PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published February 11, 2022
They apparently know that it is coming this winter.
The Ol'Influenza is about to return with a vengeance, or so they say...
Kids are going to get hit hard, apparently, much harder than COVID could ever slug — which was always a cheeky flick of the earlobe for children, truthfully.
Where exactly did it go for almost three years?
The Australian 2019 Flu season was the second worst on record, and resulted in 953 influenza-associated deaths, and 313,000 laboratory confirmed cases — and then the Coronacircus rolled into town and set up under the Big Top, captivating all!
Two years later, and 2021 witnessed just 484 cases and zero deaths from the once rampant Influenza.1 These 'experts do not have an answer as to why,’ but the same "experts" are now inexplicably aware that it will be returning this year.
Given that the CDC retired the bogus PCR test methodology for Americans on the 31st of December, declaring it obsolete, and finally admitting that it was incapable of differentiating between influenza and COVID (which Australia has yet to officially confess, as it slyly phases out the PCR scam with the "plague of RATs") — it should be apparent where the flu went...
It was just conveniently reclassified to falsify daily case numbers, and to artificially inflate the alleged deaths attributed to the Pandemic of the Gullible.
So, the flimsy future narrative is now being set: a particularly virulent influenza strain is forecast for the 2022 Australian winter, with the remarkable prediction that it will combine with whatever dominant strain of COVID might be circulating and result in a hybridised "Flu-Rona wave."
Ironically, it has always been a "Flu-Rona wave," as both viruses have been conflated as one-and-the-same from the very onset of the relentless vaccine Marketing Campaign.
Now, they intend to be honest, as they dishonestly attempt to market two distinct vaccines for twice the bounty, and double the taxpayer-funded looting.