THE VOICE TO PARLIAMENT: The United Nations' Agenda 2030, and how 'The Voice' will be Used to Steal Australian Land & Assets
Examining the Globalist Conspiracy to use the "Indigenous" as a land-grab

Australia, and our Australian democratic freedoms are in the sights of a cunning Global Predator.1 Foreign vultures silently circle our Great Southern Land, casting ominous shadows upon the unwitting population below. In our collective unawares, they keenly await their calculated moment to swoop, and strip-tear the fat of our land. The Voice Referendum is why they circle; a ‘Yes’ vote will signal their frenzied descent with razor beak. These vultures operate behind the seemingly noble front of the United Nations, and are truly the Transnational Globalists that have strategised to exploit the “Australian Aboriginal” as a cover to carve-up and consume our Australian land. They are ravenous, and they are coming for our farms, and they are scheming for at least seventy-percent of all land by 2030.2 They believe you will be happy to own nothing, because you will have no choice — so, be happy, or else!3
Globally, the United Nations are currently puppeteering their regional figureheads to recognise Native Titles, Treaties, and in Australia’s instance, a constitutionally enshrined ‘Voice to Parliament.’ However, it is all a grand deception to seize our vast natural resources and land: agricultural lands, forests, oceans, coastlines, nature reserves, metals (lithium), minerals (uranium), and waterways. Indeed, such humanitarian policies are not motivated by any sincere endeavour to address the plight of the Indigenous. All that has been propagandised and presented beneath the banners of “virtue” and “atonement” will only benefit a shadowy Cabal of oligarchical billionaires. Canadian, US and New Zealand territory is similarly being targeted by the Globalists, and our Prime Puppet, the mush-minded Albanese, has had his strings impatiently yanked to ratify their agenda at the expense of our sovereign nation.
We cannot permit this — this will be the end of Australia. We must not allow them to cut-out our collective tongues to gift themselves The Voice. We must speak out, but we must also be aware of what needs to be spoken to awaken Australians to the devious agenda. We must unite and unify in our opposition, exercise discernment, disengage with the government-funded Media trickery, and rationally articulate why we MUST vote ‘No.’
What follows is an attempt to define the key aspects of The Voice deception, how the Globalists have orchestrated every aspect, and how they hope to achieve their stupendous land-grab of our country.
Introducing Aboriginal Whistleblower and The Voice Opponent: Josephine Cashman
Josephine Cashman is an Aboriginal Australian lawyer (acclaimed Prosecutor), entrepreneur, and a former member of the Prime Minister’s Indigenous Advisory Council (appointed by Tony Abbot in 2013). Pertinently, while occupying the Indigenous Advisory Council, Cashman discovered a plot by the United Nations to use the decoy of the “Aboriginal” and “Indigenous Rights” to asset-strip Australia and to remove all private land ownership. The document contained a direct reference to using the Indigenous as the ‘fulcrum’ to establish a New World Order ( "Indigenous people may in this emerging world order provide the necessary fulcrum on which global futures balance"4) She is a Whistleblower, undeniably authentic and credentialed (truly the foremost voice on this subject) — and she has devoted countless hours to researching and exposing the fake-Aboriginal leaders advancing this insidious objective on behalf of the Globalists.5
Cashman describes ‘The Uluru Statement from the Heart’ as ‘a momentous fraud, an abomination against all Australians.’ She claims that despite the heart-warming propaganda and virtuous rhetoric, The Uluru Statement does not represent the 'agenda of people living in Aboriginal communities,' but, rather, is the product of just five traitorous phoney-Aboriginals (Lowitja O'Donoghue, Noel Pearson, Sol Bellear, Marcia Langton and David Ross) in direct consultation with the United Nations and their Agenda 2030. It is fundamentally a diabolical fraud that is intended for diabolical ends: to facilitate The Voice and to usher in a Treaty of forced land acquisition guided by Native Title land demarcations.
Scheming for a New World Order: The United Nations Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum
On September 25, 2015, the UN Member States adopted and launched the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.6 This vision was the result of three years of intergovernmental negotiations, and despite its claims of being ‘unequivocally anchored in human rights’ it a truly a blueprint for enslaving humanity. Its stated principles for systematically transforming ‘global and national policies’ are intended to consolidate Globalist control of everything, and everyone: the New World Order.
All claims of sustainability for ‘people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnerships’ in the Agenda 2030 documents are but a saccharine coating to trick the ingestion of a truly bitter pill: technocratic tyranny. If need be, it may be inserted as a suppository!
The UN’s Agenda 2030 aligns perfectly with the pathological ambitions pursued by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and their Great Reset agenda. Both nefarious Geneva-stablemates are unified in their obsessive vision for transforming (deforming) humanity into a transhumanist digital-serfdom (humans merged with technology and controlled — for sustainability). It is telling that the WEF’s unelected billionaires are advancing the exact same inhuman agenda as the United Nations — indeed, most UN Member States are captured by the WEF’s Young Global Leaders Program.7 The Transnational Globalists (Corporatocracy) have both constricting-tentacles and hydra-heads in all the parliaments planetwide.
The WEF and the UN are synonymous in purpose, and ambition: they are enemies of a free and self-determining humanity.
Should Agenda 2030 be realised: you will own nothing, and have no privacy; you will rent everything, there will be no private ownership of land or assets; you will be forced to consume synthetic lab-grown meat, toxic plant proteins, and parasitic-ridden insects (to reduce carbon and save the climate); you will be subject to a Vaccine Passport to access society, economy and travel (requiring up-to-date inoculations of deadly mRNA for validity); if forced into unemployment due to staged-lockdowns (future pandemics, “climate crisis”, rolling-blackouts due to manufactured energy shortages, orchestrated famines due to sabotaged food production) you will depend on a Universal Basic Income (UBI) that will be determined by a cashless Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC); the CBDCs will be used to monitor all transactions and restrict your purchases based on your Carbon Credit Score; further financial restrictions may be imposed, or a complete access to funds denied, for social indiscretions, or for exhibiting non-compliance or disagreeableness to certain government policies — as demerit points are tallied against your Social Credit Score; with the electrification of everything you will be rationed electricity according to your Carbon Credit and largely restricted to 15-Minute Smart City hubs; coastlines, national parks, regional towns will be restricted, geo-fenced and deemed “repatriated” to the Indigenous and inaccessible to all; every physical movement, transaction and keystroke will be meticulously monitored by omnipresent 5G AI-filtered surveillance, with access to the internet (and the mind-perverting and soul-degrading Metaverse) being entirely dependent on an exclusive Digital ID: no Digital ID, no internet.
Indeed, you will own nothing, owe nothing, and be completely owned — like human chattel, or, rather — like fenced-in cattle that anxiously awaits the whim of the farmer, or the butcher.
The Uluru Statement from the Heart: The Devil is in the Details
The UN’s specific focus on the ‘plight of the indigenous,’ and the stimulation of White guilt (for Colonialism) to obtain White consent for their Agenda is the perfect ruse. It is not coincidental that in the Agenda 2030 segment detailing Indigenous peoples and the 2030 Agenda the UN declared: ‘As indigenous peoples across the world still lag behind on most social, economic and political indicators, they should be at the heart of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.’8
It is also not coincidental that the very next year, (after the September 2015 UN Agenda 2030 launch), the Australian ‘Referendum Council led a series of Regional Dialogues to discuss options for constitutional recognition with the First Nations people.’ These Regional Dialogues eventually lead to the First Nations Constitutional Convention in Uluru that issued the ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart’ to the Australian people’ in 2017.9
According to the UN strategy, the ‘indigenous peoples’ are at the declared heart of Agenda 2030; and at the heart of the Australian Globalist land-theft is the heart-warmingly insidious ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart.’
Now, let us get to the heart of the issue…
The feel-good ever-so-virtuous ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart’ exists only because the UN’s Agenda 2030 requires it. It is inherently sinister in purpose. Despite allegedly being the result of two-years of the Referendum Council engaging in Dialogues with the First Nations People, and collating their stories along with Records of Meetings — the statement is fundamentally an instrument for the Transnational Globalists to seize ownership of our lands. It was pre-written and issued from Geneva. It is not the statement of any true Indigenous Australian.
On May 21, standing at the podium at Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club in Sydney, Albanese gave his victory speech and uttered: “On behalf of the Australian Labor Party, I commit to the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full.”10
In the Uluru Statement there is just one specific line that references The Voice: ‘We call for the establishment of a First Nations Voice enshrined in the Constitution.’
The Uluru Dialogue’s co-chair Professor Megan Davis, a Cobble Cobble and South Sea Islander woman has articulated the agenda: “We are confident that under the leadership of Prime Minister Albanese, we will see a constitutionally enshrined voice, then treaty, then truth.”11
The constitutionally enshrined Voice will enable the unfettered theft of land (from Indigenous and White Australians alike) by Treaty — and the truth, once fully realised, will be an irreversible evil: a complete Globalist expropriation of Australian farms and private land behind a token “Aboriginal” facade.
How They Hope to get Away with it - Using the Footsoldiers of the Progressive-Left to Scream “Racist!” at Everybody else
The UN hopes to achieve its Agenda 2030 objectives by stealth and lies (no informed free-thinking human would ever accept it!) The success of the Agenda may be best determined by triggering emotional appeals to virtue, and on receiving the mass-blessing and consent of generations of Progressive-Left dupes that delight in virtue-signalling according to their cultural-Marxist programming.12
Our Universities have contributed to the “Marxist long march through the Institutions” of warping society and culture through the ideological programming of generations of young adults with such destructive mindsets: divide and conquer. The Transnational Globalists have certainly infiltrated our halls of higher learning with cultural-Marxism as an underpinning tenet of their Agenda (i.e. Gender Studies, Race Studies: pitting men against women, dividing race against race). Many of the perfectly programmed (University graduates, post-graduates, Doctors, Professors) now zealously wish to atone for their “Whiteness” and their “privilege” — to validate themselves, to self-flagellate and to ‘feel good’ about confessing their default racism. They want to “save the environment,” and “save the Indigenous” (and in the spirit of narcissism — “save” themselves), even if it means enslaving everyone else. With every Australian State (except for Tasmania), and our Federal Government suspiciously under Progressive-Socialist Labor (elected, or selected?) — the political leaders of our country now align perfectly with the legions of mindless virtue-signallers that beg to be led.
Albanese is attempting to lead them to The Voice.
Indeed, there is a now a convenient synergism of hive-mind between those infected by the Progressive-Left (via decades of mis-education in which they have been told what to think, not how to think) and a compatible National Government (unified Federal Labor and State Labor) that espouses the same ideological mind — they buzz as one, and dangerously swarm together in aggressive allegiance to advance any Progressive-Left agenda. One can reasonably conjecture that this did not simply happen, and does not truly represent the electoral choices of the Australian people: it was made to happen. An Australian mainland now entirely governed by Labor is necessary to fast-track policies detrimental to Australians — it should be obvious that the Corporatocracy that truly governs Australia has shuffled things politically to best facilitate and expedite their business takeover. Much is pinned upon the success of the The Voice Referendum (which suggests that they will act underhandedly to ensure its success.)

We must act to educate and counter the raw undiscerning hysteria of “atoning for racism” and “righting colonial injustice,” by attempting to reach a critical mass of minds. We must speak the truth, and share the truth to all in all ways possible. If Australia awakens, if Australians realise the anti-human agenda at play (and the potential to lose Australia, and all we hold dear) — it will not be so easy to swindle the nation with such monumental criminality masquerading as ‘the right thing to do.’
The Corporatocracy’s Regional Man: Albanese the Great Betrayer
The ‘Indigenous Voice to Parliament’ was amongst the first things Albanese committed to — it was almost as if he were guaranteed the Prime Ministership (and false accolades: absurdly voted amongst TIME magazine’s ‘100 Most Influential People’13) should he guarantee The Voice on behalf of the UN Marionettist string-pulling his policies.
Prime Minister Albanese has been given his primary task: to legally cede Australia’s sovereignty to the Transnational Globalists (aka: the Global Corporatocracy). The subterfuge of The Voice is essential for facilitating the complete capture and endless plundering of our lands. It is a means of finalising the transfer and the transaction on behalf of the Corporatocracy to ensure their unchallenged ownership — we must not let them!
Their supranational plan has been many decades in the making and schemed in the sulphuric shadows within Geneva, Switzerland (UN Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, WEF’s Great Reset)— and now is the time of execution. They need The Voice to be part of our Australian Constitution to have the parliamentary authority to legally divide and dismantle our lands into their exclusive ownership designated by the Native Title Act 1993 — and then stolen by Treaty. Again, this will benefit no single Indigenous Australian.
These Transnational Globalists are pathologically driven to transform society, culture and domestic and urban infrastructure to impose a full-spectrum dominance upon all aspects of human life. They are endeavouring to create the necessary societal, technological and political conditions to stealthily impose a Techno-Feudalism that will permit them to rule the subjugated masses from their protected overseer-apex. They wish to lord over us as modern Feudal Lords, owning everything, while humanity is pitifully reduced to digitally-enslaved serfs.
The UN Australian ‘land grab’ plan is simple. It corresponds with what they have specifically outlined in their Agenda 2030 (Indigenous peoples and the 2030 Agenda: ‘As indigenous peoples across the world still lag behind on most social, economic and political indicators, they should be at the heart of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda’)14, and is comprised of three crucial steps:
Instigate a token “return of land” to the Indigenous via Native Title
Change the Australian Constitution to establish a controlled parallel parliament represented by an executive “Indigenous Voice.”
Use the controlled Voice to literally divide-and-conquer by ratifying a Treaty, confiscating “stolen” and “sacred” land, and then re-allocating the carved-up country and its assets to the exclusive ownership of Transnational Globalists.
We must not let it happen. Everything is at stake. They will pillage and siphon-away the beauty and the bounty of Australia if we are deceived into consenting to a ‘Yes.’
Once you know, you KNOW — and it must be a ‘NO!’
NOTE: This is a follow-up piece to my April 6 article: ‘THE REAL AGENDA BEHIND THE VOICE TO PARLIAMENT: Exposing the Globalist’s Plan to Steal Australia’
This is a follow-up piece to my April 6 article: ‘THE REAL AGENDA BEHIND THE VOICE TO PARLIAMENT: Exposing the Globalist’s Plan to Steal Australia’
Indigenous peoples and the 2030 Agenda
This is my follow-up piece to my April 6 article, 'THE REAL AGENDA BEHIND THE VOICE TO PARLIAMENT: Exposing the Globalist's Plan to Steal Australian Farmlands and Regional Land'
Great stuff Stephen. One of the posters on my blog drew my attention to your substack. If you wish, I would be grateful and honoured to republish your pasts there. With acknowledgement and a link back of course.
Cheers Monty.