
Just listening to a recent discussion Senator Antic had with staff from the Department Home Affairs. Staff explained that the department has and does use a "service provider" to discern whether social media comments breach the media outlet's own guidelines. The context here is Covid dis/mis information.

Guidelines as to what to look out for are provided from the Department of Health. The service provider finds, for example, a Facebook breach and refers it back to Home Affairs. The department then contacts Facebook who culls the person or the comment. So our Home Affairs ad Health departments work for social media companies.

Senator Antic asked Labor's Senator Murray Watt whether we should expect the same behaviour with regard to The Voice. Senator Watt would not answer.


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Reminds me of the “Back it up” clip from Ant-Man 😂

🎥 https://youtu.be/Vxn7LZAzqhY

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It sure does, mate! Awesome!

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Bloody good post by Tony Ryan on this today too: https://oziz4oziz.substack.com/p/the-voice

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Are you serious, Australian government has sold us out for years...... we are already under foreign ownership! Have been for decades.

If you agree with Australians not having a proper constitution and supporting a monarchy/ Australian hoch botch dysfunctional greed driven system you my friends have already supported foreign ownership of this Country and all its assets ( if you look at this Great country that way.)

Saying that the UN is going to take our lands from us is a total falsehood!

It's already been taken from us, wake up Australia.

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Whoa! Yes, I am serious, and, no, I am not writing for laughs.

We are on the same page, maybe not the same paragraph, but certainly the same page. At no point in my series of Voice articles have I expressed anything that might conflict with your statement that the ‘Australian government has sold us out for years…. We are already under foreign ownership! Have been for decades.’

In fact, I specifically outlined this very reality in my first piece, and as such, have not felt the need to reiterate it throughout the subsequent pieces. Indeed, a Transnational Corporatocracy (rule by foreign corporations) owns Australia, and this Corporatocracy inexorably governs our “government.” I am assuming that you have not actually read my earlier pieces, and your comment reflects an unfounded assumption about my current awareness. This particular piece, if read in isolation from the others, might not satisfy what you were looking for, but I have certainly covered what you are claiming is my ‘blind spot’ or naiveté.

Yes, Australia is owned by foreign interests, HOWEVER these foreign interests with their “You will own nothing, and be happy” UN Agenda 2030/WEF mantra are seeking to legally strip all private land rights and ownership from ALL people – so, you will technically ‘own nothing.’ Presently, Australians at least have the sense that they do own their own land (even if this is not actually so on some technicality that has no immediate bearing on their perceived and lived reality). This private land can be inherited, developed and sold at a profit. If someone has the money they can purchase the land that their money affords and take on a ‘private land title.’ What the UN is attempting to achieve (with a consortium of Globalists at the helm) is the legal means to prevent any future acquirement of private land, and to strip the private ownership of those lands currently held.

They are using the cover of Indigenous Rights to achieve this end. Land will be “given back” to the First Nations People as “reparation,” but, treacherously, such land cannot be owned by any single Indigenous person either – it is a form of collectivism, where all will own everything, but truly nothing! This is currently the case for those Indigenous people who reside within areas that have been designated ‘Native Title’ – they cannot privately own a single plot of land to develop according to their own independent vision. Private ownership is denied. Now, with a Voice in parliament, our compromised government (compromised by foreign interests) will have a token Aboriginal government (equally compromised by foreign interests) to make decisions on behalf of “Aboriginal land” that does not benefit a single Indigenous person. It will only benefit the Transnational Corporatocracy (foreign interests) – it will truly be their land by cunning proxy.

What the UN has set up with ‘Native Title Act, 1993,’ ‘The Uluru Statement,’ ‘The Voice’ and the whole UNDRIP: ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’ device is the means to take the private lands of everyday Australians and gift them to themselves behind an “Aboriginal façade.” The lands of Australia will be returned via the ratification of Treaty only after The Voice has been entered into the Constitution and has executive power to form a ‘Truth tribunal’ that will follow Treaty. The Truth tribunal will then act to carve up all land designated by Native Title and transfer them to the “original owners” under Treaty, and as adjudicated by The Voice: the process is Voice, Treaty Truth. That is the UN 2030 device to steal our land, and it is no falsehood.

How exactly will the UN achieve all of this? Well, that is what I have attempted to examine and communicate (alongside Josephine Cashman) over four connected pieces on The Voice. This current piece (piece five) is merely a situational update.

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Thank you for clarifying Stephen , I appreciated your time.

So what is to be done to give long term security of our country?

Ie, to protect Country and people's, like stopping the rape of Country and resources, to lock in real human rights protection for the people of this Country, to make Australia ( an island.) Self sufficient and sustainable again. Stop the extinction of our unique Flaura and fauna. And Societies Greedy ways etc. Big questions like those. Sincerely Shaun

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What about the statement from Albenese in the beginning that if the referendum was a failure, he was going to legislate it meaning they win in any case.

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Yes, indeed, Albanese did express that should the Voice Referendum fail, he will potentially legislate The Voice into Parliament. South Australia has already set the bold precedent of legislating an Indigenous Voice to their State Parliament, but unlike a change in the Australian Constitution, it is not necessarily permanent, and any opposing future government, or tremendous public outrage, can, and will, erase such legislation.

The Voice needs to be enshrined in the Constitution to guarantee its permanency (only another referendum could potentially reverse it)… and once it is there, they can commence all manner of veiled-evil behind the façade of the “Aboriginal” with the Australian public having very little recourse to prevent it… Once it is in, it is in, and the "government" that we have will NEVER fund a counter referendum to remove such a Constitutional change in any foreseeable future.

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