THE ISRAELI LESSON FOR AUSTRALIANS: The Booster Rooster is crowing: "It's a Trap!"
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published September 9, 2021
"What we've learned from [Israel], and what's consistent with the modelling … is that even at 80 per cent, you need to have some public health measures in place to contain transmission," said Professor Lewin, director of The Doherty Institute.'1
Actually, this is not what we have learnt...
...this is simply positive spin by a professional propagandist on a disastrous reality that is poised to further implode.
What we have truly learned from Israel is that any "freedom" predicated on 70-80% of a population being vaccinated is a dangerous folly. Israel has allowed itself to be the "test nation" (exclusively vaccinated with Pfizer), and they are a collective testament to a failed medical experiment. None are protected from the "virus." There is no freedom in Israel — they have been damned to "booster" dependency and needle-enslavement in perpetuity.
The vast majority of Israelis recently hospitalised have been "double-jabbed" (95%), and it is unequivocal that the first two Pfizer "deltoid stabs" conferred zero benefit. Those assumedly "inoculated" to partake in society according to their Green Pass segregation system — are amongst the highest rate of newly infected per capita in the world. The Israelis have been coerced into jeopardising an otherwise robust natural immunity — alas, the spirit of fascism haunts and hounds them still.
Sweden and Portugal have both recently banned all Israelis (including vaccinated individuals and those able to provide proof of a negative infection) from their countries due to the prevalence of "disease" manifest amongst their 80% vaccinated citizenry.
No freedom to travel.
The medical experiment has been a monumental failure.
Our National Cabinet's proposal to achieve exactly the same outcome based on the exact same pseudoscience and criminal vaccination rate is an atrocity.
The Israelis must now take a third shot — and a fourth "booster" has already been announced as a forthcoming requirement to secure a continued Green Pass allocation of "freedom."
Freedom is slavery...
We must not let this happen!