PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece published November 30, 2022

The horror, the horror!
Alas, hope does not always defeat hate, not this time, and certainly not the pure hatred for humanity embodied by this wretched subhuman. Clearly, we have not collectively suffered enough. Uncontested, and largely unimpeded — the monstrous Dan Andrews will again gorge on the body of Victoria. Four more years will see “The Butcher of Victoria” cast in bronze.1 A more apt celebration of his tyrannical reign would be tar-and-feathering and then cast over the Westgate on a rope.
And so we shall suffer, and suffer again…
Alas, Victoria has been cursed with a continuation of a Dan Andrews’ Labor Government: a true self-hexing. Melbourne masochists have ignorantly elected for more masochism, and have unwittingly imposed their sadism upon the others — oh, and how every Victorian will suffer for their excruciating choice.
A new season of suffering shall rapidly descend upon all Victorians, and suffer they shall, suffer you, and suffer I; suffer young, and suffer old; suffer present, and suffer future; suffer one, and suffer all — because of the profound ignorance and complicity of the Stockholm Coward Class.
We did it to ourselves, really. Whatever degree of rigging may have occurred, and irrespective of whether speculations of “selection” over genuine re-election are true — a vast multitude of still-masked Melbournians clearly voted for this loathsome fiend. The mindlessly-masked are everywhere, and are legion — and each virus-thrall represents a devout Kool-Aid gulper, lapper and slurper: a vote for Evil, a vote for Andrews.
Ultimately, the still-slumbering have lemming-marched us to the very precipice, and they will keep on marching over the edge. Some have already died suddenly in their sleep, but most heed not, and simply step around the dead and the lame, and continue their inevitable goose-step shuffle with eyes closed. The mass psychosis of the pseudo-pandemic has tethered many to the deception of having been “saved,” and having “virtuously” suffered under necessary tyranny — and they will continue to follow their leader. The edge and the drop awaits them all.
The Coalition’s milksop “nice guy,” Mathew Guy, put up all the opposition of a balled-cluster of dandelion seeds against a slight breeze — and was dispersed with ease. It was wishful-thinking to wish otherwise. Perhaps, that was always his beta-male purpose — weak beyond all redemption, weak beyond any potential election. He failed to oppose the authoritarian rule of Dan Andrews in any compelling and meaningful manner; he failed to endorse and allow Liberal MPs to show solidarity with genuine freedom protests; he failed to block the mandates, and even voted to permit them to be imposed upon his own MPs for access to parliament; he failed, as if failure was the very success he was destined to achieve. Nice guys finish last… by design.
Dan Andrews was always the World Economic Forum’s chosen and preferred Destroyer — his propensity for immorality, arrogant ruthlessness, megalomania and a black heart devoid of empathy all make for a wonderful genocidal enslaver. Guy was just too darn nice, and played his role… nicely.
Victorians will suffer tremendously for entrusting a proven psychopath with the welfare of their state. The authoritarian sickness is manifest, and any lasting return to cultural, economic and social health is absolutely dependent on its removal. There is an argument that our Premier was merely re-selected as a reward for his stellar marketeering of Big Pharma poisons ( he jarringly bellowed, “Vaccines WORK!” during his re-election speech), and this could also be true. However, Guy was never a real choice, and many Victorians are mentally paralysed, and remain incapable of making any other choice, having had their choice chosen for them by strategic, traumatic and incessant mind-programing: “he saved us.”
There is a profound spiritual lesson to be learnt through protracted suffering — and, indeed, according to our state licence plates — Victoria is currently ‘The Education State.’ And what an education awaits! Victorians will be collectively educated in the collective suffering of collectivism, until the tragic lesson is learnt. In the harrowing aftermath, the necessary societal wisdom will have been attained to thoroughly exorcise these demons, and their devilry.
Indeed, hope will always defeat hate… just not yet…
Keep the faith, keep the heart and keep the Light — the future depends upon it.