THE ST JOSEPH’S COLLEGE GUINEA PIGS: 163 Teenagers Selected for “Accidental” Medical Experimentation
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published July 7, 2021
Reality is truly distorted, and values inverted, when indignant claims of ‘the height of privilege’ and ‘obscene’ are being directed at an elite Sydney school who “mistakenly” had 163 Year 12 students vaccinated with Pfizer.1
This was no mistake.
Indeed, this is truly obscene, (utterly depraved would be more apt) but it is certainly not ‘obscene’ in the context of some rich boys “jumping the queue” while others missed out…
Supposedly, the prestigious St Joseph’s College received approval to vaccinate only their small number of Aboriginal students, and then an “error” resulted in all students being vaccinated. Regardless of the immorality of targeting the Indigenous population with exaggerated claims of “more vulnerable,” (eugenics) and the obvious actual privilege of focusing on prioritising the Indigenous over others (if it were an actual viral threat), all this constitutes a criminal conspiracy.
These teenagers are not enjoying “privilege,” for there is no privilege to be found in having an immune system completed disarmed and pathologically primed for future disease. They are all victims of insidious coercion, each having been deliberately incorporated into a heinous medical experiment that is being presented as an “accident.”
Each boy has just been injected with a highly dangerous experimental gene therapy that has been haphazardly manufactured and thrust upon the human species with zero indemnity, and zero need. Their seemingly innocuous injection will undoubtedly result in a deteriorated immune response; with toxic nano-lipid contamination transporting a destructive spike protein into all organs of their body — effectively reversing the body’s current antibody producing capacity: a complete health violation and impairment, rather than a ‘privilege.’
Obviously, those invested in ascertaining ‘experimental outcomes’ have chosen this particular boarding school, and these cohabiting boys — to monitor post-vaccination outcomes and results. Given that all 163 boys are gathered and concentrated in close confines, they were clearly selected for the “error,” as they present an optimal cross-sectional representation of ‘17-year olds’ (basically children) for the Big Pharma quack-psychos to scrutinise, track, and harvest data.
All this should be obvious to anyone still capable of discernment and critical thinking. Errors of this magnitude simply do not happen — they are permitted to happen with a plausible “cover story” and an unannounced ulterior motive that is crucial to realising a larger agenda: vaccinating children.
Ah, those “privileged” rich boys and those few “unprivileged” Aboriginal boys amongst them, all attending the $50,000-a-year elite private school, all now irreparably damaged by vaccine experimentation.
These boys have been reduced to guinea pigs, and the outraged fools are only concerned about vociferously bleating about ‘privilege’ and squabbling over those who have ‘missed out.’ The Hell of being included, and what a hellish choice to do so voluntarily with complete (mis)informed consent — these children had no such awareness, and no such choice: each was sacrificed to the frenzied scientists working for the Medical Reich.
This is not ‘the height of privilege,’ this is a Nuremberg ‘Crime Against Humanity.’