A STATE UNDER TYRANNY & THE FOUR MPs THAT BETRAYED VICTORIA: Samantha Ratnam, Fiona Patten, Andy Meddick & Rod Barton
PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece published November 10, 2022
“Tea, anyone!” May the approaching Victorian State Election be an opportunity to serve the first delightful cup-of-comeuppance. May it be brought boiling to the lips of the deserving — and smashed into their teeth.
Many shall drink their tea! Every Labor MP that lacked the integrity to defy Andrews must imbibe their bilious brew! There is also an overfilled cup especially for our repeat crossbencher double-crossers and independents: Samantha Ratnam MP, Fiona Patten MP, Andy Meddick MP; and another scolding pot must be brewed specifically for MP Rod Barton’s imbecilic grin.
The ruinous reign of Dan Andrews must be completely reined in — and all aiders and abetters to his crime-of-crimes held to account.
Our parliamentary criminals must be ousted, their crimes outed, examined and dutifully prosecuted. Justice must be delivered upon all traitorous Members of Parliament.
Our premier enacted extreme “pandemic measures” that were patently unjustifiable and foreseeably destructive — and then he added his own sadistic flair. It was an obvious farce from day one, and as the hysteria blinded, and led blind, the path that was pursued ultimately killed, maimed and irrevocably destroyed the lives of many. The absolute silence of the entire Labor Party throughout Dan Andrews’ despotic tyrannising of Victorians is inexcusable: not a stacked-vertebra amongst them. They invariably voted along party lines when critical junctures were reached — and they knowingly voted to eviscerate the vital organs and connective tissue of our once democratic state: economy, culture, liberty and health. Such despicable cowardice, zero empathy and absolute contempt for humanity cannot go unpunished.
There was no need for Victoria to be subjected to six lockdowns equating to 263 days of home imprisonment and the atrocious record for the ‘World’s Longest Locked-down City.’ Never should a ‘State of Emergency’ have been declared, let alone cunningly legislated into a permanent ‘Pandemic Declaration’ that imposed 941 consecutive days of punitive “Health Directives.” We should never have permitted the morally-repugnant infrastructure of a ‘Vaccine Economy’ (Vaccine Passports, a vaccine to work, QR code discrimination and constant monitoring) and the medical apartheid it cruelly ushered. Our supposed “daily cases,” all of which were demonstrably faked at 40-45 PCR cycle amplification, had been extraordinarily low — until the vaccines arrived!
Our real SARS-CoV-2 concern was literally injected into our reality.
The ‘State of Emergency’ declaration that created the real emergency in our state: authoritarianism (leadership) and the authoritarians (those that mindlessly follow)
All so-called “pandemic measures” were only legally enforceable under a ‘State of Emergency.’ Incidentally, the German Reichstag fire of 1933, that witnessed the burning down of the German Parliament building by “Communists,” enabled a pretext for the Nazi leadership to declare a perpetual ‘State of Emergency.’ Upon officially suspending civil liberties, the Nazi’s accrued the necessary legislative powers and the justification to spellbind their people, and eventually bulldoze Europe with their Third Reich ideology. They obviously lit the flame.
The COVID-19 con was the same staged-setup dynamic, but global. The Globalist Technocrats sought to bulldoze modern civilization, especially the prosperous West — and to 6uild 6ack 6etter (a better prison) from the human rubble.
A Victorian ‘State of Emergency’ was first declared to allegedly combat COVID-19 on March 16 2020, and was scandalously extended twice beyond its legal expiry, before the outrageous Pandemic Management Bill 2021 passed the upper house in December 2021 (despite the objection of hundreds-of-thousands of protestors over four weekends in November, 2021), permitting Andrews to clench such powers into perpetuity: a forever pandemic, an unchallenged supreme leader.
The “advice” of our unelected Chief Health Officer, Brett Sutton, (with his dubious “professorship” granted mere months before) supposedly informed Dan Andrews’ pandemic response. In truth, a template for the global World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” agenda was circulated to all compromised world leaders, and they simply acted in slavish lock-step to achieve their key objectives: a degradation of collective health; the installation of a Biomedical Police State; an economic collapse segueing into a cashless digital gulag; and a spiritual “transhumanist” impoverishment and enslavement of all.
A declared ‘State of Emergency’ (later, a ‘Pandemic Declaration’) in accordance with our Chief Health Officer’s ‘Health Directives,’ permitted VicPol to legally enforce the following decrees:
The suppression of our civil liberties
Unscientific housebound lockdowns
Forced-closure of small businesses
Furloughed employment, or job loss
Travel restrictions: international, interstate, and often just 3-kilometers from immediate residence
closure of playgrounds, play equipment and parks
closure of Universities, schools, kindergartens, playgroups
Social confinement and distancing — human separation and relationship fracture
capped numbers at funerals, a ban on weddings
closure of religious services, churches, synagogues, mosques
restricted, or no visitations of those in palliative care, or those hospitalised and dying
Closure of all recreational facilities: gyms, and a cessation of all community sports
Ubiquitous QR code monitoring to track movement, and to send text-message alerts to individuals supposedly present at faked “exposure sites” — to compel PCR testing (DNA harvesting). Government officials would continue to follow up and ensure compliance with testing, isolation periods, etc.
Compulsory 14-day isolation periods for all “exposed,” and asymptomatic “positives,” after being forced to submit to a deceptive PCR test.
Police brutality, militarised and offensive assault directed at protestors attending genuine protests.
The installation of a de facto Martial Law Police State.
Immune-destroying and completely ineffective mandatory masking — inside and outside.
The coerced submission to medical experimentation (with known blood-clotting and cardiac arrest inducing effects) to continue to earn a living, and to simply move amongst society.
The training of Authorised Officers (a private army of Stasi-era enforcers) to effectively police, interrogate, coordinate arrests with VicPol, issue fines and antagonise the people. Andrews’ unaccountable henchmen.
The construction of “Quarantine Health Camps” (aka: concentration camps) that were to eventually serve the nefarious purpose of vanishing, imprisoning, “re-educating” and force-vaccinating dissenters.
Vaccine Passports, and a Vaccine Economy that sought to “lock-out” and vilify the unvaccinated, as it destroyed their lives and livelihood.
All this was ONLY possible because Dan Andrews was able to secure and renew his ‘State of Emergency’ powers.
All this continued to be possible BECAUSE crossbenchers and independents sought to self-serve, and accepted political bribes from Dan Andrews to cast the crucial votes necessary to prolong our collective suffering.
Without their deciding vote: all this would have ended before the arrival of the vaccines.
Without such SoE powers — no person in Victoria would have lost their job for exercising bodily autonomy, and declining participation in a Stage 4 Clinical Trial that involved the injection of unproven mRNA gene-editing technology. No person would have been coerced into such Nazi-era human medical experimentation. None would have died, or been harmed by “vaccination.”
The “pandemic” would have simply ceased to exist — it only existed to market the vaccine products.
Now, in this context — the enablers behind such betrayal must be examined and held to account.
They killed people with their vote…
The MP Crossbenchers that betrayed Victoria: Ratnam, Patten, Meddick and Barton
The malfeasance of the Andrews’ Regime is unquestionable, but there were decisive moments in which his tyrannical overreach could have been legally thwarted.
Andrews almost forfeited his ‘State of Emergency’ powers on three separate occasions due to the legislative cap judiciously written into the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008. This was intended to curtail abuse — the sort of flagrant abuse we were witnessing under his autocratic regime.
A different fate was possible for Victoria, one that ensured the preservation of individual liberty and the early derailment of our monstrous megalomaniac — and Samantha Ratnam (Australian Greens Victoria), Fiona Patten (Reason Party), Andy Meddick (Animal Justice Party) and Rod Barton (Transport Matters Party) all voted for you to suffer. They enabled and perpetuated the tyranny, and they ultimately betrayed all. They did this with full awareness of the tragic consequences that such a vote would ultimately inflict upon everyday Victorians. The repercussions of emboldening and further blessing Andrews with additional State of Emergency powers was overwhelmingly apparent. Yet, alas, they all voted and collaborated to serve themselves — tragically, at our tremendous expense.
September 1, 2020: State of Emergency (SoE) EXTENDED for 6 months
‘An unexpected intervention by the Victorian Greens could help get the Andrews government's extended state of emergency bill over the line.
Greens leader Samantha Ratnam is set to return to Parliament on Tuesday and vote for the government's bill, extending the power for a further six months and allowing the government to declare a state of emergency in rolling four-week blocks.’
Premier Daniel Andrews' plan was to legislate for a 12-month extension. After pushback from the opposition and the public, the government revised its proposal to six months in order to attract the support of crossbenchers.The government requires the support of three upper house crossbench MPs to pass the bill.
However, Reason Party MP Fiona Patten and Animal Justice Party MP Andy Meddick were the only two parliamentarians to support the revised timeline, until Ms Ratnam said she would briefly return from maternity leave to vote in favour of the bill.’1
March 2, 2021: State of emergency (SoE) EXTENDED AGAIN for 9 months
'Victoria's state 'of emergency will be extended for another nine months, after the state government secured crucial crossbench votes in the Upper House.
Key points:
The state of emergency gives legally enforceable powers to the Chief Health Officer
The penalties for young people who were fined for COVID breaches will be halved, and there will be changes to the appeals process for people with detention orders
The state of emergency will be extended until December 16
The government has won the support of the Greens, Reason Party and Animal Justice Party, to extend the powers until the middle of December.
The laws, which give the Chief Health Officer wide-ranging powers to enforce public health orders including hotel quarantine and mask wearing, passed the Upper House late yesterday.’2
June 13, 2021: SECRET NEGOTIATIONS for permanent State of Emergency
‘The Andrews government is secretly negotiating with three crossbenchers to introduce specific pandemic laws that would permanently replace controversial state of emergency powers and significantly change the way the state manages COVID-19 this year.
The three crossbenchers promised their votes on the condition that new, more targeted laws would be drawn up with a particular focus on preventing the recurrence of incidents of the past 16 months that they viewed as government overreach, such as the snap lockdown of nine public housing towers last year.
In an unconventional move that has infuriated the Coalition and other crossbenchers, the Health Department is negotiating the new legislation with only Mr Meddick, Ms Patten and the Greens, and has held a series of meetings with them behind closed doors in recent weeks.3
October 26, 2021: Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021
‘The Andrews government needs the votes of three independent MPs in the Legislative Council to pass legislation. It has already secured the votes of Fiona Patten, Andy Meddick and Samantha Ratnam – who they have been consulting with since March – all but guaranteeing the safe passage of the bill.’4
‘What will it mean for fines for breaking the rules?
There will be general offences for failing to comply with orders, with fines of up to $21,800 for people and $109,000 for businesses.
There will also be an aggravated offence introduced for the most serious and high-risk instances of non-compliance.
If a person refuses to comply with an order, and should have known their non-compliance would cause risk to the health of someone else, such as breaching quarantine restrictions, or going to a large gathering when they know they are Covid-positive, they can face fines of up to $91,000, or two years in jail. For businesses, the fine is either $454,000 or up to three times the commercial benefit gained from the non-compliance.’5
November 30, 2021: Rod Barton MP (Transport Matters Party) BETRAYS VICTORIANS — votes to pass Pandemic Management Bill
‘Victoria’s controversial pandemic laws are set to pass parliament after the crossbench MP Rod Barton agreed to support the legislation, securing amendments to give parliament power to disallow pandemic orders.
[…]With Barton’s support, the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill is expected to pass the upper house.
The Andrews government says it needs the legislation in place before the state of emergency expires on 15 December in order to ensure it can still make and enforce public health orders.
‘"The state opposition leader, Matthew Guy, earlier accused Barton of doing a deal to support the legislation. Guy also criticised the government for not consulting with the Liberal party, saying “our phone never rang”.’6
‘Significant reductions in fines for breaching public health orders
Fines for breaching pandemic orders will be halved for general offences and aggravated offences. The hefty charges had been labelled extraordinarily high and excessive by the Law Institute of Victoria.
Prior to the amendments, fines of up to $21,800 for people and $109,000 for businesses could be applied for people who failed to comply with orders under general offences.
The maximum fine for a person who failed to comply with a health order, knowing it could cause serious health risks to others, will also be halved from $90,500 for aggravated offences. Businesses faced fines of up to $452,500 for breaching the rules. The harsher powers were only intended to be used rarely for the most egregious breaches.
The government has said these penalties would be used rarely.’7
December 2, 2021: PANDEMIC MANAGEMENT BILL passes upper house. STATE OF EMERGENCY becomes PANDEMIC DECLARATION. Dan Andrews’ will declare a “PANDEMIC” and take complete charge of health response (with minister).
‘The Andrews government’s contentious pandemic bill has passed the upper house paving the way for Victoria to become the first jurisdiction in Australia to implement tailor-made pandemic laws.
The legislation will shift the responsibility to declare pandemics and issue health orders from the chief health officer to the premier and health minister once the state of emergency powers expire on December 15.’8
Fortunately, after 941 days, and as a result of a global pushback (and extraordinary local resistance) against the monumental plandemic fraud executed by WEF collaborators and the pharmaceutical marauders — Andrew’s was forced to relinquish his self-allotted ‘Pandemic Declaration’ powers on Wednesday, 12 October, 2022.
In the aftermath of betrayal…
The Nuremberg Code (of which Australia is a signatory) explicitly prohibits the mass-coercion of a medical experiment upon civilians — and yet, these heinous monsters proceeded undeterred and emboldened. All that was done, was done to psychologically market the “vaccines.” Once mass-uptake was forced upon the population, the real disease of injected spike proteins caused the true ‘Pandemic of the Vaccinated.’ The mRNA “vaccines” were quantifiable killers: sudden cardiac arrest, stroke and blood clots, were the hushed letterbox gossip of every neighbour in every neighbourhood. However, the insidious agenda underpinning this grand hoax was evident from the very beginning: it could have been stopped, and it should have been stopped.
It could have been stopped in Victoria…
Every step of the obvious aggrandisement of Andrews’s evil was supported by each feckless MP of the Victorian Labor Party — they are all culpable and unfit for government. Every. Single. One. They did not serve us — they slavishly served the burgeoning BioMedical Police State regime. It is not that the Liberal Party would have necessarily performed, or acted differently, its just Labor was in the dominant leadership role — and they infected all of us with the pseudo-virtue of their autocratic sickness.
Labor must be put last on the ballot this election, and absolutely routed.
Treasonous crossbenchers must also be crossed-out and banished. The silver coins in their pockets have weighed unforgivably heavy upon all. Irrespective of their current political posturing and sloganeered promises — there was a time when words and actions were absolutely crucial to effecting a different outcome, and these MP crossbenchers chose to kowtow to the machinations of blatant evil. They enabled tyranny, when they had a real opportunity to disable it. Their actions, and inactions, constituted the crucial first domino that resulted in the unnecessary deaths of multitudes.
Actions do have consequences: mass murder must be atoned.
There will be no amnesty for such flagrant Crimes Against Humanity and for all those who cynically facilitated them — they all knew what they were doing. They all colluded, and they were all complicit in perpetrating what was undeniably a premeditated economic and societal assault on humanity — all are criminals. If many amongst the general public knew, then these political professionals who were entrusted to oversee and govern the well-being of all Victorians surely knew.
Victorians must heal, and the gangrenous infection must be scraped and cauterised from the wounded body politic. The Andrews Gang, and all those in cahoots, must go.
Vote them ALL out on November 26.
The rampant festering must end — and then the Pandemic Trials must commence.