The whole thing is so absurd, but seems most people believe anything they are told, they will line up for the next poison jab. "They" certainly want to get rid of free range and backyard chickens because they want full control of all food. Even though free range and backyard chickens are healthier, stronger and happier they want to keep the miserable sick weak ones suffering in cages. I would suspect that the chicken industry is supporting all the culls too.

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Jul 15
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Don’t apologise for ranting, there’s no need-I rant all the time! Funny though, I also feel compelled to apologise.

Maybe if we rant at all the morons plotting and playing this out, they’ll realise we seriously don’t believe a word of it. Is it possible to rant something away? Or someone?

Let’s all rant!! And don’t apologise!

Seriously, I agree with your comment, except I still have a fraction of jabbed family I’m hoping will be ok. So far after I don’t know how many jabs, they seem ok 🤷‍♀️ But we do only communicate by email.

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Jul 15
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Your first two paragraphs ring totally true to me, although I was joking about the ranting. I didn’t think about it working subconsciously!

And I’ve been saying about the internet things like-when are the useful idiots going to realise that they will just become useless eaters like the rest of us, when their usefulness is finished ? Why can’t they see they will not keep their “special” status?! This is bizarre enough. They just can’t see what these psychopaths are doing to them. They may be getting money now, and that’s all they’re thinking about, or maybe, goody, bring on another pandemic-within 5 years-you probably know Dr Mike Yeadon says we haven’t even had one real pandemic.

Taking their lunch-I don’t really understand that, but I’ve been told Matthew Crawford is pretty smart.

Thanks for the link of the short book, I guess I’ll call it. I’ll try to get to read it. It will be a nice change from the usual substacks (not Stephen Reason’s-I like his), and other emails about “stuff” I’ll just call it. Stuff that we know, but can’t get others to believe. If these bird flu jabs come to pass, I might just go insane. I know the so and so’s have them ready.

For a while, I’ve thought that violence is the only thing that will stop this nonsense. But as you say, we can’t organise because of internet capture. You wouldn’t believe I’m Christian, trying to be. I’m fairly new at it. God used violence in making war and stopping it. Jesus got mad at the “money lenders” bankers!) in the Temple. He got violent.

But naah, we’ve got enough violence going on, real or not. And we appear to be years into WWIII already. And “they” want us to argue and get violent against each other, up to civil wars and revolutions. I guess they think it will be fun to watch. They must be very bored people.

I’m so pleased that you agree with me about those who I’m calling useful idiots. I’ve been saying a lot-why can’t they see they’ll be discarded-you’re the first person I’ve come across who says the same thing!

Thanks again for the link!

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Here in Oz we've gone from quiet little backwater to being right at the coalface of the NWO

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Alas, this is the unfortunate truth.

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You'll have to excuse my ignorance ( and with the CONVID 'Mythical Beastie' Globule Swindle - AppaRentLie STILL @ Large - BUT, 'Flu' has been 'Allowed' to return 'Magically' after living Incognito, under a Bridge in some backwater for 4 YEARS), BUT, 'How/What' is being USED to 'Test' the Apparent /Alleged Bird 'Flu'. WHAT are the Benchmarks/ 'PROPER SCIENCES' - If ANY- to Marker a 'Threat to Health' generally? HOW, with Nature providing Multiple Checks & balances, has 'This' NOW, Suddenly, Historically, become A 'Problem' - Locally/ Nationally/InterNationally??

" CONtrol a Nation's Oil, & you control it's Economy. CON-TROLl a Nation's Food, & you control the Population!" = Mr EVIL - H. Kissinger.

The WEF/UN/BAMGF/IMF/C.O.M.I.C with P.E.T.S in tow.17 SDGs Roll On! - Strategic DePop Goals - By ALL, & ANY Means possible!

COMIC - CorpoRat Organised Military InDusTrial CONplex.

PETS - Pretty Easily Trained Stupidoes. Step up to the Plate NotMyGov & it's Politic/Crats/Agent'C'ies

Wellness to the Unified Individual us! - John D.

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They’re using PCR tests again! How do you stick a giant cotton bud up a chook’s nostril or down its throat? 😂 And they expect us to believe this again! How did the poultry farmers fall for this, or were they paid to fall for it, or threatened?

I’m glad you explained some of your acronyms, but I’m having trouble with BAMGF.

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BillAndMelindaGatesFoundation. They appear to be bloody everywhere!

As for the Cotton bud & PCR, I think Rick Moranis is doing a new Movie - 'Honey! I shrunk THE populations intelligence!'

PCR - Populations Cognitive Response.

SO, which RT (LOL) -PCR from The RottenChilds 2015 Registered Test Kit & sent Globally - Including OZtopia & N.Z in 2017/18 for an 'AppaRentLie' NEW DISease 2 Years in the Future (2019>20), OR, is it the Pfizer/BioNTech New Chinese Partner FOSUN's 'Version' (They also make Bulk Masks, for That Duck/Chicken/Goose look - SOOOo popular amongst the MSM/NotMyGov programmed Local Citizenry)?

Wellness - John D.

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Funny! And yes BAMGF do seem to be everywhere! Somebody referring to Bill Gates said “can’t he just go away”-and this is so true, most of the world wish he (and she-I know they’re not together, but there was a rumour they were getting back together😱) we wish he would just go away! Let the Earth swallow him up. I wonder how long it would take people to notice? I suppose he’s got a huge security mob with him all the time.

I will pray that he goes away. And others!

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I hear that a Neo Viral group - ExtenDead from H1 N5U571 Ad InfinItem Bird Flu Strain is Being Pushed Via newly NotMyGov appointed Anti Semetic OZtopian Rep, in the Form of ; Jillian Segal, a Sydney-based lawyer and business executive, was appointed by Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese as the country’s first Special Envoy to Combat Antisemitism on July 9, 2024. This three-year role aims to tackle anti-Jewish sentiment and promote social cohesion in Australia. = 'Social Cohesion' - I thought That's what The Govt/GlobAlist P.E.T.S had been ANTI for at least Forever, but especially under the CONVID 'Exercise'!

Back to Ms/Mrs/She identified as Her - OR 'They' Singular SeaGull - (Make sure to have your Bird Vaxx & Identity papers for support/proof), wIll in League with other Neo 'AppoinTease', be organising Social cohesiveness - Extending to All walks of Life - EXCEPT if you Salute an Inappropriate way, OR, Goose Step! = Fowl Species (geese or their imPersonAters - Goose stepping) Exempt, or members of the Ukrainian AZOV & Right sector Neo Nazi Military/Politico Groups get an exemption as well - Our 'Friends' AppaRentLie!

As for Billy G, (You can access, WHO [ Yes Them as well!!] B&MGF 'Finance' on their 'Grants' site. Also check the Australian Medical Futures Fund [AU$ 22 BILLION] & see if the same 'Institutes' such as Burnet & Doherty[Doherty 'Scientists'/researchers- funded by the Who's who of the Global Pharma Cabal]'Advise' ATAGI on Vaxx Schedules Are 'Tapped into' this Singularly & in Collaborations) please don't hold your breathe on life Longevity! It seems that some of these Mega negative entities (Eg; Rottenfellas, Kissingerms, & maybe the odd Roman), have 'ALL Access' Health 'Resources' (Especially 'Youth' Access), to keep their Skeksis empires operating! - O.K.! keep praying -All helps!

wellness - John D.

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Stephen Reason. Excellent article. Thank you. Can you share this with each of the producers you reference? I find it hard to believe farmers would just go along with this. With no pushback. Are they paid? They did this recently with bees. Killed many thousands of healthy bees. And seemingly NO pushback from farmers…. WHY???

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This is a really great article Stephen, you’ve explained all the stupidity in an easy to follow chronological way, and I love your humour. And you are one of the few people on substack to include your references at the end of your article. I get tired of having to click links to see exactly what someone is talking about interspersed throughout articles. Sometimes it’s necessary.

I hope lots of Aussies become aware of this article. I’m not on any other social media, but I can share it around with other substackers.

Thank you for caring Stephen.

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Hi Stephen! one of your countrymen suggested I look up the take on the Bird Flu farce, and it seems we're all on the same page! A load of manufactured WEF BOLLOX I say!

They tried to poison everyone with Gain of Function (Bio-weapon technology) to maximise the Coronavirus, along with a pretend 'Vaccine', but many people soon realised it was a Depopulation Plan. So, instead of modifying Covid still further, they've switched to modifying the 'nearly harmless' BIRD FLU. They could open Pandora's Box with their evil experiments and then we're all doomed.

The WEF's New World Order, along with the NOW OBSOLETE and CORRUPTED World Health Organisation are trying to justify the NEXT SCAMDEMIC = Lab modified Bird Flu,

The know we've sussed their Control and depopulation Plan and are retreating back into their pathetic existences, under the slimy Davos slime pit from which they operate.

We're ready next time and they'll be lucky if 20% of the surviving world population will believe their Bird Flu lies.

Maybe half will accept the lies about the associated BIRD FLU VACCINE which has probably been formulated simultaneously in an adjacent laboratory.

Their MASS MURDER will not go unpunished.

No doubt the Bird Flu VAX will come with ZERO LIABILITY CLAUSE, but they know we're coming for them so they'd better be scared. Their MASS MURDER will be dealt with by the most aggressive punishment imaginable and the main protagonists will be PUBLICLY terminated.

We the people, have spoken!

Unjabbed Mick - UK (I'll live longer without evil medical interference.)

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Stephen you've done an absolutely brilliant job of chronicling the lies, frauds and corruption of our scumbag NazCom (Nazi-Communist hybrids) government. Well done mate. This sort of work deserves much more than the small audience we have here on Substack. Keep up the great work. Your expose benefits not just Australians but people all over the world.

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They can find anything they want if they go looking for it. Why all this panic over a " low pathogenic infection" ? It's just fearmongering. I do feel very sorry for the farmers who have to have their flocks and livelihoods destroyed.

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NFA, thanks for showing me this site/blog-I’ve joined up! 👍

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The forces arrayed are generally effective.

What can you do? How can these agencies, already culling massive numbers of birds, be stopped??

If government is that rotten, how can it be replaced??

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Mad bird disease and cow flu.....🥥🥑🥔

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Given that the whole contagion pathogen narrative is a well funded myth we can conclude that it only serves as a control narrative they wish to keep alive so they can continue their cull agenda and whatever they think needs to be done while reaping massive profits. Is this the apotheosis of evil?

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I wonder if all these birds had something or other of genetically modified nature injected in them?

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