THE SECOND TRUMP PRESIDENCY: The End of the American Empire, and the Rise of Fortress America
Trump aligns America with the Emerging Multipolar World to Dismantle the Globalist's Plans for a Centrally-Governed New World Order.
REPORTER*: “Are you concerned that Trump might be elected again?”
“I think it’s very likely, and if it happens, it is likely to be kind of the death blow to what remains of the global order. And he says it openly…” — WEF’s Yuval Noah Harari, Advisor to Klaus Schwab1 *July 17, 2024 (4-days after the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump at Butler, Pennsylvania)
“My proudest legacy will be that of a peacemaker and unifier, that’s what I want to be, a peacemaker and a unifier” - Donald J. Trump, 60th Presidential Inauguration Ceremony (January 20th, 2025)

On Monday, 20th of January, 2025, Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States of America. Against astronomical odds, and despite the endless skullduggery of his many swamp-dwelling adversaries, Trump had miraculously prevailed. Dancing his signature side-rocking-with-alternating-fist-pumps dance, he side-stepped impeachment, out-stepped lawfare, and head-tilted away from a bullet to once again become the Commander-in-Chief of an American Empire in terminal decline. Divinely spared from assassination, Trump is resolute that he has a mandate from God to Make America Great Again — and a majority of American Patriots, Conservatives and Christians wholeheartedly believe him.
Astride his colossal Republican beast, Trump had artfully goaded and directed the lumbering GOP Elephant with his unique MAGA-hook: “The Radical Left Democrats are destroying America!” During the election campaign he thundered ever-forward, with trunk trumpeting and tusks thrusting in defiance — unstoppable. The one-man-stampede eventually shunted and de-saddled Harris from her Democratic Ass, leaving it to stagger riderless toward the knackery. Last time around, the game was bizarrely inverted, and the Donkey managed to cunningly blindfold Don, spin him around, and literally pin “The Tale of the Pandemic” on his controversial defeat.
This time was revenge.
The entire Democratic Party and its perverted anti-human ethos will now be irretrievably vanquished: the election was truly existential for both parties, after all.
Fortunately, the November 5th US Presidential Election proved “Too Big to Rig,” but rig they tried,2 and rig they failed. Trump was not meant to run; Trump was not meant to survive; Trump was not meant to win. He did. In their subterranean sulfuric-dens, and from the flesh-strewn depths of their putrid swamps, the Deep State wail imploringly before effigies of their Babylonian gods. They drastically underestimated their Populist foe, and now they themselves are imperilled.
Only the second US President to serve a non-consecutive term, having truly won three — the political pendulum now swings with purposeful momentum to the right.
The MAGA Republicans seized not only The Oval Office, but also majority control of both the Congressional House of Representatives and the United States Senate. They already have a 6-to-3 majority in The Supreme Court. Trump will now hold all visible executive levers to the vast machinery of American Empire, to either throttle, or thrust. The non-visible levers are still gripped by his entrenched enemies amongst the Shadow Government, and will not be easily pried.
The Three Trumps: Populist, Fascist, PsyOp
Depending on perspective, the triumphant return of The Populist King is both the herald of a potential new American Golden Age, or the portender of fascistic doom. Indeed, a stark diametric is apparent across the Left-Right political divide: there is both a sense of elevated optimism, contrasted with utter hopelessness. Both are subjectively true, but objective reality beckons with verifiable results and facts, and will not be founded on the fake feelings of a socially-maladapted and misanthropic left-leaning minority. Their degenerative decade of hysterical-influence is over.
Indeed, those hopelessly programmed with decades of cultural-Marxist progressivism can contribute no meaningful dialogue. We have heard it all. Their manufactured outrage at Trump’s second Presidential term is entirely idiotic: a mere obsoleted program of their obsolete programming.3 Their chaotic feelings are irrelevant, irrational and illogical. Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is real. Their Leftist media-fashioned concept of “Hitlerian Trump,” his alleged “evils and crimes,” has always contained zero objective truth, and their awareness of reality is tragically stunted, and minimal. These once useful-idiots, and their defining gamut of victimhood ideology have become useless — the pendulum has swung away, leaving them dazed and purposeless. Indeed, they were the true fascist footsoldiers of the neo-liberal Globalists — one hive mind of the nascent New World Order — now, they can do naught but seethe between spittle-flecked screams of impotence.
There is also a third conflicting perspective. Many so-called and self-branded independent journalists, libertarians, Truthers and Freedom Fighters across the various social media platforms remain wary, cynical and even outright apathetic: “Everything is controlled! Trump faked his own assassination attempt! It’s all a PsyOp! Trump is the Deep State, fools! You’ve all been duped!”
Some are smirking mouthpieces for the ever-subversive Intelligence-apparatus, and have been entrusted to cunningly demoralise, derail and deflect with their contrarian views. Most are merely motivated to guard their demarcated conspiratorial territory. They are stubbornly incapable of going “off brand,” and unwilling to concede that the “Trump Phenomenon” might actually be counter to their dire prognostications.4 They regard the seismic political shift to be but a Masonic “false hero of the people play,” suggesting complete Zionist infiltration, and lamenting the treacherous “two party delusion” that will only further the New World Order. Some hysterically decry and forewarn that “Trump is the Anti-Christ,” or the “Jewish Messiah, Mashiach, or Jewish King.” Others erroneously claim that Trump is truly a Globalist who will serve the agenda of the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution by first “rebuilding trust,”5 and then implementing The Great “Technocracy” Reset by stealth (a 500-billion investment in AI Stargate, and personalised AI-mRNA cancer vaccines6.)
All such perspectives are worth acknowledging to gain an adequate overview, but not all are worth integrating as knowledge. Indeed, the objective reality, the actual distilled truth, remains somewhat elusive to these often-condescending apolitical naysayers. Their black pill addiction has obscured their perception of reality.
Trump is not part of the Globalist Deep State Consortium — that should be glaringly apparent.
Trump represents the ascendency of a rival faction amongst the stratospheric Billionaire Class; an ideological schism, a maverick mutineer who staged a successful mutiny against his own elitist-ilk from within the blackened-heart of the moribund American Empire. However, the “Trump Phenomenon” is also an idea whose time has come — the natural emergence of a counterbalancing political instrument of restoration. Having recklessly swung to the far-left, the pendulum would inevitably reach a crucial point of predictable entropy — only to abruptly reverse course, and rapidly reenergise to the right: America First.
The American Empire recedes into Fortress America: Nationalism versus Globalism
The New World Order plan being advanced by the Geneva-based Globalists (WEF-UN-WHO) is dependant on all former nation-states being entirely subsumed by a supranational One World AI-Government. In order to achieve this, all sovereign nations were targeted for total destruction, especially America.
Each nation-state was to be extirpated, its people utterly conquered, only for the survivors to be re-integrated into a global transhumanist control-grid as outlined by The Fourth Industrial Revolution.
America and its Five-Eye Anglosphere countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States) were to be systematically dismantled from within by a litany of cultural-Marxist upheaval programs and the mind-rot of Wokeism.7 Then they were to be dismantled from without, and utterly annihilated in a pre-scripted Third World War: flashpoint Ukraine (Russia, England and Eastern and Western Europe); flashpoint Israel (the entire Middle East, especially Iran); flashpoint Taiwan (China and Asia Pacific nations, including Australia and New Zealand).
The sacrificial American Empire would be catalytic in all three flashpoints. The whole Contemporary World would be engulfed in a great conflagration of war, famine, plague and death — and would cease to exist amongst the ashes. Erased.
A new One World AI Global Government would emerge from the impervious United Nation’s headquarters in ever-neutral Geneva, Switzerland.
The aftermath of Total War would yield a vastly depopulated local population swarmed by traumatised post-war refugees; all mere techno-serfs beholden to techno-feudalists; each equally enslaved, malnourished and utterly dependant on 5G-surveillance to be sheltered, and to be allotted green carbon credit and Universal Basic Income (UBI) for synthetic food; all geo-fenced in planetary containment zones; tracked, traced, routinely medicated and perpetually weakened: all genetically-blended and rendered property-less, borderless, nation-less, godless, history-less, race-less, culture-less — hopeless.
The present homo sapiens human species would have been “trans-humanised,” and a dull-eyed techno-humanoid abomination would shamble about in its place — a Luciferian affront to the Divine, fated too, to perish in its accursed absurdity. All the while, the Elite would live lavishly in their sequestered break-away societies and their underground city complexes.
Fortunately, the geopolitical paradigm has fundamentally shifted, the Zeitgeist is rapidly transmuting as the unipolar “rules based order” of the neo-liberal American Empire irreversibly recedes. It cannot be salvaged in its current tottering and overstretched state, and is destined to collapse into its cross-continental shadow. A multipolar world of diverse sovereign nation-states is emerging — there will be no New World Order. The American Empire will certainly end, but Fortress America will rise formidable, encompassing a potential unification of Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal, to preserve the American people and to protect the American Nation-State as it becomes an integral component of the multipolar transformation.
This is President Trump’s Nationalistic vision for the future of America in a multipolar world: Fortress America.
Yuval Noah Harar was right: the election of Donald Trump is a “death blow to what remains of the global order.” The age of ever-expansive nation-eroding Globalism has ended.
The Presidential Executive Orders that Ended Globalism
Immediately after his inauguration, Trump commenced signing his many premeditated Executive Orders.8 Each was intended to specifically counter and nullify the ambitions and instruments of the Globalist Deep State Cabal:
America would withdraw from The World Health Organisation and extricate itself from any future Pandemic Treaty overseen by Globalist medico-fascist diktats.
The declared Energy Emergency would renounce The Green New Deal, and justify the withdrawal from The Paris Climate Accords, enabling the mantra of “Drill, Baby drill!” to access the “liquid gold” and to restore energy abundance and increase industrialisation. Thus, the carbon-based “Climate Crisis” would be relegated to past superstitions
Meritocracy would return, as the mediocrity instituted by the Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity (DEI) policies were scuppered across the nation.
Two-gender (male and female) commonsense was decreed.
The declared “National Border Emergency” will restore pride in nation and culture, while reducing the burden of urban crime and perpetual welfare-syphoning from the state, as millions of illegal migrants are humanely returned to their home countries.
The Mexican Cartels are now a declared “Terrorist Organisation,” and their human-trafficking, money-laundering, drug-running and organ-harvesting operations will be curtailed by the US military.
All online censorship tactics implemented by the Biden Administration (Deep State) including the obsession with enforcing Misinformation & Disinformation have been deemed unlawful, and must be terminated to ensure the free expression of every American. Free-speech is a requisite for maintaining any free society, and remains paramount.
Central Bank Digital Currencies have been banned into perpetuity.
America is to be transformed into a “Made in America” manufacturing and industrial self-sustaining powerhouse. The auto-industry will return, as the Electric Car Mandate has been terminated.
88,000 armed IRS agents have been fired, with some to be redeployed as Border Agents — their purpose under the Democrats (Deep State) was to eventually be weaponised against MAGA and the American people. No more.
The American Empire requires endless wars to gluttonously sustain itself, however, Fortress America, in alignment with Trump’s peacemaker approach, will pursue the ideal of pacifist isolationism. It will not require present, or future war-theatres. The Ukraine-Russian war will soon be brought to an end, China will now be a tariff-contained “friendly” trading-partner, and Trump has already indirectly exposed Benjamin Netanyahu as “a deep, dark son-of-a-bitch” responsible for all American Middle Eastern Wars by simply posting a video interview featuring Jeffery Sachs (a Jew) on his Truth Social.9 In so doing, he absolved himself of any anti-Semitic accusations, and revealed the inconvenient truth: American lives are expended for Israeli regional conquest. This proved instrumental in achieving an Israeli-Gaza ceasefire and the return of hostages.10
Trump is a Peacekeeper, which is the antithesis of the warmongering Globalist Deep State Cabal — there will be no World War III under his Presidency.
A Most Exciting but Dangerous Time
All valuable critiques of the second Trump Administration must remain circumspect, unemotional, realistic, and abstain from lauding “Trump as Saviour.” He is fallible, has proven fallible (Operation Warp Speed), and might still be compromised by numerous others now imbedded within his inner-circle. Promises made, must always be promises kept. Trump must always be held to account. He will make mistakes. All American Presidents have been beholden to Zionist Israel, but he must artfully extricate Americans from any further involvement in the Middle Eastern “Armageddon” carnage. Trump’s task is tremendous if he is to succeed in truly Making America Great Again, and he is still up against a formidable and ruthless Deep State — everyday he is imperiled.
All optimism toward the Trump Administration should be based on words translating into verifiable action — and the resulting observable outcome.
The Satanic stench possessing the Democratic Party has finally been exorcised from The White House. The era of the soul-warping modern-Progressive Left is now over: gone is The Green New Deal of energy sabotage and carbon credits and fictional human-caused “Climate Crisis;” gone is institutionalised gender confusion, child mutilation and Groomer depredation; gone is the racist Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) mandate that championed mediocrity over meritocracy and vilified white people; gone is the open-border invasion to dismantle social cohesion and a sense of nation, while ushering in welfare-inflation, general austerity and economic collapse.
All is not inexorably Evil. All is not absolutely controlled, and although we are largely entrapped within the matrix of this temporal-material realm, even the Archons of Darkness are subjugated to The Creator and the Universal Law that demands submission to the collective freewill choice of his creations. The collective freewill choice of a galvanised American people thwarted the desperate machinations and ballot-chicanery of the Deep State — Trump has the mandate of the people.
However, the Deep State will not readily relinquish its addiction to power — its ferocity and desperation will be now be tenfold. Expect an endless assault upon Americans from the “enemy within,” and pray that Donald Trump’s Second Administration musters the indefatigable fortitude and courage necessary to face the Deep State Beast without flinching, or conceding ground — and to finally put sword to its many heads.
JULY 13: The Day the Deep State Failed to Shoot Trump
US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2024: America First, or America Finished?
James Delingpole, Whitney Webb, CJ Hopkins, Ryan Cristian from The Last American Vagabond, David Icke, et al
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI), Climate Crisis propaganda, Carbon Taxes, Misinformation & Disinformation censorship, artificial inflation, Critical Race Theory, family destroying Feminist Theory, Gender Theory perversions, mass migration, mandated bioweapons etc.
Thank you for this extremely well-written, sane, analysis of where things stand! I've maddeningly swayed from redpill to blackpill and back 'round again and again, depending on whose substack I've most recently read. But your sober distillation of the whole picture resonates with my best instincts. Sharing this for sure.
Hi Stephen, thankyou for writing this, I read broadly and it is a relief to find someone reflecting my thoughts at present. Your view here is actually moderate and supported by the large arguments as well as many smaller nuanced ones. I’m surprised, and a bit dismayed, that so many are finding extreme positions to spruik, it’s as though Trump simply re-establishing the US as a nation state among nation states isn’t even an option, people seem to need to apply further agendas such as transhumanism or digital gulag by different means as a definite but hidden agenda. I think he probably thinks technology is inevitable but I don’t think he’s working duplicitously behind the scenes to enact such an agenda (though undoubtedly people will screech about Ellison/AI/mrna and tell me to wake up… it’s a strange & ill-conceived development but I get the sense it’s t what it appears to be).
I get frustrated with commentators that see a mention of an WEF association or a previously held belief then extrapolate it to mean a definite link to some agenda… there is so much of this happening with the result of the charge “controlled opposition” being flung about all over the place. It’s so unhelpful!
I feel you’ve written something that has teeth yet avoids going into speculation. Thankyou!