A good summary, thanks. Glad you posted it.

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Thank you for a very comprehensive report. I am so thankful the Deep State wasn't successful!

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Excellent article. I'm glad I was forwarded it. Glad you published it.

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I am glad to read this, because lately I've been influenced by writers arguing that Trump is, against all evidence to the contrary, just another sneaky part of the drama they've cast us upon us. Some details do lead one to question; as in the strange calm, relatively un-panicked reactions of the crowd behind him. And the perfection of the iconic photo does smack of "staged". And it's possible that even Trump's team is up to some wily psyops of their own, to counter that of the enemy. I'd not blame them in that case.

But that small possibility apart; all that you say here about Donald Trump is true, and above all, he's not a Hollywood actor. Trump as "in on it" would be 6-d chess that not even the sadistic global cabal is capable of masterminding. Their mind-fuckery can only go so far.

But I'm suspicious of JD Vance, given his bio and ties to Palantir. Plus, his surname is uncomfortably close to "Pence"!

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Yes, there is a trend amongst certain writers to be intentionally contrarian and to fabricate material that is driven by pure junk sensationalism, a sense of exclusive "superior knowledge," and an arrogant one-upmanship attitude. Often, despite their fantastical theories -- their ever-so-edgy ideas are simply not reflected in reality. Trump is certainly not the Jewish Messiah "Melekh Mashiach," nor the "Beast of Revelations" as many such commentators have "revealed," and he certainly has not been anointed by the Deep State as their chosen man... they constantly thwarted his Presidential ambitions during his four years, and they certainly wish him dead now... and it is not all "a show for the masses, and Trump is in on it." He is a Nationalist, and The Great Resetters cannot have nation-states in their envisioned One World AI-governed Technocracy.

Also, 'the strange calm, relatively un-panicked reactions of the crowd' behind Trump has a psychological explanation: Normalacy Bias. Basically, it is a cognitive bias which leads people to disbelieve or minimize threat warnings -- they simply cannot apprehend in the moment that their reality has dramatically shifted, and their perception of "normal" continues uninterrupted, often to their determent. A famous case was an airplane that during takeoff had tragically overflown a second airplane, and its wheels literally ripped the roof off that second airplane... some people were able to flee the burning plane, while others sat paralysed in their seats, unable to "perceive" the dramatic change in reality because of their normalacy bias... while many survived, they all recounted those that remained seated, often smiling, and oblivious to their imminent death.

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Aug 6Edited

Have a look at the background of Vance's wife. She is closely linked to Bill Gates and his buddies. She studied on a Gates scholarship at Cambridge University.

"The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation established the Gates Cambridge Scholarships in 2000 with a $210 million donation to support outstanding graduate students' study at the University of Cambridge.[2] The gift is the largest single donation to a British university.[3][4] The Gates Cambridge Trust's endowment is valued at £333.9 million as of 2023."

Note the occult 333.9 million figure.


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Then, too, as Sage Hana said:

"That good old rebel Donald Trump was pushing that Fear Porn like a boss:

'I’ve been watching them bring in trailer trucks — freezer trucks, they’re freezer trucks, because they can’t handle the bodies, there are so many of them.'”

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Trump IS part of the act. Your suspicions are correct. Reason is leading you astray.

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This piece has been extensively researched, and the evidence certainly substantiates that the Deep State signalled, and then acted to have Trump taken out. With all evidence considered, it is preposterous to suggest that this "was staged," and that Trump merely "played his role." Why would he stage is own assassination attempt when he was still running against the disastrous Biden Regime (and presumptive Democrat Presidential nomination), and his chance of re-election after the debate was astronomically high? He was basically unbeatable.

The Deep State have been actively thwarting Trump since he was elected in 2016, and they have been both ruthless, and relentless in their attacks. They literally tried everything, and once their repertoire of attacks were exhausted (two sham impeachments, endless lawfare, countless media hoaxes, Russia Gate etc) -- they tried to kill Trump, knowing that this time (without the COVID-era mail-in fraud) they would not be able to defeat him at the ballot box.

They failed, and he won.

Have you considered that your sources might have their own biases, and that some might be deliberately contrarian, sensationalist, or even just playing the whole one-upmanship game of "my insight is more right than yours" because of my "exclusive knowledge" that so many surprisingly popular writers practice on Substack and beyond? Perhaps, you might have been lead astray by a host of disingenuous "alternative Truthers?" Many unwittingly have, and will continue to be.

Rather than "Trump IS part of the act," it is probably more true to assert that Trump is the figurehead of a rival faction of Billionaires that are at odds with the NWO Cabal, and are aligned with advancing humanity, rather than reducing humanity to the digital-serfs envisioned by those advocating for The Great Reset.

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Thanks Steven for your analysis; different and solid. A proper case is made.

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Glad you still posted this. Excellent read, thank you.

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I’m in the “I’m not really sure if Trump was shot” camp. Or at least it must have been a very minor graze-no sign of injury a week or two ago.

And the Bohemian Grove thing-I saw some of the leaked footage, but someone pointed out a little while back-they must have known someone was there, possibly filming, as they would have huge security. (More than Trump on his day, anyway). But these Bohemian Grovers are weird at the very least. I’d like to know who some of them are. I know WHAT they are-satanists.

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Thankfully it WAS "a very minor graze", which naturally healed quickly enough.

The person filming at Bohemian could have been a rogue worker (server, cook, groundskeeper) with knowledge of and access to said grounds.

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I watched the entire video presentation before the link was disabled, and the researcher's criticisms, and the connections and revelations he presents are all valid and disconcerting. However, I think these pro-Israel funders would not have favoured just one particular candidate, but would have supported both Trump and Harris to effectively guarantee a direct channel of influence within The White House. Unfortunately, American politics, culture, entertainment and media have all been entirely infiltrated and manipulated by Zionists and their pro-Zionist agendas for numerous decades. Trump would not have been able to run as a Republican Presidential candidate if he was an avowed opponent of Zionist Israel, and if he had been publicly critical of America's exorbitant patronage and military support. Trump undoubtedly knows what he is up against. It remains to be seen how effective Trump will be in curtailing and hopefully extricating America from the future Middle-Eastern Wars that are required for The Greater Israel Project to succeed.

Also, unlike this researcher, I do not believe that the Zionists (many of whom are amongst the key proponents of the American Deep State) rigged the election in favour of Donald Trump. Trump was not meant to win. They did everything they could to legally and illegally destroy his reputation, finances and liberty... and then, exasperated, they took their panicked shot at him, and missed. There is no way that Kamala Harris received 74+ million votes, and clearly all manner of ballot chicanery was again employed to attempt a second crucial steal for the Democrats. Ultimately, it proved "too big to rig," but rig they most certainly did, but they could not rig it to the extent that Harris would prevail.

Incidentally, Mike Huckabee, Trump's pick for US Ambassador to Israel, posted and supported my work on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament on his media channel, and has been vehemently outspoken (perhaps ironically) against the many globalist/Deep State evils.

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So, what is your current take on the Trumpster? He has given 12 billion to Israel, and yet shuts down Ukraine. what do you make of that?

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Hi Stephen, I must apologise for the lengthy delay in getting back to you. I have been thinking about this article of your off and on for a while. Unfortunately we are still a long way from having enough awake to Israel but perhaps the tide is beginning to turn? We shall see.



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“The Trump psyop is so multi-layered and undeniably genius.

The establishment has successfully conditioned both parties to focus on Trump for all the wrong reasons.

He's not Hitler, like Democrats think. And he's not a savior, like Republicans think.

He is a very convincing, consuming, and charismatic actor, who will absolutely be selected this election, so he can continue to distract supporters of both parties.

Meanwhile, the technocrats and global cabal who fund them will move forward with implementing all of the policies we've been successfully distracted from.

They will "end the Fed"... and replace it with CBDC.

They will "control the borders"... with biometric surveillance.

They will implement a "voter ID"... that will become your digital ID.

They will present "The Everything App"... that will manage your social credit score.

This won't happen overnight, but it will happen, unless we stop the madness now. We are consumed by a scripted reality TV show. It might be entertaining, but continuing to be distracted by it will only solidify our digital prison.

Make no mistake: the technocratic pied piper is Trump, and Americans of all political leanings are following his tune down to the river.”

Words by Just.A.Thought @e_galv

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Keep in mind that these assumptions and suspicions are all just a well articulated opinion. It is a perspective, and merely a projection of an imagined reality that may occur during a possible Trump Presidency. All of these things have yet to come to pass; they may indeed happen, or they may never happen.

There are so many unknowns, and these will only become known when they are verifiably KNOWN...

We obviously need to remain discerning and watch and observe, and take note of whether Trump's words and statements translate into actions with positive consequences. We need to hold him to account.

What is currently known is that Trump is publicly against a Federal Digital Dollar and a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDCs). What is unknown is whether he will remain resolutely against CBDCs?

We can start with Trump's statement:

"Last week (January 30th, 2024), presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump said that he would "never allow" the U.S. to create a central bank digital currency (CBDC). He believes that doing so would be a "dangerous threat to freedom," as it would allow the government to have "absolute control" over money with the ability to seize funds and monitor transactions without individuals' knowledge. 

"To protect Americans from government tyranny, as your president, I will never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency," Trump said."


And now we must remain cautiously optimistic that Trump does not waver from this position. If he should, the opinion (which you quoted) becomes a valid projection. An unknown becomes a known — and then we can reasonably suspect (with evidence) that Trump is cunningly working to advance one key agenda (CBDCs) of the Technocrats.

I think we should approach it like this, and when the unknowns become known — we should then adjust our expectations and opinions accordingly.

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Thank you for your considered and polite response. Let’s keep in touch and see what the first significant thing to transpire will be.

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You're most welcome! Let's see how things progress. It will be interesting times, no doubt!

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