SUPPORT FOR THE VOICE COLLAPSES: Latest RedBridge Group Poll Reveals that the Referendum is Headed for Defeat
Everyday Australians are rejecting the UN Agenda 2030 'Voice, Treaty, Truth' scam

NOTE: this is the FIFTH piece in a current sequence of five. This series of articles aims to expose the hidden agenda behind the ‘Voice to Parliament.’ It is not necessary to read each piece in published sequence, but it may benefit the reader to read each piece for a thorough overview, and to establish interconnecting context. The first piece, second piece, third piece and fourth piece can be read here.)
There has been a monumental shift in the last month… I would like to believe that my little series of articles exposing The Voice has effected this unexpected turn. The collaborative efforts between myself and Josephine Cashman, supported by countless others who have engaged and shared the material, has concentrically rippled.
Awareness and truth are being amplified across our nation, and as a result, the UN Agenda 2030 for Australian land theft is being unveiled. Words may be a glistening blade, or a blunt club mashing the mind, and words wielded in service of truth are undeniably mighty. The skulking Rat and its distinctive odor has wafted strong; many have smelt it; and most were instinctively wary from the start… now the cat is out of the bag, and the Rat is on the run…
Support for The Voice has dropped from 58% to 53% in the latest RedBridge Group poll. With each passing month, it drops. ‘The Indigenous Voice to Parliament Referendum is headed for defeat without a large-scale campaign to educate average Australians, according to prominent pollster and RedBridge director, Kos Samaras.’1
The opposite was expected. Their current propaganda campaign “to educate average Australians” is failing.
The panic is palpable: there is no such vaunted “popular support” (allegedly at 80% in June 2022). Gone is Federal Labor’s supreme confidence of inevitability, and simply ‘getting it done.’ Sensing the foreseeable outcome, there are now calls for ‘compromise’ and ‘reworking the model.’ All must be uniformly rejected. Indeed, all such “reconfigurations” are merely attempts to install the same legal infrastructure that is required to gift our country to Transnational Globalists — those that await the formal transaction of ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’ to secure foreign ownership of our lands.
The Voice in all its potential permutations is to be rejected, dismantled and banished.
On May 17, The Daily Mail, The Australian, Sky News, 7News, Sydney Morning Herald, 9News, The Project and The Age, all reported that ‘support for The Voice campaign was sliding’ and is ‘in deep trouble’ in the latest polls. Indeed, ‘it is tumbling’ — if it was ever at any measurable level of potential success (beyond being propped by wishful-thinking propaganda). Surely, in its stated public form, with its deviously unstated, and veiled-purpose, it was never wanted —not even amongst the apprehensive Indigenous communities. General support would have been lagging from the onset, with the concept of The Voice, and its actual purpose, being deliberately vague and unconvincing. All talk of the contrary was just talk — the stuff of bluff.
So, it seems that Albanese’s Voice Referendum is facing a dire defeat amongst the Australian people. It was initially celebrated as a forgone conclusion that merely required the formality and machinery of referenda to enshrine into the Constitution. It is apparent that this was never the case. The current trajectory of public opinion suggests that the ‘NO’ campaign will ultimately succeed, perhaps overwhelmingly so. This is an incredible revelation, no doubt matched by objective and obdurate reality — especially this early in the campaign.
It is an absolute humiliation for Albanese.
If such awareness is already emanating from the mainstream media outlets and circulating unhindered amongst the sphere of public opinion — the actual reality must be truly abysmal for the ‘YES’ consensus. At this stage, a wealth of scheduled propaganda will only produce a dearth of gullibility amongst those that have already awakened to the hidden agenda. And Australia is awakening, with many dutifully stirring others from their sleep and spoiling the UN Agenda 2030 Globalist dream of stealing Australian land behind a “Blak facade.” Indeed, the TRUE polls, the TRUE support of the public, and the TRUE potential of The Voice succeeding in a legitimately-run Referendum would appear to be TRULY astronomically improbable.
However, it is still early days, and any real celebration must be cautiously reserved for the very hour in which it is comprehensively known that The Voice Referendum and the ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’ device has been utterly defeated. The sheer wickedness advancing The Voice is determined to succeed, and will not be daunted by trivial “public opinions.” It was never really our choice, with the choice pre-chosen and decades in the planning — Albanese was merely entrusted to use our taxpayer-dollars to bring into fruition the UN land-grab agenda by creating the illusion of a successful “national consensus.” Fortunately, he is failing catastrophically.
The Voice is a United Nations project that was conceived as a means of using Indigenous Rights as the device to allow Transnational Globalists (aka the Transnational Corporatocracy) the excuse to strip land rights from everyone. The same modus operandi is being executed in New Zealand, Canada and the United States, and has already been used to plunder Africa, enriching the Globalists, while keeping its population perpetually in Third World squalor. They will use the ‘Native Title Act 1993’ to create artificial borders and carve up our country, and then insist that Treaty has returned this land to the original owners to determine its use, and who may occupy it. A ‘Voice to Parliament’ is essential to firstly ratify Treaty (and give our land to Transnational Globalists), and then allow these Globalists to use a fake “Blak Parliament” to speak on behalf of all Indigenous Australians to commence the Truth tribunals (aka Inquisition) that will be used to adjudicate the UN theft of Australia: Voice, Treaty, Truth.
They are coming for our farms, our waterways and national parks, and our private land rights. No Aboriginal will benefit, and all Australians will be reduced to landless serfs languishing beneath the digital-yoke of these Techno-Fascist Feudal Lords.
Australians must not let this happen: knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.
Let us hope that we soon witness the very guts of the United Nations land-theft plot thoroughly eviscerated for all to behold.
POST SCRIPT: Read Josephine Cashman’s Substack
Josephine Cashman is an Aboriginal Australian lawyer (acclaimed Prosecutor), entrepreneur, and a former member of the Prime Minister’s Indigenous Advisory Council (appointed by Tony Abbot in 2013). She is also a whistleblower! Pertinently, while occupying the Indigenous Advisory Council, Cashman discovered a plot by the United Nations to use the decoy of the “Aboriginal” and “Indigenous Rights” to asset-strip Australia and to remove all private land ownership.
Just listening to a recent discussion Senator Antic had with staff from the Department Home Affairs. Staff explained that the department has and does use a "service provider" to discern whether social media comments breach the media outlet's own guidelines. The context here is Covid dis/mis information.
Guidelines as to what to look out for are provided from the Department of Health. The service provider finds, for example, a Facebook breach and refers it back to Home Affairs. The department then contacts Facebook who culls the person or the comment. So our Home Affairs ad Health departments work for social media companies.
Senator Antic asked Labor's Senator Murray Watt whether we should expect the same behaviour with regard to The Voice. Senator Watt would not answer.
Reminds me of the “Back it up” clip from Ant-Man 😂