THE METAVERSE IMPLODES: Zuckerberg's Meta Platforms Inc. Loses $250-Billion In A Single Day
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published February 5, 2022
On some fundamental human level, the very idea of being "transhumanised" and socially integrated, interdependent and endorphin-addled by a Technocratic "Meta" vision of having one's individuality fused into a biological and digital gulag is utterly repugnant to the spirit of our species.
This is the endgame of the Global Apex Predators. They have long conspired to install the digital-prison infrastructure required to achieve supreme dominance over the boundless creativity of an untrammelled humanity: Artificial Intelligence, synthetic meat, gene-therapy, brain-chips, implants, cashless Digital Currency, Social Credit Scores, Nano-tech-injectables, cyborg enhancements... under the current paradigm, are all weapons aimed against us.
These are all necessary elements to realise the Fourth Industrial Revolution — a devolution into a system of Full Spectrum Dominance over the human soul.
“The difference with this fourth industrial revolution is it doesn’t change what you are doing – it changes YOU, if you take genetic editing just as an example …“ - Klaus Schwab
We are Divine beings in a Universe of boundless possibilities and potentialities; from birth, we are immersed in a hijacked reality of repressive deception, ideologically warped, miseducated, spiritually disorientated, programmed with false history, pseudo-science and destructive medicine — all weaponised to dehumanise, diminish and incrementally poison the mind, body and soul; we must renounce the binding "Meta-verse" for the perverse "reality" it threatens; and rid ourselves of the feverish Technocratic dreams of such deviant minds that harbinger a collective nightmare for all...
There will be no "Fourth Industrial Revolution" Mr Schwab, certainly not as you envision; and when the revolution that is currently looming is finally upon us — woe be you, and your psychopathic brethren!
Thus, it begins with the stockmarket implosion of Zuckerberg's essential contribution1 — the "visual aspect" and proposed human-digital interface of the integrated "Metaverse" ... is being dramatically rejected...