JULY 13: The Day the Deep State Failed to Shoot Trump
A reflection on the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump
“I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye” — July 8, Joe Biden’s phone call to the National Finance Committee1
“I don’t think Trump’s going to be President, if that’s what Putin is betting on, he’s going to get an unhappy surprise!” — July 11, Victoria Nuland (the primary instigator of the Ukrainian political coup and the subsequent Russian-Ukrainian regional war)2
“If she can remain competitive, there’s an argument for Ms. Haley to stay in the race through the July convention. Mr. Trump faces a treacherous legal road…Ms. Haley could stay in the race, rack up delegates, and see what happens if he is found guilty. Strange things can happen with candidates who are this old and this disliked by a majority of the public. The 2024 election may have more twists before the Trump vs. Biden die is cast.”3 — The Wall Street Journal in support of Nikki Haley and alluding to assassination (quoting the assassinated Julius Caesar: “the die is cast.”
“The director of the United States Secret Service says the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump was the agency's "most significant operational failure" in decades. Director Kimberly Cheatle told politicians during a congressional hearing that on July 13, we failed."4
“Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil — Ephesians 6:11.” (6:11 was the time Trump’s ear was shot)
On July 13, just outside Butler, Pennsylvania, at approximately eleven-minutes-past-six, the first of eight assassin’s bullets tore millimeters of cartilage from the helix of Donald Trump’s right ear. The Deep State Crooks had taken their craven shot. Although the next seven bullets miraculously missed their primary target, one killed former firefighter chief Corey Comperatore, while bullets also struck and critically injured two other individuals behind the podium who had been standing upon the tiered-bleachers. With an abrupt glance at the statistics displayed on the Jumbotron screen, a slight turn of the head, a miniscule change of angle — a bullet was missed by America.
CNN had been livestreaming their first ever Trump rally “on crystal clear HD feed,” while FOX and MSNBC were also broadcasting what would prove a failed-assassination attempt. The demonic higher-ups who had green-lit the network cameras were undoubtedly giddy with anticipation. Simultaneously, Doug Mills, a Pulitzer Prize winning photographer with The New York Times had suspiciously configured his Sony A1 camera5 to capture images at a shutter speed of 1/8,000th-of-a-second — ideal for photographing “live-fire scenarios” and “exploding objects” in exquisite detail. On September 11, 2001, Mills had famously captured the “alibi image” of President George Bush Jr being notified of the New York Twin Tower terrorist attack while reading My Pet Goat to a classroom. Indeed, Mills has an uncanny knack for being in the right place at the wrong time. Mills snapped-away amidst the chaos, never stopping, and caught the wispy silver-streak that zipped past the cranium of the Republican Presidential nominee.6
Mills was supposed to snap it all, in all its scattered directions, in all its pink-blossoming rupture of horrific gore — but, he simply caught the passing bullet.
All FBI assets had been strategically positioned. The dead-eyed Secret Service Director, Kim Cheatle (appointed by Jill Biden to her position), had cunningly denied Trump his full Secret Service detail. Coincidentally, both Jill Biden and Kamala Harris were also in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, at precisely the same time as Trump. Jill was going to speak at a 1200-attendee “Italian Sons and Daughters of America dinner,” while Harris would be speaking at the “Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote Presidential Town Hall.”7 Both Harris and Jill Biden would require Secret Service personnel, with Jill Biden receiving twelve of Trump’s regular agents, leaving him with just three. The remainder of Trump’s security detail would be comprised of a motley-assortment of bumbling B-grade Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents.8
If it were not for Divine Intervention — Trump was scheduled to be terminated that day.

A cretin-chinned and mind-fractured 20-year-old MK-Ultra victim had been groomed as the sacrificial patsy. Thomas Mathew Crooks had bizarrely featured in a BlackRock promotional video in 2022, the same BlackRock (Austin Private Wealth linked-firm) that had attempted to “short twelve million shares of Trump Media & Technology Group just before the failed assassination” (a “clerical error,” of course).9
Crooks allegedly fired the last five of the eight bullets, with the first three having a slightly muted acoustic signature, and evidently fired from another rifle.10 At least one other shooter was concealed in the building behind, or directly below Crooks. No single Secret Service personnel had been allocated to the “dangerous”11 slight-slope of the glass-factory rooftop; instead, agents furtively photographed Crooks, and watched him carry and place a ladder, unpack a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle, fly a drone, use a rangefinder, and eventually bear-crawl to finally position himself to fire upon Trump. He was their enthusiastic boy gunning for greatness, and they did their utmost to support and encourage the scraggly soy-powered lad. They also shot him in the head for his efforts — which, despite the outcome, was always the participatory reward that awaited.
It was two days before the Republican National Convention and the official confirmation of Donald J Trump as the Republican 2024 US Presidential Candidate.
The Democrats had deliberately exposed Biden as a dessicated-husk of senility at the June 27 debate, and they had subsequently strung-him-up like a piñata to beat the unliving-dust out of his 2024 Presidential candidacy. During the debate, the “babbling” and “hoarse” Biden had caused “extreme panic,” and “anxious concern” amongst the Democrat donor-class, with a party consensus that he was now incapable of defeating Trump.12 Indeed, he had never defeated Trump. Biden was always the illegitimate usurper who had been reanimated by the Deep State with “frog-leg” electrodes, and shock-shuffled into The White House on a bountiful harvest of COVID-era fake ballots. The final exposure of Biden’s dire decrepitude was strategic: the Deep State-aligned Democrats were scheming to coup their corpse-like-codger after the July 15 Republican National Convention — they were simply bide’n their time while they waited for National Ice Cream Day (July 21).13

The Deep State were hoping to “reset” both potential Presidential Party Candidates.
The plan was to remove the incumbent Joe Biden, and to assassinate the blazing frontrunner Donald Trump before the RNC Convention on July 15 — causing nationwide demoralisation and fractious trauma.
In the chaotic aftermath, amidst a call for unity, the likely lose-lose scenario would see Americans being asked to vote for either the Globalist-puppetry of the Republican Nikki Haley, or the Democrat Kamala Harris. Either of these forced choices would inevitably result in World War 3. They would give the token “Presidency” to the Republicans this time, a party that would be thoroughly cleansed of the populist ambitions of MAGA, and trampled by rampaging RINOs. It would surely be President Nikki Haley elect — she would now benefit from the sympathetic, yet apathetic “vote” of a dispirited America languishing in a nationwide listlessness. The drunken harlotry of the buffoonish “Vice President” Harris would be hastily whisked away, not only by a change of sheets, but an abrupt change of bed.
It was early Saturday evening, and as New York Sen. Chuck Schumer had said on MSNBC in 2017: “Let me tell you, you take on the Intelligence Community, they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.”14 They had tried delegitimising the 2016 US Election with The Russiagate Hoax, two flimsy impeachments, brazenly stealing the 2020 US Election, hoaxing The January 6 Capital Insurrection; followed by fictitious lawfare and laughable felony charges, and now, having exhausted five ways — they would take the head of The People’s King before Sunday.
Concurrently, in Monte Rio, California, on a restricted 2,700-acre campground, beneath the towering canopies of gigantic Californian redwoods, many Deep State acolytes were ironing their Druidic robes and gleefully distributing ample kerosene for their soon-to-be-lit medieval torches. It was mid-July, and tonight, the most prominent men in the world were secretly gathered at The Bohemian Grove15 to partake in the evening’s sacrificial “Cremation of Care” ritual. The 30-ft Owl Shrine was being suitably desecrated and prepared to reflect the proceedings upon the surrounding artificial lake. They had been promised a “sacrifice to end all sacrifices…”

Had they killed Trump, they may just have killed America — and the entire Western World.
This bullet had the potential to be the opening salvo of The Second American Civil War; the harbinger of Martial law, overt totalitarianism and mass gun confiscation16; the catalyst for an unending declaration of a State of Emergency that could have plausibly suspended the November US Presidential Election; the precipitator for the free-fall collapse of the US dollar and the tethered global economy that it would uniformly wreck; the excuse for imposing a “rescue solution” of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and Universal Basic Income (UBI) upon all interconnected Western economies; perhaps even the casus belli for war with Iran17 — all livestreamed, and explosively captured at 1/8,000th-of-a-second.
And They missed. For the Luciferian Globalist Cabal and their Democrat (and Republican) co-conspirators, it was the "most significant operational failure" in decades.
Trump is undeniably a political maverick. Smugly masculine and offhand in manner, he is an unpredictable Populist — beloved by many. He is also a fallible and thoroughly frustrating individual. Patriots, Conservatives, Christians and Center/Right-leaning Americans have projected much of their own wishful-thinking desires upon the idea of Trump — and he has successfully galvanised such ideas, and projected them back. There are those who absolutely lionise him, and those who irrationally despise the media-construct of “Trump” that has been seared into their frontal lobes.
Both supporters and detractors are equally entranced by his hypnotically gruff and abrasive persona. Trump is simultaneously both a saviour and saboteur; an alleged 4D chess-master, and the barbaric flipper-of-the-chessboard; a source of hope, and a trigger of despair; the White Hat’s QAnon King, or “literally Hitler.” The objective truth is probably somewhere in between — a ruthless business man who means business, who entered the political realm where certain things are “no man’s business,” unless it is “business as usual.” He attempted to make the welfare of America “his business,” and was met with the Full Spectrum of Deep State resistance.
Many cannot excuse Trump’s obsequious servitude to Zionism, and his unwillingness to recant the bioweapon unleashed by his administration’s celebrated “Operation Warp Speed.” However, to be contrary to the wishes of Israel, and to defy the global mass psychosis that frantically demanded a “vaccine” — would have been impossible. He is but a man who directly witnessed the inner-workings of a globe-spanning monolithic machine, and perhaps little can be done to thwart the forward-grinding of its colossal cogs. The executive lever was never truly in his hands. He certainly tried against insurmountable odds, and they literally sham-trialled him from every angle for his tireless efforts.
And he is still relentlessly trying…
Trump undeniably resides amongst the stratosphere of the Billionaire Class, and although he has surely waded through The Swamp, he has never wallowed in it. If he had, they would have already dredged-up the evidence to destroy him. He truly represents a rival power faction amongst our civilizational Elites, or rather, a splintering from the oligarchical obsession to subjugate, and to depopulate vast sums of the masses. Importantly, he is a Nationalist, not a Globalist; a proven peacemaker and a formidable anti-war proponent who champions the ideology of “America First” — the restoration of an America Nation that is undergirded by traditionalism and Western Christianity.
Ultimately, “Donald Trump” is the embodiment of an imperishable idea — the idea of Making America Great Again (MAGA) for the American people. Trump’s ideology stands in stark opposition to the neo-Marxist Left and the Globalist aspirations for a Technocratic New World Order: a return to Golden Age Capitalism versus Neo-Feudalistic serfdom.
Trump is certainly not perfect, but he is also not one of them — and that is why their bullet almost made him a martyr.
If America falls, the world will fall.
“Fight! Fight! Fight!”

TWITTER/X:Stephen Reason @stephen_reason
TELEGRAM (new page):https://t.me/StephenReasonChannel
What Kind of Equipment & Settings were used?
— Mr. Mills was using a Sony A1 and 24mm f/1.4 GM, capable of capturing images at up to 30 frames per second. Priced at $6,499.
— He took these photos with a shutter speed of 1/8,000th of a second. Extremely Fast by industry standards.
The above is quoted from NYT themselves.
Source: https://nytimes.com/2024/07/14/us/politics/photo-path-trump-assassination.html
“All of a sudden, there was what I thought were three or four loud pops. At first I thought it was a car. The last thing I thought was it was a gun. I kept taking pictures. He went down behind the lectern, and I thought, “Oh my God, something’s happened.” I’ve never been in a more horrific scene. As much as I’ve covered presidents for 35 to 40 years, it’s not something I ever wanted to witness.” — Doug Mills, 'A Times Photographer Who Was Feet Away From Trump Describes the Shooting', The New York Times, the 14th of July, 2024
Bohemian Grove: Summer Encampment Monday July 8th thru July 28th
The Cremation of Care is an annual ritual production written, produced, and performed by and for members of the Bohemian Club. It is staged at the Bohemian Grove near Monte Rio, California, in front of a 40-foot tall image of a Minervan owl, at a small artificial lake amid a private old-growth grove of Redwood trees.
A good summary, thanks. Glad you posted it.
Thank you for a very comprehensive report. I am so thankful the Deep State wasn't successful!