Examining 89 Published News Stories that Chart the Lies Underpinning the Indigenous Voice to Parliament
The 2023 Indigenous Voice Referendum is currently thrashing out its final throes. All soothsaying pollsters have long divined the inevitable from their fortnightly metrics: it is fated to die. On the 14th of October, millions of Australians will mercifully kill it with a pen — its lifeless, tongueless corpse, will be a mercy upon us all.
The YES Campaign has all but been defeated. No amount of desperate wishful-thinking buoyed with squandered millions will now reverse the projected outcome. No measure of underhanded “ballot-handling” will now rig the result in their favour — it is far-to-far from being “far-to-close.” Legacy media has been incapable of camouflaging the downward-spiral of support. The true numbers must be beyond dismal. To even attempt “a steal” against the people’s freewill choice would now prove outrageously obvious, and politically perilous. The enormity of fraud underpinning The Voice, and the Prime Fraudster who was entrusted to swindle Australia on behalf of the Transnational Globalists have failed. The billionaires will not get their decades-in-the-planning UN-orchestrated land-grab. Either intuitively, or cognitively, everyday Australians now know — and it will be a resounding NO.
The Voice was neither about “closing the gap,” nor “listening to achieve better outcomes.” Such simple notions were crafted to appeal to the feelgood virtue-signallers, and they were never sincere. Conversely, the NO Campaign never truly addressed the real diabolical agenda, preferring to bluntly deflect with “racist and divisive” and “too risky.” It is all these things, but it was fundamentally a Davos’ inspired UN-WEF collaboration, a plunder-project, that was essential for advancing Schwab’s Great Reset. It was truly this, and nothing else.
The “establishment of an advisory body capable of giving advice to the government about the issues that affect First Nations peoples,” was always a ruse to corrupt the Australian Constitution, and to legally perpetrate a total theft of our land and assets. The Voice was only about “Indigenous Australians” in so far as they could be utilised as a decoy to surreptitiously gain access to the executive branch of our Federal Government. Behind a Blak facade, a parallel parliament would get away with what a white government could not: dissecting Australia via the Native Title Act and transferring the ownership of everything under Treaty to the UN Globalists: Voice, Treaty, Truth.
No single Australian has a true representative voice in our captured Federal Parliament. Our installed politicians neither speak, nor act on our behalf (invariably acting against us), and it is preposterous to suggest that a Voice would ever speak for our nation’s Indigenous people. Our Parliament is the regional branch of a Transnational Corporatocracy and our Prime Minister is their selected “Australian CEO.” Albanese has been entrusted to ratify legislation that benefits their supranational corporate empire and its endless rapacious designs on Australia. Our Constitution presented an impediment, and thus it was their primary target — but all their efforts will amount to naught.
The YES Campaign has degenerated into a hysterical farce that has been thoroughly exposed as being bereft of integrity, transparency and sincerity. It was always a monumental lie from its very inception, and many now suspect as much. What follows is a comprehensive timeline of significant media stories and developments that sequentially reveal the Big Lie underpinning the YES Campaign. When presented in sequence, an overarching context emerges that supports all my prior research and the contention: The Voice to Parliament is a UN land-grab device.
This is where it started: Essential Poll on Indigenous Recognition YES 76% NO 24%
This is where it ended: Newspoll YES 36% NO 56%
NOTE: This is an extensive timeline featuring direct quotes from each referenced news article. I have further highlighted key text and words within the quote. After each guiding screenshot and extracted quote, I have provided a brief commentary to establish interconnecting context.
SEPTEMBER 13, 2007: The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) was Adopted by the UN General Assembly — Australia does NOT sign.
MARCH 26, 2009: Kevin Rudd Backs United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
APRIL 3, 2009: Kevin Rudd Adopts the UNDRIP Declaration
SEPTEMBER 25, 2015: The UN Agenda 2030 is Adopted by 193 Countries
MAY 26, 2017: ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart’ was Issued at Uluru (Origins of ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’)
AUGUST 4, 2017: Shorten Calls for Finalising Referendum Question on Indigenous Voice
OCTOBER 26, 2017: Turnbull Formally Rejects Proposal for Indigenous Voice to Parliament
MAY 26, 2020: The Juukan Gorge Hoax that Facilitated the ‘Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021’
OCTOBER 18, 2021: The Juukan Gorge Inquiry Recommends ‘New, Overarching Federal Legislation’
MAY 21, 2022: Albanese’s Victory Speech: “I Commit to the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full”
AUGUST 16, 2022: The Nation’s First Independent Body to Oversee First Nations Treaty Negotiations has been Enshrined in Law
AUGUST 26, 2022: Shaquille O’Neal Meets with Albanese to Support The Voice to Parliament
OCTOBER 25, 2022: $75 Million to Set-up Voice Referendum
JANUARY 18, 2023: If not by Referendum, then by Legislation?
JANUARY 21, 2023: Dark Discussions Between Bill Gates and Albanese at Kirribilli House
JANUARY 27, 2023: Lidia Thorpe Reveals what the Voice is all About: Treaty, Pay-the-Rent, Blak Republic, Real Power
FEBRUARY 28, 2023: Seven Major Sporting Codes back The Voice
MARCH 6, 2023: Labor Approves $9.5 Million for ‘Facts of the Voice’
MARCH 23, 2023: Albanese Reveals the Referendum Question
MARCH 24, 2023: Pauline Hanson Claims to have been Given a Secret 11-Point Note that Reveals The Voice Agenda
MARCH 26, 2023: South Australia Legislates an Indigenous Voice to Parliament
MARCH 29, 2023: Native Title Decision Returns The Great Ocean Road Region to Traditional Aboriginal Owners
APRIL 5, 2023: Peter Dutton Confirms Liberal will Oppose Indigenous Voice
APRIL 14, 2023: Albanese Named in Time’s 100 Most Influential People List
APRIL 17, 2023: Senator Jacinta Price Claims Secret Documents Reveal the Hidden Agenda Behind The Voice
APRIL 30, 2023: YES Vote Leading in Every State
MAY 9, 2023: Labor Commits $364 Million to Deliver The Voice Referendum
MAY 11, 2023: Pfizer Pledges Support for Uluru Statement and The Voice
MAY 11, 2023: Crikey Publishes a Hit-Piece attacking my Voice Article and Josephine Cashman
MAY 17, 2023: Support for The Voice drops in New Poll
MAY 19, 2023: Stan Grant Steps Away from Q+A and the ABC
MAY 29, 2023: Mark McGowan Stands Down as Premier of Western Australia
JUNE 12, 2023: Support for The Voice Falls Below a Majority
JULY 1, 2023: New Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws Take Effect
JULY 15, 2023: Farmers Fear New Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws will ‘Hold us to Ransom’
JULY 17, 2023: Tree Planting Halted by Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act
JUNE 18, 2023: Victoria’s First Peoples’ Assembly Hold their Treaty Elections 2023
JUNE 19, 2023: The Voice Referendum Bill Passes Parliament
JUNE 20, 2023: Lidia Thorpe Will Lead an Anti-Voice Campaign
JUNE 21, 2023: Thomas Mayo Reveals the Hidden Agenda Behind The Voice
JULY 10, 2023: Albanese’s Government Partners with Meta to Control the Narrative Online
JULY 25, 2023: Abanese’s T-SHIRT: Voice, Treaty, Truth
AUGUST 1, 2023: “This is Not About Treaty”
AUGUST 4, 2023: Secret FOI Document Reveals Demand for Land Tax and Percentage of GDP’ Under Treaty
AUGUST 4, 2023: Albanese Calls on Australians to Vote YES
AUGUST 6, 2023: The Voice Would Fail if not Enshrined in Constitution
AUGUST 9, 2023: Western Australian Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws Abolished
AUGUST 9, 2023: Uluru Statement ‘Confirmed’ as 26 Pages
AUGUST 9, 2023: 26 Pages Calling for Reparations and a Reconsideration of Land rights, Pay-the-Rent
AUGUST 9, 2023: First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria Squabble Over Voice Support
AUGUST 14, 2023: ‘Not My Product’
AUGUST 14, 2023: Qantas to Display Yes23 on Planes as Support for The Voice
AUGUST 15, 2023: Albanese will not Legislate Voice if it Fails in Referendum
AUGUST 23, 2023: RMIT and Meta Exposed for Censoring Voice Debate
AUGUST 24, 2023: A Tick will be Accepted, a Cross Will Not
AUGUST 30, 2023: Referendum Date Announced as October 14
SEPTEMBER 3, 2023: Dutton Flags Second Referendum If Voice Fails
SEPTEMBER 4, 2023: The Uluru Dialogue (AKA Albanese’s Labor) Release a New Advert for the ‘YES’ Campaign — Aussie hit ‘You’re the Voice’ by John Farnham
SEPTEMBER 6, 2023: ASX Top 20 Companies On The Voice
SEPTEMBER 8, 2023: Latest Poll (Redbridge) - “Single Lowest Poll Result We’ve Seen” at 39%
SEPTEMBER 11, 2023: Only Tasmania is set to Vote YES
SEPTEMBER 13, 2023: Marcia Langton Calls NO Supporters “Racist and Stupid”
SEPTEMBER 13, 2023: Kamahl: “I’m Voting NO Because I Don’t Understand It!”
SEPTEMBER 14, 2023: NO Campaign Leading in Every State
SEPTEMBER 15, 2023: “YES Launches Last Chance $20 Million Ad Blitz”
SEPTEMBER 15, 2023: YES Referendum Hold Rallies Across Australia, ABC: “Tens of Thousands Attended”
SEPTEMBER 22, 2023: Juukan Hoax Redux - Rio Tinto Blast Damages Ancient Rock Shelter
SEPTEMBER 22, 2023: Kamahl Now Supports YES
SEPTEMBER 22, 2023: MC Hammer Supports The Voice
SEPTEMBER 23, 2023: NO Referendum (Freedom Movement) Hold Rallies Across Australia, ABC: “Hundreds of People Have Attended”
SEPTEMBER 23, 2023: Albanese Positive ‘Kamahl-mentum’ will boost Voice Support
SEPTEMBER 24, 2023: Neo-Nazis Join Thousands in Rally for ‘NO’
SEPTEMBER 25, 2023: Latest Poll - YES Support “slumps further” at just 36%
SEPTEMBER 25, 2023: Kamahl is Again Voting NO
SEPTEMBER 25, 2023: Thorpe - Nothing Will Change Despite Outcome of The Voice
SEPTEMBER 25, 2023: Victoria’s First Peoples’ Assembly Urges YES Vote
SEPTEMBER 26, 2023: Dan Andrews Resigns as Premier of Victoria
SEPTEMBER 27, 2023: Albanese Says Voice Worthwhile Even if Rejected
SEPTEMBER 29, 2023: Drag Queen Launches UK YES Campaign for The Voice
OCTOBER 3, 2023: Purple YES Campaign Signs to be Removed from Voting Centres
OCTOBER 4, 2023: Ray Martin Call No Voter’s “Dinosaurs and Dickheads”
OCTOBER 4, 2023: New Polls Show Voice Support Rises Two Percentage Points
OCTOBER 4, 2023: The AEC Admits that Multiple Votes will be Counted #Voteoften
OCTOBER 5, 2023: Viral Video Emerges of The Voice being a UN Land Grab
OCTOBER 5, 2023: Lidia Thorpe and the Neo-Nazi Threat
OCTOBER 9, 2023: New Polling Suggests No Route to Victory for YES Vote
OCTOBER 9, 2023: Anthony Mundine Declares The Voice is “the Biggest land Grab of all Time”
OCTOBER 12, 2023: Fact Checking “UN Land Grab” and “Loss of Home Ownership” — too late, the Truth is Out!
OCTOBER 12, 2023: Australians Look Set to Vote Against The Voice
PUBLISHED TIMELINE ENDS OCTOBER 12 (Published two days from the October 14 Indigenous Voice Referendum)
SEPTEMBER 13, 2007: The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) was Adopted by the UN General Assembly — Australia does NOT sign.
“The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) was adopted by the General Assembly on Thursday, 13 September 2007.
The Declaration is the most comprehensive international instrument on the rights of Indigenous peoples.
It establishes a universal framework of minimum standards for the survival, dignity and well-being of the Indigenous peoples of the world and it elaborates on existing human rights standards and fundamental freedoms as they apply to Indigenous peoples.
The Declaration is particularly significant because Indigenous peoples, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, were involved in its drafting.”1
COMMENT: Australia under the Federal Coalition was not one of the signatories, and did not adopt the UNDRIP Declaration in 2007. The Howard-era would effectively end two months later, and Kevin Rudd was sworn in as Prime Minister of Australia the following year. Despite the UNDRIP Declaration seeping in faux-virtue and proclamations of providing an an ethical framework to atone for colonialist atrocities — it was actually a device for exploiting the world’s Indigenous peoples to transfer land, and assets, to a cabal of foreign billionaires. UNDRIP would later inform “The Uluru Statement from the Heart,” and provide the “Voice, Treaty, Truth” template to facilitate a UN land-grab of Australia. The existence of UNDRIP is the primary reason Australian is currently using the apparatus of referenda to potentially change our Constitution.
MARCH 26, 2009: Kevin Rudd Backs United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
“The Rudd government will officially support a UN declaration on indigenous rights which the previous Howard government voted against in 2007.
Sixteen months after taking power, Labor will make good its election promise to endorse the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
But the Opposition says ratifying the UN Declaration would have far-reaching consequences if one racial group was allowed exemptions from Australian law.”2
COMMENT: UNDRIP was conceived as a means to exploit the Indigenous populations of every postcolonialist country to achieve the exact same end: the dismantlement of sovereign nations, and the expropriation of land and assets back to the “rightful owners” (The Transnational Corporatocracy class of Globalist billionaires). It represents the inception of their worldwide asset-stripping gambit, and what they had intended to inflict upon all First World Western Nations.
APRIL 3, 2009: Kevin Rudd Adopts the UNDRIP Declaration
“Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin says the Government's support for the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples will "reset" the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
The Government has officially adopted the declaration at a ceremony in Parliament House, reversing the decision of the previous Government who voted against it in 2007.
The declaration, which was signed by all but four countries, contains 46 articles which outline Indigenous people's rights in international law, but it is not legally binding and cannot override domestic law.
Ms Macklin says the move is an important step towards closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
"Today Australia joins the international community to affirm the aspirations of all Indigenous peoples," she said.” 3
COMMENT: “The Government’s support for the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples will “reset” the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.” UNDRIP was always a key element of WEF Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab’s “The Great Reset.” It was central to their dystopian vision of a Technocratic New World Order, in which “You will own nothing, and be happy” — private land acquisition by stealth. UNDRIP was the means to abolish private land ownership by transferring all “repatriated” land to the token “Indigenous” (truly, to the Transnational Corporatocracy). The word choice of “reset” was already being emphasised in 2009, and Rudd’s support of UNDRIP was all a prelude to realising the overarching WEF-UN agenda: the grand theft of Australia.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2015: The UN Agenda 2030 is Adopted by 193 Countries
“To cheers, applause and probably a tinge of relief, the 17 global goals that will provide the blueprint for the world’s development over the next 15 years were ratified by UN member states in New York on Friday.
After speeches from Pope Francis and the Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai, and songs from Shakira and Angelique Kidjo, the ambitious agenda – which aims to tackle poverty, climate change and inequality for all people in all countries – was signed off by 193 countries at the start of a three-day UN summit on sustainable development …”4
“The sustainable development goals (SDGs) are a set of targets and indicators that UN member states agreed to use to frame their political agenda over the 15 years from 2015 to 2030. They were the “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all” and they address the global challenges of poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.”5
COMMENT: The UN’s Agenda 2030 aligns perfectly with the pathological ambitions pursued by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and their Great Reset agenda. Both nefarious Geneva-stablemates are unified in their obsessive vision for transforming (deforming) humanity into a transhumanist digital-serfdom (humans merged with technology and controlled — for sustainability). It is telling that the WEF’s unelected billionaires are advancing the exact same inhuman agenda as the United Nations — indeed, most UN Member States are captured by the WEF’s Young Global Leaders Program.7
MAY 26, 2017: ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart’ was Issued at Uluru (Origins of ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’)
“Indigenous leaders from across the country have outright rejected the idea of mere recognition in the constitution, instead calling for a representative body to be enshrined in the nation's founding document and a process established working towards treaties.”6
COMMENT: The Indigenous are considered to be “at the heart” of the UN Agenda 2030 — hence the ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart.’ The Uluru Statement was truly conceived in Geneva as part of Globalist-inspired device to exploit the world’s “Indigenous” as a ‘fulcrum’ to bring forth a New World Order (UNDRIP). In order to gain exclusive access to foreign land (farms, waterways, coasts, forests and eventually private properties) the United Nations, in partnership with the World Economic Forum, have conspired to install a “Voice” within our Federal Parliament’s executive branch to facilitate the ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’ process. ‘Truth’ will comprise the legal tribunal in which the controlled Voice will push for Treaty that will expropriate up to 80% of Australian land to a Transnational Corporatocracy. All Australians, including the Indigenous, will inevitably “Own nothing, and be happy.” The Voice is paramount to ratify Treaty and to establish a Truth tribunal — it was all about Treaty (foreign land-theft) from the onset; all about capturing the majority of Australian land, resources, minerals and metals for the exclusive plunder of multinational megacorporations.
AUGUST 4, 2017: Shorten Calls for Finalising Referendum Question on Indigenous Voice
“Bill Shorten has called for the immediate establishment of a joint parliamentary select committee to finalise a referendum question on enshrining an Indigenous voice in the federal parliament.
“The opposition leader wrote to Malcolm Turnbull proposing the bipartisan parliamentary process on the eve of the annual Garma festival in north-east Arnhem Land, and said the body could also “clarify” other proposals put forward by the constitutional dialogues this year.”7
COMMENT: Bill Shorten was attempting to impose an Indigenous Voice Referendum on the Australian people as early as 2017. The referendum to enshrine an Indigenous Voice has been many decades in the making, and was certainly not the unique brainchild of Albanese’s sawdust-filled cranium. However, presently, The Voice is Albanese, and Albanese is The Voice — and both are fated to fail, and be hastily erased from the public mind. The Voice was always dependent on engaging the pseudo-virtue of those identifying with progressive-left ideology — and, thus, only a Labor Prime Minister could spearhead any request for constitutional change.
OCTOBER 26, 2017: Turnbull Formally Rejects Proposal for Indigenous Voice to Parliament
“Malcolm Turnbull's cabinet has confirmed it has turned its back to its own Referendum Council's proposal to recognise Indigenous Australians in the Constitution.
In a joint statement, the Prime Minister, Attorney-General George Brandis and the Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, said “The Turnbull Government has carefully considered the Referendum Council’s call to amend the Constitution to provide for a national Indigenous representative assembly to constitute a ‘Voice to Parliament’”.
“The Government does not believe such an addition to our national representative institutions is either desirable or capable of winning acceptance in a referendum,” the statement read.”8
COMMENT: Malcolm Turnbull’s cabinet rejected it’s own Referendum Council’s proposal to recognise Indigenous Australians in the Constitution. Despite Opposition Leader, Bill Shorten attempting to consolidate bipartisan support (which was clearly being pushed by the impatient Transnational Corporatocracy) — it was apparent that the proposal for amending the constitution and enshrining an Indigenous Voice to Parliament was unfeasible, incongruent, and would ultimately fail under a Coalition Government.
MAY 26, 2020: The Juukan Gorge Hoax that Facilitated the ‘Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021’
“Deeply troubled" traditional owners in the western Pilbara have had their worst fears confirmed after Rio Tinto detonated explosives near culturally significant sites dating back more than 46,000 years.
The WA Aboriginal Heritage Act (1972) is currently under review with draft legislation expected to be released for public comment.The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill will be introduced into the WA Parliament for consideration this year.
The ABC understand Section 18 notices will no longer exist under the proposed changes.”
COMMENT: Josephine Cashman has comprehensively exposed the Juukan Gorge episode, and all those who conspired to create this “pivotal disaster” that was necessary to justify the draconian Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021. It was a coordinated hoax. The former CEO of Rio Tinto (Jean-Sébastien Jacques) had approved the legal detonation of the insignificant site, and was deliberately scapegoated in the following furore. This “disastrous cultural vandalism” would prove useful to furthering the Globalist’s overarching agenda: The UNESCO-inspired amendments to the existing Aboriginal Cultural Heritage law. These new laws aimed to bankrupt intergenerational farmers, and to remove them from productive land.
OCTOBER 18, 2021: The Juukan Gorge Inquiry Recommends ‘New, Overarching Federal Legislation’
“-A Senate inquiry has been investigating the destruction of the Juukan Gorge rock shelters
-Rio Tinto caused national outrage when it blasted the 46,000-year-old heritage site last year
-The inquiry has recommended new, overarching federal legislation to protect cultural heritage”9
COMMENT: The Juukan Gorge inquiry has “recommended new, overarching legislation.” This UNESCO ploy was always intended to adversely impact farmers and rural communities nationwide, disrupting profitability, causing bankruptcy, and leaving vast tracts of formerly productive land inaccessible and embroiled in costly consultation with a hostile Cultural Heritage Body. Eventually, such “Truth” legislation would act alongside The Voice. It would be exploited to inform the expropriation of land (according to the demarcations of the Native Title Act) as decreed by their envisioned Treaty: Voice, Treaty, Truth
MAY 21, 2022: Albanese’s Victory Speech: “I Commit to the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full”
“Millions of people watched Anthony Albanese when he stood at the podium at Canterbury-Hurlstone Park RSL Club in Sydney and said: “On behalf of the Australian Labor Party, I commit to the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full.”
With those words, the prime minister’s election victory speech may have heralded a new chapter in Australia’s relationship with First Nations people.
Incoming Indigenous Affairs Minister Linda Burney, who will assume the portfolio once the full ministry is sworn in, has since reiterated that implementing the Uluru Statement would be a high a priority for the new Labor government.”10
COMMENT: Albanese committed to the ‘Uluru Statement from the Heart in Full’ on election night — although he has since forgotten this. The Indigenous Voice to Parliament was always about Voice, Treaty Truth (the full Uluru Statement). If properly understood in this context by the average Australian, especially associated with basic notions of Treaty, it could never have been launched as a potentially successful Referendum. Ergo, the deliberate subterfuge, vagueness, brazen deception and misdirection from Albanese, and all those associated with the YES Campaign, from the onset. Now, imagine if Australians truly comprehended that “Voice, Treaty, Truth” was all for the exclusive benefit of a UN-shielded Billionaire Class? Revolution?
AUGUST 16, 2022: The Nation’s First Independent Body to Oversee First Nations Treaty Negotiations has been Enshrined in Law
“The nation’s first independent body to oversee First Nations treaty negotiations has been enshrined in law, with Victoria’s parliament passing landmark legislation for its creation on Tuesday night.
The legislation will make Victoria the first jurisdiction to establish an Indigenous treaty authority that will act as an independent umpire to oversee treaty negotiations and resolve disputes between traditional owner groups and the state government.”
COMMENT: This First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria is comprised of multiracial individuals, all of whom comfortably coexist amongst a vast plurality of immigrants, and multi-generational Australians within a postcolonialist First World; all of whom have forsaken their inconvenient and conflicting bloodlines to be part of the destruction of the sovereign Australian Nation. Most are dupes, some are opportunists, many are misguided zealots. These Co-chairs of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria have been installed in anticipation of The Voice Referendum succeeding, with the intent to have the “human apparatus” ready to fast-track the Voice, Treaty, Truth conquest.
AUGUST 26, 2022: Shaquille O’Neal Meets with Albanese to Support The Voice to Parliament
“The former LA Lakers centre is in Australia for a speaking tour and reached out to the government to inform himself about the proposal for the First Nations voice, Albanese said.
Following what the prime minister called “a terrific meeting” between himself, the minister for Indigenous Australians, Linda Burney, and O’Neal, Albanese announced the NBA legend would be part of the effort to mobilise support in the lead-up to a referendum on enshrining an Indigenous voice in the constitution.”11
COMMENT: Shaquille O’Neil clearly embodies the persecuted and downtrodden “black man” who was able to athletically-thrive and achieve superstardom in the “systemically-racist” white man’s American Nation. Choosing an iconic Afro-American to be part of “the effort to mobilise support” for the Australian Indigenous (purely on the basis of their shared skin colour) is utterly cringe-worthy. It is also racist.
OCTOBER 25, 2022: $75 Million to Set-up Voice Referendum
“The government’s preparations for an Indigenous voice to parliament will be supported with $75m to start setting up the referendum, as well as extending tax deductibility to donations to a leading constitutional recognition group backing the change.”12
COMMENT: $75-million to set-up the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum (and much more yet to be squandered). How much was our dithering-dunderhead paid, or rather, what personal cost did he incur (perhaps by Epsteinesque blackmail?) to set-up Australia for UN asset-stripping via The Voice?
JANUARY 18, 2023: If not by Referendum, then by Legislation?
“Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has not ruled out legislating the Voice to Parliament should Australians vote to reject enshrining the body in the Constitution, prompting accusations from Opposition Leader Peter Dutton that he was being tricky with the public.”13
COMMENT: The threat of legislating The Voice should Australians reject the Referendum has no real gravity. The Voice needs to be embedded and protected in the Constitution to guarantee its permanency. If enshrined, it can only be removed by a further costly and unfeasible Referendum (which they will never permit). So, effectively, as the horrors of UN land acquisition unfold and become obvious to all — the very mechanism will be Constitutionally enshrined and invulnerable to dismantlement. Fortunately, mass unrest and societal dissatisfaction with any particular legislation can force a government to repeal, or abolish its function.
JANUARY 21, 2023: Dark Discussions Between Bill Gates and Albanese at Kirribilli House
“Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has hosted Bill Gates and representatives from his company Breakthough Energy and members from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
It is the first time the pair have met and they are expected to discuss responses to energy shortages, medical issues and climate change.
Mr Albanese thanked the Microsoft founder for his contribution to global health research and explained his government’s approach to climate change.”14
COMMENT: ‘Energy shortages, medical issues and climate change’ are the sabotage fictions peddled by the Apex Predator Class (of which billionaire Pedo-Gates is most prominent, and most repugnant). These problems only exist because they are useful to the Transnational Corporatocracy for depopulation and installing the fear-infrastructure for absolute control. This meeting was ominous for Australia, and the subject of The Voice (truly, the Globalist’s Voice) would have featured foremost in their sulfuric scheming.
JANUARY 27, 2023: Lidia Thorpe Reveals what the Voice is all About: Treaty, Pay-the-Rent, Blak Republic, Real Power
“A wholesale rewrite of Australia's Constitution, a $12.50 weekly 'rent' fee for home-owners and 10 Aboriginal-only seats in Parliament are at the centre of Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe's 'treaty' agenda for Australia.
The Greens senator and Indigenous rights campaigner brandished a 'battle stick' during a fiery speech at an Invasion Day protest march in Melbourne on Thursday where she claimed Australian governments are waging a 'war' on Indigenous communities.
'This is a war. They are still killing us. They are still killing our babies,' Ms Thorpe said. 'What do we have to celebrate in our country?’”15
COMMENT: They had high hopes for low IQ Thorpe, but, to her credit, she proved defiant, unruly and unpredictable. As her political career careened into scandal and disrepute (compromising dalliances with past-flame underworld figures, early morning drug-fuelled strip club racist rants, ejected from the Greens and forced to be an Independent), Thorpe revealed on Australia Day what The Voice would truly be about: ‘Pay the Rent,’ ‘Treaty,’ ‘Blak Republic’ and the demolition of Australia as a sovereign nation. Indeed, The Voice is intended to achieve all these things (Thorpe claimed that ‘It did not go far enough’) — however, no single Indigenous Australian would ever see “the rent,” or gain access to private property, establish an independent business, or have the ability to farm on Native Title land under Treaty. The Transnational Corporatocracy would manage all these things… on their behalf.
FEBRUARY 28, 2023: Seven Major Sporting Codes back The Voice
“Seven of Australia’s largest sporting codes are preparing to unite and campaign for the Indigenous Voice to parliament, with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese personally moving to secure the support of the sporting codes.
The AFL, NRL, Rugby Australia, Netball Australia, Football Australia, Cricket Australia and Tennis Australia – seven of the most powerful Australian sporting leagues – are working on a co-ordinated campaign they hope will launch mid-year.”16
COMMENT: Stadium sport is extremely useful to the Corporatocracy. They have fostered a cultural obsession with sport, combined with alcohol consumption, and have effectively enfeebled and disarmed countless adult minds. Thus, engaging hundreds-of-thousands, if not many millions of sports fanatics across the various codes, and subjecting them to incessant propaganda to influence their ‘YES’ vote — is a strategic attempt to manufacture mass-consent. The people love their sport, and the government hopes that their devout allegiance to their teams ‘in those feel good moments’ will translate to a feel good ‘YES.’
MARCH 6, 2023: Labor Approves $9.5 Million for ‘Facts of the Voice’
“The Albanese government has authorised $9.5m of spending for a voice civics and awareness campaign to include the “facts of the voice” but insists it is not funding a de facto yes campaign.”17
COMMENT: The entire YES Campaign has been exclusively funded by the Albanese Government (looting our taxpayer dollars). The Voice is Albanese, and Albanese is Labor, and all three are inextricably linked in the public mind. The insistence that Labor “is not funding a de facto YES Campaign” is a brazen lie.
MARCH 23, 2023: Albanese Reveals the Referendum Question
“Australians will be asked to recognise the First Peoples of the nation in a referendum later this year, after the prime minister, Anthony Albanese, unveiled the final wording of the constitutional amendment and question.
“This is a modest request. I say to Australia, don’t miss it,” Albanese said.”
COMMENT: “A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. Do you approve this proposed alteration?”
There is nothing modest about this request. It is a gift akin to that which was wheeled into the walls of Troy.
MARCH 24, 2023: Pauline Hanson Claims to have been Given a Secret 11-Point Note that Reveals The Voice Agenda
“The national Indigenous body has flatly denied it is behind an alleged document that Pauline Hanson claims outlines a radical 11-point plan for the Voice to Parliament.
The One Nation leader told the Senate on Wednesday she was handed the note, which has not been verified, by a concerned member of the public who claimed it was found at a cafe in Canberra.
“It disturbed me greatly,” Ms Hanson said. “I’m trying to say to people... understand if you give this the yes vote, this is what you could be opening yourself up to.”18
COMMENT: It cannot be stated conclusively that this 11-point note is genuine, but there are certain agendas outlined that certainly suggest it might be: ‘all beaches and national parks,’ and ‘rivers and streams’ to ‘become property of the relevant tribe.’ All this might be somewhat problematic when the “relevant tribe” is revealed to be the Transnational Corporatocracy.
MARCH 26, 2023: South Australia Legislates an Indigenous Voice to Parliament
“South Australia has become the first state to allow an Indigenous voice to parliament with premier Peter Malinauskas declaring it the most powerful show of respect towards Australia’s First Nations people.
The Labor government’s legislation passed the House of Assembly in a special sitting on Sunday and was immediately proclaimed by governor Frances Adamson in a rare public ceremony in front of a cheering crowd who gathered to watch the proceedings outside parliament house in Adelaide.”19
COMMENT: Only fools rush in. Consequently, such legislation was delayed by six months to avoid any potential “negative impact” on the Federal YES Campaign.
MARCH 29, 2023: Native Title Decision Returns The Great Ocean Road Region to Traditional Aboriginal Owners
“A huge tract of land including one of Australia's most iconic tourist areas has been recognised as Aboriginal land.
In a makeshift courtroom along the clifftop Great Ocean Road in southern Victoria, the Eastern Marr peoples were on Tuesday granted Native Title over a spectacular coastal area totalling 8,578 sq km.
This takes in the Great Ocean Road's tourist track of beaches and towns along with the vantage points to see the famed 12 Apostles offshore rock formations and covers a section of the Great Otway National Park to the east.
The area also extends to the regional centres of Ararat to the north and Warrnambool to the west.”20
COMMENT: If the Voice succeeds, a forthcoming Treaty will transfer complete and exclusive ownership of the “Eastern Marr people’s land” to the Corporatocracy. They will toll our roads, issue permits, impose a tax to “pay the rent,” remove the non-Indigenous residents from the “sacred” areas by stripping their private property rights (and the Indigenous!). They will prevent access to coastlines, national parklands and possibly the entire Great Ocean Road region for all Australians. No single Indigenous person will benefit from such a Treaty, just as they do not benefit from the current Native Title “ownership.”
Let us not forget (for it seems to have been forgotten) that The Great Ocean Road was constructed by more than 3000 returned servicemen as a utilitarian memorial to First World War soldiers.
APRIL 5, 2023: Peter Dutton Confirms Liberal will Oppose Indigenous Voice
“The Liberal leader, Peter Dutton, will actively campaign against the Indigenous voice referendum, directing his frontbench to oppose the proposal.
Dutton has instead proposed symbolic recognition in the constitution and a legislated voice, both suggestions which have long been rejected by Indigenous communities and the Uluru statement from the heart.
The opposition leader claimed the proposal advanced by the prime minister, Anthony Albanese, based on years of consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, would not deliver positive results.
“We have been clear we don’t support his Canberra voice. It is divisive and won’t deliver the outcomes to people on the ground,” Dutton claimed.”21
COMMENT: Never in the history of our nation has a referendum been successful without the bipartisan support of our political parties.
APRIL 14, 2023: Albanese Named in Time’s 100 Most Influential People List
“Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has been included in Time magazine's list of the 100 most influential people of 2023, alongside King Charles III, Ukraine's First Lady, Olena Zelenska, and model Bella Hadid.”22
COMMENT: The list is composed of truly putrid and compromised humans. There is nothing influential about “Australia’s Joe Biden.” This was evidently gifted to Albanese as a “legacy reward” for abetting the Globalists in their attempted theft of Australia via The Voice.
APRIL 17, 2023: Senator Jacinta Price Claims Secret Documents Reveal the Hidden Agenda Behind The Voice
“A ‘no’ campaign email from Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price claims “secret government documents” have revealed the “real agenda” behind the voice referendum, including plans to change the flag and force Australians to pay reparations to Indigenous people.”
“Secret government documents the National Indigenous Australians Agency was forced to release under freedom of information laws say that “any Voice to Parliament should be designed so that it could support and promote a treaty-making process”1.And what’s in the treaty?
According to these secret documents, it must include a “fixed percentage of Gross National Product. Rates/land tax/royalties”.
The documents explain:
…a Treaty could include a proper say in decision-making, the establishment of a truth commission, reparations, a financial settlement (such as seeking a percentage of GDP), the resolution of land, water and resources issues, recognition of authority and customary law…
This a direct quote from the secret Voice documents:
“Australia got a whole country for nothing, they haven’t even begun to pay for it.”
Doesn’t that just tell you everything you need to know?
But it gets worse.
According to these documents, they want to abolish the Australian flag, because “the Australian flag symbolised the injustices of colonisation”.”23
COMMENT: It is all this, and more. However, the real hidden agenda (of which Price has not once attempted to address) is that ALL of this is being orchestrated from abroad, directed from Geneva, to the exclusive benefit of Transnational marauders.
APRIL 30, 2023: YES Vote Leading in Every State
“The Yes campaign to enshrine an Indigenous Voice within Australia’s constitution is ahead in every state and territory, the most comprehensive poll conducted on the proposal has revealed, placing it on course to deliver the first referendum to pass in four decades.”24
COMMENT: They were hoping to maintain this propagandised fiction throughout the majority of the campaign. The “imminent success” and the “too close to call” narratives were crucial to achieving “the steal.” Fortunately, reality intervened. Carefully curated and massaged Polls could not conceal the overwhelming rejection of the Referendum proposal. The Australian people were not invested in the deception. The true percentage support was probably always in single digits.
MAY 9, 2023: Labor Commits $364 Million to Deliver The Voice Referendum
“Labor has committed more than $364 million in funding for the delivery of the Voice to Parliament referendum expected to go ahead later this year, including information pamphlets and a neutral public civics campaign.”25
COMMENT: There has been nothing ‘neutral’ about the ‘public civics campaign.’ The Albanese Government has basically bankrolled the YES Campaign with pilfered Australian taxpayer dollars. He is basically using $364-million to deliver not only a referendum, but a YES result.
MAY 11, 2023: Pfizer Pledges Support for Uluru Statement and The Voice
COMMENT: Pfizer was the first international megacorporation to support The Uluru Statement (Voice, treaty, Truth) and The Voice. Pfizer is the pharmaceutical branch of the Transnational Corporatocracy. The Transnational Corporatocracy are the UN-inspired Globalists behind The Voice advancing Agenda 2030 as a means of stealing our land. This is their business, and they absolutely mean business.
MAY 11, 2023: Crikey Publishes a Hit-Piece attacking my Voice Article and Josephine Cashman
“Australia’s far-right and conspiracy communities are spreading anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and hate speech in opposition to the Voice to Parliament, as false claims about the referendum spread widely online.
These baseless theories repurpose common claims that conspiracy boogeymen like the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, multinational corporations and prominent Australian Jewish citizens are hatching a plot to usurp Australian sovereignty using the Voice.
One viral piece of conspiracy content is a Substack post that weaves in 15-minute cities, climate denialism and fears of “transhumanism”, and claims that the Voice to Parliament will be used to forcibly obtain Australian farmland.”26
COMMENT: Wilson is an odiously smug personality. He ridiculously referred to Josephine Cashman, as ‘QAnon.’ His article follows the typical progressive-left paradigm of hysterically reducing all “arguments” to a cliche category of meaningless insults: ‘Conspiracy theories,’ ‘far-right,’ ‘neo-Nazis,’ ‘QAnon,’ ‘anti-Semitic,’ ‘racist.’ Interestingly, although Wilson referenced my ‘viral Substack’ piece on The Voice, he avoided alerting his readership to the source of his vexation — indeed, exposure to the truth might just stimulate dormant cognition. This was the first of the hysterical “hit pieces,” as the Left were presently caught on the back-foot.
MAY 17, 2023: Support for The Voice drops in New Poll
COMMENT: Alleged support (previously “ahead in all Australian states”) begins to fall in the sphere of the mainstream reporting.
MAY 19, 2023: Stan Grant Steps Away from Q+A and the ABC
“Stan Grant has accused the ABC of "institutional failure", saying the organisation did not publicly defend him amid a storm of racist abuse which has forced him to step away from hosting Q+A.
In his weekly column published on Friday, Grant said that since appearing as a guest as part of the ABC's coverage of the coronation of King Charles he had been subjected to intense abuse inspired by distorted media coverage and had "had enough".”27
COMMENT: When you have to apply fake tan to appear “more Indigenous” you have rendered yourself ridiculous, and a target. When you attempt to convince your audience during the coronation of King Charles that we are all guilty of historic wrongdoings associated with colonialism — everyday Australians will react.
MAY 29, 2023: Mark McGowan Stands Down as Premier of Western Australia
“WA Premier Mark McGowan has announced he is retiring from politics in a bombshell announcement.
In a press conference held with just 45 minutes' notice, Mr McGowan said he would step down as premier and member for Rockingham at the end of the week.
"The truth is I'm tired, extremely tired. In fact, I'm exhausted," he said.”28
COMMENT: The tyrannical criminality of McGowan cannot be understated. Authoritarian, cruel, and undoubtedly a psychopath. His government had been instrumental in perpetrating the Juukan Hoax and drafting the controversial Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Law 2021.
JUNE 12, 2023: Support for The Voice Falls Below a Majority
“The Voice is at a critical “tipping point” with new polling suggesting a majority of Australians would now vote No if the referendum were held today.
It’s the first poll to show No in the lead. Although other polls still have Yes ahead.
The result is a remarkable fall in support for an Indigenous Voice to parliament with Yes votes polling above 60 per cent just months ago.
Now, fresh research has shown 51 per cent of Australians would vote No.”29
COMMENT: From “leading in every state”… to below 50%
JULY 1, 2023: New Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws Take Effect
“How does a legal reform that everyone generally supports — the protection of tens of thousands of years of Aboriginal heritage — end up under a cloud of confusion, suspicion and outright anger?
After five years of development, and a three-week period that's seen criticism fly thick and fast, Western Australia's new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act comes into effect today.”30
COMMENT: This insidious legislation is intended to be used by The Voice to bankrupt farmers, and to effectively confiscate farmlands (or to force-buyout failing intergenerational farms) on behalf of the Transnational Corporatocracy.
JULY 15, 2023: Farmers Fear New Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws will ‘Hold us to Ransom’
“Farmers in Western Australia are furious about sweeping new cultural heritage laws that will require them to pay an Aboriginal consultant up to $160 an hour to obtain permits to do anything on their land that might disturb more than 50 centimetres of soil.
Locals have warned that the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021, which comes into effect on July 1, could bring economic activity to a halt while empowering a vast new layer of bureaucracy to “hold businesses to ransom” with costly red tape.
The key change under the new Act is the establishment of Local Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Services, or LACHS, which will be responsible for determining whether an activity will cause “harm” to cultural heritage.
Under a complex three-tiered system, anyone on more than 1100 square metres of land will be required to apply for a permit from their LACHS before carrying out certain activities, such as digging fences, planting trees or clearing tracks.
Penalties for damaging a cultural heritage site range from $25,000 to $1 million for individuals and $250,000 to $10 million for corporations, as well as jail time.”31
COMMENT: Their fear was well founded. Terrorists demand a ransom, and the intent was to terrorise, demoralise and ultimately sabotage the farming industry nationwide.
JULY 17, 2023: Tree Planting Halted by Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act
“Amid ongoing confusion over the implementation of Western Australia’s controversial new cultural heritage laws, two major tree planting events in the state were cancelled this weekend after an Aboriginal corporation demanded $2.5 million for approval, according to a report.
Seven News reported on Sunday that the planting of 5500 shrubs and trees along Perth’s Canning River by 120 volunteers was called off, after a demand from the newly formed Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation that any planting at sites of cultural significance along the river cease.”32
COMMENT: Held to ransom — far too soon, and far too obviously. This outrageous demand by a shadowy “Aboriginal Corporation” for $2.5 million was the catalyst for nationwide indignation. The ulterior motive for the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws had been revealed prematurely, and such awareness would now jeopardise The Voice Campaign.
JUNE 18, 2023: Victoria’s First Peoples’ Assembly Hold their Treaty Elections 2023
“The vote counting for the 'Treaty Elections 2023' – the second term of the First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria – has concluded, with the successful candidates for all the regions being announced on Saturday night.
Outgoing Assembly Co-Chair, proud Nira illim bulluk man of the Taungurung Nation, Marcus Stewart, said that elections would be pivotal in Victoria's ongoing quest for decolonisation.
"This is self-determination in action," Mr Stewart said.
"First Peoples’ in Victoria have spoken. These are the people who will represent us mob proudly and will get Treaty done. It's a big honour, but also a big responsibility."33
COMMENT: The Treaty Elections 2023 mark the commencement of the second term of the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria. The Assembly is mostly comprised of multiracial members who are fixated on only one diluted DNA-expression of their bloodline. Their purpose is to divide and dismantle Victoria, and to separate Victorians from their land on behalf of a Transnational Corporatocracy — should The Voice succeed.
JUNE 19, 2023: The Voice Referendum Bill Passes Parliament
“A bill to alter the constitution and enable the Indigenous voice has passed the federal parliament ahead of Australia’s first referendum in 24 years, to be held later in 2023.”34
COMMENT: The Bill passed, and the Indigenous Voice Referendum must be held within six months.
JUNE 20, 2023: Lidia Thorpe Will Lead an Anti-Voice Campaign
“Independent Victorian senator Lidia Thorpe will lead a radical left anti-Voice campaign and will vie with One Nation leader Pauline Hanson and the Coalition to have a hand in writing the No case in the official referendum pamphlet to be sent to Australian households.
As Thorpe declared her intention on Tuesday to campaign against the Voice under the banner of the black sovereignty movement, reversing her pledge from three weeks ago not to join a No campaign, the opposition stepped up its attack on the proposal in question time.”35
COMMENT: The ever-impetuous Thorpe has become the metaphorical thorn in their side, and at this stage, none within the Albanese Government can inform her that everything she wants will be part of The Voice — they just cannot reveal it, yet.
JUNE 21, 2023: Thomas Mayo Reveals the Hidden Agenda Behind The Voice
“A leading “Yes” campaigner for the Voice to Parliament hopes it will be a step towards getting non-Indigenous Aussies to “pay the rent” for living on Australian land.
In a series of unearthed tweets from 2020, Thomas Mayo – who was a signatory of the Uluru Statement from the Heart – shared his vision of a new life if the Yes vote passes.
He said a “Blak rep body” enshrined in the Constitution – as called for in the Uluru Statement – would have the “resources & structure needed to unite on the priorities we collectively determine.”
“Reparations, land back, abolishing harmful colonial institutions, getting ALL our kids out of prisons & in to care, respect & integration of our laws & lore, speaking language, wages back – all the things we imagine when we demand,” he wrote.”36
COMMENT: Thomas Mayo is another multiracial Globalist puppet.37 He has prematurely revealed that The Voice is absolutely necessary to enforce their “pay the rent” scheme, and to impose “repatriations of land.” All this is only possibly under Voice, Treaty, Truth. Giddy in anticipation, Mayo has effectively blurted out the hidden agenda, but should it be realised — no aboriginal will receive repatriated land, no aboriginal will be a recipient of “pay the rent.” The land, our land, and the rent, our money, will be overseen and managed by a Transnational Corporatocracy.
JULY 10, 2023: Albanese’s Government Partners with Meta to Control the Narrative Online
“We are also coordinating with the government’s election integrity assurance taskforce and security agencies in the lead-up to the referendum,” said Mia Garlick, Meta’s director of public policy for Australia. “We’ve also improved our AI so that we can more effectively detect and block fake accounts, which are often behind this activity.
“Meta has been preparing for this year’s voice to parliament referendum for a long time, leaning into expertise from previous elections.”38
COMMENT: Meta is the digital branch of the overarching Transnational Corporatocracy. Support for The Voice had collapsed due to the dissemination of truth online — and the Corporatocracy pulling Albanese’s strings had started to panic. This announced Private-Public Partnership (PPP) between our Federal Government and Meta is the “threat of foreign interference.” It was part of a last ditch effort to manipulate our Referendum. It is no secret that Meta proved instrumental in perpetrating the Deep State theft of Trump’s second presidential term, and censoring all opposition to the obvious coup d'état. However, this PPP was initiated far too late.
JULY 25, 2023: Abanese’s T-SHIRT: Voice, Treaty, Truth
COMMENT: Only a cretinous buffoon would publicly wear a T-Shirt emblazoned with ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’ (that represents the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full, the very same Uluru Statement that he announced he would “commit to in full”) and then deflect with “this is not about Treaty.” First comes Voice, and then comes Treaty and Truth — an executive Indigenous Voice is a prerequisite for realising Treaty and Truth (and the UN land-grab). His wife, Jodie, seems more honest and upfront with her gushing endorsement of the Globalist’s plan.
AUGUST 1, 2023: “This is Not About Treaty”
“Opposition Leader Peter Dutton kicked off proceedings questioning Mr Albanese over whether he stood by his statement that the Voice referendum was not about treaty.
“At the opening of parliament last year, the Prime Minister declared ‘the Uluru Statement from the Heart represents an opportunity that must be seized and Voice, Truth, Treaty is the result,” Mr Dutton started.
“On 19 July, the Prime Minister said it was not natural to assume treaty would follow the voice and stated, ‘This is not about treaty.’ He said that four times."
“Was the Prime Minister being truthful at the opening of parliament or on 2GB?”39
COMMENT: Oh, but it most certainly is about Treaty, for Treaty is most certainly required to transfer the ownership of Australia to the Transnational Corporatocracy.
AUGUST 4, 2023: Secret FOI Document Reveals Demand for Land Tax and Percentage of GDP’ Under Treaty
“Taxpayers may be forced to pay “reparations” to Indigenous Australians for “past, present and future criminal acts” under a proposed treaty, with suggestions that “a fixed percentage” of GDP be handed over through “rates, land tax and royalties”, documents released under freedom of information reveal.”
“FOI documents released by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) earlier this year reveal that, contrary to Mr Albanese’s characterisation of the Uluru Statement as a “two-minute” read that can “fit on one A4 page”, the 2017 declaration is actually 26 pages.The “full” Uluru Statement was included in a lengthy batch of NIAA documents, which also contains minutes from 13 “regional dialogue” consultation events with around 1200 Indigenous people that informed the final wording.”40
COMMENT: The inherently deceptive Voice Campaign was always about manipulating the consent of Australians to unknowingly facilitate the legal transfer of Australian land and resources to a Transnational Corporatocracy. None of the controversial measures outlined within these twenty-six pages (that were used to inform the single page Uluru Statement from the Heart) are intended to benefit a single Indigenous person.
AUGUST 4, 2023: Albanese Calls on Australians to Vote YES
“"No one will be hurt by a Yes vote in this referendum. But we have an opportunity to be lifted up."
"This isn't about politics. It's not about Labor or Liberal."This is about whether this country recognises Indigenous Australians, and whether you believe that if you listen to people and have a structure, you'll get better outcomes".”41
COMMENT: All Australians, and especially the Indigenous, will be hurt by a YES vote in this Referendum. Should the YES Campaign prevail, this “opportunity to be lifted up” will witness modern Australia torn down.
AUGUST 6, 2023: The Voice Would Fail if not Enshrined in Constitution
“Anthony Albanese says the Indigenous voice would “fail at the first hurdle” if it were not enshrined in the constitution, again rejecting calls from sceptics to change the referendum and simply enact the First Nations consultation body in regular laws.”42
COMMENT: The “first hurtle” would be an attempt at Treaty, reparations, land tax, and an acquisition of farms and rural regions. If the people become aware of what is being attempted, such legislation would be immediately abolished by the sheer magnitude of opposition amongst the population (i.e. the recent abolishment of the new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021.) That is why they are attempting to protect this UN land-grab device by enshrining it in the Constitution via deceitful Referendum.
AUGUST 9, 2023: Western Australian Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws Abolished
“When Rio Tinto destroyed ancient caves at Juukan Gorge, the world got an unsightly glimpse of Western Australia's outdated cultural heritage laws.
The WA government's 2021 changes were supposed to prevent what it described as a "global embarrassment" from ever happening again.
Instead, the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act has left many farmers confused and traditional owners frustrated.
After just five weeks in operation, the government has back-flipped — trying to stem the political bleeding that is tainting WA's new premier and now muddying the waters of the Voice referendum debate.”43
COMMENT: The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2021 gave the game away. It has now been abolished, but many are now apprised of the game, and no longer wish to play. This will have had a catastrophic impact on the Federal Voice Campaign, especially in Western Australia.
AUGUST 9, 2023: Uluru Statement ‘Confirmed’ as 26 Pages
“That is a conspiracy in search of a theory, Mr Speaker,” the PM said.
“It is something that has been out there, like a whole lot of the QAnon theories, we have all sorts of conspiracy stuff out there, but this is a ripper. That is the Uluru Statement from the Heart on an A4 bit of paper. That is it. But what we have here is the conspiracy theories colliding with each other. They’re struggling to get their scares straight. I mean, what role did Marcia Langton play in the faking of the moon landing, Mr Speaker? What was the role of the Uluru Statement from the Heart in that?”
He stressed it was “absolutely nonsense”.44
COMMENT: The single page “Uluru Statement from the Heart” was informed by twenty-six non-disclosed pages. The entire document is at least twenty-six pages. It is that simple, but to admit this, is to reveal that crucial details have been deliberately withheld from the Australian public. It was never a QAnon conspiracy — those pages exist. Indeed, the Devil may be found amongst the details of those pages, as other devils pathetically deflect.
AUGUST 9, 2023: 26 Pages Calling for Reparations and a Reconsideration of Land rights, Pay-the-Rent
“Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price has claimed she received confirmation the document containing the Uluru Statement from the Heart is actually 26 pages long.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has repeatedly said it fits on one A4 page, so there is no fine print detail. In the five years since its creation, it has been read aloud at events all across the nation.However, a lengthy, 26-page document has been obtained under Freedom of Information which offers detailed context about how the Statement came to exist, prompting some speculation the Statement itself has a longer form.
Within this document are calls for reparations, 'rent' to be paid, and a reconsideration of land rights, but such words were never included in the Statement itself.”45
COMMENT: The Devil is in the details: Voice, Treaty, Truth
AUGUST 9, 2023: First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria Squabble Over Voice Support
“A split over the Indigenous voice to parliament has emerged in Victoria’s newly elected First Peoples’ Assembly, with an internal push to revisit the body’s formal endorsement of the voice.
Assembly member Tracey Evans, a Gunditjmara and Bundjalung woman, says the body should revisit its endorsement when it meets next month.
“We need to have another conversation with the current members that have been elected in on what their position is,” she said.
“Just because assembly 1.0 agreed on things doesn’t mean to say that assembly 2.0 needs to hold the same position. It might be different.”
Evans said she would vote no if the referendum were held today.”46
COMMENT: The irony of a First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria (with the sole purpose of realising Treaty) squabbling over whether to support The Voice. Without a Voice, there will be no Treaty. Clearly, a few members either have a conscience, or they remain unaware that any forthcoming Treaty is entirely dependent on a successful YES Campaign. Unfortunately, the entire Assembly are but “useful idiots,” and they will probably disband once The Voice pathway to Treaty fails.
AUGUST 14, 2023: ‘Not My Product’
“'Constitutional change is hard in this country, only eight propositions have been successful out of 48 but I'm confident that Australians will take up this opportunity to vote yes,' Mr Albanese told Nine's 60 Minutes on Sunday.
He denied that he had staked his legitimacy as Prime Minister or the credibility of the Labor government upon the outcome of the referendum.
'It's not about me and it's not about any politician,' Mr Albanese said.
'It's not my product. It's a product that came from indigenous Australians and it's one that I support.”47
COMMENT: Oh, but Albanese, you are The Voice, and The Voice is you, and in the public mind, you are now one and the same, inseparable — and you will be punished for foisting this monumental deception on the Australian people. You had no credibility to begin with, and this will be your end. Incidentally, only a Corporation would frame a Referendum Question as a “product.”
AUGUST 14, 2023: Qantas to Display Yes23 on Planes as Support for The Voice
“Qantas was established in the 1920s thanks to the guidance of First Nations people ... We were one of a number of companies which supported the Uluru Statement from the Heart, which calls for a Voice, and we’re very proud of that ... We’re now literally flying the flag,” Joyce said as the special livery for the planes was unveiled in Sydney.”48
COMMENT: It soon fell dramatically apart for the good-doer Alan Joyce and his phoney persona of virtuousness. A few weeks later, his pathological leadership was finally exposed. The criminality and corruption he promoted while CEO of Qantas, would prove to be his appalling legacy.
AUGUST 15, 2023: Albanese will not Legislate Voice if it Fails in Referendum
“Anthony Albanese has said he won't move to legislate an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, should Australians vote against the constitutional change in this year's referendum.”
"The idea the Australian people vote No and I say ‘well that’s okay thank you very much for participating in the referendum anyway’, no I won’t do that."49
COMMENT: Albanese admits that he will not legislate an Indigenous Voice to Parliament should Australians reject the Constitutional change — it would be ineffective (easily abolished), and would obviously fail in all its malevolent objectives.
AUGUST 23, 2023: RMIT and Meta Exposed for Censoring Voice Debate
“Two of Australia’s most powerful universities and a multi-billion dollar tech giant are fronting campaigns to silence news coverage of the Voice to influence the referendum.
A Sky News Australia investigation has uncovered a disturbing foreign-financed attempt to block political debate and news coverage around the Voice, which exposes the global fact checking system used by tech giant Meta as non-compliant with its own rules of impartiality and transparency.
In one case, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology has been allowed by Facebook parent company Meta to block and de-platform Australian journalism, despite the platform knowing it was a breach of the rules Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg established to distance himself from fact checking responsibilities.”50
COMMENT: The RMIT Factlab (a supposedly reputable fact-checker that provides “fact-analysis” for the ABC) was hoping to control the narrative in favour of the YES Campaign. Surprise, surprise. Having received funding from the Albanese Government, and having also suspiciously partnered with Meta during the Private-Public Partnership recently initiated by Albanese — certain individuals entrusted to provided “impartial facts” were intentionally censoring debate, and concealing inconvenient truths. Shielded and emboldened by Meta, they sought to de-platform Australian journalists and shadow-ban all opposition. A Sky News investigation uncovered the corruption and embarrassed Meta and its supposed rules of impartiality and transparency.
AUGUST 24, 2023: A Tick will be Accepted, a Cross Will Not
“The head of the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has sparked confusion after suggesting that ticks will be counted as Yes votes but crosses will not be counted as Nos in the Voice referendum.
Opposition leader Peter Dutton now says he will write to the AEC over what he called the “completely outrageous” situation.”51
COMMENT: Fortunately, the concerning issue of ticks and crosses was discovered early, and thoroughly discussed across all media platforms. Most will now simply write ‘NO.’
AUGUST 29, 2023: Meta Suspends RMIT’s Australian Fact-Checking Operation Amid Foreign Influence Scandal
“Facebook has suspended an Australian fact checking operation from policing content on its platform after a Sky News Australia investigation uncovered a secret foreign-funded bid to influence the upcoming Voice referendum.
The powerful RMIT Factlab operation - which was being paid up to $740,000 a year by Meta - will be banned from judging what is true or false on social media while Meta and the International Fact Checking Network probe its operation.
Sky News Australia’s investigation, dubbed The Fact Check Files, revealed the university’s fact checking director Russell Skelton was campaigning for the Voice and re-sharing slogans and images created by Labor’s Indigenous Affairs Minister Linda Burney.”52
COMMENT: The RMIT FactLab operation that received $740,000-a-year from Meta is “banned from judging what is true or false on social media.” The university’s fact-checking director, Russel Skelton, (a few skeletons there) was campaigning for the Voice. When you cannot win deliberately with truth, cheat deliberately with lies.
AUGUST 30, 2023: Referendum Date Announced as October 14
“The idea for a voice came from the people and it will be decided by the people. Today I announce that referendum day will be 14 October,” Albanese told a packed theatre of yes campaign supporters, to loud applause.
“You are not being asked to vote for a political party, or for a person. You’re being asked to vote for an idea. To say yes to an idea whose time has come.”53
COMMENT: Despite abysmal polling and an inevitable defeat, Albanese persisted with announcing October 14 as the Voice Referendum date. It should have been cancelled.
SEPTEMBER 3, 2023: Dutton Flags Second Referendum if Voice Fails
“Opposition leader Peter Dutton has committed to holding another referendum to recognise Indigenous Australians in the Constitution if the Voice failed.
Speaking on Sunday, Mr Dutton said he strongly believed that Indigenous people should be recognised in the Constitution but did not provide a timeline of when a referendum would be held if he wins the next election.
“We went to the last election and the number of elections before that, with that as our policy and that will be our policy going into the next election,” Mr Dutton said.
“I think it’s right and respectful to recognise Indigenous Australians in the Constitution and I will work with the Labor Party to find a common ground.””54
COMMENT: The Voice will ultimately fail, and this second Referendum will never eventuate. It would be a second attempt to achieve the exact same UN land-grab agenda that has been forestalled, and the Australian people will not entertain it twice.
SEPTEMBER 4, 2023: The Uluru Dialogue (AKA Albanese’s Labor) Release a New Advert for the ‘YES’ Campaign — Aussie hit ‘You’re the Voice’ by John Farnham
“The Uluru Dialogue have released a new advert for the 'Yes' campaign in the Indigenous Voice to parliament referendum. The ad is soundtracked by Aussie hit 'You're the Voice' by John Farnham.”55
COMMENT: “You’re the voice try and understand it” — never a truer sentiment, given the vague and deceptive attempts to ensure that The Voice remains mostly incomprehensible to most. John Farnham’s 1986 hit song ‘You’re the Voice’ was supposedly “gifted” to the YES Campaign. Obviously many millions changed hands. Rather than a unifying anthem, everyday Australians were angered with the inappropriate association of their beloved musician with such a divisive campaign. Jarring, kitsch, and gratingly cheesy: “How long are we going to look at each other, Down the barrel of a gun” might not resonate as was first thought.
SEPTEMBER 6, 2023: ASX Top 20 Companies On The Voice
“On October 14, Australians will cast their votes on a proposed new Voice to Parliament — but all of the nation’s top 20 public companies have already had their say.
Of the top 20 businesses listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), a whopping 65 per cent have thrown their support behind the Yes vote, with 13 businesses in favour of constitutional change.
None of the top 20 firms have backed the No campaign, with the remaining seven taking a neutral stance on the issue by refusing to back either side.”56
COMMENT: These Top 20 ASX companies are infiltrated and integrated with the Transnational Corporatocracy. Most are significantly owned by Private Equity Firms such as Vanguard and Blackrock, and they will behave in accorded with their shareholder’s Woke decrees. The Voice is essentially a corporate initiative to surreptitiously acquire assets and land — a business decision. The ESGs (Environment, Social and Governance for “sustainability” and “inclusivity”) that have been imposed upon most corporations by the WEF (to gain access to credit, with the threat of diminished credit for non-compliance with ESGs) ensures that Globalist projects like The Voice are slavishly endorsed.
SEPTEMBER 8, 2023: Latest Poll (Redbridge) - “Single Lowest Poll Result We’ve Seen” at 39%
“With 34 days until polling day, advocates for a Voice to Parliament would almost certainly be wishing they were in a stronger position right now.
From extremely high levels of support a year ago, when the referendum question hadn't been finalised and the Voice was a vague concept in people's minds, support has fallen a long way.
The latest poll from RedBridge, published on Saturday, estimates 61 per cent of Australians are opposed to the Voice, while 39 per cent are in favour.”57
COMMENT: Support has continued to collapsed, after having collapsed upon collapsing.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2023: Only Tasmania is set to Vote YES
“The most recent Resolve Political Monitor survey, published in Nine newspapers on Monday, showed 43 per cent of voters supported a plan to enshrine an indigenous Voice into the constitution, down 20 percentage points from a year ago.
The percentage of Australians in favour of the referendum has dropped for the fifth month in a row and since the last survey Victoria has flipped to a majority “no” state, leaving Tasmania the only jurisdiction left in the “yes” camp.
For the Voice to succeed, the “yes” campaign will require more than 50 per cent of the vote across the nation and in four of the six states.”58
COMMENT: In order for a Referendum to succeed, there needs to be a ‘double majority,’ that is, an overall national majority, and a majority in four of the six states. This is not going to happen.
SEPTEMBER 13, 2023: Marcia Langton Calls NO Supporters “Racist and Stupid”
“One of the most prominent backers of the Voice to Parliament says comments she made have been misreported and she didn't call No voters racist, but that tactics by the No camp were "based in racism and stupidity".
She told the forum:
"Every time the No cases raise their arguments, if you start pulling it apart you get down to base racism, I'm sorry to say that's where it lands, or sheer stupidity.
"If you look at any reputable fact-checker, every one of them says the No case is substantially false, they are lying to you."59
COMMENT: This “phoney Aboriginal” managed to accuse freethinking Australians of the two qualities best exhibited by herself: racism and stupidity. This was Langton’s “Deplorables” moment, and it has been duly noted by the Silent Majority.
SEPTEMBER 13, 2023: Kamahl: “I’m Voting NO Because I Don’t Understand It!”
COMMENT: Kamahl offers his stance on the Referendum by posting a meme that parodies John Farnham’s ‘You’re the Voice’ lyrics: “Vote no-o-oh-oh-o-o-o.” The Left cannot comprehend how this famous person-of-colour could dare betray people-of-colour — it is an unthinking and reactive cult, after all. This is Kamahl’s first brilliant act of a three-part setup.
SEPTEMBER 14, 2023: NO Campaign Leading in Every State
“Supporters of the Indigenous voice to parliament are facing an increasingly difficult path to victory in the October referendum, with models estimating that the no campaign is leading in every state.”60
COMMENT: Tasmanian has flipped to ‘NO.’
SEPTEMBER 15, 2023: “YES Launches Last Chance $20 Million Ad Blitz”
“Will I grow up in a country that hears my voice?” asks the boy in the new promotion.
“Will I live as long as other Australians? Will I get to go to a good school? Will I be able to learn my people’s language? Will I be seen beyond the sports field, recognised by the decision makers of our country?”
“Yes makes it possible.”61
COMMENT: Surely some of these questions have already been answered by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) $30-billion per annum? This “last chance” YES Campaign (funded by our taxpayer’s dollars) is pure tear-jerk propaganda, with the “poor Indigenous child” being artfully exploited to achieve this maudlin effect. A YES result will facilitate the means to further impoverish all Australians, ultimately reducing our First World Nation to a Neo-feudalistic dynamic of landless serfs.
SEPTEMBER 15, 2023: YES Referendum Hold Rallies Across Australia, ABC: “Tens of thousands” attended
“Australians have gathered in cities and towns in every state and territory to show their support for constitutional change at the upcoming referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. At Sydney's 'Walk for Yes' rally tens of thousands braved the heat while in Melbourne, police estimated 30,000 people attended.”62
COMMENT: “Tens of thousands attended.” When it suits the agenda, it is “tens of thousands,” when it conflicts with the agenda, it is “hundreds.”
SEPTEMBER 22, 2023: Juukan Hoax Redux - Rio Tinto Blast Damages Ancient Rock Shelter
“Mining giant Rio Tinto has confirmed it is working with traditional owners in WA's Pilbara after a blast at one of its operations caused damage to an ancient rock shelter.”
“Greens Senator Dorinda Cox called on the federal government to act faster to protect cultural heritage."We need action now," she told ABC Pilbara Breakfast.
"We need to make sure that we are preserving and protecting Aboriginal heritage in this country."63
COMMENT: Is this a desperate attempt to reinstate the recently abolished Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Laws 2021? It sure seems so.
SEPTEMBER 22, 2023: Kamahl Now Supports YES
“Legendary singer Kamahl has backflipped on his opposition to the Voice advisory body, encouraging Australians to learn more about the proposal and not fall for weak arguments.
“My earlier position was flippant. It was uninformed and came after I saw an ad on the computer.”“The whole idea of voting No is abhorrent to me. We believe 90 per cent of bullshit. Just learn the facts.”64
COMMENT: Kamahl backflips on his original NO stance and claims: “My earlier position was flippant. It was uninformed and came after I saw an ad on the computer.” The Left are elated — this legendary person-of-colour is now aligned perfectly with their groupthink cult. This is Kamahl’s second brilliant act of a three-part setup.
SEPTEMBER 22, 2023: MC Hammer Supports The Voice
“A surprising new supporter has emerged for the Yes campaign ahead of Australia's Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum.
On Thursday night AEST, American rapper MC Hammer expressed his support for the Voice in a series of posts on the platform X.
"I’m with you. Australia it’s time. Repair the breach," he wrote.”65
COMMENT: Surely this was a cringe-worthy attempt to conflate Albanese’s declaration that, “It is time,” with MC Hammer’s lyric, “Stop, Hammer Time.” Or something idiotic like that. There is nothing like enlisting the endorsement of a fellow downtrodden and oppressed individual with a similar level of melanin in his skin, albeit an Afro-American millionaire. MC Hammer can surely relate to the plight of the Australian Indigenous on shared pigmentation alone. They never bothered to ask Vanilla Ice for his stance.
SEPTEMBER 23, 2023: NO Referendum (Freedom Movement) Hold Rallies Across Australia, ABC: “Hundreds of people have attended”
“Hundreds of people have attended unofficial No vote rallies in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane ahead of the Voice referendum on October 14. The rallies were not organised or endorsed by the official No campaign, and have been disavowed by politicians on both sides of the debate.”66
COMMENT: This was not the official NO Campaign rally, but, rather, individuals comprising various factions of the so-called Freedom Movement with overlapping sympathies. Even so, those attending where portrayed as being part of the No Campaign, and ABC predictably reported the numbers as: “hundreds of people have attended.”
SEPTEMBER 23, 2023: Albanese Positive ‘Kamahl-mentum’ will boost Voice Support
“Anthony Albanese says he is confident support for the Yes vote will gain momentum in the final three weeks to the Voice referendum.
The Prime Minister pointed to Australian singer Kamahl's decision to backflip on his No vote after he admitted he did not understand what the proposed constitutional change would entail.
While campaigning at West Ryde shopping centre in Sydney's north-west on Saturday morning, Mr Albanese said he was positive "Kamahl-mentum" would pick up steam ahead of the referendum.
"Kamahl-mentum, that’s a new thing that has arisen today," he told reporters.”67
COMMENT: "Kamahl-mentum, that’s a new thing that has arisen today." However, tomorrow…
SEPTEMBER 24, 2023: Neo-Nazis Join Thousands in Rally for ‘NO’
“There have been wild scenes in Melbourne as thousands turned out across the country, including known neo-Nazi groups, in support of the No campaign ahead of the Voice referendum.
In Melbourne, one group of protesters with the National Socialist Network, led by prominent neo-Nazi Thomas Sewell, gatecrashed the end of the rally brandishing a banner which read “Voice = Anti-White”.”68
COMMENT: There are no genuine Neo-Nazis in Victoria — the claim is preposterous. These twenty-or-so mostly concealed individuals are ASIO actors; each a deliberate agent provocateur who is in the employ of the government to provide a token visual testament to the Left’s hysterical assertion that all opposition are Nazis and White Supremacists. The Andrews’ Regime sort to make their fears manifest. Now the Left have their government-funded “Neo Nazis.” It would seem that this was a failed attempt to associate the NO Campaign with the idea that any opposition to an Indigenous Voice must be “White Supremacist” and “Neo-Nazi.”
SEPTEMBER 25, 2023: Latest Poll - YES Support “slumps further” at just 36%
“The Yes camp have suffered another blow with just weeks to go until the Voice to Parliament referendum, with a new poll showing support has slumped to its lowest level yet.
The latest Newspoll shows the “Yes” vote plummeting another two points to just 36 per cent, suggesting the Yes campaign have failed to generate the momentum they expected ahead of October 14.
Meanwhile, with just under three weeks to go until Australians vote in the first referendum since 1999, opposition to the referendum has risen a further three points to 56 per cent.”69
COMMENT: 36%. Imagine the true percentage.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2023: Kamahl is Again Voting NO
“Australian singer Kamahl has backflipped on his support for the Voice to Parliament for a second time just two days after saying he would vote yes.
The 88-year-old wrote on social media on Friday that he would “vote YES” at the upcoming referendum on October 14, citing a meeting with Indigenous comedian Dane Simpson and constitutional lawyer Eddie Synot which saw him pledge support.
Yet two days later, the Malaysian-born singer has come out against his own stance, surprising the hosts of The Project by announcing live on-air that he would be voting no, during a bizarre interview that has been labelled a “train wreck” by viewers on social media.
“If you do the Voice this way, it becomes a racist issue. You’re putting a whole race of people separate from the rest of the country,” he said.”70
COMMENT: So much for the “Kamahl-mentum,” which has now gained considerable momentum in the opposite direction toward NO. An utterly hilarious “turn” of events, and a scathing condemnation of all those that attempted to hijack his celebrity, and especially his colour, to advance their agenda. Thus ends Kamahl’s brilliant three part act.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2023: Thorpe - Nothing Will Change Despite Outcome of The Voice
“She said the Voice debate was hurting Indigenous Australians more than the “George Floyd moment” of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020.
“There are communities being torn apart, families are fighting one another, either yes or no,” she said.
“And what do we get at the end of the day? We get crumbs on the table and that is not good enough.””71
COMMENT: The Voice was never intended to change anything for Indigenous Australians. It was intended to transfer Australia to a cabal of Oligarchical Billionaires. Everything would have catastrophically changed for all Australians if the YES Campaign had succeeded.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2023: Victoria’s First Peoples’ Assembly Urges YES Vote
“With the Voice to Parliament referendum announced for October 14, the democratically elected ‘voice’ for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victoria, the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, has urged a ‘yes’ vote position.”72
COMMENT: Clearly this Motley Treaty Crew have finally been informed by their shadowy handlers: there is no Treaty without a Voice. It is Voice, Treaty, Truth. It is no surprise that this announcement (that had previously been marred by internal disagreement about Voice support amongst members) is accompanied by the street-poster outlining The Uluru Statement’s UN land-grab device: Voice, Treaty, Truth.
SEPTEMBER 26, 2023: Dan Andrews Resigns as Premier of Victoria
“Anthony Albanese says he was surprised when Daniel Andrews told him that he was resigning from politics, but that the Victorian premier can be proud he “did not waste a minute”.”73
COMMENT: The fact that Andrews resigned just weeks before the Federal Referendum will undoubtedly affect Labor’s national morale. He abruptly quit, and the timing is significant — The Voice is finished, his Premiership is finished, and both have publicly unravelled into an unmitigated farce of scandal and egregious lies. Andrews and Albanese were former housemates, and each is represented by the Progressive-Left radicalism that The Voice promoted (while concealing the true UN agenda). Each is evil, and each is utterly beholden to their Globalist WEF Masters. Let us hope that Albanese follows Andrews and abruptly resigns post-Referendum.
SEPTEMBER 27, 2023: Albanese Says Voice Worthwhile Even if Rejected
“Anthony Albanese says pressing ahead with the referendum will have been worth it even if Australians reject the voice on 14 October because it has brought Indigenous disadvantage front and centre in the national conversation.”74
COMMENT: Conceding defeat in advance, in a preemptive attempt to deflect from his ineptitude, conceal his treason, and to “save face.” It will be his political end.
SEPTEMBER 29, 2023: Drag Queen Launches UK YES Campaign for The Voice
“The launch of the Yes campaign for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament in the UK, featuring a drag queen in a sequined outfit, has left many commentators scratching their heads.
London-based Australian drag queen Karla Bear, draped in the Australian and Aboriginal flag, was greeted with enthusiastic applause from the crowd of about 100 as she belted out a rendition of John Farnham’s You’re the Voice.”75
COMMENT: In a vulgar act of ideological absurdism, a drag queen launched the UK YES Campaign draped in an Australian flag. It seems that the plight of the Indigenous, and the plight of Drag Queens (and by association, Transgenderism) is an idiotically conflated and united front. Given that the Voice Referendum has degenerated into an unredeemable farce, it is fitting that this article should end my published timeline. The Silent Majority will have nothing of such nonsense; and they will have nothing of this perfidious Voice to Parliament. It will soon be over.
OCTOBER 3, 2023: Purple YES Campaign Signs to be Removed from Voting Centres
“The Yes23 campaign has been asked to keep signs for the Yes vote coloured in purple and white away from Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) signage over fears they could "potentially mislead voters".
The similarity in colour scheme between Yes23's signs and AEC signs reading "voting centre" was noticed at one polling station on Monday.
This led to the AEC requesting the Yes23 campaign keep their purple and white signs away from "voting centre" signage, over fears some voters could conflate the two.”76
COMMENT: The intent was to “potentially mislead voters.” The Globalist’s “Purple Colour Revolution,” and the colour purple in this context, represents the Globalists/UN/WEF/Deep State and their shared ambitions. They will lie, cheat and steal to obtain their objectives: Voice, Treaty, Truth. The Purple Colour Revolution8 was signalled and initiated after the shock election of President Trump in 2016, with Bill and Hillary Clinton both wearing purple attire in their press conference immediately after the Democratic Party’s defeat.
OCTOBER 4, 2023: Ray Martin Call No Voter’s “Dinosaurs and Dickheads”
“Ray Martin gave a fiery speech at a ‘Yes’ campaign event in Sydney’s inner west, adding fuel to the fire of this tumultuous referendum.
Martin spoke at a Inner West for Yes event at Marrickville’s Factory Theatre, and gave a controversial remark about the reasons some are voting “no” in The Voice referendum.
“If you don’t know, find out what you don’t know… what that slogan is saying is ‘if you’re a dinosaur or a dickhead… who can’t be bothered reading, vote no’,” Martin told the crowd.”77
COMMENT: Insulting everyday Australians who hold a differing opinion is indicative of the ever-tolerant Left. If you can be bothered reading, if you can be bothered researching, you will “find out what you don’t know,” and once you know, you know — and its a NO.
OCTOBER 4, 2023: New Polls Show Voice Support Rises Two Percentage Points
“Support for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum has ticked up for the first time in months, but still lags behind the No vote.
The latest Guardian Essential poll found 43 per cent of its 1,125 respondents will vote Yes, up two per cent from last fortnight.
But 49 per cent intend to vote No and eight per cent are undecided, making the final days of the campaign vital for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and other major Yes backers.”78
COMMENT: This was evidently a wishful-thinking poll that was intended to inject hope into a hopeless cause. Suspiciously, only this single Guardian Essential Poll proclaimed a 2 per cent increase for The Voice — a week later, and more credible pollsters announced that support had dropped a further 2 percentage points to the lowest ever. The Guardian prides itself on being “independent,” but it is almost inseparable from the idealogical output of the Government-funded ABC, and would have undoubtedly received Government funding to adopt a pro-Voice stance throughout. There will be no “astonishing turnaround,” and no miraculous recovery of support.
OCTOBER 4, 2023: The AEC Admits that Multiple Votes will be Counted #Voteoften
“The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has stressed that voting multiple times in the Voice referendum is an offence, after an X post on Tuesday went viral with some No supporters claiming the federal agency was encouraging double voting.
The AEC’s post on X, which has been viewed nearly 700,000 times on the platform and was quickly seized on by opponents of the Voice, was a response to a question from a user in a thread suggesting there would be “referendum election fraud”.
One X user in the thread asked the AEC, “I voted today. Was asked if I’d voted already. What’s to stop someone from voting at numerous venues?”
The AEC replied, “If someone votes at two different polling places within their electorate, and places their formal vote in the ballot box at each polling place, their vote is counted.”79
COMMENT: The AEC basically signalled to the YES Campaign and its crazed supporters that multiple votes would be counted — before initiating damage control. One Labor MP subsequently tweeted the hashtag #voteoften to encourage voter fraud amongst her zealous base. Those ideologically-possessed will resort to criminality to win at all costs — useful idiots.
OCTOBER 5, 2023: Viral Video Emerges of The Voice being a UN Land Grab
“Prime Minister Anthony Albanese stepped up to a press conference in Adelaide in late September to make a surprising clarification, that the Voice to Parliament was not a plot by the United Nations to take control of Australia.
"What has occurred during this campaign is a lot of information being put out there, including by some who know that it is not true … I've seen stuff saying that all private ownership would disappear, that it is about the United Nations taking control of Australia," he said.
A week later, it happened again, only this time his words were twisted and reappeared later that day in a misleadingly edited video which had him say: "The United Nations will control all land in Australia."80
COMMENT: Nicola Charles was not the originator of the “UN land-grab conspiracy,” but rather an individual who has utilised the circulating truth to create a viral social media video. It is not a conspiracy. The Voice is a UN land grab plot. The fact that Albanese chose a press conference to make “a surprising clarification” that “the Voice to Parliament was not a plot by the United Nations to take control of Australia” — shows just how effective the truth can be in dismantling a Big Lie. They know that their jig is up, and that their rig is impossible now.
OCTOBER 5, 2023: Lidia Thorpe and the Neo-Nazi Threat
“Independent Senator Lidia Thorpe has accused Victorian and Australian Federal Police of failing to adequately protect her after she was threatened in a neo-Nazi video in which an Aboriginal flag was burnt.
Speaking in Melbourne after the disturbing video emerged, Thorpe blamed Prime Minister Anthony Albanese as well as police services for a lack of protection.
"(Albanese's) violent force that he has sent to protect me can't even protect me, refuse to protect the Black sovereign woman because the police are part of the problem in this country," she said.”81
COMMENT: There are no actual neo-Nazis in Victoria, and this alleged “threat” was yet another fabrication orchestrated by those who are puppeteering the “neo-Nazi boogeyman” to create an imagined “threat.” Sure, members of the alleged National Socialist Party of Victoria exist, perhaps twenty in total, and they are all government-funded agent provocateurs. Throughout the pandemic lockdowns, the Left imagined that those flouting the Chief Health Officer’s Health Directives, (those who abstained from wearing masks, and who resisted and protested vaccine mandates) were “neo-Nazis.” They imagine still.
OCTOBER 9, 2023: New Polling Suggests No Route to Victory for YES Vote
“A leading pollster has declared the Voice referendum “done” and “over” in the wake of two new polls that suggest the No vote has opened up an unbeatable lead.
According to the latest Newspoll, support for the Voice to parliament has fallen further heading into the final week of the campaign.
Just one in three of voters are now backing the proposed constitutional change and the bad news for the Yes campaign is that scepticism is even infecting the youth vote.
The exclusive Newspoll conducted for The Australian shows support for the Yes case now stands at 34 per cent – a 2 per cent drop in the last fortnight – as the campaign enters its final days.”82
COMMENT: 34 per cent. “Done” and “over.”
OCTOBER 9, 2023: Anthony Mundine Declares The Voice is “the Biggest land Grab of all Time”
“They’ve done nothing for us Muslims. All us blackfellas. And they want to give us a voice. A so-called voice that’s smoke and mirrors. Or some other agenda. To take our freedoms. To take our liberties. To take our land.
“It’s the biggest land grab of all time. Vote No you mob. The truth will come to light.”
In another video posted on his Instagram page, Mundine said: “Don’t fall for the trickery. It’s a new world order take over. It’s a land grab. This country wants to become a republic and in order to become a republic they have to be the owners of the land. The traditional owners do. The natives do.”83
COMMENT: “Don’t fall for the trickery. Its a New World Order take over. It’s a land grab…”
OCTOBER 12, 2023: Fact Checking “UN Land Grab” and “Loss of Home Ownership” — too late, the Truth is Out!
1. Australians will lose ownership of homes
Variations of this claim include: Australians will be forced to pay reparations or the voice will increase taxes (ie, the voice will cost you money)
6. The voice will allow the UN to take over AustraliaSadly, this is one of the claims has taken over social media, despite having no basis in fact or reality. There is no way for the United Nations to “take over” Australia. The UN is a global forum where countries work towards peace and security across the globe. It doesn’t have its own military force. For the UN to act, its member countries have to agree. But there is no way for the UN to take over a country.
This particular conspiracy gained some steam during the pandemic and has lingered ever since. A selectively edited video of Anthony Albanese laying out some of the conspiracies he had heard – including that “the UN would come and take your house” – took off on Facebook after it was shared by a former conservative member of the Queensland parliament. There is no basis in fact to this, at all.
Nor is there any prospect of the voice being used to destabilise the government, leading to a crossbencher being made prime minister, who would then give the voice all the powers it wanted. This too has been floated on social media, but again, there is no chance, or even feasible way, of this happening.”84
COMMENT: Frantic damage control at the fateful eleventh hour. The terminal damage to the YES Campaign is now irreversible, for the Truth cannot be suppressed once it has freely circulated, and has inspired critical thinking and cognitive resolve. The Voice entailed both the eventual forfeiture of private land rights, and was a UN land grab — and, fortunately, everyday Australians have realised the game before it was too late. The Voice has been utterly exposed and neutralised. I would like to think that I have had a considerable hand, and perhaps a few typing fingers, in helping to achieve this outcome for the benefit of all.
OCTOBER 12, 2023: Australians Look Set to Vote Against The Voice
“Australians look set to reject a referendum proposal to recognise Indigenous people in the constitution by creating a body to advise parliament, with polls showing a clear majority for no in almost all states before Saturday’s vote.
To be accepted, the proposal needs to achieve a majority national vote and a majority in at least four of the six states. No referendum has succeeded in Australia without bipartisan support and this one – the country’s first since 1999 – looks no different.”1856
COMMENT: Inevitable. My work here is done.
PUBLISHED TIMELINE ENDS OCTOBER 12 (two days from the October 14 Indigenous Voice Referendum)
POSTSCRIPT: This interactive online Poll shows that of 110307 votes, 86% voted NO, 5% were undecided and just 9% voted YES. True support was perhaps always in single digits.
POLL HERE (Scroll halfway through the article)86
ALL POLLS: Wikipedia
NOTE: this is the EIGHTH piece in a current sequence of EIGHT. This series of articles aims to expose the hidden agenda behind the ‘Voice to Parliament.’ It is not necessary to read each piece in published sequence, but it may benefit the reader to read each piece for a thorough overview, and to establish interconnecting context. The first piece, second piece, third piece, fourth piece fifth piece, sixth piece, and seventh piece can be read here.)
Mayo's father is from the Torres Strait Islands. His great, great grandfather arrived in the Torres Strait from the Philippines, and married a local woman.
His grandparents on his mother's side are English, Irish and Polish
Thank you Stephen. This is bloody wonderful!!!
Wow - such an impressive piece of work!
I believe the question people should now be asking is, "when will this ALP Albonese have his Gough Whitlam moment"? I am praying this occurs soon. (2x PM's from the ALP being ousted for abusing their mis-named "mandates" to do as they please would be absolutely bloody awesome!!)