THE ILLUSION OF AUSTRALIA’S “PANDEMIC CASES”: RAPID ANTIGEN TESTS VERSUS PCR TEST METHODOLOGY: How the Crime of “Positive Cases,” Outbreaks, Restrictions & Lockdowns Would All End If We Used R.A.Ts
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published June 28, 2021
On the 19th of June, the Victorian Government announced that all visitors traveling to our Alpine region would require a ‘negative Polymerase Chain Reaction COVID test (PCR) within the past 72 hours.’1 This draconian decree threatened to collapse those businesses absolutely dependent on a strong seasonal attendance. Numerous bookings were hastily cancelled — people were willing to forego their pre-booked holidays. Having had the previous snow season forfeited due to the 2020 statewide lockdown, things were looking undeniably bleak.
Fortunately, after a week of vocal condemnation from ski operators and a backlash amongst the general public, the mandatory requirement for prior testing was reversed. The people had spoken. Indeed, what was proposed was undeniably outrageous, as parents were instructed to subject children as young as three to invasive and traumatic nasal swabs to simply go tobogganing, or build a snowman.
What was of particular interest, however, was the discussion that arose in relation to testing methods. It was proposed that the Victorian Government should deploy ‘Rapid COVID Antigen Tests’ that effectively give a result within 15 minutes. This methodology does not require a laboratory to process, (unfortunately, it still relies on a violating nasal swab), and has been successfully used worldwide with a validated sensitivity of 97 percent. It costs taxpayers between $15 and $20 dollars per test in comparison to the $180 per PCR test. Importantly, it has been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods for use in Australia. Despite the obvious benefits, the Australian Government is obstinately opposed to using any alternative to the PCR “gold standard.” The Victorian Labor Government has also remained resolute against any consideration of using the Rapid Antigen Test.
Their motive is both suspicious and nefarious…
It is falsely claimed that the Rapid Antigen Test is not as accurate (despite being 97 percent sensitive) in contrast to the PCR test, however this is patently absurd. The supposed PCR “gold standard” of testing is a deceptive farce unfit for purpose. It is utterly incapable of detecting a scientifically relevant viral molecule at the cycle-rate employed by all Australian labs (40-45-cycles). It is known that anything above 35-cycles is empirically invalid, and that even a 28-cycle threshold is undoubtedly generating numerous false positives. At a standardised 40-45 cycle amplification, the PCR methodology produces a ‘false positive rate’ somewhere between 89-94%. If, indeed, the Rapid Antigen Test is 97% sensitive, in contrast, a PCR test configured at a high cycle-threshold of 40-45 cycles is a mere 6-11% accurate.
It is the “gold standard” of deception and criminality.
It should be apparent why the Australian Federal Government, and the Victorian Andrew’s Government are universally opposed to using this convenient, cost-effective, and clearly many times more accurate alternative testing technology. Indeed, given that they are invested in perpetuating the “pandemic narrative” to secure indefinite State of Emergency powers — it is essential that a testing methodology that consistently yields false "positives" is used to declare “outbreak clusters,” and to justify restrictions and lockdowns, while simultaneously coercing citizens to subject themselves to experimental vaccines.
It seems that the Rapid Antigen Test is verifiably accurate (or at least in as far as it does not generate false positives by default), and if nationally adopted, would prove detrimental to any continuation of the fictitious “pandemic.”
A recent Scientific America article, ‘Slovakia Offers a Lesson in How Rapid Testing Can Fight COVID, Scientific America, Tanya Lewis, April 8, 2021,’2 outlined how counties in Slovakia used the Rapid Antigen Test, and within one week, the prevalence of COVID plummeted by 58 percent. ‘Additional modelling actually suggested that case levels fell by an estimated 70 percent.’
The case levels did not fall. The case levels were simply not artificially propped-up by the PCR methodology — they did not exist to begin with.
Basically, the use of Rapid Antigen Tests in these Slovakian counties exposed the misuse, and deliberate abuse of the PCR methodology to strategically inflate cases and bolster the “pandemic” numbers. It is not necessarily true that Rapid Antigen Tests are more accurate, but, rather, that they are fundamentally configured to not produce an overwhelming percentage of false positives.
On this basis, with this understanding, it should be apparent why the Australian Government does not intend on using the TGA-approved Rapid Antigen Test, and remains irrationally opposed to its implementation. Indeed, its very rejection is essential to ensuring a falsified threat, and to continue their criminal agenda.