EXPOSING THE AUSTRALIAN BIRD FLU NARRATIVE: An Analysis of Chronological Media Stories that Reveal the Lie
(UPDATED 22/7) Deconstructing the "Australian Bird Flu Narrative" one-deceptive-media-story-at-a-time (will be constantly updated with each new media-announced development)

STATISTICAL OVERVIEW (current July 20, 2024):
1.8 million chickens euthanised — 7% of the national flock of more than 20 million laying hens. No endemic cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1. One human case of H5N1. One case of Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza (LPAI) H9N2 in Western Australia. Cases of (HPAI) H7N3, H7N9 in multiple Victorian poultry farms. Cases of (HPAI) H7N8 in two New South Wales poultry farms. Cases of (HPAI) H7N8 in both a Canberra poultry farm, and a private backyard farm. Currently 12 outbreak and quarantined locations of HPAI over three states (VIC:8) (NSW:2) (ACT:2).

The official narrative behind the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI), or H5N1 bird flu, is being meticulously crafted for all Australians. It will involve us all. The Crafters are ever-so-crafty with their craftiness. Their narrative is the actual infection, and those infected rapidly propagate the narrative, and infect others — we must remain immune to their Lie. It is now absolutely crucial to analyse, expose, and to hopefully dismantle their new “disease narrative” before it establishes a significant hold, and again sickens the public psyche.
Indeed, those plotting “a once-again-in-a-100-year pandemic” need to craft a “disease fiction” that is both plausible, and is seemingly based upon scientific legitimacy. They need the people to trustingly believe, and to again submit to the full-spectrum wickedness of their monumental Lie — so that they can again justify implementing draconian public health measures.
Each week brings another incremental global development, another “unprecedented infection,” another cross-species’ mutation — from wild birds to domesticated poultry, somehow to cows, and via the milk to cats, and supposedly to a few unfortunate humans working within proximity of diseased US dairy farms. Now it is in the mice1, and surely it will soon be spluttered about all major cities within the expectorated sputum of devilish plague rats.
The WEF-WHO-UN medical marauders absolutely need to resurrect their now dormant Biomedical-Fascist State — and the unarmed, multicultural (hence, no integrated national allegiance to any uniform cultural identity — no united resistance to Globalist plunder), and comparatively low population of Australia features foremost in their New World Order designs.
Australia is unfortunately “ground zero” for the testing and the materialization of various apparatuses of technocratic control. They believe they can get away with almost anything here — and it will be up to us to cause them to believe otherwise.
So desperate were they to include Australia in their current global bird flu scam, that the CSIRO’s Australian Center for Disease Preparedness literally manufactured FOUR unlikely outbreaks across Victoria and Western Australia within a couple of days (June 22-24): one human case of H5N1 in Victoria, one low pathogenic case amongst poultry in Western Australia (H9N2); and two different highly pathogenic strains at two separate Victorian poultry farms (H7N3) and (H7N9). These were all first detected instances of such strains — all were coordinated lies.
The very notion that these spontaneous bird flu cases were genuine occurrences, and that they actually occurred randomly without fabrication, is preposterous — it was all orchestrated to bring Australia into the forthcoming lockstep of global “bird flu” hysteria. They audaciously selected the precise date to announce these multiple “outbreaks,” so they could finally trigger the “bird flu” narrative here.
So, in advance of H5N1’s speculative arrival in Australia, the CSIRO literally falsified the detection of other lesser strains of pathogenic bird flu, proclaimed alleged cases, quarantined, and commenced needlessly culling our poultry.
“Australia takes a zero-tolerance approach to HPAI outbreaks, which means the protocol after any reported infection is the euthanasia of all birds on the farm.”2
The CSIRO could not wait for the dreaded H5N1 “call to cull” — so they called it themselves.
Impatience, it seems, is not a virtue.
At present, despite one dubious “human case” of H5N1 in “a two-and-a-half-year old girl” who returned to Australia from India, the HPAI strain of concern has yet “to arrive and devastate Australian fauna and farming.” The shadowy “experts” believe it is “likely to arrive this spring.” Somehow, a number of incredibly sick wild birds are going to navigate extraordinary continental distances as they migrate from either Russia, or South East Asia — only to kamikaze beak-first into chicken coops everywhere. It is certainly coming — They have told us.
There is no genuine “bird flu” threat upon our isolated continent.
The only threat that exists, is the threat that has been deliberately preplanned. Indeed, the true threat originates from those whose criminal machinations desire to reimpose lockdowns, compel mass-testing, and eventually mandate a mRNA Human Bird Flu Vaccine, while intentionally culling and decimating our food supply.
According to the official narrative, H5N1 is currently panzoonotic, and there have been just few cases in which it has been zoonotic — with all recent human cases making a full recovery. Once H5N1 is endemic to Australia, it will miraculously mutate, with the “new deadly mutation” simultaneously affecting every nation, and all global citizenry in unison. The alleged mutation will be human-to-human: Disease X.
This is the next phase of their depopulation agenda: to depopulate the food supply, and to further depopulate those dependent on such a supply. They hope to achieve both agendas in tandem, with simultaneous animal culls, and vaccine-induced mortality in humans.
Australia is currently experiencing “the greatest bird flu outbreak our nation has ever experienced” — or, at least, that is what the Official Narrative would like you to believe.
It is all a lie. All lies can be exposed and dismantled by the amplification of truth.
It is absolutely crucial that we amplify truth.
The second part of this piece will present a chronological overview of various Australian media developments concerning “our greatest bird flu outbreak.” It will cover the announcement of state-by-state infection sites, quarantine zones and the amount of birds allegedly culled. All pertinent media updates concerning “bird flu” in Australia will be examined. The intent is to provided a resource that aims to piece together all the related material, and to reveal how they are attempting to weave it all together into a coordinated, and preplanned Lie.
The narrative must be scrutinized, disassembled and resolutely rejected. It is up to us — resist!
NOTE: Timeline and analysis will be continuously updated with all new developments. It is current as of the 22nd of July.
MAY 22: Australia’s First Case of H5N1 detected in a child who had returned from India
MAY 22: 1st VICTORIAN FARM (Avgo Eggs in Meredith —owned by Bradley McAuliffe) H7N3 Detected, 400,000 birds euthanised
MAY 23: 1st WESTERN AUSTRALIAN FARM (not deemed an infection site due to low-pathogenic bird flu case) South-West, H9N2 Detected, an undisclosed amount of birds euthanised
MAY 24: 2nd VICTORIAN FARM (Surf Coast Eggs in Terang —owned by Bradley McAuliffe) H7N9 Detected, 150,000 birds euthanised
JUNE 4: 3rd VICTORIAN FARM (Farm Pride Foods in Lethbridge) H7N3 Detected, 80,000 birds euthanised
JUNE 5: 4th VICTORIAN FARM (Not disclosed, near Meredith ) H7N3 Detected, (N/A not publicised) birds euthanised
JUNE 7: 5th VICTORIAN FARM (Farm Pride Foods in Lethbridge — second location) H7N3 Detected, 40,000 birds euthanised
JUNE 10: Coles supermarkets limits egg purchases (two items per customer)
JUNE 14: 6th VICTORIAN FARM (Non-disclosed Duck Farm - Golden Plains Region, near Meredith) H7N3 Detected, 40,000 birds euthanised
JUNE 18: 7th VICTORIAN FARM (Non-disclosed Poultry Farm - Golden Plains Region, near Meredith) H7N3 Detected, 150,000-200,000 birds euthanised
JUNE 19: 1st NSW FARM (ninth infection site) (Non-disclosed Poultry Farm - Greater Sydney Basin, Hawksbury) H7N8 Detected, 100,000+ (possibly as high as 220,000) birds euthanised
JUNE 23: 2nd NSW FARM (tenth infection site) (Non-disclosed Poultry Farm - Greater Sydney Basin, Hawksbury) H7N8 Detected, 86,000 birds euthanised
JUNE 25: 1st CANBERRA FARM (eleventh infection site) (Non-disclosed Poultry Farm, ACT) H7N8 Detected, N/A birds euthanised
JUNE 27: Woolworths supermarkets limits egg purchases (two items per customer)
JULY 2: McDonald’s shortens breakfast service by 90-minutes due to an “egg shortage”
JULY 5: 2nd CANBERRA BACKYARD FARM (twelfth infection site) (Non-disclosed backyard farm, ACT) H7N8 Detected, N/A birds euthanised
JULY 6: Experts warn H5N1 bird flu strain 'likely' to arrive in Australia in spring
JULY 10: Australia isn’t ready for the ravages of bird flu
JULY 15: Australia facing unprecedented bird flu threat: CSIRO
JULY 16: How scientists are attempting to track and trace the outbreak
JULY 19: Australia to simulate arrival of deadly bird flu
MAY 22: Australia’s First Case of H5N1 detected in a child who had returned from India
The Victorian health department on Wednesday reported that a child who had recently returned to Australia from India had tested positive to the H5N1 virus. The child, who arrived in Australia in March, experienced a “severe infection” but has since made a full recovery and contact tracing has not identified any further cases of avian influenza.
The virus was detected through the state’s disease surveillance system, in which positive influenza cases are subject to further testing to identify novel or concerning flu virus strains.
It removes Australia’s status as the only continent not to have a confirmed case of H5N1 in a bird or mammal. The H5N1 strain has yet to be detected in birds in Australia.3
COMMENT: Firstly, what are the odds that a two-and-a-half-year-old Indian girl just happened to be Australia’s first H5N1 human case within a two day window of a LPAI infection site being declared in Western Australia, and two HPAI infection sites announced in Victoria? Basically, four significant infections of various bird flu strains occurred at precisely the same time, after four years of zero detections in Australia. Surely, the odds of such an uncanny alignment of “infections” is astronomically improbable. The odds favour the Lie. It truly is woefully sloppy, desperate, and transparent propaganda. It is also worth considering that amongst an Indian population of 1.417 billion, only one other Indian citizen has officially contracted “human bird flu” — and that was a month later, and an entirely different strain.4
MAY 22: 1st VICTORIAN FARM (Avgo Eggs in Meredith —owned by Bradley McAuliffe) H7N3 Detected, 400,000 birds euthanised
“Just over a week ago, Mr McAuliffe noticed dead birds in his flock at his Meredith egg farm."On Saturday, we saw some higher mortality in one of our sheds," he said."On Sunday, the mortalities increased a little bit more and we contacted the authorities on the Monday. It happened over three days — really quick."
The disease variant H7N3 was detected, which is the most commonly occurring variant in Australia.
Agriculture Victoria then began killing 400,000 birds on the property to contain the outbreak.”5
COMMENT: Coincidentally, on the same day that Australia’s first “human case of H5N1” was announced, they also declared that “bird flu” had been detected on a Victorian poultry farm. It was allegedly H7N3, another HPAI strain (“the most common occurring variant in Australia” — that has not occurred in four years!) They purposely announced the human infection of H5N1, and the H7N3 poultry outbreak on the same day to deceptively conflate the idea of “deadly bird flu” in the undiscerning public mind — to begin the trajectory of required fearmongering. Although the Avgo Eggs Farm in Meredith did not have H5N1, it was somehow afflicted by “bird flu,” another highly pathogenic strain — and the cull of 400,000 birds was initiated. No photos of the diseased flock, dead birds (prior to the cull), or dead, or diseased wild birds, have been presented.
MAY 23: 1st WESTERN AUSTRALIAN FARM (not deemed an infection site due to low-pathogenic bird flu case) South-West, H9N2 Detected, an undisclosed amount of birds euthanised
A case of Avian Influenza (H9N2 strain) has been noted at a chicken farm in the South-West of Western Australia.
This comes at a similar time but unrelated to two cases of the H7N3 strain found in Victoria, one detected in a child.
Chair of Veterinary Public Health and infectious disease expert at The University of Sydney Professor Michael Ward told Oliver Peterson on Perth Live it’s not uncommon to hear of bird flu in Australia with migration and movement of them between continents.
“I’m sort of concerned but not overly worried given the types of viruses they are…It’s good we’ve picked up these other cases, it just shows the surveillance system is working,” Mr Ward said.6
“DPIRD acting chief vet Katie Webb said some chickens at the mixed poultry farm in WA had been euthanased as a result of the H9N2 outbreak.
"We do surveillance for influenza in wild birds regularly. We do know H9 low pathogenic strains occur in wild birds," Dr Webb said.
"Occasionally we do find it has transmitted from wild birds into poultry. This is one example where we have picked that up."
Dr Webb said the remaining birds at the farm were healthy, but DPIRD would continue its inspections and testing, and the property would remain under a pest control notice, which managed the movement of animals and products off the farm.
She said DPIRD was working with the farmer to reduce the likelihood of disease spread and future transmissions from wild birds.
"The appropriate response depends upon the strain that has been identified," Dr Webb said.”7
COMMENT: One day after H5N1 was detected in a human in Victoria, and 400,000 chickens were scheduled to be euthanised due to a “bird flu outbreak” on a Victorian Farm, somehow, Western Australia also had an alleged outbreak of bird flu. Sure, sure. Fortunately (or so they say), it was only a LPAI strain, and only some birds needed to be culled. It “just shows the surveillance system is working” — a national system that conveniently “found” bird flu in a bizarre synchronicity with Victoria (only a day apart.) Together, the Western Australian, and multiple Victoria outbreaks, were used to green-light the “national messaging”: the deadly bird flu virus has arrived in Australia.
MAY 24: 2nd VICTORIAN FARM (Surf Coast Eggs in Terang —owned by Bradley McAuliffe) H7N9 Detected, 150,000 birds euthanised
“By Thursday, the virus was detected at a second farm in Terang, which was placed into quarantine, and more than 150,000 birds needed to be destroyed.
"It was a different strain on the virus [H7N9], which means it's totally unrelated to Meredith," Mr McAuliffe said.
"It was quite a shock to try to understand how we received two separate viruses at two separate sites within three days of each other."
"Our other farms have all come back clear, so our biosecurity measures have worked, we've been able to maintain the separate diseases to two separate sites."
Movement controls and poultry housing requirements remain in place for areas surrounding both properties near Meredith and Terang.”8
COMMENT: They literally gave their game away here. Testing and finding whatever they want, whenever they want with their high-cycle PCR-testing trickery. Surf Coast Eggs is the second Victorian Poultry Farm (also owned by Bradley McAuliffe) to become an infection site — however, it was infected by an entirely “different strain of the virus [H7N9].” Criminally, 150,000 birds were culled, and the owner expressed shock that “we received two separate viruses at two separate sites within three days of each other." The only thing that is shocking is the inability to acknowledge that the geographical proximity of the Geelong-based CSIRO’s Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness, was first on the scene, and perhaps was the sole reason for the ludicrously criminal “scene” to begin with.
SEE: Dr Ah Kahn Syed excellent reveal of CSIRO’s blunt culpability: One Flew over the Chickens' Nest
JUNE 4: 3rd VICTORIAN FARM (Farm Pride Foods in Lethbridge) H7N3 Detected, 80,000 birds euthanised
“Farm Pride Foods announced this morning the viral strain detected at its Lethbridge aviary site was "the same strain found on the egg farm at Meredith" about 10 days ago.
Those farms are about 10 minutes' apart by road in the Golden Plains Shire in central Victoria.
A different strain of avian influenza — H7N9 — was discovered at a farm at Terang on May 24.
Farm Pride Foods said it had been collaborating with Agriculture Victoria to conduct hen health assessments.
Tests on June 1 showed hens kept in sheds were free of bird flu.
But tests carried out on Sunday, June 2 showed free-range hens had the H7N3 strain, with the results received on Monday.”9
COMMENT: “Tests on June 1 showed hens kept in sheds were free of bird flu. But tests carried out on Sunday, June 2 showed free-range hens had the H7N3 strain, with the results received on Monday.” Again, this should be immensely suspicious. If they had not tested again on Sunday (and subsequently manufactured a “positive result” for H7N3), would there have even been a single case of bird flu? It begs the question: if the CSIRO were not testing, and were not involved, would there even be an outbreak? Would there even be a single physically diseased bird to witness, and not simply “with a virus” due to a “positive test”?
JUNE 5: 4th VICTORIAN FARM (Not disclosed, near Meredith ) H7N3 Detected, (N/A not publicised) birds euthanised
A fourth Victorian chicken farm has been struck down with avian influenza with all birds set to be culled.
Tests confirmed the highly pathogenic H7N3 strain of bird flu at the farm located within the Golden Plains Shire in Victoria's southwest, Agriculture Victoria confirmed on Wednesday.
The farm is situated within a current restricted area which covers two other poultry and farms in Meredith and Lethbridge after both also tested positive for the same strain in the past few weeks.
[…]Victoria's Chief Veterinary Officer Graeme Cooke said this detection is not unexpected and is the result of comprehensive and ongoing surveillance activities.10
COMMENT: Neither the farm name, nor the amount of birds required to be culled have been announced. Supposedly, according to Victoria’s Chief Veterinary Officer Graeme Cooke: “this detection is not unexpected and is the result of comprehensive and ongoing surveillance activities” — which is not reassuring in the slightest.
JUNE 7: 5th VICTORIAN FARM (Farm Pride Foods in Lethbridge — second location) H7N3 Detected, 40,000 birds euthanised
Tens of thousands of hens will be culled after a fifth Victorian poultry farm was plunged into lockdown due to an avian influenza detection.
Tests confirmed the highly pathogenic H7N3 strain of bird flu had been detected on the Lethbridge farm owned by Farm Pride in the state's southwest, Agriculture Victoria said on Friday.
It is the company's second farm to test positive for bird flu and houses about 40,000 birds, accounting for roughly four per cent of total production capacity.
"The company will seek compensation from the Emergency Animal Disease Compensation Scheme arising from the disposal of these birds," Farm Price said in a financial update.11
COMMENT: Another Farm Price Poultry Farm decimated — 40,000 birds slaughtered over a fiction. Over how many days did they continue to test using their ridiculously high-cycles of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) to finally determine a single case? Heinous.
JUNE 10: Coles supermarkets limits egg purchases (two items per customer)
“Coles supermarket is limiting the number of eggs customers can buy after bird flu was found at a fifth Victorian poultry farm.
Four infected properties near Meredith, between Ballarat and Geelong, are confirmed to have the high pathogenicity H7N3 strain of avian influenza, and an infection of the H7N9 strain has been detected near Terang, in the state's south-west.
Almost half a million chickens have been euthanised and quarantine zones have been set up, restricting the movement of birds and equipment.
Victoria is the third largest egg producing state in Australia and the Victorian Farmers Federation said about one in 16 egg-laying chickens had been destroyed, reducing the state's supply by about 450,000 eggs a day.”12
COMMENT: Coles is one half of the grocery Coles-Woolworths duopoly that regularly price gouges consumers, while impoverishing farmers with absolute impunity. As an essential “food governing” component to the Transnational Corporatocracy (decentralised global governance by global corporations), they control the food, and they will resort to implementing the necessary controls to control the people. They will create the artificial concern that then escalates to anxiety, to fear, to hysteria, and then to mass psychosis (like they purposely did with the “toilet paper shortages” of the first phase of the COVID PsyOp). They create the illusion of scarcity — that then becomes real experienced scarcity.
JUNE 14: 6th VICTORIAN FARM (Non-disclosed Duck Farm - Golden Plains Region, near Meredith) H7N3 Detected, 40,000 birds euthanised
“Bird flu has been detected at a sixth Victorian farm, with all poultry having to be culled to prevent the spread.
The case of Avian influenza (H7N3) was found at a property in the Golden Plains Shire in Victoria's central west.
All ducks at the property will be culled under veterinary supervision, with the site also needing to be cleaned to ensure it is cleared of the infection.
The property had already been in quarantine in response to the disease impacting five other poultry farms including nearby Meredith and Terang, which are both in the Golden Plains Shire.”13
“Australian Duck Meat Association CEO Greg Parkinson said the farm represented about two per cent of Australia's commercial duck population and mostly supplied meat to restaurants, not supermarkets.
"It was not unexpected, it's a smallish duck farm — about 40,000 birds — and it was very close to the infected egg farms," he said.”14
COMMENT: Not a dead duck in sight, except for those 40,000 perfectly healthy specimens that would be subsequently culled out of “precaution.” Once again, after resorting to their robust “surveillance system testing” in the absence of any visible death or disease in the ducks — “It was not unexpected” to find what they were looking for. Indeed, this is certainly to be expected, especially when you can relentlessly test until you find the test result you specifically require. Criminal.
JUNE 18: 7th VICTORIAN FARM (Non-disclosed Poultry Farm - Golden Plains Region, near Meredith) H7N3 Detected, 150,000-200,000 birds euthanised
“Victoria's chief veterinary officer, Graeme Cooke, said the latest infected farm housed between 150,000 and 200,000 egg-laying chickens.
"This latest infected premises was once again picked up on very early surveillance and that means it can be dealt with very early," Dr Cooke said.
"I really thank producers within the restricted area where all the cases have been for their help and collaboration as we work our way through this outbreak."15
COMMENT: The “very early surveillance” was able to ensure the preemptive culling of between 150,000 and 200,000 egg-laying chickens. They were all exterminated to advance the WEF-agenda of strategically diminishing our available food supply. What exactly were they able to “deal with very early?” Not a single chicken needed to be culled. There was no disease present other than the absurdity of what they claimed to find — only because they were frantically looking for something. No testing, no virus, no cull.
JUNE 19: 1st NSW FARM (ninth infection site) (Non-disclosed Poultry Farm - Greater Sydney Basin, Hawksbury) H7N8 Detected, 100,000+ (possibly as high as 220,000) birds euthanised
“A New South Wales poultry farm is under quarantine following a detection of bird flu.
The New South Wales Department of Primary Industries has confirmed an outbreak of HPAI H7N8 strain of avian influenza in the Greater Sydney Basin.
The virus was detected on the egg farm in the Hawkesbury district and was confirmed by testing by the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness on Wednesday.
The HPAI H7N8 strain is not the same as the H5N1 strain that is causing concern globally.
It is also not connected to the Victorian outbreak of the of the H7N3 and H7N9 strains.”
[…]Australian Eggs managing director Rowan McMonnies said birds on the farm would be euthanased.
"I don't have the precise number, but I do know that it was a fairly large farm. I think there were more than 100,000 birds involved," he said.
"So it's very significant blow obviously to the farm involved, but then also on the industry at large."
In a statement, NSW Agriculture Minster Tara Moriarty said the the detection was understood be a "separate spill-over event", potentially from wild birds.”16
“Virus strain HPAI H7N8 was detected on a large poultry egg farm in the Hawkesbury district of NSW on Wednesday.
NSW Minister for Agriculture Tara Moriarty told ABC News 8,000 birds died from the flu as it swept through the farm with 240,000 birds at the farm to be euthanised.”17
COMMENT: Less than a month after the faked single case of Human H5N1 and the staged outbreaks of HPAI on eight Victorian poultry farms (conveniently located beside CSIRO in Geelong), suddenly, there is bird flu in NSW! However, it was not related to the “Victorian Outbreak,” because it was a completely unrelated bird flu strain (H7N8). They needed to make it multi-state, so that it could eventually become a National Health Crisis (we are still in the phase where the authorities are attempting to engineer “narrative legitimacy,” and to create the necessary public awareness to advance-market the coming “H5N1 Pandemic.”) Again, they are indulging in the most outlandish fakery with an appeal to unquestioned Scientism. The people are just supposed to believe in the media stories, assume goodwill, and defer their trust to the experts — while the “experts” seek to destabilise our food sources and supply, while advancing the depopulation agenda of the WEF cabal. Resist.
JUNE 23: 2nd NSW FARM (tenth infection site) (Non-disclosed Poultry Farm - Greater Sydney Basin, Hawksbury) H7N8 Detected, 86,000 birds euthanised
“An outbreak of bird flu has been detected on a second farm in Sydney's north-west, with more than 86,000 chickens to be culled.
On Saturday the CSIRO's Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP) confirmed the positive test result of the HPAI H7N8 strain of avian influenza in the Hawkesbury region.
The infected chicken meat farm is in the restricted biosecurity zone put in place after the virus was first found on Wednesday at an egg farm 1.5 kilometres away.
A total of 330,000 birds across the two farms will have to be destroyed.”18
COMMENT: Where is the footage, or photographic evidence of the scores of dead, or dying birds (domesticated poultry, or even the wild birds that have infected them?), that has necessitated the entire euthanisation of a jeopardised flock? Are these birds truly just carriers of the alleged bird flu “virus,” naturally immune to what they are claiming is an endemic bird flu strain, and thus absolutely healthy?
JUNE 25: 1st CANBERRA FARM (eleventh infection site) (Non-disclosed Poultry Farm, ACT) H7N8 Detected, N/A birds euthanised
“The ACT government has confirmed the territory's first case of avian influenza has been detected at a Canberra farm, which has been quarantined.
Biosecurity authorities said the virus was brought to the ACT from New South Wales via the transporting of eggs and associated materials for commercial grading.
They said the territory was "well positioned to respond to this event, which is localised to a single property".
The ACT's acting chief veterinary officer, Dr Kyeelee Driver, said the government received information on Tuesday morning that the ACT premises — a commercial chicken farm, which also operates an egg-grading facility — contained animals that could potentially be infected with avian influenza.
Testing, including by the CSIRO's Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness laboratories, then confirmed the presence of the high-pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) H7N8 strain, and subsequently established a link with an infected site in New South Wales.”19
COMMENT: Now it is in Canberra. “Testing, including by the CSIRO's Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness laboratories, then confirmed the presence of the high-pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) H7N8 strain, and subsequently established a link with an infected site in New South Wales.” Of course they did!
JUNE 27: Woolworths supermarkets limits egg purchases (two items per customer)
“Woolworths has become the latest supermarket to introduce a purchase limit on eggs in the wake of a nationwide shortage due to a widening bird flu outbreak.
The supermarket giant is experiencing a delay in stock from an egg supplier due to the viral outbreak in New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory and Victoria.
"As a precaution to help manage this stock delay, we're introducing a two-pack purchase limit on eggs in NSW, ACT and Victoria," a Woolworths spokesperson said.”20
COMMENT: The second half of the grocery duopoly of Coles-Woolworths finally collaborates with Coles and the Lie. Each are owned and managed by the Transnational Corporatocracy. Woolworths is now contributing to the manipulation of the public’s perception of manufactured scarcity. All plausible egg shortages would not be due to bird flu, but would be the direct result of “precautionary culls” of almost two-million otherwise healthy chickens. However, Only 7 percent of our egg-laying capacity has been affected (a brazen crime) — so 93 percent of eggs are still available. Shelves and fridges should not be empty.
JULY 2: McDonald’s shortens breakfast service by 90-minutes due to “egg shortage”
“Australian fans of a late morning McDonald's breakfast are having to wake up earlier.
The fast food giant has temporarily shortened the hours of its breakfast service in the country by 90-minutes due to an egg shortage caused by a bird flu outbreak.
It is currently serving its full breakfast menu only until 10:30am, instead of the usual midday.
"Like many retailers, we are carefully managing supply of eggs due to the current industry challenges," McDonald's Australia said in a statement sent to the BBC.
"We’re continuing to work closely with our network of Aussie farmers, producers, and suppliers, as the industry comes together to manage this challenge.""21
COMMENT: Bird flu has not hit McDonalds. The decision to shorten the hours of its breakfast service in the country “by 90-minutes due to an egg shortage” is part of the coordinated propaganda campaign. MacDonalds is the Transnational Corporatocracy and they are playing along with their latest disease game.
JULY 5: 2nd CANBERRA BACKYARD FARM (twelfth infection site) (Non-disclosed backyard farm, ACT) H7N8 Detected, N/A birds euthanised
“A Canberra backyard has become the latest site hit by a strain of bird flu.
ACT authorities on Friday confirmed a group of chickens kept at the home had tested positive to the virus, the territory's second site to be affected.
The home is in a quarantine area set up after an egg facility in Canberra's north detected the virus last week.”22
Environment, Parks and Land Management Minister Rebecca Vassarotti thanked the residents at the property who acted quickly to take action and prevent the spread of the virus among the bird population.
“While disappointing to have a second case, it is not unexpected,” she said.
“Like jurisdictions across the country, this is unfortunately the reality of such a highly transmittable virus.23
COMMENT: They do not want off-grid individuals producing their own eggs and poultry, and feeding and sustaining their local communities. The focus will soon be to aggressively target, surveil and eradicate all privately-owned free-range farms, hobby farms and backyard chicken coops. The “virus” of tyranny will come for them all, if we let it.
JULY 6: Experts warn H5N1 bird flu strain 'likely' to arrive in Australia in spring
“As authorities work to restrict the spread of the deadly H7 strain of bird flu affecting chickens and eggs across Australia, ecologists and advocates warn a different strain of the virus could lead to an environmental disaster in some wild birds.
The H5N1 avian influenza has caused mass mortality events in wildlife on every other continent on Earth, particularly among birds and animals that eat infected birds.
As the yearly migration of birds to Australia in spring approaches, experts say more communication and planning is needed, with unique species most at risk.”24
COMMENT: How would the experts know that the H5N1 strain is likely to arrive in Australia this spring? Australia is an isolated continent. This is an acknowledgement of their intent to run-the-narrative of H5N1 on Australians this spring. Beware! The repercussions will be untold slaughter of not only chickens and ducks, but possibly cows, pigs, sheep and our canine and feline companions. That is what is planned. And then H5N1 will mutate and become human-to-human: Disease X. However, it has to arrive here first — which it could never do, without the required pre-priming propaganda that is currently being churned-out. They are incrementally “setting the scene” with the current poultry culls and supermarket shortages.
JULY 10: Australia isn’t ready for the ravages of bird flu
“Australia's environment ministers are dangerously unprepared for the arrival of a virus that's been wiping out wildlife around the world for years, critics say.
A deadly strain of bird flu has been sweeping the globe killing legions of poultry and wild birds but also mammals including seals and sea lions.
Domestic animals including dogs, cats and farm animals are also at risk.
Experts fear it could reach Australia within months as migratory birds arrive for spring.
Federal Agriculture Minister Murray Watt on Wednesday announced a $7 million to boost Australia's readiness for the virus, which is different to the one affecting Australian poultry farms.Most of it will go to surveillance programs and to Animal Health Australia, which is investigating the potential of commercial avian influenza vaccines.”25
COMMENT: This is an early revelation of the barbaric devastation they intend on inflicting: “a deadly strain of bird flu has been sweeping the globe killing legions of poultry and wild birds but also mammals including seals and sea lions. Domestic animals including dogs, cats and farm animals are also at risk.” They will force us to vaccinate our pets, and they will force unquestionably lethal mRNA vaccination upon us all — if we comply.
JULY 15: Australia facing unprecedented bird flu threat: CSIRO
“Australia is facing an unprecedented threat from three different strains of bird flu with a fourth on the nation's doorstep, experts warn.
Poultry farms in Victoria, NSW and the ACT have been hit hard since late May, with chickens being culled to prevent further spread.
The CSIRO said on Monday that genetic sequencing has revealed three different strains of H7 - a highly pathogenic avian influenza - have hit farms at roughly the same time.
It is a grim first for Australia with spillover from Australia's wild birds blamed.
But just why so many different strains are occurring at the same time remains a mystery.”
COMMENT: The truth is in the headline. The “unprecedented bird flu threat” originates with our entirely captured and globalist-funded CSIRO. The CSIRO were told by their WEF-WHO-UN masters to make it happen. Indeed, the CSIRO is the undeniable threat, for without their fabricated test results and clinical monopoly over the scientific data — there would be no “unprecedented threat from three different strains” (of which the origin, and coordinated emergence is truly a strain on public gullibility) with the possibility of a fourth (H5N1) “on our nation’s doorstep.” It sure “remains a mystery” just how all this destructive fiction just happened to happen with their “surveillance system” monitoring the results.
JULY 16: How Scientists are attempting to track and trace the outbreak
“The samples from Greg's farm are sent to Menangle, a semi-rural suburb on Sydney's city limit.
It's here on a sprawling 1,600-hectare property where scientists are tracking and tracing the outbreak in a busy biosecure virology lab.
"We've had a big upturn in the number of samples coming in for avian influenza testing," veterinary virologist Dr Andrew Read told 7.30.
"We've done over 1,400 tests, a lot of those are pools, with five birds per sample."
Dr Read is one of the chief scientists involved in surveillance for the state of New South Wales and the ACT, at the Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute.
"For chickens, [the virus] is really contagious," Dr Read said, explaining the importance of surveillance testing.
"They're shedding billions of copies of the virus at the peak.
"They'll sneeze, make these little droplets, if they're the right size, then they'll continue floating in the wind.
"It can potentially spread on the wind up to a kilometre or so, if the conditions are right."
In his ice-white lab, specimen tubes are received twice a day.
They're triaged according to threat, with high-risk cases marked red.
"We are able to show birds are actively shedding the virus by the amount of virus [the samples] had in them," Dr Read said.
The procedure is likened to PCR testing used to track and trace COVID-19, and the science is so specific they're able to detect the exact genetics of each virus and predict their origins.”26
COMMENT: This article reads like a farcical satire: "They'll sneeze, make these little droplets, if they're the right size, then they'll continue floating in the wind. It can potentially spread on the wind up to a kilometre or so, if the conditions are right."Are we seriously talking about sneezing chickens here! The virology labs are using a “procedure likened to PCR testing,” which probably also suffers from the inherent flaw in the PCR methodology that was exploited to generate “positive COVID results” from high-cycle thresholds. They created the illusion of the COVID-19 pandemic, by creating a test that literally created “cases.” At higher cycles these PCR tests can detect anything desired by the laboratory — and in this instance they desired strains of bird flu.
JULY 19: Australia to simulate arrival of deadly bird flu
Australia will wargame the arrival of a bird flu strain that's ravaging wildlife overseas, but some say it's about a year too late.
“Agriculture ministers from around the country have agreed to hold a national preparedness exercise amid fears the deadly H5 strain could reach Australia within months.
Australia is the last continent to be free of the strain, which has caused mass deaths worldwide in poultry, wild birds and other wildlife including seals and sea lions.
The impact of the H5 strain of bird flu on Australia's wild birds 'would be catastrophic'.
Scientists have warned it's most likely to arrive with migratory birds that will be heading for the nation's shores this spring.
There's no date yet for the exercise and few details about what it will involve but ministers who met this week say it will promote better collaboration between agriculture, environment and health agencies.”27
COMMENT: Like the now infamous Event 20128 (sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) that literally wargamed a hypothetical Coronavirus Pandemic in October of 2019, mere months before the WHO declared COVID-19 as an actual global pandemic — all such “wargaming” is truly a pre-staging. They are brazenly wargaming how they are going to conduct biowarfare on the food supply and the population of Australia.
NOTE: The current timeline ends on July 22 (UPDATED: 17/7 2x entries; 20/7 1x entry). It will be updated with all pertinent developments over the coming days, weeks, and months.
ABC Media: updated chronological coverage of Bird Flu
DISEASE X: Diseased Minds Plan for Disease X
A TIMELINE OF DISEASE X & RELATED “GREAT RESET” DEVELOPMENTS (with a focus on Australia): 2010 - February 5, 2024
Recommended further reading: an excellent companion piece by DEMOCRACYMANIFEST SUBSTACK:
Bird Flu: EVENT 202 The 'Next Pandemic' Rehearsal: Register Now!
TWITTER/X:Stephen Reason @stephen_reason
TELEGRAM (new page):https://t.me/StephenReasonChannel
The whole thing is so absurd, but seems most people believe anything they are told, they will line up for the next poison jab. "They" certainly want to get rid of free range and backyard chickens because they want full control of all food. Even though free range and backyard chickens are healthier, stronger and happier they want to keep the miserable sick weak ones suffering in cages. I would suspect that the chicken industry is supporting all the culls too.
Here in Oz we've gone from quiet little backwater to being right at the coalface of the NWO