Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023Liked by Stephen Reason

I am not so much concerned about what the voice vote means in relation to itself. We know it will not lead to improved life conditions for Aboriginals. We know it may or may not lead to all the political and global horrors people are afraid of. No, what matters to me is will Australians reject the brainwashing techniques of the unholy alliance between corporations, governments and media to demand compliance to abject stupidity. Whatever we do not know, we DO know this is a compliance exercise. This is our chance to tell the ruling elites that we won't fall for the same stunts twice. If we vote NO we have a chance of saving our country from total tyranny. If we don't, then we are telling them "do your worst, we won't stop you".

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A valid referendum to change the Constitution would have to include the wording of the proposed change. This does not. No draft at all of the proposed new Chapter 9. But we can expect the globalitarians to harvest a bounty of new excuses for more censorship because of the "misinformation". Great work Stephen

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Great Work Stephen. Thanks so much. Following link contains the wording of the proposed amendments to the constitution. This wording was necessary on the ballot paper but was missing as discussed by Resistance Action Australia. https://lettersfromaustralia.substack.com/p/australia-to-vote-on-a-constitutional

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The government should now stop hashing over last week's failed bid for a land grab & begin to come up with solutions for the cost of living crisis all Australians are suffering at present.

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