A TIMELINE OF DISEASE X & RELATED “GREAT RESET” DEVELOPMENTS (with a focus on Australia): 2010 - February 5, 2024
The Techno-Globalists require Disease X to advance their "Great Reset" Agenda: Biometric Digital IDs, Vaccine Passports, CBDCs, UBI, Social Credit, Carbon Credit, and an AI Surveillance of all things
Disease X is nigh — an “unknown pathogen” that could emerge at any hour and become epidemic, only to trigger the pandemonium of another global pandemic.
That is the latest forewarning from the disease-obsessed WHO, and that is the giddy promise issued from the sagging-jowls of the Schwab-led World Economic Forum. It is coming, “It might already be here,” and will assuredly be “20-times more deadly than COVID-19.” Many red flags have already been unfurled, hoisted, and left atop the usual flagpoles to flap and flutter in the new viral winds — they are there to be seen.
The WHO-UN-WEF trinity are meticulously planning for the inevitability of “Disease X.”
They plan for it, as they plan to “release” it — as their ultimate plans for humanity are utterly dependant upon it.
“Disease X” will be the catalyst required to ruthlessly impose a permanent Biosecurity Surveillance State across the Developed World. They failed to achieve the desired permanency with their bungled COVID-19 trial-run (the “New Normal” was to be forever1), and they now aspire to address their previous shortcomings. They obviously require the malleable hysteria of another manufactured “pandemic.” The relentless obsession with globally countering online “Misinformation and Disinformation” (what is really an assault on objective truth, true science, true treatments, and objectively true narratives) will be foremost in their renewed censorship campaigns — they MUST control all aspects of the official narrative to dupe the masses. These contrived official narratives are always intended to deceive, coerce and disadvantage. There veiled purpose it to herd and corral bewildered minds into depopulation pens. Indeed, the untrammeled circulation of Truth is their battle lost. Amidst the calculated chaos, they will endeavor to achieve a New World Order — a resumption, and a final conclusion, to their disrupted “Great Reset” agenda.
Societal and economic order, and specifically, “safety,” will only be permitted to return within the tyrannical framework of a One World AI-Governance of all global citizenry.
Or so they hope…
The Technocrat-Globalists are scheming to double-down and fulfill their recently thwarted objectives: to impose Digital IDs on everyone to eradicate all anonymity on the forthcoming Internet 2.0 (a unique biometric key - a Digital ID - will be required to “go online” so that everyone is equally censored and self-censoring, monitored and directly punishable); to establish Digital Wallets (predicated on mandatory Digital IDs) to issue Universal Basic Income (UBI) (needed for sporadic and extensive lockdowns and the associated economic ruin) that will be meted by programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs); to abolish “diseased” cash, and only use CBDCs that can be weaponised to freeze-funds and limit transactions should an individual fail to update their Vaccine Passport, or fail to adhere to Carbon Credit allowances, or fail to maintain a positive Social Credit Score (compliance, obedience, submission) — all of which will ensure complete integration into a Medico-Fascist panopticon of endless AI-surveillance and instantaneous AI-policing and punishment.
That is the plan: Full Spectrum Dominance — absolute control of everything and everyone. They need another “pandemic” to successfully catalyse the foundations of their Fourth Industrial Revolution: a Technocratic enslavement of all surviving humans who have been augmented (and demented) by technology integrated with biology — Transhumanism.
None of this needs to come to pass — awareness and knowledge can successfully preempt, and prevent their best laid plans.
What follows is a timeline examination of the current preparations for unleashing Disease X; as well as exposing the corollary “Great Reset” developments that are being rapidly advanced to capitalise on the manufactured chaos of a potential Disease X.
2010: The Rockefeller Foundation: Scenarios For The Future Of Technology And International Development — Lockstep Pandemic Control
MAY 15, 2018: Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Hosted the Clade X Pandemic Tabletop Exercise
JULY 30, 2018: CLAD X is First Discussed in Mainstream Media
MARCH 18, 2020: The Gates Foundation Funds the University of Queensland’s new “Vaccine Micro-Patch” Needle Alternative — for Next Pandemic
JUNE 12, 2021: G7 Meets and Pushes 100-day Target for Vaccine Development
AUGUST 14, 2021: Pandemic a “Natural Experiment” for Universal Basic Income (UBI)
DECEMBER 27, 2021: UN First Announces it is Developing Vaccines Against Disease X
MARCH 12, 2022: Russia Makes Claim at UN of US-Backed Biological Weapon Plot
MARCH 28, 2022: G20 Chair Indonesia Proposes Standardised Vaccine Passports for International Travel
JUNE 10, 2022: Bill Gates believes we have a 50 Percent Chance of Another Pandemic in the Next 20 Years
AUGUST 5, 2022: Russian MoD Investigating Role of US in ‘Creation’ of COVID, Monkeypox Virus
JANUARY 25, 2023: Bill Gates Warns of Next Pandemic and Praises Australia’s Quarantine Response
FEBRUARY 2, 2023: WEF’s Kate Kelland publishes: Disease X: The 100 Days Mission to End Pandemics
MARCH 3, 2023: Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) begins Researching Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)
MARCH 4, 2023: Bill Gates Predicts that the Next Pandemic Will be Bioterrorism
MAY 23, 2023: WHO begins Negotiations for a New Pandemic Treaty
JUNE 9, 2023: Congress Bill Submission: Disease X Act of 2023
AUGUST 7, 2023: New Vaccine Research Center in UK to Prepare for “Disease X”
AUGUST 11, 2023: UK Scientists Begin Developing Vaccines for Disease X Pandemic
AUGUST 16, 2023: Russia Claims US Preparing for “New Pandemic”
AUGUST 18, 2023: Moscow Claims Washington Wants to Create Biological Crises at Will
AUGUST 30, 2023: The Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation (CEPI) Announces New Funding for Disease X Vaccine
SEPTEMBER 18, 2023: Moderna mRNA Facility at Monash University “Half Built”
SEPTEMBER 23. 2023: Mainstream Media Proclaims, “The Next Pandemic is Already Coming“
NOVEMBER 13, 2023: The Australian Misinformation and Disinformation Bill — Second Attempt
NOVEMBER 17, 2023: Gates Foundation Funds Patch-Style Vaccine Technology
DECEMBER 28, 2023: The Ultimate Election Year (For a New Pandemic)
JANUARY 2024: Google Announces a Policy Update to Advertisers regarding “Sensitive Events”
JANUARY 1, 2024: Establishing an Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC)
JANUARY 10, 2024: WEF Declares: Misinformation and Disinformation Biggest Short-term Threat to the Global Economy
JANUARY 13, 2024: WEF Meeting to Address Response to Disease X
JANUARY 18, 2024: WHO: World Must be Ready to Fight Disease X Together
JANUARY 21, 2024: Arctic Zombie Viruses in Siberia Could Spark New Pandemic
FEBRUARY 1, 2024: Russia and China Unite Over US Bioweapons Threat
34. FEBRUARY 2, 2024: People Figure Out Their Plan: Disease X Damage Control and Gaslighting
FEBRUARY 4, 2024: WHO Warns “There Will Be a Next Time (to Secure a Pandemic Treaty)
FEBRUARY 5, 2024: Australia’s Digital ID May Launch in July
FEBRUARY 5, 2024: Scientists Narrow Down 70 Potential Disease X Culprits
1. 2010: The Rockefeller Foundation: Scenarios For The Future Of Technology And International Development — Lockstep Pandemic Control
“During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems —from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty—leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.”
At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty —and their privacy —to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability was deemed vital to national interests.”
The Rockefeller Institute, which is at the very apex of the Globalist depredation of humanity, had the uncanny foresight to publish a “Lock step” document in 2010 that perfectly outlined every future aspect of the international “lock-step” approach to COVID-19. Basically, this is their instructive template devised to outline the key elements required to effectively propagandise and hoax a pandemic into our reality.
Even in 2010, they envisioned “authoritarian control and oversight of the citizens” to endure beyond the pandemic, and that “in developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens.” Essentially, biometric Digital IDs and all that they enable and entail — absolute control.
2. MAY 15, 2018: Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Hosted the Clade X Pandemic Tabletop Exercise
“Faced with a rapidly evolving biological threat landscape, government leaders in the United States and abroad are eager to identify long-term policy commitments that will strengthen preparedness and mitigate risk. Clade X illustrated high-level strategic decisions and policies needed to prevent a severe pandemic or diminish its consequences should prevention fail.”2
On May 15, 2018, long before the first alleged cases of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, China, (December, 2019) the John Hopkins Centre for Health Security were strategising a fictitious pandemic response: Clade X.
On October 19, 2019, mere months before the SARS-CoV-2 “outbreak,” the The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation colluded to facilitate the lock-step response to their imminent COVID-19 hoax: the now infamous, Event 201.3
Manufactured “pandemics” are crucial to the Techno-Globalist’s multifaceted depopulation agenda. They ensure the “civilizational chaos” required to manipulate fear-addled minds into accepting any, and all, totalitarian measures necessary to restore a semblance of normal: a “New Normal.”
The “hypothetical Clade X” that might just kill “900-million” may be next in the non-sequential release/bioweapon pandemic schedule.
3. JULY 30, 2018: CLAD X is First Discussed in Mainstream Media

“10 US government leaders in the arenas of national security and epidemic response were assembled to act out the scenario. They were tasked with making the kind of decisions they’d have to make in just such a pandemic.
The outcome? Catastrophe.
After just one year, the worldwide death toll had 150 million.
No vaccine had been discovered.
The simulation was stopped after a period equivalent to 20 months.
And the body count was expected to reach 900 million.
[…] Scientists dubbed the weaponised virus, Clade X.”4
Clade X: Disease X
4. MARCH 18, 2020: The Gates Foundation Funds the University of Queensland’s new “Vaccine Micro-Patch” Needle Alternative — for Next Pandemic
“A patch invented at the University of Queensland which promises to deliver vaccine six times more effectively than needles has become a favourite of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has awarded its creators a $7.5 million grant.
The so-called "micro-patch" being commercialised by start-up Vaxxas, which has raised $50 million in equity including from local venture funds Brandon Capital Management and OneVentures, is about five years from reaching the shelves, so it can't help with any vaccine for COVID-19.
However, it could help stem future disease outbreaks by being faster to deploy, says Vaxxas chief executive David Hoey.”5
“It’s just a simple patch!” A faster way to deploy even deadlier concoctions to those who might be needle adverse, or who are now entirely wary of all proposed “safe and effective” syringes. Like applying a bandaid on a child — loaded with nanotech and disease causing agents.
5. JUNE 12, 2021: G7 Meets and Pushes 100-day Target for Vaccine Development
“LONDON (Reuters) - Britain will challenge fellow G7 countries to help speed up the development of future vaccines to 100-days on Friday when Prime Minister Boris Johnson hosts a virtual meeting of leaders including U.S. President Joe Biden.
Johnson's Britain holds the presidency of the Group of 7 developed economies in 2021 and wants to use it to build momentum for a more coordinated approach to future pandemics, including the creation of a global health treaty.”6
“A 100 Days Mission for Diagnostics, Therapeutics and Vaccines
1. The first 100 days when faced with a pandemic or epidemic threat are crucial to changing its course and, ideally, preventing it from becoming a pandemic. In those 100 days, non-medical public health interventions like social distancing, isolation, contact tracing and personal protective equipment (PPE) are essential, but the three best weapons we have to defeat a pathogen threat are diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines. Together, they can save millions of lives.
2. Building on the target set by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) - to have effective vaccines within 100 days of a pathogen being sequenced - we propose an Apollo Mission for the modern age to galvanise the international community.
3. In the first 100 days from a pandemic threat being identified (defined by when WHO declares a PHEIC) we should aim for the following interventions to be available, safe, effective and affordable:
-Accurate and approved rapid point of care Diagnostic tests;
-An initial regimen of Therapeutics; and,
-Vaccines ready to be produced at scale for global deployment.”
Under normal circumstances, making a vaccine can take up to 10–15 years. The rushed mRNA COVID-19 experimental gene-therapy (which took exactly 333 days to produce and inject into the first male patient, William Shakespeare - who later died) was nether a traditional vaccine, nor did it offer even a modicum of protection to those who were inoculated. It failed absolutely in all the manufacturer’s stated aims, and was incapable of reducing transmission, or mitigating the effects of the disease. It literally enabled mass shedding and literally shred the arteries and hearts of the young and old with a lethal spike protein that was endlessly replicated once inside the victim’s body. It exacerbated community “infections,” overwhelmed hospitals, and resulted in the deliberate democide (a cull by the government) of vast numbers of the population who succumbed to myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, thrombocytopenia (blood clots), strokes, infertility, miscarriages, and turbo cancers of every type, rendering many with vaccine-induced AIDS (VAIDS) and a destroyed immune system. There is currently a pandemic of “excess deaths” and those who have inexplicably “died suddenly.” It was only “safe and effective” for those with indemnity — those Globalist’s Pharma Cartels who were able to “safely” and “effectively” instigate a large-scale depopulation event through the eye of a needle.
A Disease X mRNA vaccine produced in 100-days would be using the same biowarfare technology that is fundamentally incapable of healing, but designed to kill the human organism — it would be another medical massacre.
6. AUGUST 14, 2021: Pandemic a “Natural Experiment” for Universal Basic Income (UBI)
“The massive government support to JobSeeker and JobKeeper during the pandemic has given researchers a rare opportunity to test how a guaranteed basic income for all adults could work in Australia.
Proposals for a universal basic income (UBI) – an unconditional regular flat payment from the state to all adults – have gained international attention during the past decade amid high unemployment, weak wages growth and perceptions of growing inequality in many Western nations.
A new Australian Basic Income Lab involving academics from Sydney University, Macquarie University and the Australian National University has been established to research how basic income policies may apply here.”7
The Australian JobSeeker and JobKeeper schemes were trials of “helicopter money” (Universal Basic Income) that were flittered into the snatching-hands of many who accepted these government bribes to “Stay home, Save lives.” They saved zero lives in their cowardice, and after submitting to the preplanned mandates — perhaps unwittingly imperilled their own. This UBI experiment purposely wrecked the economy, and created the current cost-of-living high-inflationary aftermath. Free money has a tremendous cost: freedom was sacrificed.
7. DECEMBER 27, 2021: UN First Announces it is Developing Vaccines Against Disease X
“The X in “Disease X” stands for everything we don’t know. It's a new disease, about which we will know very little when it first emerges: it may or may not be deadly, highly contagious and a threat to our way of life. We also don’t know when or how it will come across the viral frontier and infect people. What we do know is that the next Disease X is coming and that we have to be ready.”8
A vaccine without a disease, is truly a disease waiting in a vaccine.
8. MARCH 12, 2022: Russia Makes Claim at UN of US-Backed Biological Weapon Plot
“Russia has accused Ukraine and the US at the UN security council of a plot to use migratory birds and bats to spread pathogens, raising alarm among other council members that the accusations could be intended to provide cover for future Russian use of biological weapons.”9
There is no doubt that the Anglo-Western Cabal were developing ethnic-specific bioweapons to deploy against Russian populations. They evidently had no hesitancy toward deploying such viral-weaponry against all humanity.
9. MARCH 28, 2022: G20 Chair Indonesia Proposes Standardised Vaccine Passports for International Travel
“YOGYAKARTA, Indonesia, March 28 (Reuters) - Group of 20 major economies (G20) chair Indonesia has started talks with members on standardising health protocols for travel, its health minister said on Monday, stressing the importance of harmonising rules and technology as global travel resumes.
"Every person on this earth who travels... can do so more efficiently," Budi Gunadi Sadikin told a news conference at a G20 health meeting in Yogyakarta, where standardising requirements is being discussed.
An aide to Indonesia's health minister, Setiaji, said countries were getting ready to roll out a global website to scan and verify travellers' vaccination status.”10
In March of 2022, most draconian COVID measures were being hastily repealed, as dazed global citizens were suddenly shunted into refocusing on Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine. COVID-19 was yesterday’s news — exhausted. Many countries were now permitting flights to the unvaccinated. Australia, and in particular, Victoria, had abandoned its vision of a Vaccine Economy accessible only to the Vaccinated and their endlessly updated Vaccine Passports. The Digital Vaccine Passport system with its ubiquitous QR sign-in was a flagrant violation of the freedom of movement, the freedom to earn a living and basic Human Rights. The idea was repugnant to most, intrusive and generally undesired.
So, on March 28, when Indonesian chair, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, proposed to the G20 that a standardised Vaccine Passport System for international travel was necessary — it seemed to be an incongruent clunker.
However, the Techno-Globalists will specifically use Disease X to impose a permanent Vaccine Passport System linked to a unique Digital ID: effectively mandating a Digital Wallet, CBDCs, a non-private Internet Access Key, Social Credit Scores, Carbon Credits, Universal Basic Income (UBI), etcetera.
10. JUNE 10, 2022: Bill Gates believes we have a 50 Percent Chance of Another Pandemic in the Next 20 Years.
“The subject is the topic of his latest book, with the no-nonsense title How to Prevent the Next Pandemic, but he has also outlined his basic ideas both at the Summit and in recent blog posts.
Gates is advocating for a permanent new World Health Organization team dedicated to monitoring new pathogens and disease outbreaks. He suggests the clever name GERM–Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization–for the unit. The international group of epidemiologists, data wranglers, logistics professionals, and other experts “would look for potential outbreaks. Once it spots one, GERM should have the ability to declare an outbreak and work with national governments and the World Bank to raise money for the response very quickly,” Gates has written.”11
GERM- Global Epidemic Response and Mobilisation — indeed, the GERM is the disease that is the “pandemic” that is the response.
11. AUGUST 5, 2022: Russian MoD Investigating Role of US in ‘Creation’ of COVID, Monkeypox Virus
Upon diligently reviewing captured research papers and specimen samples, Russia’s Defense Ministry ‘accused the United States of creating drugs, that when introduced into the body for a short time, cause chronic disease.’”12
The Russians just described the purpose of the Western mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines.
12. JANUARY 25, 2023: Bill Gates Warns of Next Pandemic and Praises Australia’s Quarantine Response
“But, despite his warnings, Gates praised Australia’s policies that kept the coronavirus from spreading while the world waited for a vaccine.
“Some of the things that stand out are that Australia and about seven other countries did population-scale diagnostics early on and had quarantine policies…that meant you kept the level of infection low in that first year when there were no vaccines,” he tech billionaire turned philanthropist said”13
Bill Gate’s message to the world to “get ready for the next pandemic” is not a message, but a threat. The “once-in-a-100-year pandemic,” might just prove to be a “once-every-US election-year event.” His praise for Australia’s disproportionate pandemic policies disregards the death (undiagnosed cancers, missed surgeries, suicides, nursing home neglect), despair and economic devastation that was needlessly inflicted. The excessive, inhumane and pseudo-scientific “quarantine policies” implemented in Australia (and elsewhere, wherever authoritarianism flourished) were simply intended to psychologically condition acceptance of the forthcoming “vaccine.” They were not exemplary in keeping “the level of infection low.” Lockdowns induced the societal-trauma necessary to successfully market the otherwise undesirable pharmaceutical product. There was no quantifiable pandemic, no truly deadly “grandma-killing disease” in Australia until the mass-injection of the AstaZeneca/Moderna/Pfizer bioweapon.
Lockdowns were unequivocally catastrophic, and intentionally so.14
The advent of Disease X will undoubtedly trigger an irrational resumption of such “quarantine policies.”
13. FEBRUARY 2, 2023: WEF’s Kate Kelland publishes: Disease X: The 100 Days Mission to End Pandemics
“DISEASE X is the codename given by the World Health Organisation to a pathogen currently unknown to science that could cause havoc to humankind. Emerging infections are sending us multiple warnings that another Disease X is looming. We’ve had SARS in 2002, H5N1 bird flu in 2004, H1N1 ‘swine flu’ in 2009, MERS in 2012, Ebola in 2014, Zika in 2015 and now COVID-19. These events are not freak events, but are happening continually, and at an increasing cadence.”15
With a foreword written by former British Prime Minister, Sir Tony Blair (undisputed war-criminal and Globalist Psychopath) this priming book on the hypothetical Disease X is the diseased-fiction they want to non-fictionalise into our forthcoming reality.
This WEF-endorsed book functions as a blatant confession of their future nefarious agenda — purposely telling us what they are going to do, as if the obscured admission is all that is necessary to circumvent our free will, and to secure our consent.
Author, Kate Kelland, is shamelessly listed as a WEF “Agenda Contributor.”
14. MARCH 3, 2023: Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) begins Researching Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)
“A new form of digital money could be introduced for businesses and consumers in Australia as Commonwealth Bank and ANZ work with the Reserve Bank to test its merits.
Research has been undertaken by the RBA into a possible central bank digital currency (CBDC), which it said could be designed for retail use – a digital version of banknotes – or for wholesale use.
The currency, according to the RBA, would serve as digital banknotes, having previously been referred to as “e-AUD”.
The RBA said CBDC could support the policy objectives of banks like safeguarding public trust in money and promoting efficiency, safety, resilience and innovation in payment systems and financial market infrastructures.”16
Undesirable CBDCs are there when the dire need arises, when the right crisis calls…
15. MARCH 4, 2023: Bill Gates Predicts that the Next Pandemic Will be Bioterrorism
“The American business magnate and philanthropist Bill Gates has predicted that the next great global threat to humanity will be bioterrorism. According to the Department of Justice, they are considered Weapons of Mass Destruction under Statute Title 18 U.S.C. Section 2332a and include “any weapons involving a disease organism.” However, the agent does not have to be a biological agent, only that the “agent is capable of causing biological malfunction, disease, or death in a living organism.”
COVID-19 was effectively a US, Fort Detrick, lab-created act of bioterrorism. The vaccines were bioterrorism. Disease X will be yet another gain-of-function US bioterrorist act — most likely blamed on Russia.
16. MAY 23, 2023: WHO begins Negotiations for a New Pandemic Treaty
“The World Health Organization (WHO) is in the midst of negotiating a new way to deal with pandemics, in the wake of the COVID-19 virus.
The WHO has a target date of May 2024 for a legally binding agreement to be adopted by the UN health agency's 194 member countries.
A new pact is a priority for WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who called it a "generational commitment that we will not go back to the old cycle of panic and neglect" at the UN agency's annual assembly.
It seeks to shore up the world's defences against new pathogens following the COVID-19 pandemic that has killed nearly 7 million people.”17
Humanity must reject the WHO’s May 2024 Pandemic Treaty. If successful, it will usher in a tyrannical One World Health Order of rolling pandemics.
17. JUNE 9, 2023: Congress Bill Submission: Disease X Act of 2023
Preparations at every level.
18. AUGUST 7, 2023: New Vaccine Research Center in UK to Prepare for “Disease X”
“Ministers have opened a new vaccine research centre in the UK where scientists will work on preparing for “disease X”, the next potential pandemic pathogen.
The state-of-the-art Vaccine Development and Evaluation Centre is based at the UK Health and Security Agency’s (UKHSA) Porton Down campus in Wiltshire.
Live viruses will be kept onsite in specialist containment facilities where scientists can assess pathogens that do not yet have a vaccine or ones where immunisation could be improved, for example, the flu or mpox.”18
A new “research centre” within a known UK Bioweapons Facility (Porton Down) — to expedite the development of the next mRNA bioweapon intended to be injected/patched into humanity within 100-days of their new “Disease X” pandemic. Abominable.
19. AUGUST 11, 2023: UK Scientists Begin Developing Vaccines for Disease X Pandemic
“UK scientists have begun developing vaccines as an insurance against a new pandemic caused by an unknown “Disease X”.
The work is being carried out at the government’s high-security Porton Down laboratory complex in Wiltshire by a team of more than 200 scientists.”
“The agency is part of a global effort to develop a vaccine within 100 days of a new pathogen being recognised as having pandemic potential.
“Historically, that would be unheard of,” said Prof Harries.
“It would normally take five or 10 years. For COVID it was around 360 days.
“So this is a really high ambition. But for some viruses, it is definitely possible.”19
What could possibly go right.
20. AUGUST 16, 2023: Russia Claims US Preparing for “New Pandemic”
“Russia on Wednesday claimed the US has begun preparations for a "new pandemic" by searching for virus mutations through the newly-established Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (OPPR).
“Despite the fact that the stated goals of US programs are to monitor disease incidence and provide assistance to developing countries ... we see the Pentagon conducting uncontrolled dual-use research in circumvention of international obligations,” Igor Kirillov, the head of Russia’s radiation, chemical, biological protection troops, told a briefing in Moscow.”20
Devilish scheming, hellish dreaming…
21. AUGUST 18, 2023: Moscow Claims Washington Wants to Create Biological Crises at Will
“The US wants to harness the power of dangerous biological agents and manage artificial epidemics by conducting illegal research in biolabs across the globe, the Russian embassy in Washington has claimed.
In a statement on Thursday, the embassy recalled that Moscow has repeatedly sounded the alarm about what it called “gross violations by the United States of its obligations” under the Biological Weapons Convention which bans this type of armament, and has been signed by virtually all countries in the world, including Russia and the US.
However, “Washington ignores the claims, justifying itself by some humanitarian component of its programs,” the embassy said, claiming that such excuses have nothing to do with reality.
In a bid to enhance the pathogenic capabilities of infections, the US “brazenly and with complete impunity scatters its illegal laboratories all over the world” under the guise of “epidemiological monitoring,” with many of those facilities located in Russia’s neighborhood, the statement charged.”21
It is not specifically Washington’s objective to create future pandemics, but, rather, it is the machinations of the Techno-Globalist Billionaire Class. They will readily discard of the “American Nation State” (and Washington) once their NWO agenda successfully progresses beyond the point of no return.
22. AUGUST 30, 2023: The Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation (CEPI) Announces New Funding for Disease X Vaccine
CEPI, (the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovations) was launched on January 19, 2017, with multiple governments and philanthropic organisations contributing at least 800-million dollars to sustain the initial operations. It is effectively an international fund and think-tank to develop and market vaccines against emerging epidemic infections.
‘…when there is a perception that the commercial market is insufficient to justify private investment in vaccine development against an emerging pathogen, that MANUFACTURERS BE REIMBURSED for the production of candidates that can be taken through phases 1 and 2.’22
Basically, CEPI are funding their next bioweapon with “private investment,” with these investors all salivating at the prospect of an astronomical “reimbursement” for their generous down-payment on Disease X.23
Incidentally, Australia’s own Professor Jane Halton, is the Chair of the CEPI, attended Event 201, and was instrumental in Australia’s dehumanising and destructive “pandemic response.”
23. SEPTEMBER 18, 2023: Moderna mRNA Facility at Monash University “Half Built”
“The Victorian government has announced that construction of Moderna’s mRNA vaccine manufacturing facility is ahead of schedule and at the halfway mark, with completion expected next year.
State industry minister Ben Carroll visited Monash University’s Clayton precinct on Monday morning, where the US-based biotechnology company will eventually have capacity for 100 million vaccine doses per year.
The beginning of construction was announced in late-2022.
Moderna plans to manufacture a range of mRNA vaccines at the factory for respiratory health conditions, including influenza, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and COVID-19.”24
Prior to COVID-19, Moderna (a true front for DARPA) was incapable of bringing a safe product to market, with all mRNA tests invariably resulting in the death of all animal test subjects. With the fortuitous advent of the COVID-19 hysteria, Moderna skipped the obligatory “animal tests,” and went straight to maiming and killing humans. Pfizer effectively pilfered Moderna’s patented mRNA technology to develop their somewhat diluted, but mostly equivalent COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. All mRNA technology is purposely engineered to inflict harm, and it is fundamentally incapable of achieving any of the publicly stated therapeutic aims: mRNA technology is an undisputed bioweapon.
This Moderna manufacturing facility (to be operable in 2024, no doubt just in time for the scheduled release of Disease X) will want a return on its investment — vaccines in arms at the expense of Australian taxpayer’s looted money, and ultimately their lives.
24. SEPTEMBER 23. 2023: Mainstream Media Proclaims, “The Next Pandemic is Already Coming“
“The next major pandemic is coming. It’s already on the horizon, and could be far worse — killing millions more people — than the last one.
We don’t yet know for certain what form it will take — just that its arrival, according to global health experts, is not just a possibility but a probability.
That’s horrific enough. Even more terrifying is the fact that Britain and the rest of the world have so far done very little to prepare for it.
To combat Disease X — as the World Health Organisation ominously calls it — we will once again need vaccines to be engineered and delivered in record time. But, as things stand, there is absolutely no guarantee that will happen.
By contrast, we may well look back at the Covid-19 crisis as a walk in the park — and of course it was nothing of the kind.”25
Ham-fisted hysteria, priming-propaganda and the shameless foreshadowing of a pandemic replay.
25. NOVEMBER 13, 2023: The Australian Misinformation and Disinformation Bill — Second Attempt
“The Albanese government will overhaul a draft bill targeting misinformation and disinformation online after strong pushback against the proposal.
It will also delay introducing the legislation into parliament until 2024.
The draft legislation, released for consultation earlier this year would have allowed the Australian Communications and Media Authority to require social media companies to toughen their policies on “content [that] is false, misleading or deceptive, and where the provision of that content on the service is reasonably likely to cause or contribute to serious harm”.”26
They will try, and try again. Truth hurts, and has the potential to dismantle all their anti-human agendas, as all such agendas are entirely dependent on deception to succeed.
26. NOVEMBER 17, 2023: Gates Foundation Funds Patch-Style Vaccine Technology
“LONDON, Nov 16 (Reuters) - The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has given $23.6 million to U.S.-based life science company Micron Biomedical to fund the first ever mass production of needle-free vaccine technology.
The technology works by delivering the vaccine via dissolvable microneedles attached to the skin on a patch-like device.”27
No needles, no microneedles — no worries.
27. DECEMBER 28, 2023: The Ultimate Election Year (For a New Pandemic)
“In 2024, more than half the world’s population will go to polls—4.2 billion citizens across approximately 65 countries in what, from a distance, at least appears to be a stirring spectacle of self-government. At closer range, however, the picture is cloudier, and warning lights flash red from the murk.
“2024 may be the make-or-break year for democracy in the world,” says Staffan Lindberg, the director of the Varieties of Democracy, or V-Dem, Institute, a Swedish think tank that analyzes the “complexity of the concept of democracy.””28
A timely Disease X outbreak might just assure that the “right” leaders win the seemingly unwinnable election (as was previously achieved with Biden’s usurpation of the US Presidency with the aid of COVID-era mail-in ballots); perhaps, a disruptive “new pandemic” might even cause nations to forego their democratic traditions, and simply preserve, or install, those Manchurian WEF-candidates deemed best to lead by authoritarian decree?
28. JANUARY 2024: Google Announces a Policy Update to Advertisers regarding “Sensitive Events”
“Examples of Sensitive Events include events with significant social, cultural, or political impact, such as civil emergencies, natural disasters, public health emergencies, terrorism and related activities, conflict, or mass acts of violence.”
Examples of what we prohibit (non-exhaustive):
…claims that victims from certain countries were responsible or deserving of a global public health crisis.”29
Basically, Google is presaging the inevitability of a “Sensitive Event,” (Disease X?) and intends on censoring and demonetising all attempts at presenting Truth and countering the predicted falsehoods: demonising and restricting the sale of proven prophylactics, alternative treatments and medicines; digitally-burning literature, removing YouTube videos, blocking websites from searches?
Google does not mean “to ground truth” as a means of anchoring and supporting truth, but, rather, as a means of crushing into obscurity by literally grinding (ground) truth. Google’s former motto of “Don’t Be Evil,” was suitably abandoned in 2015.
29. JANUARY 1, 2024: Establishing an Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC)
“About the CDC
We are establishing an Australian CDC to improve Australia's response and preparedness for public health emergencies.
By establishing an Australian CDC we will build on our nation’s existing strengths and capabilities, drive better health outcomes for all Australians, and help protect our country from whatever nationally significant health threats we may face in the future.”30
Australia does not need an American-styled Centre for Disease (CDC) — unless, they anticipate years of interminable public health emergencies.
30. JANUARY 10, 2024: WEF Declares: Misinformation and Disinformation Biggest Short-term Threat to the Global Economy
“A wave of artificial intelligence-driven misinformation and disinformation that could influence key looming elections poses the biggest short-term threat to the global economy, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has said.
In a deeply gloomy assessment, the body that convenes its annual meeting in Davos next week expressed concern that politics could be disrupted by the spread of false information, potentially leading to riots, strikes and crackdowns on dissent from governments.”31
Misinformation and Disinformation (otherwise known as Truth) is the biggest short-term threat to the Techno-Globalists parasitically-embedded in the WEF, UN and the WHO.
31. JANUARY 13, 2024: WEF Meeting to Address Response to Disease X
“The World Economic Forum is set to meet in Davos, Switzerland next week with a session named 'Preparing for Disease X' on the agenda. The meeting will address 'fresh warnings' from the World Health Organisation (WHO) that an unknown disease could kill 20 times more people than the recent coronavirus pandemic.”32
The WEF plans Disease X, as all their plans depend on the “release” of Disease X.
32. JANUARY 18, 2024: WHO: World Must be Ready to Fight Disease X Together
“‘Disease X' is a common enemy that the world must be prepared to fight together, World Health Organisation director general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned on Wednesday.”33
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus speaks like a true false prophet.
33. JANUARY 21, 2024: Arctic Zombie Viruses in Siberia Could Spark New Pandemic
“Humanity is facing a bizarre new pandemic threat, scientists have warned. Ancient viruses frozen in the Arctic permafrost could one day be released by Earth’s warming climate and unleash a major disease outbreak, they say.
Strains of these Methuselah microbes – or zombie viruses as they are also known – have already been isolated by researchers who have raised fears that a new global medical emergency could be triggered – not by an illness new to science but by a disease from the distant past.”34
Will “Climate Change” and the hackneyed-lie of “Global Warming,” be the facilitator of the “zombie apocalypse virus” from the Siberian permafrost — that will ultimately be blamed on Russia? Maybe, in our absurdist Clown World.
34. FEBRUARY 1, 2024: Russia and China Unite Over US Bioweapons Threat
“The Russian and Chinese governments have held an inter-agency meeting in Beijing to share their assessments of biological security concerns, and address the threats posed by bioweapons – particularly those allegedly being developed by the US military.”35
Russia and China know that another pandemic is needed to preserve Western hegemony, and to bluntly bludgeon civilization into the global governance of a totalitarian One World Order — not a World of co-operative Multipolar Nation-States. A new pandemic is an existential threat to the emerging Multipolar World, especially to Russia.
35. FEBRUARY 2, 2024: People Figure Out Their Plan: Disease X Damage Control and Gaslighting
“Social media posts claim the next global pandemic is being publicly planned by global health and economic bodies with a mystery contagion called Disease X.
The claim is false. Disease X is not an actual disease. It is a hypothetical concept used by scientists, health organisations and world leaders since 2018 to prepare for the probable emergence of another virus that could impact global health.”36
Their detached arrogance has revealed their hubristic vulnerability — the circulation of Truth. The people are accurately exposing and prematurely revealing Disease X for what it truly is — part of their plan. It is obvious; and they are panicking. All clumsy attempts to falsify and obscure reality by resorting to the authority of “official Fact-Checkers” (that they fund and own) is laughable.
36. FEBRUARY 4, 2024: WHO Warns “There Will Be a Next Time (to Secure a Pandemic Treaty)
“Future generations may not forgive the World Health Organization’s member nations should they fail to agree on a pandemic treaty, the organization’s chief said Saturday at the Warwick Economic Summit, calling the agreement “mission critical for humanity.”
A draft has been developed after “extensive consultations” with member states, public health experts, academic groups, and citizens; and public hearings have been held regarding it, he said. Countries have set themselves a deadline to finalize the agreement ahead of the annual World Health Assembly, to be held May 27 through June 1 in Geneva”37
Future generations will not forgive us IF we agree upon a Pandemic Treaty.
37. FEBRUARY 5, 2024: Australia’s Digital ID May Launch in July
“Australia’s government has offered a tentative rollout date for its nationwide digital ID, setting it on July 1st, 2024. The exact date, however, will depend on the timing of its legislation which is due to be adopted by the federal parliament.
First introduced to Parliament in November, Australia’s Digital ID Bill reached its closing date in late January after receiving submissions from business and financial groups as well as civil rights organizations. Currently, the government is in consultation with the states, ChannelNews Australia reports.”38
This forthcoming Digital ID is supposed to be voluntary, much like the initial roll-out of the COVID vaccines that were met with minimum uptake, and little enthusiasm. Given that a Digital ID is a prerequisite for all diabolical aspects of the “Great Reset,” it will be mandatory. The very Technocracy depends upon a Digital ID being assigned to everyone.
38. FEBRUARY 5, 2024: Scientists Narrow Down 70 Potential Disease X Culprits
“SCIENTISTS have narrowed down the next pandemic threat to just 70 virus families in an 'enormous' step in the hunt for Disease X.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has previously warned the hypothetical pathogen could kill 20 times more people than the Covid pandemic did.”39
They are not racing to prevent another pandemic, they are racing to unleash another pandemic.
A patina of normalcy has gradually reformed over the daily lives of most of the developed world. Despite everyday anxieties — distant conflicts remain largely distant, and humans everywhere freely attend to their common tasks, as they socialise, work, travel and generally preoccupy themselves with the trivialities and challenges of day-to-day life.
Days of coerced disease-fixation are but a suppressed trauma from yesteryear.
This ‘normal’ was not meant to return, but it has.
Fortunately, the strategised malice behind the endless “pandemic days” were numbered. The infrastructure of “The New Normal Medico-Fascist Surveillance-State” collapsed beneath hubristic lies. We never truly had a “global COVID pandemic,” but, truthfully, COVID-19 was their botched trial-run, a resistance-test, and the means to inject their bioweapon into the hopelessly-hypnotised, and the hopeless.
And they will attempt it all again, and again, and again…
However, many resisted, and many have awoken to the agenda, and many more are currently awakening.
Our enemy is not as formidable as they arrogantly deem, and their projected vision of “human-decarbonisation” is not inevitable. Indeed, they are currently failing on all UN Agenda 2030 fronts, and they are terminally desperate — their ilk will soon be incinerated in the Light. Knowledge certainly protects, and ignorance most definitely endangers. To sound the alarm, is to signal the danger, is to ensure that adequate numbers are awake and alert to the impending threat, remain ever vigilant, and prove ready to mount the necessary resistance: Truth without fear.
The outcome will not be up to them, the few; it will be down to us, the many — mass compliance, or mass defiance?
Collectively, we have what it takes; and individually, as a collective of individuals, we must not let them take even a modicum of our freedom and liberties from us again.
May their attempt at Disease X be the end of them; may we triumphantly drag these shadowy wretches into the Light.
NOTE: Previous companion piece written on the subject : DISEASE X: Diseased Minds Plan for Disease X
Revolver Exclusive Study: COVID-19 Lockdowns Over 10 Times More Deadly Than Pandemic Itself
"A groundbreaking new study commissioned by Revolver News concludes that COVID-19 lockdowns are ten times more deadly than the actual COVID-19 virus in terms of years of life lost by American citizens.”
“A new working paper from a professor at Johns Hopkins University claims that COVID-19 lockdowns imposed by a variety of governments worldwide had “little to no effect” on COVID-19 mortality.”
Lockdowns: The Great Gaslighting
Study: Global lockdowns killing 10,000 children per month
“While the Lancet study doesn't provide a cost benefit analysis of the lockdowns, 10,000 deaths of children alone per month, 140 million falling into extreme poverty, and 132.5 million people becoming food insecure unquestionably reduces any net benefit of them... to put it mildly.”
Even WHO Officials Now Admit Lockdowns Are Extreme Policies with Disastrous Results
“Last week, Dr. David Nabarro from the World Health Organization admitted that lockdowns have been devastating for much of the world, noting that “Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.” Nabarro went on to list various examples of the economic damage done by lockdowns.”
The majority of the population in Alberta, Canada is now unfuckwithable. They had one chance with us.
OZtopia (Australia). ALWAYS amazed me, How it 'Was', that 'They' Could even 'TRY' to develop A/ANY Specific 'Vaccine', 'Without' the 'Target Disease', AppaRentLie STILL being Unavailable!
I mean - WHERE'S THE MARKER, to 'Aim/ Test' against? With this in mind =
New 'GOD' Science protocols;
'Scientist' (Loose Term); "Jenkins! Set up the Disease eXperiment in Lab 6. MAKE SURE to place the Cart Before the Horse! Also, we'll be firing some shots @ a Broad spectrum viral vacuum in Lab 2 this afternoon, to see if we can hit anything/ Something - Which isn't 'Measure-able'!! Thank our Sponsors on the way thru Jenkins! Yes, that lot who said - "YOU'RE ON SHAKEY RESEARCH GROUND - Your ILLegal Trials will Run out, when your ENDLESS CorpoRat/Military Financed Funds 'Dry-Up'!" LOL!
Wellness to the Enlightened Unified Citizens.