US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2024: America First, or America Finished?
The case for the re-election of Donald J. Trump: War or Peace?
On Tuesday, the 5th of November, 2024 — a date and time predetermined by an 1845 law that consolidated a single election day for all Fifty States — North Americans will descend upon local polling stations to cast their democratic vote. The two houses of the US Congress: The House of Representatives and the Senate will be decided; and a new Commander-in-Chief will be elected to the Executive Branch, lodging in The White House, and ensconced within The Oval Office to dutifully sign executive orders and issue decrees across domestic soil, and lands afar.
Historically, for a formally agrarian country, the seasonal harvest was finished, and the autumnal weather was still mild and conducive to motivating voter turnout. Every four years, on this designated Tuesday, those of “…the land of the free and the home of the brave” could freely partake in choosing their next President within the established parameters of their celebrated political system — their bravery in the American Revolutionary War (1775-83) against British rule had won them the prized freedom to do so. It had also won them their constitutional republic, bound by the Constitution, and protected by the First and Second Amendments: the right to freedom of speech, and the right to keep and bear arms.
Alas, the idyllic past is now wistfully remembered, and long gone. Freedom, and free speech is imperiled, and the preservation of the Constitution is in jeopardy. America is now the heartland of a globe-spanning Military Industrial Complex on the verge of instigating World War III — a tottering Empire of Chaos in the necrotic-throes of its unipolar demise. The war to be waged is both abroad, and domestic.
This November will prove the most significant US Presidential Election in the history of The United States of America.
Americans are being impelled to vote: either former President Donald J. Trump, or the current usurper, and nominal Vice President, Kamala Harris.
One candidate has been endorsed by over 200-Republicans from the Neocon Bush-era warmongers1, while the other has a record of “no new wars,” and wants to broker peace deals. War or peace? Indeed, the next President will not only decide the fate of America, its boom, or its doom, but, as the very epicentre of our Western Anglosphere — all strategic decisions issued by Washington will undoubtedly prove civilizational in impact.
The Peacekeeper, or the Warmonger? The Isolationist or the Globalist? The Populist or The Establishment?
America First, or America Finished?
There is no true Democrat, or Republican Party, there is only The Deep State
The two-party system is urging its respective side to “Save our Democracy,” to “overcome Evil, to “prevent four more years of four more years of…” Propaganda, cultic entrainment, and rigid cognitive biases have always been exploited to divide and enthrall the masses, and to program and inform their choice. This is standard electioneering. Cynicism and despair will demotivate many, willful abstention will discount others, while a combination of progressive neo-liberal zealotry, and a sense of patriotic duty to defend the constitutional republic will mobilise legions of voters from both sides. Cheating will also be rampant.
Democrats were once the party of anti-establishment, anti-war, anti-corporation, free-speech and progressivism; while the Republicans were traditionally defined by their conservative ideology, Christian faith, traditionalist mentality, patriotic militarism and general pride in an American Nation richly ploughed by the sweat of Capitalist endeavour.
The ethos of the Republican Party remains largely intact, while the Democrat Party is now The Party of Chaos: championing irrationality, hysteria, sexual perversion, illegal immigration, Big Government, Corporate Media, Big Tech, censorship of speech, limitations on freedom, medical tyranny and forever wars.
Irrespective of Democrat or Republican, each persuasion regards their Party as solely, and inherently Good, with the other, the opposite, a representation of all that must be reviled, rejected and overcome: Evil.
Each sees the other, as the other, sees the other. This strategic division has been instrumental in weakening social cohesion. It serves primarily to distract the masses, and blurs any unified focus that might otherwise illuminate the shadowy ongoings of their true Shadow Government: the entrenched Deep State.
In truth, since the 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy — both Parties have been unequivocally Evil, and fundamentally aligned against the American citizenry.
The illusory choice between prior candidates: George W. Bush (Republican) and Al Gore (Democrat) in 2000, and the 2008 choice between Barack Obama (Democrat) and John McCain (Republican) were all Establishment choices, and the successful candidate in each of these prior US Presidential Elections was certainly not elected by the people, but purposely selected in accordance with the incremental destruction they were entrusted to implement. This modus operandi has long been so.
Both former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama were merely two halves of one fascistic whole, the Far Right and the Far Left of extreme governance, each pursuing the exact same authoritarian and anti-human agenda: the internal destruction of the American Nation, a gradual erasure of freedoms, and the wanton slaughter of untold innocents abroad. However, the true battle was always against the home-front.
Until the miscalculated surprise election of Donald Trump in 2016, each Party has only ever been superficially distinct, with both being politically interchangeable, and truly Evil. Trump was a maverick, a dark horse, a political outsider (to some, a mere joke that soon became unfunny) — and certainly not expected to win. Hilary Clinton was the Establishment, and despite winning The Popular Vote due to extensive rigging — they simply did not rig enough in the critical swing states. In 2016, The Deplorables voted overwhelmingly against The Establishment and their vile Satanic witch.
The Deep State would rectify this in 2020 by imploding a booming Trump economy with their “virus,” and yielding a bountiful harvest of Covid-era fake-ballots to secure the outrageous steal. The dementia-riddled “Joe Biden” was brazenly installed as part of a “humiliation ritual” against the American populace. The decay was accelerated.
In 2020 it was imperative that They absolutely stopped Trump; and They have not stopped attempting to stop Trump.
The uncontrollable Trump Administration was an impediment to their Biomedical-Fascist State — and had to be prematurely terminated. Now, allied with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., he remains doubly so. Indeed, a second Trump term is an existential threat to their reality.
Amidst a global atmosphere of Mass Formation Psychosis, Trump endeavoured to downplay the “fake pandemic,” but despite advocating for proven treatments such as hydroxychloroquine23 and Ivermectin,4 resisting a nation-wide lockdown,5 refusing mandates,6 and criticising the mass-masking of the populace7 — he became a “Pandemic President” expected to deliver a vaccine at any cost. The DARPA-produced “gene-therapy” jab was a bioweapon — and many cannot excuse Trump’s overstated role in its development under Operation Warp Speed,8 but it was truly unstoppable. He had no choice, and was probably purposefully misled and misinformed by The White House Coronavirus Task Force. The global “disease hysteria” demanded a vaccine, and there was naught that an incumbent Trump Administration —hopeful of a second term— could do to counter the frenzied demand.
However, Trump would not have mandated the vaccine — and that is why they stole the last four years from him. Had Trump retained his Presidency, Vladimir Putin would not have commenced his self-defence Special Military Operation against the neo-Nazi Ukrainian regime who were scheming to strike Russia with the backing of an expedited NATO membership (and a war waged by all NATO countries upon Russian soil to “balkanise” Russia and ultimately erase the Russian Nation); Iran would have remained regionally subdued; and the Israeli response to the Hamas incursion would have been measured, contained, and reasonably curtailed. Hamas may never have been activated on October 7th.
Trump was against the Geneva-based plunder projects of the Predatory Elites embedded within the World Economic Forum (WEF);9 against Bill Gate’s World Health Organisation (WHO)10 and the nascent One World Government promised by The United Nations;11 against the demonisation of carbon and the forced deindustrialisation proposed by The Paris Accords;12 against all forms of perverse cultural-Marxism; against the globalism of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).13
Trump was unconditionally America First, and fundamentally opposed to the installation of a Great Reset Biosecurity Police State — and that is why he was deposed.
The planned collapse of America and the rise of a New World Order
The United States of America is the undeniable fulcrum of the Anglocentric Western World, interpenetrating and influencing every country and culture, as its political twists and turns, turn and twist our civilizational reality. All are affected, and all are inextricably impacted by its multi-continental planetwide sprawl.
Should tyranny reign supreme in the US, tyrants, and their apparatus of biomedical-technocratic tyranny will be emboldened and permanently installed the world over; should the US Dollar be induced to collapse — all underpinned global currencies will simultaneously falter and cascade into a catastrophic Global Depression.
If America falls, a new centralised Global Government will emerge from Geneva, clandestinely overseen by Davos stewardship and its Billionaire Predator Class, with the previous nations, and demarcated nation-states, having been obsoleted. There will no longer be a “United States of America” a ‘…one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,’ but, rather: one homogenised and heavily-medicated globalised human-mass, borderless, history-less, nation-less and godless. All surviving trans-humanised citizens will be reduced to impoverished serfs, sterilized, enslaved, and corralled into 15-Minute City ghettos, only to be centrally ruled by Techno-Feudalists.
A necessitated New World Order of AI-Governance will offer a lifeline of Universal Basic Income (UBI) to the starving bug-masticating masses, and a tracked Central Bank Digital Currency (CDBC) will be gifted to the desperate people in exchange for an abolishment of all personal debit coupled with the forfeiture of all private land, assets and individual ownership — it will be the only ordered path out of the chaos: Ordo Ab Chao.
Endless surveillance, 5G-irradiated Smart City hives, multifaceted depopulation programs, Martial Law and Police State social control, mandated medications and Vaccine Passports, absolute compliance: peace.
You will own nothing and be happy. Or be dead.
This is the dystopic future envisioned by the Transnational Corporatocracy that oversees the triumvirate of the United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF) and World Health Organisation (WHO). This supranational Public-Private Partnership of billionaires exploits these organisations to further its “Great Reset” objectives and bring about “The Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
Indeed, both Republican and Democrat Parties have been utterly beholden to a Transnational Corporatocracy that also helms the Military Industrial Complex and owns the Corporation of America: Wall Street, BlackRock, Vanguard, Legacy Mainstream Media, Hollywood, Big Tech, Big Agriculture, and Big Pharma.
This Transnational Corporatocracy aspires to raze civilization, and start anew.
A Third World War makes all this possible.
This is also the current trajectory of the United States under the illegitimate “Joe Biden Presidency,” and the foredoomed outcome should the parasitised “Democratic Party” steal a second election. The Technocratic-Globalists (“the enemy within”) only wish to accelerate their wanton debasement and dismantlement of the American Nation — and any America First obstruction, and the threat of a Presidential candidate dedicated to preserving the American Nation is simply anathema to their agenda.
The future of the world depends on the 2024 Election: War or Peace
The entrenched Deep State Establishment always chooses. They have chosen against Trump, and they chose to shoot him,14 twice — and missed. They will now act to preserve their own through all manner of dastardly and heinous acts — generating phantom ballots from glitching Dominion Machines, and again resorting to extensive mail-in fraud. Should it prove “too big to rig,” the people will be punished for their freewill choice. They will undoubtedly cyberattack critical infrastructure,15 lay siege to cities with their Soros-funded ANTIFA brown-shirts; terrorise with Human Bird Flu, mass animal culls, and Disease X; and potentially activate sleeper cells embedded amongst the approximately twenty-million illegals, fomenting strife and chaos to catalyse a new civil war.
The “enemy within” is currently within The White House.
Kamala Harris is the Deep State’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) candidate, a token “Black woman,” meritless, soulless, and utterly incompetent, who will merely continue the policies of systematically destroying the prosperity, health, infrastructure, food, culture and optimism of every American citizen, while gleefully teleprompting the narrative for World War III.
The ever-vacuous and alcohol-addled Harris is a pretender extraordinaire. She is an Indian woman appropriating African-American heritage, a low IQ succubus16 who was shunted into the Presidential race as a desperate “last resort” when the Deep State botched their assassination attempt on Trump. The least popular Vice President in history17 and the public-face responsible for the open border policy and the invasion of twenty-million illegal aliens, she was not able to get a single vote in the 2020 primaries,18 and is renowned for her insufferable mistreatment of staffers.19 Unserious, inauthentic, and nervously cackling between slurred intonations of tossed word-salad inanity — she is campaigning with just one central policy: Death.
Kamala Harris is The Death Cult: the death of the economy, the death of culture, the death of the people, the death of the American Dream.
The MAGA hope
The opportunity to vote for political representation is a freewill gesture given to the people: a choice, between two choices. America is not a Techno-Communist gulag, yet. Many rightfully bemoan the trope of “two wings of the same bird,” Left or Right, Democrat or Republican — but those wings are now pinioned, the bird lies supine, outstretched and flightless, with the only discernable vital sign being the rise and fall of a breast writhing with bloated maggots. America has died, consumed by an assortment of gluttonous and insatiable parasites, but the illusion of a “representative democracy” must persist until the gradualism of creeping Totalitarianism has encaged all.
In truth, America is now a zombified-nation, dead, but kept necromantically-animated for a forthcoming paradigm-collapse: the strategic toppling of its tremendous corpse will bring down the entire interdependent modern world, upheaving the global economic and geopolitic order, and necessitating a preplanned Great Reset.
Or so They hope.
There is no actual Democrat Party, and the previous political configuration of the GOP Republican Party is no more: there is only Deep State infestation…
…and then there is Trump, and the phenomenon of Trumpism: the promise of MAGA (Make America Great Again) and the phoenix-rise of restoration, renewal and return from the smouldering ashes.
The idea of MAGA burns bright — may it burn long, may it burn true, and may it burn away the Darkness as it illuminates and lights a new path for America and the world.
May it bring peace, or at least an obstruction to endless US-backed wars.
That is the hope, and that is all we have, and that is only represented by the re-election of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States: The Populist, the quintessential Capitalist Magnate from an American Golden Era, and The People’s King.
The alternative is the beginning of the end.
RELATED POST: JULY 13: The Day the Deep State Failed to Shoot Trump
TWITTER/X:Stephen Reason @stephen_reason
Harris endorsed by former Republican Vice president, Dick Cheney:
Incidentally, on July 19th, the accidental Microsoft IT CrowdStrike global outage occurred during the Republican National Convention at precisely the moment Donald J. Trump received his third GOP presidential nomination. A test, a warning, on how they intend on striking-out at the crowd and inducing widespread chaos.
"Trump told Netanyahu to end war – Israeli media
The former US president reportedly wants Israel’s war with Hamas over by Inauguration Day
Former US President Donald Trump told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he wants the war in Gaza over before he takes office in January, assuming he wins next week’s presidential election, the Times of Israel reported on Wednesday."
MAGA - Go Trump the world depends on you