Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

Great article. As you said, they are not done yet. They, the elitists, will try other tactics as they are doing in Europe by taking land away from farmers making the excuse climate change etc. We, the people should have the say and final say about how we would like to live and how we are to be governed. Still to come and overcome is the WHO pandemic treaty and the IHR which would make one person the sole arbiter on matters of health, if our leaders do nothing and except the proposals. This needs to be nipped in the bud now. Most problematic is that most people do not even know that this is happening because the mainstream media have been bought and sold and will not even air this topic.

This is what can happen everywhere if we do nothing and let these treasonous villains take over.



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Start on neutral objective audit on indigenous matters with no excuses Recalling fishing /boatbuilding industry in Torres Strait costing millions, only result being one tinny costing $110.00 then all money gone lacking receipts or recipients

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Bravo Stephen, thanks for keeping peoples' eyes on the ball. This was a Weferendum fail. But WEF are dug in like ticks here in AU, we have WEF Global Leaders like Clare O'Neil at Home Affairs reaching new levels of fascist wet dreams on us, biometric Digital ID, AMCA legislation, CBDC are heading down the barrel at us. They may be on the run tonight but that's when you pursue an enemy the hardest

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Yes. All this distraction while the WEF's O'Neil works through the digital capture. Is she doing mis/disinformation as well? At least all their eggs are in just one basket.

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That snake Dreyfus over at AG is battling O'Neil, on the AG's website, there was briefly a banner at the top that said that the AG is taking over "emergency powers" from Home Affairs, nice of them to notify the plebes. Not even pretending it's about "convenience" or "online kid safety" any more...it's about enforcement. Buckle up, these f*ckers do not sleep

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Much appreciated! I agree, there is still much work to be done to remove the embedded ticks.

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I did an updated post on the situation you might like. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory https://resistanceactionaustralia.substack.com/p/think-your-vote-mattered-sorry-think

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Brilliant mate, thank you for sharing. Subscribed.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

I absolutely agree .

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How to hold accountable the government who only presented the yes side, with massive propaganda budget? Australians need to be shaken awake before it is too late!

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Oct 14, 2023·edited Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

Every one of those Indigenous funded bodies needs to be audited, for starters. Trying to pull that switch off on us, abusing our profound kindness for others...

At least we know our ruling psychopaths - the Indigenous didn't, a couple of hundred years ago.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

Excellent article Stephen, I love how Albo's hand is raised a bit like the German bloke from WW2. Well we won this round, but it isn't over yet. We have to remain vigilant and keep fighting for our rights. During Covid I wrote NO, NO, NO on the back of my phone cover.Then it became the NO of the referendum. Now its NO to anything and everything the Government tries to throw at us, in order to control us. No, No, we all need to keep saying it like a Mantra.

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Much appreciated! Indeed, it must always be a NO to anything proposed by the Government.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

That’s what I’m sharing.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

Good on you Stephen!

Note; Richest electorates vote YES

Poorest electorates Vote NO

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Very, very clear. I'm not sure if it was just the patronising kindness of the untouchable wealthy, or whether they knew there was money in it for them.

There was also evidence of big marxist reach in Melbourne, through the northern suburbs. Melbourne is still suffering from the mass formation lockdown. They need to be freed.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

On the money. But they will find other ways now. They will endeavour to bring the parasite types like the EU into play here. Agenda 2030 is all about destruction and Australia is not safe from its cannibalistic teeth.

The world is a bloody mess with real life lunatics at the helm in Most countries and certainly those of value to the globalists. The populations of the world must now fight back or just simply die. Only choice.

Todays vote is a start for us.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason


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Perhaps if people in those areas that voted a resounding YES (ie the areas in Australia that are full of generally rich, white folk, where people are entitled and also seem to carry guilt for others' past crimes that they never personally committed...) could donate 10% of their worth to somehow making life better for Aborigines, other minority/struggling groups, or just anyone a tax bracket or 3 below them - I'm quite sure we'd get far greater funding than the $400M Albo spent on this wasteful Referendum. Imagine what we could do with THAT! And the twisted thing is that most people who'd be giving the $ probably wouldn't even miss it.

And while we're at it, how out of touch are politicians?! 37 Referendums in the last 122 years, of which only 8 have passed?! I think we need to scrutinise WHY they are holding costly Referenda. And I think we would easily come to the conclusion that they do NOT have our best interests at heart!

My, how things haven't changed through the years...

We either need a better parliamentary system or better people because what we've got now is utter crap. The Voice may be in the garbage now, but we've still got a pile of out of touch cronies holding seats in Parliaments all over this country. And THAT is a huge problem.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

They were in touch with the ACT, 60.84% 'yes'. Perhaps the politicians should all just stay in the ACT ... and let the rest of Australia secede from the ACT?

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:D An interesting idea!

The US could do as well seceding from Washington.

And while they're at it, Canada from Ottawa and NZ from Wellington :)

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason


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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

A very clear explanation of what we have all been through recently and the agenda behind it. Thank you Stephen for another great article.

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Hear Hear. !!

Great article

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Thank you!

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

It was always doomed to fail, but many people were paid a lot of money and were happy to push the agenda, even NGO's. I was amazed how many emails I got telling me to vote YES, I then unsubscribed because I don't want these organizations telling me how to vote EVER.


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I did the same ie., unsubscribed from organisations I have been donating to for years. I hope they got the message then, and I hope they realize what lemmings the are now.

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

Yes I was actually amazed how many what I thought were good NGO's jumping on this bandwagon, it really made me think are they getting payments from the Government? I wish they would stick to what their organization is about and spend their time and money doing that.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

Bravo Stephen! Methinks you hit the nail squarely on the head with your analysis: the more I read about the money big business was throwing into backing the Voice, the more suspicious I became of the whole proposal! It was a typical case of an overkill & I for one thank the good Lord above that our Prime Minister arrogantly thought he could get away without offering details of how the Voice would function.

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Much appreciated!

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Great piece Stephen, as usual. Many thanks for your contributions. Your shoulder to the wheel was greatly appreciated. And I am sure it will be for times to come.

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Thank you, I feel it is my service to others, and I will always endeavour to do my absolute best to communicate the truth.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

I agree ... it was all about unfettered power to parliament rather than about benefit to disadvantaged Australians ... https://homocomfortus.substack.com/p/the-voice-referendum

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

I'd say it was really about unfettered power to the planned one world government.

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Tony Abbot said it in a nutshell, similarly as you have. This was never about assimilating the disadvantaged aboriginals; it was always about re-modelling the government in order to give it more power and control. The YES vote was full of typical dirty, low-life tricks which is indicative of Albanese and Co.

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Best Voice description I read: "A ruthless and cynical con job"

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

Is the result a record? Even Tasmania has said no! Wow.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

I suspect that the UN and the WEF will have a plan B. We need to stay aware - was tempted to say

"alert but not alarmed".

And I cannot resist telling you of my fascination with Marcia's false eyelashes and clashing loud yellow socks!

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Alas, there is always a Plan B...

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State Treaties are already in place!

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...in the process, but much was dependent on The Voice being installed to provide an executive means to transfer all land designated by Native Title to land "owned" by Treaty. The Voice Referendum loss has certainly thwarted the projected process, and it has disrupted the legal pathway that they had literally been banking on.

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No offence, but since when have governments cared about legal pathways? After a resounding defeat in the referendum, QLD is still going ahead with a treaty, as are all other states. And I doubt that Aussies will kick up a stink about not being listened to.

Point in case - Covid. If the majority had just said NO and refused to bow down to the "mandates" their entire plan to control and destroy democracy would have fallen like a pack of cards.

But people didn't say no. People didn't stand up and tell them to go and take a hike. Only a very small minority did, and they got ridiculed and howled down by everyday Aussies for not doing "as they were told" because they were too gutless to stand up for their own rights.

Nor I fear will people stand up now.

Aussies, I'm afraid, are mostly a bunch of wimps.

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I agree. It will be interesting to see how they attempt to implement a Treaty and the time-frame involved. However, it was 'Voice, Treaty, Truth' for a reason (the UNDRIP Declaration (of which the Uluru Statement was derived) stressed that all was 'merely advice and not legally binding and could not override domestic law...' UNTIL... an executive Voice was installed that could take such advice AND could override domestic law... that was the 'legal pathway' I was identifying.

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Apparently the marxist Indigenous architects (caught up in this globalist's grab) wanted the money from a treaty - they thought they wouldn't get much unless it was federal - not much available in the states.

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I'm not surprised. Can you give me a link or reference please?

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Hi Kaylene, I was being polite.

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Thank you for the clarity....love clarity .

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Yes, if the Indigenous peoples think that the ruling elite - who stored their poor in England on rotting ships before discovering the great land of Australia to send their impoverished dissidents to - have become any nicer or kinder - they are kidding themselves. If any thing they are even more evil, although more cunning than ever.

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The NT result shows they didn't. Just the marxist wing of the Indigenous, and the group caught up in the UN's "Indigenous People will Save the Planet with their Superior Environmental Knowledge from 10s of 1000s of years" plan.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

We needed this encouragement!!!

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