlines trip to Israel. They’re now being taken care of at a secure location, and Stinson and others hope to hold the ceremony they’ll be used for during Passover in 2024.” The ceremony needs to happen at the Mount of Olives, just like it did in the Bible. According to The Jerusalem Post, the red heifer appears in a portion of the Book of Numbers 19:3 that reads “This is the ritual law that God has commanded: Instruct the Israelite people to bring you a red cow without blemish, in which there is no defect and on which no yoke has been laid.” 22
“Israel's TV Channel 12 news released an investigative report about the five red heifers that were brought to the Jewish state last September and the supposed “funneling” of government funds to construct the Third Temple.”23
“The Israeli association "Ayer Amim" revealed that the Israeli government is funding the Red Heifer Project, which is considered a precursor to building the "alleged Temple." As part of this project, settlers in the "Shiloh" settlement north of Ramallah organized a spectacle where they burned a red heifer.
According to "Ayer Amim," the Israeli government has allocated budgets to settlement associations involved in financing the "Red Heifer Project," which aims to build the "alleged Temple" in the area of the Dome of the Rock in the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound.
The association stated that tens of millions of shekels were allocated for the "Red Heifer Project," which will be organized and supervised by the "Temple Institute."24
“A Bible prophecy has been realised as the first 'red heifer in 2,000 years' was born in Israel.
The Temple Institute announced the birth on their YouTube channel and said the calf and its mother would undergo "extensive examination" to determine if it's "blemish free". In the announcement, the Institute said the red female calf "brings the promise of reinstating Biblical purity to the world".
In both Christianity and Judaism, red heifers feature in tales about the "end of times". The birth and sacrifice of the red cow is said to precede the construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem. In mainstream Orthodox Judaism, the rebuilding of the Temple will happen before the coming of the Jewish Messiah.”25
“The days of the Third Temple are apparently upon us. Why? It’s all thanks to a cow.
In the Bible, red heifers feature heavily in Temple law. The cows must be pure red, without even two hairs of another color, and without any other form of blemish, and they’re an essential part of sacrificial purity laws. Their ashes are required, according to passages in Numbers, to purify the Temple’s priests and its altars.”26
“Israeli forces have attacked Palestinian worshippers at Bab as-Silsila, one of the main entrances to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem, according to local sources.
Israeli forces imposed tight security measures on Sunday, ejecting worshippers from Al-Aqsa Mosque and intensifying their presence around it, denying access to any Palestinian below the age of 50 to clear the way for Israeli settlers on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year.”27
“Israeli occupation forces today Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem denying Palestinians their right to worship and prayer, reported the Palestinian Information Centre.
The Islamic Endowments Department said that the Israeli occupation authority denied Palestinians access to the Muslim holy site after suddenly closing all its gates this afternoon.
The Department added that Israeli police have imposed tight restrictions on the entry of worshippers into Al-Aqsa Mosque since the morning, with only the elderly allowed to get into the mosque for the dawn prayer.
This is the first time Al-Aqsa has been completely closed to Muslims in several months.”28
Both Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson (amongst many others) degraded their roles as icons of Conservative decency and libertarianism; both rabidly called for the genocide of blockaded Palestinians; both failed to perceive the bigger picture, and both fell for the current Globalist PsyOp as they both did with the COVID-19 Con Job. Both now have been largely discredited by their inexcusable mimicry of the typical “leftist hysteria outrage cycle.” Both are no better than that which they have made a lucrative career repudiating.
Recommended reading:
The Globalist Cabal, aka: The Illuminati; the Luciferian Cabal; the WEF-UN Technocrat Great Resetters; The Khazarian Mafia, (the alleged “13th Tribe of Israel” that is composed of a people who appropriated the religion and identity of the Hebrews in the 8th century — who now aspire to control all behind a global NWO.)
‘8-Year-Old Israeli ‘Poster Child’ for COVID Vaccines Dies of Sudden Cardiac Arrest’
“Eight-year-old Yonatan Moshe Erlichman, who was featured in a 2020 Israeli commercial promoting COVID-19 vaccinations for children, died last month of sudden cardiac arrest. Israel, a “lab for Pfizer,” showed a significant myocarditis safety signal soon after introducing the shots.”
“Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s. Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.”)
“The Israeli government gave me a budget,” the retired brigadier general confessed, “and the military government gives to the mosques.”
“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation,” Avner Cohen, a former Israeli religious affairs official who worked in Gaza for more than two decades, told the Wall Street Journal in 2009. Back in the mid-1980s, Cohen even wrote an official report to his superiors warning them not to play divide-and-rule in the Occupied Territories, by backing Palestinian Islamists against Palestinian secularists. “I … suggest focusing our efforts on finding ways to break up this monster before this reality jumps in our face,” he wrote.”
Admirable attempt at painting a balanced picture of what is really happening in the middle east. Seems very credible. Please research the 'holocaust' properly. While you're at it have a look into the Ukranian Holodomor and who was behind it.
Best policy is to stay neutral
Mainstream media is not a trusted source of information
Good article showing the deep state’s dirty hands
Save Israel for last ...
More sleepers to wake up to the global manipulation