PANDEMIC WRITINGS, Melbourne, Australia (2020-2022): piece published October 31, 2022
BOO! It is an unbelievably scary time. However, it is better to say, “Boo,” than not to say, “Boo” at all. Speak out if you can, anyway you can — as if the very preservation of your life and soul depends on it!
On this Halloween, as many Australians observe an Americanised ‘All Hallows’ Day’ tradition completely removed from its original Western Christian significance, we delight, and naively celebrate the iconography of the unholy: the Satanic. What was once a liturgical day to observe and pray for the purgatorial souls, saints (hallows), martyrs and all departed — has been inverted to act as a conduit for mainstreaming the occult. A temporary portal for the ghastly, the sinister, and the abominable, is opened within the minds of all who remain unaware.
Macabre motifs abound: zombified corpses, ghosts and goblins, witches and warlocks, canonical monsters (mummies, Dracula, Frankenstein, werewolves), human skeletal desecration of bones and skulls, and a phantasmagoria of demons — all cob-webbed and spider-crawled, rotting and splashed with abundant gore. The ubiquitous jack-o’-lantern pumpkin, both toothy and toothless (ostensibly grinning to ward-off vengeful spirits) is but a carved receptacle for accumulating the dark energy on this night of devils. Sure, it is all largely assumed to be harmless fun, an eve of ‘trick-or-treat’n,’ but as the innocent people spook and play — others conjure and invoke with focused intent, and deadly seriousness. This date is now their Black Mass, and they harness the misguided energy of the ignorant, and redirect it to energise darker self-serving manifestations. That is their trick. This is their treat.
Ah, but it has always been in this mortal interplay of Good and Evil, amongst humans and the inhuman, metaphysical and the physical, betwixt the Light and the Dark — as the eternal pursuit to either perfect, or to vandalise the human soul, takes place amongst the theatre of life between the polarities of the Spirit.
We choose a side, or the dark-side is chosen for us.
Scary things have happened, are happening, and no longer happen exclusively in the realm of shadows and unintelligible whispers. The Darkness has come to Light, or rather the Light is illuminating the Darkness for all to judge and discern. Political Evil is currently brazen and giddy with unchecked arrogance. The ghouls in government now parade their unrestrained hubris for all to behold — none more so than our own monstrous Victorian premier.
An opportunistic despot, or perhaps always a demon-incarnate, Dan Andrews certainly duped many with his daily “pandemic” sermons of doom. It was all serpentine lies. His sonorous tones, and the neurolinguistic hypnotism of his deliberate speech pattern (similar to forked-tongued Obama), cast a droning spell over all who remained anxiously enthralled to his televised updates and incremental diktats. Willingly caged and kowtowed, many had already rolled-up their sleeves, and were eager to sacrifice their children upon the mRNA altar — before the stabbing needle was even available. Such was the power of a Big Lie endlessly repeated.
While Andrews was preaching “apocalyptic plague” from his press-conference pulpit — the motivating Darkness was certainly showing its Hidden Hand for all those who could see. Their agenda was pure evil. Indeed, those behind this evil agenda were cunningly announcing their signature as they gloated over our collective naivety — and did so many times with numerical symbolism (911, and multiples of 1, 6, and 3s: 111, 666, 333) and overt imagery: pentagrams drawn in the sky over protestors, and “AFL football posters” proclaiming that ‘Melbourne is Demon Spirit.’
It was up to us to discern, and wholeheartedly reject.
A Darkness definitely descended upon Melbourne, or, perhaps, Hell’s putrid vapors ruptured the surface, and wafted from the subterranean pits below?
What follows is a date specific outline (chronological) of the genuinely spooky, unnerving and occult related phenomena observed during the cruel pandemic Reign of Dan Andrews.
NOTE: The quoted extracts used to illustrate the timeline have been taken from my original pieces. The complete pieces are available to read in full by clicking the footnoted link in the title.
September 1, 2020: A poisoning of the well?
SIGNS & PORTENTS: 'State of Emergency’ Powers Secured for an Additional 12-Months, as Storm Poisons Water Supply
‘In the realm of metaphoric reflection, if one observes the visible signs and portents as framed by the esoteric adages, ‘As above, so below,’ and, ‘As within, so without,’ last week’s catastrophic winds, power outages, and the “accidental” contamination of the drinking water for one-hundred-and-one Victorian suburbs, is both ominous and revealing. A gale-force wind is typically between 34-47 knots (63-87 km/h) and Victoria experienced 124 kilometres winds! Might the weather have been an outward expression of our collective internal torment? Perhaps it was a dramatic release of our constricted energy on a macro-scale — given that energy is never truly destroyed, but simply transferred and changed in expression?
Three days earlier, Andrews announced an autocratic desire for prolonging his psychological terrorisation for an additional 12 months. The overreach of this bumbling tyrant has already ushered in an unnecessary upheaval of normal life with the despair of a “new normal.” Our anxious awareness of his intent to continue this egregious ‘State of Emergency,’ is a realisation, whether intellectually or intuitively, that a sound can be heard, a tolling, and it is a virtual Death Knell for all desiring liberty…’
September 13, 2020: 666 occult signature
THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS: A Pentagram Drawn In The Sky Above Melbourne’s Second 'Freedom Day Protest'
‘Returning to our present tyrant, and the totalitarian regime he has clamped around and stomped upon Melbourne, I would like to direct you to his press conference on Sunday, the 6th of September - Father’s Day. After six months of continuous restrictions and increasingly harsh lockdowns, Andrews secured an extension to his ‘State of Emergency’ for an additional six months. So, on the 6th, after 6 months, an additional 6 months were attained: 666. It was also the date he revealed that his 'Roadmap for Victoria out of COVID' was nothing of the sort — a deceptive strategy for endless lockdown. Now, perhaps, this is mere coincidence, and such a number pattern is simply a synchronicity devoid of anything beyond an arbitrary meaning; however, he also announced that a total of 666 Victorians had died of COVID-19 by that date.1 This was extraordinary!’
September 13, 2020: Pentagram
THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS: A Pentagram Drawn In The Sky Above Melbourne’s Second 'Freedom Day Protest'
‘Yesterday, Saturday the 12th of September, the exact commemorative date of the Twin Towers “terrorist” attack on New York City (American date: 9th day of the 11th month, 911, Melbourne being 14 hours ahead of NYC), a second major protest was anticipated by the Victorian Police. It appears that this may have been a brilliant ruse on behalf of the protesters, as few attended, and the ridiculous legion of militarised police swarmed around the CBD with little to do, other than present themselves as shameful phalanxes. Each disgracefully aligned against Victorian citizens, each, a true enemy of the people, upholding the lawlessness and the diktats of a rogue government. Attired in blackness, they are indistinguishable in purpose from the SS once at Heinrich Himmler’s fiendish command.
Around 12:30pm, I read a Facebook post that alerted my attention to a supposed radar that was tracking an unknown, ‘BLOCKED’ plane, that was continuously circling and surveying the region of the CBD. It can be assumed that it was a reconnaissance craft, possibly unmanned, assumedly navigated remotely, but of such a considerable size, and flying at an altitude that required official tracking. None of this was all that unusual. It was then asserted that this plane had deliberately flown a pathway that could be seen to have formed a ‘pentagram.’ Surely, this was a hoax, as such a claim was outlandish, and most would dismiss it outright.
So, curious, I downloaded the suggested app, ‘RadarBox,’ and attempted to view the alleged plane and its supposed flight path. Lo and behold! The post was true! I was aghast, and unnerved, when it was revealed without any doubt that the police reconnaissance craft was doing exactly what was claimed – it had flown, and was flying a pentagram configuration over Melbourne! Between the hours of 12:30pm and 3pm, it could be watched live by anyone who had downloaded the app. I recorded the screen on my iPhone and took numerous screenshots. RadarBox allows for all aircraft and their pathways to be tracked and observed — if this is questionable, download it, and it will be absolutely apparent that the software is genuine, it does exactly what it purports to do (real time aerial monitoring + history tracking via radar) and is certainly not an attribute, or tool of an elaborate hoax.
So, VicPol had a craft above the suspected protest region yesterday that had traced a deliberate pentagram over the CBD, and maintained its presence for a four-hour duration.’
May 27, 2021: Super Blood Moon occult signature
RESIGNED TO THEIR FATE (1/3): The Crimes of Deputy Premier James Merlino
It was the year’s first supermoon, and a total lunar eclipse — the Super Blood Moon certainly signified the coming days of devilish blood sacrifice (clots-a-plenty) that would be perpetrated by looming mass vaccination.2
‘On the morning following the occult-observed Super Blood Moon (May 26), after more than three months of limited restrictions and no lockdowns, Acting Premier Merlino announced Victoria’s Fourth Lockdown:
“From 11:59pm on 27 May, Victoria will go into lockdown for seven days until 3 June in an effort to suppress the growing number of COVID-19 cases.The decision came after a further 12 confirmed cases of COVID-19 across Victoria — all of which were acquired locally through community transmission, bringing the total to 34 active COVID-19 cases and more than 150 exposure sites.
Victorians will only be allowed to leave home for the four reasons we have become familiar with, with one addition:
Shopping for food or essential items (within a 5-kilometre radius of your home)
To provide care-giving or medical treatment
For exercise (outdoor only and only with one person in your household)
Work or study if not possible from home
To get a COVID-19 vaccine”’4
July 9, 2021: 111 occult signature
‘It is without question that the perpetrators of Victoria’s Pandemic Illusion calculated the exact length of our second and most extensive lockdown period to the very hour. Every aspect was strategized and cunningly executed for manipulative effect. They calculated that 111-days would be adequate to demoralise and to fragment resistance, while psychologically priming the populace to submit to the inevitable vaccine agenda. It was all the fulfilment of an ‘Advance Marketing Commitment’ contract that had been brokered by Prime Minister Scott Morrison via CEPI on behalf of AstraZeneca to ensure a return of investment. One only needs to consider the billions that were invested in vaccine development, and the billions-upon-billions that would have been lost should the “pandemic” simply go away — which in reality it already had, for it never truly was.
And, so, alas, as the woeful story goes … Victorians experienced the World’s longest continuous COVID lockdown of 111-days.It was all for nothing, really.
It is therefore curiously uncanny that the Tyrannical Premier who arrogantly and ruthlessly collapsed Victoria into a Police State dystopia, should have found himself “collapsed” down the “stairs” with a severe spinal injury and out-of-work for EXACTLY 111-days!’
August 6, 2021: 666 occult signature
LOCKDOWN 0.6 COMMENCES: 6 Cases, August 6th, 6th Lockdown: 666
‘6 cases on the first day of Victoria's 6th lockdown, on August the 6th: 666
The ever-gluttonous Beast is now gargantuan and ungainly; having nourished itself on an endless feast of compliance it now arrogantly salivates and looms large over its bewildered prey.
"Snap-lockdowns are our new normal."
What wishful-thinking hubris!
What it has just bitten off, it cannot possibly chew...
...may our tenacious defiance be the jaw-dislocating gristle that causes this abominable manifestation to finally choke.’
August 20, 2021:
ABC: Australian Beelzebub Ceremony?
‘If there was ever any doubt that our government-funded "ideologically possessed" ABC media might actually be truly demonically possessed ...well, this should dispel that nonsense!
Australia's National Broadcasters have effectively become a 24/7 vaccine infomercial that zealously promotes "pandemic" propaganda for stay-at-home Stockholm Syndromites, and Dunning Kruger dupes, all of whom delight in aggressively pontificating their "vaccine virtue," and their incontestable "rightness" that is robustly founded on the fluff of their fluffy "science" ... well, here is the ABC live cutting to another networked camera in their... err... lunchroom... where they are filming a "Satanic mass" to impress their boss...
Interesting that it should occur with the time (9:11) displayed; during the context of a news story concerning a 'police dog that was stabbed.'
video link
It was September, and the Australian Football League (AFL) would be commencing its series of finals for those teams that had finished the season in the top 8. The Melbourne Demons, the “Mighty Dees (Ds),” the “Mighty D” were prime contenders for the flag, and progressed through the preliminary finals to eventually emerge as the 2021 Grand Final Premiers. It was certainly the time of glorified and victorious demons — especially those in power, and their demonic syringes. Simultaneously, these revealing street posters emerged everywhere (these photos were taken in Heidelberg), to ostensibly promote both the football “demon spirit’ of Melbourne, and to provide propaganda for the Vaccine National Rollout: ‘Vaccinate for the Mighty V.’
Victoria was mere weeks away from imposing a heinous medical experiment upon everyone — the demon spirit was manifest, and indeed Melbourne had become a home for the spirit of rampaging demons: possessed by evil.
Perhaps, a clue to the “demon spirit” possessing Melbourne might be apparent in the demonic icons displayed in Melbourne’s heritage listed Royal Arcade: Gog and Magog — ‘evil forces opposed to the people of God.’

September 11, 2021: 911 + 333 occult signature
‘Yesterday marked a shift in the Victorian Agenda (333 cases), today confirmed it.
Today, September the 11th (9:11), following yesterday’s symbolic 333 new daily “cases” (a numeric triplicate signal of an agenda shift, “a change of gears”), Victoria was presented with the bleak illusion of 450 new daily cases and the media promise of ‘1000s-a-day’ in the days to come.’
The new Victorian agenda aligns with the proposed attempt to install an inhuman system of societal segregation. To have a “Vaccine Economy,” as Dan Andrews has foreshadowed, in which lockdowns will be replaced by those who will be “locked-out” (and assumedly someday locked-up in “Health Camps”) daily cases will need to be perceived as being everywhere, numerous, uncontainable, and ONLY consequential to the unvaccinated.This is the Victorian Agenda shift.’
September 13, 2021: 333 occult signature
‘The mystics dwell within prime numbers, and the number sequence of 333 is a deliberate numeric signature – the signified “presence” announces itself through the cipher of 3s.
333 represents an esoteric “signpost” that is intended to convey a “message” to those that are aware of the code. It is intended for initiates of various mystical schools, occult practitioners and secret societies, and is understood to represent both the “Fingerprints,” and the “Hand” that is active wherever it may appear. To the lay, it is overlooked and irrelevant, and appears merely as a curious triplicate of digits: meaningless beyond the obvious.
However, the sequence of 333 is encoded with meaning. In the context of the “global pandemic,” it represents the Hidden Hand that has orchestrated and controlled all crucial events, and has effectively corralled humanity via Corporate Media, Big Tech censorship and captured bureaucrats in an attempt to implement its desired outcome: a Global system of Techno-Medical Fascism.
It can be assumed that when 333 features prominently in a significant geopolitical news development (as far as publicised numbers, cost, statistics etc.) it has been purposefully inserted to signify an otherwise concealed agenda.
The significance of 333 (although this is simplified, and the meaning and associated codification can be further extrapolated) is that it ultimately represents 9.
3x3x3 = 27 = 2 + 7 = 9
3+3+3 = 9
Nine, according to “Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues” by W.W. Westcott, holds great significance amongst many Masonic orders and secret societies. Westcott offers that the number nine is the number of the “Earth under evil influences.”
THREE COMPELLING INSTANCES OF 333 relating to the “pandemic”
333: NIH, National Library of Medicine, published a preliminary study on the new coronavirus. Titled: ‘Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 333 confirmed cases with coronavirus disease 2019 in Shanghai, China’
333: According to the “official” CDC timeline, the first SARS-CoV-2 genome sequence was released online on January 10, 2020. Interestingly, the first person to receive a vaccination outside of the clinical trials (91-year-old UK woman, Margaret Keenan) occurred on the 8th of December. The amount of days between the first claimed publication of the “genomic sequence,” (January 10, 2020) and the first vaccinated person (December 8, 2020) is exactly 333 days.
333: On the 19th of August, Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, signed a ‘Letter of Intent with AstraZeneca’ and offered a token payment of 333-million looted taxpayers dollars to ensure ‘that Australians would be amongst the first in the world to receive a vaccine should the trials prove successful.’ ’
September 24, 2021: 666 occult signature
‘The day that time forgot...
What exactly happened in Melbourne CBD on Thursday, September the 23rd?
Where did the day go?
The Guardian reported that '93 protestors had been arrested' before disabling the link with an apology for the unexpected "unavailability" of the corresponding news story.
It seems the day was literally scrubbed from the temporal timeline — a frame sequence literally removed from the sequential reel of Melbourne time.
One day after a 6.0 magnitude earthquake followed by 6 aftershocks all mainstream media and social media journalism was utterly muted.
Something sinister was definitely afoot — and fortunately it seems it was short-lived and overcome in its arrogant infancy and over-stretched overreach. Did Dan Andrews truly give the order for a complete media and informational "blackout?"
However, the Evil underpinning and guiding our Police State certainly revealed its Hand in the "telltale numeric signature" of The Beast. Coincidentally, yesterday, having achieved the atrocious world record for the 'longest locked-down city' — the total amount of Victorian active cases just happened to be exactly 6666.’
There is something undeniably wicked infecting the cultural heart of Melbourne
A sulfuric stench emanates from the catacomb-corridors beneath our Parliament House. Dan Andrews, with his malformed ears, and one wonky-eye buoyed within a sinus cavity awash with booze, is a true villain of gothic malice: a vengeful loather of humankind. Once he had obtained the ‘State of Emergency’ power to legally inflict mass suffering — he ruthlessly did so, presiding over a pandemic hoax, as if he were “saving lives,” while cruelly tormenting and enslaving the Victorian people with his hellish decrees. His hunger for human suffering is never satiated.
Many lives were prematurely ended by Andrews’ political hand. He did not have to do all that he did. Indeed, he did it, because it aroused his animalistic instincts and brought ecstatic delight. Andrews is the consummate psychopath, evidently devoid of a conscience, and thus capable of great evil. The misery of others elicits cheerfulness — like a predator toying with captured prey. We endured the World’s Longest Lockdown-siege to criminally Advance Market the “vaccines,” now, at 17% excess (unexplained) year-on-year mortality — Victoria has a “mysterious” amount of unusual “sudden deaths” amongst the young (like all the mass-vaccinated nations).3 The cause is apparent: a medieval needle-stab to deltoid flesh has contaminated the vital blood of all. Some fared better than others, others fell afoul of the depopulation vial; others may tragically fall still.
Alas, many got the hot jab, and have hit the cold slab.
Our leaders are deliberately leading us into damnation: genocidal vaccines, orchestrated food shortages, self-inflicted energy crises, a digital gulag of 5G monitored transhumanism — all underscored by the “long march” of the Cultural Marxist perversion of once cohesive tradition, morals and spirit. The Archons of Darkness have made their play for world domination and human oppression. These are the days of The Great Harvest, and by the Grace of the Divine, and our free will conviction — may we separate from the chaff. Those who see it, recoil in horror, but they also resist in adamantine knowing; while those incapable of seeing will remain forever vulnerable to the predations of their beloved leaders: chaff to the last.
The Luciferian Cabal of Transhumanist “Great Resetters” must reveal their agenda.
It is believed that they are compelled to do this in observance of the Universal Law of Freewill. It is a Freewill Universe, and they must also adhere to this binding stricture. Indeed, they have already informed us that they are going to bring about a “Great Reset,” in which, ‘You will own nothing, and be happy,’ while munching an endless mouthful of bugs. The World Economic Forum’s leader, Klaus Schwab, has proclaimed that ‘there is no going back’ and that the “pandemic” was an opportunity to materialise his “Great Reset.” Thus, they advance their evil with the understanding that if such plans are announced in an obscure, or oblique way, they have told you what they are doing. Therefore, irrespective of whether you were tricked, naive, or largely disinterested, once revealed to the public — they assume your tacit permission to proceed. It is up to our own individual freewill choice to resist.
This is the governing Freewill Law of the Universe — and this is the freewill choice of the individual.
And the Universe also reveals the machinations of the Darkness through its own natural signs and portents: catastrophes. During the first 111-day Victorian lockdown period, a “freak storm” contaminated the water supply of 101 suburbs — reflecting symbolically the ancient siege tactic of ‘poisoning the wells’ to break the people. On the third day of the infamous three-day Construction Worker Protests — there was an inexplicable 6.0 magnitude earthquake with 6 aftershocks that shook all Victorians. It is truly up to us to become seers, and perceive the language that the Divine Truth chooses to communicate: it empowers, forewarns and forearms.
Like the superstitious application of garlic, holy-water and crucifixes for warding-off and protecting against wrathful spirits and demons — our human capacity for acquiring knowledge and awareness, forged into wisdom, becomes our mighty weapon to hold aloft and defiantly thrust into the blackened-heart of The Beast.
May we heed it, and may we wield it!