Thank you Stephen. This is bloody wonderful!!!

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Wow - such an impressive piece of work!

I believe the question people should now be asking is, "when will this ALP Albonese have his Gough Whitlam moment"? I am praying this occurs soon. (2x PM's from the ALP being ousted for abusing their mis-named "mandates" to do as they please would be absolutely bloody awesome!!)

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Pfizer has an advisory board of indigenous people. I wonder how much they are being paid by Pfizer? I wonder what their Elders think of them?


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Current polling, as of today 8th Oct, puts the "no" vote well ahead. The PM is already trying to cover his tracks. He knows there is disaster ahead. Wonder if the embarrassment will force his resignation? Perhaps they will arrange a distraction event. We'll soon know.


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I fail to see how his Prime-ministership will not be sunk by this...

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Great article. It is probable that McGowan and Andrews stepped down because they were served Notices of Liability. Andrews received 5 of them.

If 'Yes' gets up we will have absolute confirmation that democracy is dead in Australia. It won't be worth living here in 10 years' time. We will all be looking for somewhere else to live and there'll be no one left to pay the rent.

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Thank you! There was certainly more behind the resignations of these premiers. I don't think that either McGowan, or Andrews, resigned for anything specifically related to the Voice Referendum, but there could be some degree of overlap behind the scenes. If anything, it has weakened Albo and national Labor -- especially given that they both presented themselves as loyal and ruthless lieutenants for the Globalist agenda.

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Yes, of course we can never be certain, but, like you say, hopefully their resignations weakened The Voice.

Maybe we need to find a deserted island and do an 'Epstein' on the bad politicians. It would be interesting to watch them squirm trying to placate two opposing sides to save themselves. They deserve nothing less because these agendas could not go ahead without the 'foot soldiers' in government, etc.

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Oct 4, 2023
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Sure, on some level it is a distraction, and the whole AEC process is certainly corrupted, but such systemic corruption can only violate the freewill choice of the Australian public if a general lack of awareness prevails. The opposite is now true -- the majority are opposed, most are aware that something is afoot, and the media and the pollsters are not capable of hiding this reality. True support for the YES Campaign is probably in single digits. The Polls and the legacy media have long abandoned the "too close to call on the night" and the "YES is polling well" tactics... it is clearly a lost cause. If you take the US 2020 Presidential Election for example: it was an obvious steal, however, the media and polls were complicit in advance, and although America was robbed by those behind "Joseph Rob-n'-it Biden," the immersive atmosphere of multifaceted propaganda against Trump leading up to the election made it all go away... mostly. It is not so easy to deceive the masses if the gatekeepers have already had their gates torn from the hinges...

And yes, it is a distraction as it is being presented by both YES and NO Campaigns, with neither really addressing the true agenda: a UN land-grab attempt. That is no mere trifle, no simple distraction, and certainly demands all of our focus to thwart.

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