ExcessDeathsAU has written a complimentary piece that examines the proposed Bill. It can be read here:


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Thank you kindly!

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Excellent article, thank you!

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These public sector people have been failing upwards for a couple of decades now ☹️ nobody is ever promoted based on merit, (Local Govt, State Govt & Fed Govt agencies are all the damned same - just whose ever backside the snout is stuck within!) Sorry, I have seen it far too often over the years in direct employment with them ☹️ No bloody wonder we have useless imbeciles in the public sector promoting this nonsense 😡

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Indeed, they all fail upwards, as failed humans but successful sociopaths. These 'useless imbeciles in the public sector' are undeniably USEFUL for advancing agendas -- they have no integrity, ethics or morality...

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Wonderfully articulated article, wish I could pen my thoughts & words with graceful sagaciousness.

I believe this Jesuit Albanese Labor government proposed "voice" & "misinformation and disinformation bill" to legislate in order to racially & socially divide this nation & too censor and suppress our God conceived freedom of speech and conscience IS Anathema! God bless.

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Thank you, Tom! It is certainly my gift, and I feel compelled to write for the benefit of all.

The digital 'Misinformation and Disinformation Bill' is exactly what a burgeoning authoritarian government (attempting to maintain the veneer of a democracy) would attempt to implement to stifle the power of truth, before it completely undermines their assumed power over the people. They will not win, they cannot win.

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Brilliantly dissected. Thank you!

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Thank you! Much appreciated.

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Absolutely great article. Have to agree with everything said in it. People are becoming wiser, slowly, because the Government and the cabal have shown their hands a little too early and people have seen through their dirty tricks to enslave us all. They, the government, keep trying to hide the truth and sweep what bits get out under the carpet, but truth has a niggling way of breaking free. The first sign of a tyranny is censorship. They did it in nazi Germany by burning books and propaganda and by telling neighbours and friends to snitch on each other. The repeat is happening now and did happen during the 3 covid years, in a slightly different form. Instead of book burning we had deplatforming and propaganda put out by the mainstream television non stop. At one point so called health officials were telling people to snitch on the neighbours. Hopefully enough truth will leak out and enough people will wake up to the scams of the rich and famous and the now tyrannical government that we have here in Oz.


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This new organisation is suspect as it wants to know what information is being held and touted and by whom so that it can pinpoint any free thinking groups or people who oppose their ideas. Why seek for truth when it should be open to all now & not be dredged up from odd depths to inform others of what this organisation will believe and promote as correct There are too many channels around what is offered as truth integrity and honesty and this plan will offer many alternatives not yet apparent but it should be something to consider by all people and not have it thrust upon the public

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It will be an insidious Ministry of Truth that controls the free-flow of information, revises history and science, and only permits the public to be exposed to the approved "facts" that support the Official Narrative -- ALWAYS. This is an all-out assault on free-speech and what it means to be human. We have witnessed that the Official Narrative (COVID-19 fraud) is usually cobbled with deliberate inaccuracies, outright falsities, and propagandised data that only serve the marketing interests of a Transnational Corporatocracy (of which AstraZeneca, Moderna and Pfizer are the Biomedical Big Pharma component). We were told that it was unquestionably 'Safe and Effective' as daily cases rose exponentially with the increased vaccinated rate, and as the vaccines literally created the true pandemic and maimed, and killed multitudes. According to the Official Narrative -- it is still "Safe and Effective."

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They also don't want to investigate the excess deaths. That was voted down in our parliament. What a surprise. Of course they know very well what has caused all the deaths.


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So what's Peter Dutton saying about all this?

And David Littleproud? Oops, sorry. I forgot he SUPPORTS it! I saw him say as much on the Today Show!

That man is a disgrace as a National Party member AND a supposed "conservative", and should be kicked out of the party!!!

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Says it all meaning we will tell you what we think you may need to know and you ignorant ones will have to accept it Thanks for comment

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Make an easy submission to the Department with this petition: https://citizengo.org/en-au/rf/211329-hands-online-free-speech

George Orwell would have turned 120 last Sunday.

He wrote the famous novel 1984 in which a totalitarian government determines what ‘facts’ are allowed to be believed via its Ministry of Truth.

Bizarrely, last Sunday was the day the Australian Government announced it would be setting up its own ‘Ministry of Truth’.

That’s right! On George Orwell’s birthday, Australia’s Albanese Labor Government declared it would trample over freedom of speech by giving a government agency new powers to combat what it deems as ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ online.

Stop Labor’s anti-free speech laws! Sign the petition today: https://citizengo.org/en-au/rf/211329-hands-online-free-speech

The question is who gets to determine what is misinformation or disinformation and what is the truth?

The past few years have shown us that many things declared as ‘fake news’ one day end up being proven truthful several months down the track.

The Albanese Labor Government haven’t said how they will determine what they believe to be false or not, but they have said that they will target anything that they think is:

• hateful against the LGBTIQ community;

• disruptive to society;

• harmful to democracy;

• harmful to the environment; or

• harmful to the economy.

All of this is extremely subjective and open to someone’s interpretation.

The proposed law will cover social media platforms, search engines, news aggregators, web forums, video platforms like YouTube and podcasting platforms.

Just about everything on the internet is in the firing line of this new Australian ‘Ministry of Truth’!

Fight this attack on free speech by signing the petition: https://citizengo.org/en-au/rf/211329-hands-online-free-speech

Currently the proposed law and powers are in the draft stage and the Australian Government is seeking feedback on them.

Australians must grab this opportunity to defend free speech and tell the government they don’t want them regulating what can and can’t be said online.

If the people remain silent now then, in the not-too-distant future, silence is all that might be left for those who uphold the values of faith, freedom and family in Australia.

Tell the government to get its hands off our right to free speech today! Sign the petition: https://citizengo.org/en-au/rf/211329-hands-online-free-speech

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Thank you, George!

Tell the government to get its hands off our right to free speech today! Sign the petition: https://citizengo.org/en-au/rf/211329-hands-online-free-speech

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Words fail me a lot lately .

It is however so clear to me now, why, you left that place George .

I know you once said that you had never seen any sign of demonic activity whilst there. At the time your comment made me quite suspicious, of you.... because when I visited the ACT and P.H about two years ago , just for the weekend - such sign's were every where and in a most intense way.

For the record I have never been one to focus on demonic activity . Perhaps that has been to my own and my children's detriment ?

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Hello Kaylene, I know this comment was meant for George Christensen (as he cross-posted my piece and you have received it via his Substack mail-out). There are demons in parliament, as well as inept and immoral puppets that perform demonically -- of this, you can be absolutely certain!

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here we go again. unelected telling us what to do. Could you have a chat with him George in parliamentary language?https://www.infrastructureaustralia.gov.au/about/ceo#:~:text=Adam%20Copp%20was%20appointed%20Acting,the%20Council%20of%20Australian%20Governments.

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Who are the real forces behind the NWO: Centuries of organised deception....


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How is it that such government reach has become the order of the day across the so called democracies? It is cunning and baffling and I am afraid all that this takes towards is a global co-ordinated roll out of restriction of individual rights and freedoms in the name of made up crisis' both social and otherwise. We live in an upside world now more than ever...thank you Stephen for your erudite and clear writing which both addresses the challenges we are facing but does so in a literary astute way.

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You have to wonder as the "legacy media" claimed and the Government confirmed that there was mass killing of indigenous children at Catholic schools, in Kamloops, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Interestingly enough with NO fact based evidence to support the claim. The Liberal Government used this opportunity to join the propaganda machine, as it was an election year, and they would appear to be concerned. Still to this date there has been NO forensic follow up and confirmation that atrocities actually happened on these sites. With all the media attention, and the lies projected, many still believe that the Catholic church were on a rampage to kill the native children. I believe in truth, that has to be back up with science and facts. Then we can deal with the fall out.

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