VICTORIA'S WASTEWATER COVID ALERTS: "Spinning Shit" and "Taking the Piss"
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece originally published May 3, 2021
As Victoria approaches seventy consecutive days without a single community case — there seems to be something in the water. Our 'early-warning wastewater monitoring system' absolutely reeks.
It is all a lie.
Melbourne Water, overseen by the Victorian Government, in partnership with both the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the CSIRO, are criminally exploiting the general trust of the public.
Victoria has had zero community transmissions for over two months; yet, dramatic media alerts are regularly being issued over "alarming" levels of “viral fragments” that are constantly being "discovered" in sewage catchments everywhere.
At present, after 13 separate "alerts" over the last month and warnings issued for numerous suburbs (each an obvious fiction) — the public are being conditioned to believe that such an absurd monitoring system actually works.1
It does not, and it simply cannot.
The purported science and methodology used for wastewater viral detection can be readily debunked by simple logic; and it behoves us all to expose and dismantle this 'propaganda operation' by revealing the fraudulent "science" it deceptively represents.
The DHHS has published a ‘Question & Answer’ component to their government wastewater website (www. that is both condescendingly simply, and simply devoid of any actual information or substance — it is all an officially presented bluff: the words conceal more than they convey.
Supposedly, scientists capture an untreated ‘jar of wastewater’ from one of 160 catchment locations, and upon analysing that single jar using the single most inaccurate means ever devised for determining the presence of viral particles (PCR test methodology) — they are able to accurately determine from their sewage sample whether one sick person in a catchment of 100,000 might have had, or currently has COVID-19?
Sure, sure.
To put things into perspective, the very same PCR test is incapable of actually determining from a direct human swab whether the isolated individual is actually a positive case, or merely another false-positive resulting from a notoriously error-prone calibration cycle. Yet, we are expected to believe that a random jar of wastewater will just randomly contain an actual viral particle that has been determined by a PCR test that is known to consistently produce false results?
The odds of achieving an accurate result by employing such a methodology would be analogous to miraculously discovering a speck of gold randomly flicked upon the sand of an undisclosed location on a 10-kilometre island beach — after being asked to find it with a metal detector in less than 10 minutes.
Simply impossible.
According to Dr Warish Ahmed, team leader of the CSIRO’s wastewater-testing:
“The tests we are doing are very specific [...] It does not produce any false positive results at all. When we detect the virus in a sample, it means someone in a catchment is shedding.” “Wastewater testing is a powerful but inexact early warning system, potentially signalling the start of a new infectious cluster before people even know they are unwell and is sensitive enough to pick up one sick person in a catchment of 100,000 people."
“The detection of COVID-19 viral fragments in wastewater are not ‘false positives’. They are legitimate positive findings of viral fragments which are verified through independent testing.”
However, they are using the exact same fraudulent PCR test: "Genetic information from each sample is filtered out and tested using a similar PCR test to that used in humans."
Dr Ahmed speaks as a man attempting to deflect the truth. His insistence that his results are not ‘false positives,’ belies that they (the corrupt scientists, doctors, government) are concerned that awareness of the true "pandemic of false positives" will eventually expose their contributing role. Such individuals must be terrified that they will be revealed as complicit liars who acted to advance the criminal agenda: each a criminal, acting criminally — with their fingerprints all over the crime scene.
Logic dictates that there are only two possible reasons for the alleged "detection" of COVID ‘viral fragments’ in samples taken from sewage catchments:
(1) That they believe that they can arrogantly lie about their detection methodology and present fictitious results with impunity.
(2) That COVID is so ubiquitous and generally so mild, and that the infection rate has been so effective, that the vast majority of the population have already had the virus (as viruses are designed to rapidly blanket entire populations) — and that the wastewater is generally riddled with shedded viral particles from old and new infections.
In essence, such 'sewage monitoring' is a strategic tool to further the overreach of a looming Medical Tyranny; and it is intended to be used against Victorians to advance the New Normal Agenda under the pretext of 'keeping us safe,' while asserting that 'we are sick.' Therein, lies the inherent danger: the government is attempting to establish a general acceptance of their monitoring system. They require the public to accept that there exists a means to supposedly pre-empt an "outbreak" cluster location, and to simply trust that there is a "scientific" justification for any forthcoming 'emergency medical intervention' that may be authorised by the Chief Health Officer: effectively, medical fascism.
Recently, on the mere basis of allegedly discovering wastewater viral fragments, ‘246 Victorians were contacted by authorities and told to take a test as a precautionary measure.’2
What is to stop them from doing this on a larger scale, with an even more draconian approach?
If things continue to progress along this current trajectory, the sewage monitoring system will be used to "alert" and lock-down isolated suburbs that will then be 'zoned and restricted' according to the 'traffic light system.' Residents within the "outbreak" zone will be compelled to be tested, quarantined, and possibly force-vaccinated in accord with a proposed 'ring vaccination' strategy:* all those within the ringed-zone of the infected (all traced-contacts and those within proximity — potentially the whole suburb) must be vaccinated to stop the spread.
Wherever this ‘early-warning wastewater monitoring’ is being used, it will eventually be used to advance tyranny. We must recognise the cunning criminality that strives to promote this wastewater fraud, and flush out this seemingly small lie — before it becomes unbearably great and submerges us all.
*Explored in my previous January 6th piece: ‘THE RING OF POWER: ‘Ring Vaccination Strategy’