Feb 16Liked by Stephen Reason

The majority of the population in Alberta, Canada is now unfuckwithable. They had one chance with us.

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Well done!

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Feb 16Liked by Stephen Reason

OZtopia (Australia). ALWAYS amazed me, How it 'Was', that 'They' Could even 'TRY' to develop A/ANY Specific 'Vaccine', 'Without' the 'Target Disease', AppaRentLie STILL being Unavailable!

I mean - WHERE'S THE MARKER, to 'Aim/ Test' against? With this in mind =

New 'GOD' Science protocols;

'Scientist' (Loose Term); "Jenkins! Set up the Disease eXperiment in Lab 6. MAKE SURE to place the Cart Before the Horse! Also, we'll be firing some shots @ a Broad spectrum viral vacuum in Lab 2 this afternoon, to see if we can hit anything/ Something - Which isn't 'Measure-able'!! Thank our Sponsors on the way thru Jenkins! Yes, that lot who said - "YOU'RE ON SHAKEY RESEARCH GROUND - Your ILLegal Trials will Run out, when your ENDLESS CorpoRat/Military Financed Funds 'Dry-Up'!" LOL!

Wellness to the Enlightened Unified Citizens.

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Overall picture of where we are headed, I think you are right, but I disagree with the details.

The covid pandemic was not botched. It was just the latest release of a bio-weapon of which there have been many before (lyme, morgellons, AIDs etc . However it actually was spread throughout humanity, it resulted in a massive rise in excess deaths, mostly due to heart failure and strokes. That phase is not yet over and the next phase has started, a massive rise in "turbo cancers" that are not behaving like any cancers ever before. Pfizer is busy buying up cancer treatment drug companies as we speak and the CEO has blatantly announced that they expect 33% of the human race to be diagnosed with cancer in the next phase (not sure how many years). At a guess this is all being caused by either a man-made cross domain parasite of some kind or by 5G or a combination of both. The current focus of attention is called "the spike protein". As yet, the honest doctors investigating have not found a single cure, but are honing in on a combination of anti-parasitics to get rid of the life form component (that resemble parasites in behaviour) and detox agents to get rid of the man-made debris left by the dying life forms This phase of the operation still has legs. It will significantly decrease the population and weaken those who are left.

I personally think they will go on to the next phases of their control program sometime, but they are quite happy to be reactive rather than pro-active and quite happy to take their time, so while the covid era issues still have legs, they will be in no great hurry to push on with this. There is time, and another deadly bug is just not necessary yet, and would be a nuisance as they need "the dead to bury their dead". Our death clean-up industry is severely overstretched even now, so they cannot push it too much further. They have to give it time to ramp up to cater for the next surge in deaths.

Those that survive the covid era will be tough nuts to crack and something that acts differently from their previous bio-weapons will be required to knock them out. It will be to "their" advantage to see who is left standing before they work out which one of their library of bio-weapons to release next. They will release something, sometime, but not yet.

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I’m not into the virus boogeymen anymore due to good doctors speaking out on the pseudo-science of Virology. One thing though with a future so called pandemic, could it be being released into our skies?

And what the bloody hell have they been spraying over the coastal seaboard of the Gold Coast so that air currents drift it over the land the last couple of weeks?

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Forewarned is forearmed. Good luck trying to get distrusting population with years of experience in political betrayal, to believe in a disease that has to be announced like a young lady making her debut at the grand ball. If anyone buys into this sap more fool them. I'd say the idea of disease X has left the building much like Elvis, but was actually more of a no show.

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Stephen that was a great article btw. I shared to senators and MPs, friends conscious and aware and some part sleepers.

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Excellent overview.

However, the state of the world since 2020 resembles a giant jigsaw, there are many pieces missing, e.g. where does Putin fit in, https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/9/five-key-moments-from-tucker-carlsons-interview-with-vladimir-putin.

Generally, Great Reset antivaxxer Freedomites don't do traditional geopolitics, preferring to write darkly of False Flags and Controlled Oppositions; and geopolitics people e.g. John Helmer or ex-MI6 man Alastair Crooke don't do Great Reset, for lack of knowledge of medicine/virology/statistics/IT/elec. engineering/nanotech.

Another apparent lacuna , maybe due to the Australian and hence non-EU and non-US perspective of this article: there exists "Racism", ie advocacy for white indigenous Europeans in their home countries in Europe these last few millennia and also in the New World places they colonised 200-400 years ago.

But an apparent fear of being thought "racist" seems to be suppressing inclusion of Race in any Freedom movement thinking and writing. In Australia indeed, the leading Freedomite politician is Sen. Malcolm Roberts, whose party is civnat (civic nationalist) and not ethnat (ethnic nationalist) in its official program. So his party objects only to the numbers, but not the type of, immigrants. In so doing, they view an immigrant apparently only as an economic unit and void of any cultural baggage (bar interesting exotic cuisine, which however does not circumcise or force head coverings.)

Now currently, the USA (Darien Gap in Panama), see Clayton and Natalie Morris, "Redacted", ongoing on Bitchute;, and the EU (Balkans, Canary Islands, Mediterranean) are witnessing mass immigration from poorer countries. This invited invasion receives support from globalist Democrats/Republicans/all EU parties bar "right-wing extremists" such as AfD in Germany.

AFAIK, the data of these people are not being recorded at the US or EU borders nor surveilled afterwards, we are talking here of hundreds of thousands or millions. Already in 2016, a German Federal state was admitting it did not know data about ca. 300,000 rejected asylum applicants who were not being deported.

3 observations:

1. putting on WEF spectacles, I can see the point of creating Towers of Babel and violent tribalism in previously homogenous white countries by importing historical race hatreds or merely creating everyday tribal mistrust and indifference on the street, in the schools, when shopping, etc. The point is to weaken cohesion and solidarity among the victims of the Great Reset. The immi-vaders are also profit centres for future pharma jabs and other inventions at a time of declining white birthrates.

2. Now WEF supports such welfare immigration, but the catch-up carbon footprint of these millions as they start to raise their per capita energy consumption (coal, petrol, oil) in the West will collide with the WEF aim of reducing carbon footprints per capita, either to merely impoverish or to prevent global warming, depending. But as a Nigerian male aged 25 in Berlin or Denver, I will not take kindly to being told no, you cannot buy your Mercedes any more.

3. So am I to suppose that the State can effortlessly and retroactively get the imm-vaders under control just by making everyday life dependent on digital ID and CBDCs? Thus forcing all to register with the State if they want to buy or sell anything?

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Exactly! Noticed that ALL of the Exodus 'Immigrants' - DIDN'T Go/Stop/Invited into 'Switzerland'! Would have been 'Closer' than Germany or Sweden! LOL!

Good Observations - CHAOS IS the Game - But THIS, from NON PRACTICAL GlobAlists, Who Couldn't 'Organise to Boil an Egg, to save their Lives, AND, Do NOT have to deal with the Organised Social 'Train Wreck' to Come! = Maybe! THEY, The GlobAlists & their 'Organised PETS', ARE STILL MORTAL, & 'Rely' on Middle Classes 'Values' for some Form of Ongoing Social 'Order' - 'Til the same Class, realise, How CONpletely 'Rogered' by The 'Elite' + PETS - Then = LOOKOUT! In League 'Security' & 'Religious Institutions' Can get 'Toasted' at the Same Time, As a Immoral System support 'Reward'!

PETS ; Pretty Easily Trained Stupidoes. = Disposable, once 'Used for Purpose/ Agenda gain'. The Puppet Masters WILL be Throwing PETS to the Civil wolf Pit, - Dissipates partial Citizen Angst & helps divert attentions from the Overall Agenda - Deception. = Moved on from Sun Tzu 'Art of War' (5th century Chinese), to 5 GW - 5th Gen warfare - The War on 'Personal perceptions of 'Reality'.' (Chinese again 1999).


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