THE RING OF POWER: ‘Ring Vaccination Strategy’
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published January 6, 2021
“One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them…” — inscription on Sauron’s Ring of Power, ‘The Lord of the Rings.’
On December 23rd, the ABC News published a speculative article that should absolutely terrify rational minds. Titled, ‘Should ‘ring vaccination’ begin immediately to bring northern beaches COVID-19 outbreak under control?’1 it foreshadowed a truly fascist strategy envisioned for managing an “outbreak.” Not only did the article propose prematurely rolling out an experimental ‘coronavirus vaccine, to smother the northern beaches outbreak,’ but, ‘in addition to tracing and isolating known contacts of COVID-19 cases, the strategy would involve vaccinating those contacts too.’
Every traceable contact connected with those ‘testing positive’ would also be required to be vaccinated.
Professor Tony Cunningham, an infectious disease physician at the University of Sydney, acknowledged the unsuitability of such a strategy (given that the current Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have not been made available to Australians by ‘emergency authorisation,’) but, nevertheless, he was hopeful that once vaccines were suitably abundant:
‘While ring vaccination focuses on known contacts of cases, a local mass vaccination effort would try to vaccinate everyone in the area, regardless of whether they've been in contact with a case, hopefully smothering any chance the virus has to spread.’
Essentially, what is being proposed is a mass vaccine “napalming” of a supposed “outbreak” area: a forced-injection campaign, a crime against humanity.
This is a premature reveal, or rather, an unnerving “preview,” of what the conspiring powers have already strategized. Prior to any implementation they always test the murky waters, and few heed the outward-rippling surface of the dark-sludge they hope to submerge us all beneath. What is proposed is undeniably a framework for ushering in a dystopian medical tyranny. With the availability of vaccines — all will be in place to callously implement this outrageous violation of human rights. This ABC News article should serve as a valuable insight into the pathological mindset that has been entrusted to advise the government at the behest of supranational Big Pharma interests.
Given that the COVID-19 mortality is calculated to be 99.98%, and that according to WHO, 99% of those infected experience mild cold-like symptoms, or are asymptomatic — the whole premise for a “pandemic” requiring a vaccine is utterly preposterous, redundant and agenda-driven.
The ‘New Normal’ is truly a reimagining of an old totalitarian evil.
Two weeks later, and the ‘northern beaches outbreak’ in Sydney has resolved itself without any such “smothering.” No alarmist pseudo-science ‘ring vaccination necessary.’ Having successfully disrupted Christmas, the “outbreak” managed to conveniently perpetuate the pandemic scenario, while amplifying general anxiety and compelling an additional COVID ritual observance: wrapping a mandatory facecloth across the face of Greater Sydney.
Indeed, the con must be propped-up lest it fades, and how better than having everyone wear a mask-prop?
All this effectively extends the longevity of the pandemic narrative, and ensures it remains foremost and relevant in the public mind. Combined with the fraudulent misuse of the PCR test to create ‘false positives,’ and the masking of a healthy population, it is undoubtedly a psychological prelude to a future “outbreak” that might require ‘smothering’ and to be “ringed-in.”
This is a heads-up unless you want to roll your sleeves-up.
Once you know the mind of your enemy — you can anticipate, circumvent and disarm.
Truth, transparency and solidarity are our closest allies.